WTF I Am In The Marvel Universe!

Chapter 37 - A little Extreme Extremis

Iron Man 3 was coming, Ray knew that. Ray also knew he wanted a sample of a living Extremist patient. Ray had already stolen the Extremis formula from Maya Hansen and Aldrich Killian's mind. Ray had also gotten blood samples of Extremis patients, now all he needed was a live specimen to complete his own perfect Extremis formula. Ray noticed the deficiency of the current Extremis formula peddled by Maya Hansen and Aldrich Killian. Ray also knew he had the perfect Extremis formula with him and all needed was a live Extremis patient to confirm it. So Ray was going to be involved in Iron Man 3 in an incomplete way, towards the end when Iron Man was killing the Extremis patients and fighting for his life, Ray was going to kidnap a few Extremis patient and declare them dead !

For that Fire Eyes and Elektra has been selected to do the dirty deed. Both should be able to subdue an Extremis patient easily. So two victims... ahem... Extremis patient for Ray to confirm his own Extremis formula is perfect.

Ray was visiting Tony Stark to get Iron Man to remember him when the shit hits the fan and hopefully that will get Tony Stark to contact him when he needed the help. So Ray could be there to lure a few victims... ahem... participants to confirm his perfect Extremis formula.

(Tony Stark's point of view)

I remembered Ray the superhero called the Wizard saying he wants to see me to thank me personally for getting him the Tesseract to study. I wondered why I did that but I did feel better about myself after doing it. After all when Pepper heard I had insulted a young boy in his early years and was doing this to make up for it she was very happy. Pepper Potts even told me when I was dying from palladium poisoning I was a real ȧss hole. I guess it must be true then I did say some very nasty things to Ray. Must remember not to insult the kid today. Best behaviour today.

Hmm... Ray is coming in. Who is that male bodyguard with muscles with him, why do I feel my ȧsshole clench tightly whenever I see him, he has a sort of sense of danger on him but he sure does not look dangerous. Ah ! Ray is approaching me, why do I feel guilty as hell whenever I see him ? Remember polite courteous conversation, you can do this for Pepper or she will never marry me if she hears I am such an ȧss hole.

There I am putting my hand out to shake Ray's hand, Ray is extending his hand out at the same time. Why is that girl bodyguard scowling at me like I had killed her father. She is doing the gesture of I am looking at you, with two fingers pointing to her eyes and then pointing the two fingers back at me. Ray doesn't seem to know about it. Never mind. Smile ! Smile ! Ignore the dangerous muscular guy and the scowling girl behind Ray.

Ahh... the pleasantries are out of the way I can gesture for Ray to sit down. Hey why is the slim bodyguard always putting up his hand and Ray is always shouting at him to put his hands down. Well I guess I will never know. Hmm... Ray seems to be saying something to that slim bodyguard, he seems to say that he can talk to Jarvis while he is having polite conversation with me. Ray ask if that is okay with me. Of course I say it is okay, what harm could there be for his bodyguard to talk to my artificial intelligence ?

Okay we have been having tea and pleasant conversation for over two hours now. Oh ! Pepper is here, she seems proud of me and is shaking Ray's hand as well. Wait that girl bodyguard is now scowling at Pepper Potts as though she had killed her father. Why is she lifting up her samurai sword. Oh ! Ray turned around and the sword is back in her sheathe. Ah ! Ray is talking to us again. Hey ! That girl bodyguard is doing the sign of her cutting her neck with one finger while looking at Pepper Potts as if she is threatening to kill Pepper. What is wrong with her ? Oh ! Ray turned around again and that girl bodyguard has the most innocent smile. Never mind. Better warn Ray later, he has one psychotic bodyguard.

Hey ! Where is Butch, Ray is leaving. Oh ! Butch is coming out of the toilet. What is he holding ? Is that an x-rated Gay magazine of five men having sėx together ? Oh my god it is ! What the heck is that ? Oh God ! Vomit. Vomit. Oh God ! Pepper she has fainted after seeing the magazine. Ray is apologising profusely while scolding his muscular Male bodyguard. The Male muscular bodyguard just put away his gay x-rated magazine and quote the freedom of expression and that we are just racist for not being understanding enough about the gay culture. Ray is apologising again and seems to be quickly leaving while the girl bodyguard seems to be very happy that Pepper Potts fainted and I vomited. Ah ! Ray's other slim male bodyguard is back and he seems very happy after talking to Jarvis my artificial intelligence. Well I send them off and go back to my lab.

Jarvis ! Jarvis ! I shouted out. Jarvis seems to have shut down itself. It seems half of all Jarvis's programs seem to have disappeared as if Jarvis my artificial intelligence tried to commit suicide. Can artificial intelligence commit suicide ? No ! It must just be my imagination. Jarvis must just have a glitch. It's okay, I have a back up program around here somewhere, I will get Jarvis up and running in no time.

As Ray walked out with his three bodyguards, he said, "Well that seems to be a successful meeting with Tony Stark. Well except for Butch coming out with his gay x-rated magazine to spoil everything, the rest of you bodyguards seem to perform well today.".

"Oh ! Thank you my lovely master !", Clara shouted and smiled as she tried to hug Ray. Only for Ray to step out of her way.

"Oswald put down your hand. I know what you are going to say. Anyway good job today Oswald.", Ray said in a girlish voice with smile.

"All of you are racist for not understanding gay culture. Master, you, Pepper Potts and Tony Stark should be happy I am exposing you to gay culture so you won't be so racist anymore.", Butch said with pride.

Ray upon hearing Butch say that just rubbed his throbbing forehead and ignored Butch as he walked to a waiting limousine that will take him back to Dragon Inc branch in Los Angeles. Ray decided to be near Tony Stark so he can get benefits off him... ahem... so he can help him when he needs it.

To be continued...

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