WTF I Am In The Marvel Universe!

Chapter 48 - The End of Shield, Nick Fury and Meatball ?

Ray's master plan was about to start. He had planned it all out. As expected Daniel Whitehall was killed by Nick Fury and his body was brought here to the Hand where Ray resurrected him. Daniel Whitehall was grateful beyond belief knowing that as long as Ray is still alive, he will never die. Ray told him to tell his Hydra agents loyal to him to lay low and let Baron Von Strucker lead the rest of the Hydra agents not loyal to him. Ray whispered in Daniel Whitehall's ear, all those Hydra agents not loyal to him will die with Baron Von Strucker. Daniel Whitehall was elated, he knew how accurate Ray's predictions had been down to fact of how Natasha Romanov the Black Widow and Nick Fury would infiltrate the World Security Council to how Nick Fury was still alive. Daniel Whitehall trusted Ray and now worshipped him as a god.

While that was happening, Phil Coulson was briefing the World Security Council as the data dump by Nick Fury just like in the Marvel movie Captain America Winter Soldier had led the world to believe Shield and Hydra was the same. Now Shield was an illegal organisation. Phil Coulson was told by Nick Fury to use the Umbrella Corporation report to revive Shield again. It was a last ditch effort. However should they fail, Shield will no longer exist in any shape or form again.

Another advantage they had was Phil Coulson's cousin brother Bob was a member of the World Security Council and member of the committee. Phil Coulson was at the committee meeting to decide the fate of Shield. Officially Shield had been disbanded. Unofficially, Shield still had a chance if Phil Coulson is able to convince them. As Phil Coulson sat down at the committee table he was confident that he could make the case for Shield to continue to exist due to the threat of Umbrella Corporation and his ace in the hole was his cousin brother who was also on the committee.

"Ahem... I have here a file on Umbrella Corporation which Shield has deemed a terrorist organisation with the ability to create viruses that can create zombies. The company is owned by a Mr. Albert Wesker.", Phil Coulson said with a straight face.

"Yes. We at the committee have received the files you have given us Mr. Coulson. We had the CIA and FBI investigates those facts given in the file. It seems the report on Umbrella Corporation is pure fantasy. We have here the real owner of Umbrella Corporation here today Prince Charles and Princess Camilla Bowles Parker.", Bernie Sanders said as he showed two prominent people that came out to greet the committee.

They were Prince Charles and Princess Camilla Bowles Parker.

"Prince Charles is this your company ?", Bernie Sanders asked seriously.

"Yes, me and Camilla here created it years ago as part of our wish to help humanity. Now you say our company creates zombies. Oh dear me. It is a shock to be accused of such a thing. Right dear ?", Prince Charles said eloquently.

"Do you have anything to say ?", Bernie Sanders asked Phil Coulson.

"But. But. They create zombies, ask the CIA and FBI Director. They can confirm it.", Phil Coulson said desperately.

"CIA and FBI Directors. What do you have to say to that ?", Bernie Sanders asked seriously.

"This report is a pure work of fiction. There are no zombies but only doctors in Umbrella Corporation that are trying to make medicine to help humanity.", CIA Director said with a serious tone.

"I concur with my colleague. This report by Shield is a work of pure fiction. It could harm the reputations of the royals if it were to ever get out.", FBI Director said seriously.

"Well Mr. Coulson do you have anything to add ?", Bernie Sanders said in an unhappy tone.

".....", Phil Coulson said as he looked nervously on the ground.

"Then, we will vote on the motion to make Shield a illegal organisation permanently from this day onwards. And any remaining Shield agents will be hunted down for being a danger to the world.", Bernie Sanders said seriously.

"Wait. Can we give clemency to Shield agents ?", Phil Coulson asked suddenly.

"No !", Bernie Sanders said angrily.

The committee members entered into the room. After a few hours the committee members came out and Bernie Sanders read out a statement.

"It has been decided by the majority of the committee members that Shield will be disbanded and any Shield agents left will be hunted down. All Shield reports are to be classified as garbage if this report on Umbrella Corporation is anything to go by. And Shield will never exist now or in the future again. Shield has done more harm and little if no good.", Bernie Sanders said seriously.

As Phil Coulson left the building he waited for Bob his cousin brother in his home. When Bob appeared he talked to him.

"Bob ! How did it go ? Why did the majority of them vote against Shield ?", Phil Coulson asked Bob.

"It's not just them Phil. I voted against Shield as well. Most of them voted against Shield. The Umbrella Corporation report was the last nail in the coffin of Shield. That's why Shield agents will be hunted down from now on. I only managed to get you clemency and no one else.", Bob said with a sad face.

"Why Bob ? Why ?", Phil Coulson asked in anger.

"For this...", Bob said as he took out a red liquid and injected it into Phil Coulson.

"What is that ? Ah !", Phil Coulson said in shock.

"It's the cure to your T-Virus. Umbrella Corporation gave me a tour of their facilities. Your report is true but if they can make everything you said in your report vanish like that and place the royals as the owner of Umbrella Corporation. You can imagine how much power they have. Oh ! They even know Nick Fury is alive and they have issued a bounty on his head. This is all I can do for you Phil, they own me now.", Bob said with a sad smile.

"Why ? Why do they own you ?", Phil Coulson asked in shock.

"Don't you know, they gave me the T-Virus and only one cure. I can either cure you or cure myself. I thought I would give it to you since you no longer have any use to them. They are pretty smart, that Umbrella Corporation. They are pretty smart.", Bob said sadly as he looked down on the ground.

"Then let me help you. Let me work with you since Shield is no more.", Phil Coulson said as he took out his hand.

"Okay...", Bob said as he shook his cousin brother Phil Coulson's hand.

Meanwhile at the Tranny Royale, Nick Fury had heard the bad news. He knew Phil Coulson had failed in saving Shield and that the Umbrella Corporation report was the last nail in the coffin of Shield. It also meant all the resources he had in the past is gone. There is no way now for him to fight against any world threat or any super beings anymore. As Nick Fury sat down in his secret room in the Tranny Royale he told Maria Hill to get a job with Tony Stark as only Stark had the power and money to protect her from now on. All agents of Shield will be hunted down from now on. Nick Fury had become a fugitive. As if that was not bad enough he had found out there was a US $ 15 Million bounty on his head, anyone killing him would get US $ 15 Million.

Nick Fury looked depressed as he sat down in the Tranny Royale, he no longer had the resources anymore. He blamed Hydra, he was going to hunt down the remnants of Hydra in Europe and not wait here to die with the trannies. As he decided that, he stood up, only for Meatball the She Male to come in.

"Oh ! Nicky boy ! You look depressed ! Is it because you don't want nookie nookie bang bang ?! If you still want nookie nookie bang bang, you pay me money !", Meatball said in broken English.

"Bitch ! I ain't got no money ! And even if I do got some fuċkɨnġ money, I sure as hell ain't giving it to you.", Nick Fury said angrily.

"Oh Nicky ! If you don't try, you don't know ! I give guarantee Nicky boy, once you try nookie nookie bang bang you will want it every time.", Meatball said in broken English.

"God damn it ! Tell you what Meatball or what ever you call yourself. I will need a partner to where I am going. Someone to look after my back and if you bitches are as good as getting into my secret room, I would like to hire you for a job.", Nick Fury said seriously.

"Nicky boy wants nookie nookie bang bang ?!", Meatball said in broken English.

"Listen here bitch ! Come with me and cover my back ! Don't fuċk me over ! In fact don't fuċk me !", Nick Fury said angrily.

"Okay Nicky boy, I follow you.... don't get angry.", Meatball said as she started to massage Nick Fury's shoulders.

Nick Fury just relaxed his shoulders and kept quiet as Meatball massaged his tense shoulders. You could see a small smile creep into Nick Fury's face. In this deepest darkest saddest moment in his life, there was someone there comforting him. Nick Fury had given everything for his country, his dignity, his life, his honour and even his eye, perhaps now is the time to take a little something back for himself. This seed was planted in his heart on this day as Meatball comforted Nick Fury.

To be continued...

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