WTF I Am In The Marvel Universe!

Chapter 46 - Tranny Royale the cheaper version of Diva Royale

Agent Maria Hill had brought Captain America Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov the Black Widow, Sam Wilson the Falcon and Butch to Nick Fury's hideout, the Tranny Royale. The Tranny Royale was the cheaper version of the Diva Royale, where illegal sėx shows with she males was shown. The Diva Royale show did not have sėx shows and was a legitimate cross dress cabaret show.

A She Male came out to greet Captain America Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov the Black Widow, Sam Wilson the Falcon and Butch.

"Welcome to the Tranny Royale, the cheaper version of the Diva Royale. We will do anything for money.", the She Male said with an unenthusiastic tone.

"Thank you madam.", Captain America Steve Rogers said innocently as he appeared not to know that the person was a She Male.

"Uh...", Sam Wilson the Falcon was speechless.

"You go gurl...", Butch said to the She Male and Butch high five the She Male.

"Excuse me...", Natasha Romanov the Black Widow said as she ducked to the back alley of the building housing the Tranny Royale. In the back alley you could hear a non stop maniacal laughter of a female.

When Natasha Romanov the Black Widow came out of the back alley she said with a serious face, "Sorry. We Russians have a lot of gas. It's the Russian way to deal with gas.".

"Please follow me. Nick Fury is waiting for all of you.", Agent Maria Hill said as she looked embarrassed that she was hiding here.

As they were led to an underground room by Agent Maria Hill, an angry Nick Fury was sitting in the room recovering from his death fight with the Winter Soldier.

"Welcome to my hideout.", Nick Fury said with a serious voice.

"Oh ! Nicky ! You should stop saying that, we are not Hideout ! Say welcome to the Tranny Royale !", an Asian She Male appeared and said that loudly. She was named Meatball, at least that was her stage name.

"Would you shut the fuċk up you bitch ! It's bad enough I am trying to save the world here in a safe house that every tranny knows. Now I have trannies here in my secret room !", Nick Fury shouted out in anger.

"Excuse me...", Natasha Romanov the Black Widow said as she moved out of the room. The howling laughter of a female voice could be heard outside the room.

Natasha Romanov the Black Widow appeared again in the room and said, "Sorry. We Russians have a lot of gas. It's the Russian way to deal with gas.".

Everyone's face was pale except for Captain America Steve Rogers who seem to be oblivious to all of this. As for Butch he was having the time of his life talking to the trannies in the Tranny Royale. The She Males even knew Nick Fury's secret password and they let Butch know about it.

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, we have to stop them Captain Rogers, the three helicarriers. We need to stop Hydra by putting these three targeting chip system into the three helicarriers. Show them Maria.", Nick Fury said in a flustered tone. Agent Maria Hill proceeded to take out a black briefcase to continue the briefing to Captain America Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov the Black Widow, Sam Wilson the Falcon and Butch.

"Oh Nicky boy naughty naughty. Then no bang bang nookie nookie for Nicky boy tonight." Meatball the Asian She Male said with a wink of her eye.

"Will you shut up ! I don't care about any bang bang nookie nookie ! You fuċkɨnġ tranny !", Nick Fury shouted out in anger.

Everyone stared at Nick Fury horrified at what he just said. The only person not horrified was Natasha Romanov the Black Widow who rushed out of the room. Soon a loud girlish laughter was heard outside the room howling like crazy.

As Natasha Romanov the Black Widow appeared back again in the room, she said seriously, "Sorry had to step out for a bit. We Russians tend to build up gas. It's the Russian way to get rid of gas.".

As the briefing ended and the team was split into three to put in the card targeting system into the three helicarriers. With Natasha Romanov accompanying Nick Fury to catch Daniel Whitehall. Nick Fury said a few final words.

"And for God's sake please, I beg you please succeed in this mission ! I don't want to spend the rest of my life hiding here surrounded by fuċkɨnġ She Males !", Nick Fury said with a pleading tone as he left with them.

Brock Rumlow also known as Crossbones was ȧssigned to protect one of the three helicarriers. Brock had a contingent of Hydra agents with him armed to the teeth, Brock pitied the poor fool that would meet him. Daniel Whitehall had informed Hydra to prepare for Captain America and his team in attacking the three helicarriers. It was instructions given by Ray, he wanted Hydra and Shield to destroy each other.

Meanwhile just like in the Marvel movie Captain America Winter Soldier, Captain America Steve Rogers announces the plot of Hydra to everyone in the Shield Triskelion. Shield agents rebelled against their Hydra counterpart as Hydra and Shield fought each other to the death. Captain America Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson the Falcon manages to replace the controller chips on two of the Shield helicarriers. The third helicarrier was the responsibility of Butch. Unlike the movie Captain America Winter Soldier, Steve Rogers never knew who the Winter Soldier was, he never knew the Winter Soldier was Bucky Barnes, his best friend. Will Butch succeed in putting in the controller chip for third helicarrier ? And what did Captain America Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson the Falcon promise Butch if he succeeds ? Find out in the next exciting chapter...

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