WTF I Am In The Marvel Universe!

Chapter 21 - Bullseye becomes Fire Eyes

Wilson Fisk sat down and smiled, yes, Bullseye was dead and ready to be converted into a follower of the Hand. All Wilson Fisk had to do was convince Ray the god of the Hand that Bullseye was the right candidate. And he also had to get Bullseye's loyalty, but it was easy for Ray to get Bullseye's loyalty when Ray resurrects Bullseye. What about himself, Wilson Fisk wondered ?

Wilson Fisk met with Ray and told him of his wish to see Benjamin Poindexter also known as Bullseye join the Hand under him. Currently Bullseye is dead and needed to be revived again. Ray thought for a while before agreeing to Wilson Fisk's suggestion. After all Bullseye had died less than 24 hours ago. He could be easily resurrected.

Once again Ray said on his golden throne uncomfortably with the golden floors with intricate designs. Ray wished he didn't have to put on another act again, he felt that his acting is getting better but by not much. But the looks of reverence Ray received from Wilson Fisk and the other Hand members mean he has to continue his acting on this golden throne. Bullseye's dead body with an arrow pierced into his heart was placed on the centre of one of the intricate designs on the floor in front of Ray.

Ray whispered in a girlish voice, "Resurrect... ".

The corpse of Bullseye rose up as the arrow fell from his heart and his body began to heal again. Bullseye opened his eyes and saw Ray and Wilson Fisk.

"Where am I ?", Bullseye asked in confusion.

"You are here before our god, Ray. You died and he brought you back again. Look at the ground. Look at the weapon that killed you.", Wilson Fisk said in a calm voice.

"What ?!", Bullseye shouted out in shock as he looked down and saw the arrow that killed him. Bullseye quickly picked up the arrow and studied it. Memories of his fight with Clint Barton aka Hawkeye surfaced again including how he was killed.

"Master ! Thank you !", Bullseye shouted out and knelt on the floor facing the young golden haired blue eyed boy called Ray. What people don't know is that whenever Ray resurrects anyone he uses his mental powers to imbue deep gratitude in them towards him for saving them. Hence we have religious idolatry to the extreme when someone is resurrected by Ray !

"I will serve you forever with loyalty !", Bullseye shouted out and continued to kneel in front of Ray. Wilson Fisk stared at Bullseye and his mouth was twitching, he had wanted Bullseye to be this loyal to him but he knows it can't be help as those that are saved by Ray are extremely grateful, just like his wife Vanessa. Even Wilson Fisk himself felt extreme gratitude towards Ray when he saved his wife Vanessa.

"Benjamin or should I call you Bullseye... ?", Ray asked in a girlish voice.

"You can call me whatever you want Master ! My life is in your hands !", Bullseye said aloud as he still continued to kneel in front of Ray.

"Get up Bullseye.", Ray said in a girlish voice with a smile.

"Yes Master !", Bullseye said respectfully.

"Do you want power ? Power to defeat Clint Barton and get your revenge.", Ray said in a girlish voice with another smile.

"Yes master, I would do anything to get my revenge. I want power.", Bullseye said respectfully. Bullseye character is such in the Marvel comics that he refuses to lose to people.

"Then follow me and I will give you powers you never dreamt of.", Ray said in a girlish voice with another smile.

"Thank you master !", Bullseye said as he knelt in front of Ray again.

A few days later in a lab in Dragon Inc, Ray was with Wilson Fisk and Bullseye again. Ray had told Bullseye to follow Wilson Fisk and that by serving Wilson Fisk, Bullseye was serving Ray.

"Alice ! Get everything ready.", Ray said in a girlish voice. After reading Tony Stark's mind and stealing his knowledge and ideas, Ray created the artificial intelligence known as, "Alice", (the name is the same as the artificial intelligence in Resident Evil's Umbrella Corporation).

"Yes master !", Alice the artificial intelligence replied back.

"Bullseye please lie down on that bed as Alice strap you in. The magic medicine we are about to give you will cause extreme discomfort. So get ready for some pain. Although you will get powers after all that pain.", Ray said in a girlish voice with a smirk.

Bullseye laid down on the bed as the metal strap was automatically fastened by the artificial intelligence called Alice. Ray then proceeded to inject Bullseye with a red magma like liquid into his arm. Then Ray chanted and the intricate designs below Bullseye glowed.

Bullseye began to scream in pain as his body transformed and got more muscular. His face was contorted into pain as he screamed and screamed. Ray continued to chant as heat and fire began to build up in Bullseye's body. While bathed in flame, Bullseye's body shed the outer layer of his skin. Bullseye body was now muscular, his skin was flawless pink baby white as if he has shed his skin with no scars remaining. Bullseye stopped screaming but he was covered in sweat and he had burned away the metal straps holding him on the bed.

"It's all done. Congratulations Bullseye.", Ray said in a girlish voice as he used magic to check the condition of Bullseye's body.

"Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Bullseye according to this, you have superhuman strength, you can lift up to 10 tons. You have superhuman regeneration abilities. You can control all flames and create them out of thin air.", Ray added in a girlish voice.

"Thank you master.", Bullseye said as he stumbled onto the floor to try and kneel in front of Ray.

"Get up Bullseye, you need to rest a bit and let your body recover and get used to your new powers. And D6 congratulations on getting a strong subordinate.", Ray said in a girlish voice as he tried to pick up Bullseye and put him back on the burnt bed.

You may ask how did Ray give powers to Bullseye ? Ray wondered many times on how to create biological super humans until he stumbled upon an easy idea, using demon blood and infusing them into a human being. For Bullseye's case Ray captured a common Fire Demon from hell and took some of his blood. Ray then used science, magic and his legacy magic to create a serum that would imbue the fire demon blood into a human being. Once the human being is imbued with demon blood, they would no longer be human but be more demonic. But still 10% of a demon's characteristic in human being would still make that person 90% human. Bullseye still looked human and can still pass off as human. In fact he would get a portion of the fire demon's powers without any of the fire demon's weakness.

After a few days of rest, Bullseye was practising his powers in a special room in the Hand. Ray and Wilson Fisk entered the room and saw a Bullseye covered in sweat lifting up to 10 tons or more on a machine.

"Bullseye...", Ray called out in a girlish voice.

"Yes master !", Bullseye immediately dropped the weight lifting machine and knelt down in front of Ray.

"Are you used to your powers ?", Ray asked in a girlish voice.

"Yes master ! I have become used to my powers. Master can I request for something ?", Bullseye asked while looking up slightly.

"Yes, What is it ? As I have told you before, you have permission to hurt Clint Barton a bit but not to cripple or kill him. I need him in my future plans. But when the plan is done you can kill him if you want to.", Ray said firmly in a girlish voice.

"Ah Master it is not that. I wish to change my name from Bullseye to Fire Eyes.", Bullseye said with a bit of pride.

"Ah... if it is just that then you request is granted, Fire Eyes.", Ray said in a girlish voice.

"Thank you master !", Fire Eyes said aloud.

(Side Story - A day in the life of the bodyguards of Ray)

As you all know Ray has three bodyguards ȧssigned by the Hand with him all the time. We will take a look at the daily life of these bodyguards and their interactions with Ray.

Ray was at home as usual as he was changing his clothes to go out. When he placed his undėrwėȧr and clothes on his bed to change into he turned around thinking someone was in front of him. When Ray turned around again, he found his male undėrwėȧr missing replaced with female lingerie.

"Clara ! Give me back my undėrwėȧr you pedophile !", Ray shouted out in a girlish voice. Clara was the female ninja ȧssigned to protect Ray, she suffers from ephebophilia. Clara always wanted to dress up Ray as a girl and imagines herself married to Ray forever.

"Pain...", Ray whispered in a girlish voice.

Clara the ninja fell down from the roof onto the floor writhing in pain and finally losing consciousness. But you can see a smile on her unconscious face. Clara was happy.

Ray just grumbled, "sick bitch... stupid bodyguards..." as he wore his clothes and left his room. What greeted his sight would turn any straight man blind. Sitting on his sofa was a muscular man that loves muscles reading a gay x-rated magazine of two men having sėx in front of him. That was his other bodyguard called Butch, he was gay.

Ray was rubbing his forehead to stop the coming headache while covering his eyes when suddenly out of the shadows jumped out a male ninja named Oswald.

"Master, I am so glad you are awake. Do you want some breakfast ? Better yet let's talk about the intricacies of breakfast. About the beauty of the egg, the loveliness of the potatoes. The wonder of...", Oswald said with a cheery voice.

"Pain...", Ray whispered as Oswald the ninja fell on the floor squirming in pain while still trying to talk. Oswald tend to be long winded, really long winded. Oswald suffered from logorrhoea.

This was a segment of Ray's daily life thus making him one pissed off person !

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