WTF I Am In The Marvel Universe!

Chapter 60 - Freya The Used Car Salesman and Ray

Dr. Jane Foster was foolishly investigating a lead to another infinity stone. After her experience with Thor, she felt she was above mortals and deserve to become Thor's wife. Dr. Jane Foster wanted to be a princess and a goddess at the same time. Her ambition to be something more than average is what drives her to look for more Asgardian treasures in the hopes that she could find Thor again and seduce him. Dr. Jane Foster did not care if Thor is bisexual or gay, she just wanted to marry him for prestige, money and power !

Dr. Jane Foster and her team were now in an abandoned factory in London that had a temporal anomaly, when a portal opened in the abandoned factory and out stepped the Wizard and his three bodyguards, Butch, Oswald and Clara. Dr. Jane Foster seeing the appearance of Ray quickly separates from her group. She was using her device to try and find the Asgardian aether. Ray quickly followed her while Butch and Oswald stayed back. Creepy Clara chased after Ray.

When Dr. Jane Foster and Ray reached the centre of the temporal displacement they were both pulled into another dimension. There Jane Foster approached a giant boulder with red shining lights in the middle, it was the aether or the reality Stone.

Ray realising what it was shouted, "Stop !".

But greed overwhelmed Jane Foster as she put her hand into the crack in the boulder only for the aether to fly into her body. But surprisingly a part of the aether also flew into Ray's body.

"Shit !", Ray shouted in a girlish voice before he lost his consciousness.

When Ray woke up, he realised he was in Asgard, he saw Freya the Asgardian goddess of Fertility next to him.

(Ray's point of view)

Where am I ? Oh ! Is this Asgard ? Ah, there are royal Asgardian guards here and beautiful goddesses here taking care of me. Wait is that Freya, the queen of Asgard next to me smiling at me. Why does she give me the same look as a used car salesmen on Earth give me when they want to sell me a spoilt used car ? Yep ! That's the look alright. Freya is giving me a used car salesmen look. What is she up to ? Looks like I have to ask.

"Where am I ?", Ray asked in a girlish voice sweetly.

"My lord, you are our guest in Asgard. I can ȧssure you we will give you the best of treatment here. After all you are our guest.", Freya the goddess mother said sweetly.

(Ray's point of view)

Yep ! It's that same used car salesmen look when they want to sell me a clunker. I wonder what Freya is up to ?

"My lord, we have used the best Asgardian physician to check up on you. You are in perfect health. In fact I myself personally checked your body as well. It's the least we can do for our guest.", Freya the mother goddess said with a smiling face.

"Ah... thank you for your hospitality.", Ray said with a confused look.

Just as Ray was about to bow down, he was stopped by Freya who said, "No. as our guest you should not bow to us. Let us serve you.".

God ! That creeps me out. She keeps on giving me the used car salesmen look. What is she up to ? Why is she treating me so nicely ?

To be continued...

(Another Day in the Life of Black Panther)

Once again there was an Avengers meeting in Avengers headquarters. Iron Man Tony Stark was sitting in the centre with Captain America Steve Rogers to his right and Natasha Romanov the Black Widow to his left. Next to Natasha was Hawkeye, while next to Captain America was the Falcon Sam Wilson. Facing opposite Tony Stark once again was Prince TChalla the Black Panther.

"TChalla, do you know we are gathered here ?", Tony Stark asked in a condescending tone.

"Is it another boring meeting ? Do you guys want to leave your empty bottle of waters to me ?", Prince TChalla the Black Panther said happily.

"No ! You have been taking our items without asking for our permission.", Natasha Romanov said angrily.

"Uh ! What item ?", Prince TChalla asked curiously.

"Don't deny it ! You stole my soiled undėrwėȧr and bra for your sick perversions !", Natasha Romanov said angrily while looking furiously at Prince TChalla the Black Panther.

"Why you !?", Natasha Romanov the Black Widow said as she tried to jump over the table to strangle Prince TChalla. Luckily Natasha Romanov was held back by Hawkeye and Iron Man.

"Calm down Natasha. What about my soiled undėrwėȧr ? What happened to it TChalla ?", Iron Man Tony Stark said unhappily.

"Oh ! Your soiled undėrwėȧr surprisingly sold for an even bigger sum over in eBay. A Russian man paid US$ 700,000 for your soiled undėrwėȧr. I believe he said it gave him power whenever he smelled your soiled undėrwėȧr Tony. I believe the Russian man was gay and a businessman.", Prince TChalla the Black Panther said happily.

"You... you... you...", Tony Stark Iron Man said angrily as he tried to use his repulsors to blast Prince TChalla the Black Panther. Luckily Tony Stark was being held back by Captain America and Natasha Romanov the Black Widow.

"Okay. Let me ask what happened to my soiled undėrwėȧr that you stole ? Don't tell me you sold it to another pervert in eBay ?", Captain America Steve Rogers asked Prince TChalla the Black Panther in an unhappy tone.

"Oh... no... Steve. Don't worry you got the highest bid in eBay. Your soiled undėrwėȧr was sold for US$ 1 Million to the New York museum where it is being displayed for everyone around the world to see. See I told you, you didn't have to worry.", Prince TChalla the Black Panther said happily.

"I will kill you for this humiliation !", Captain America Steve Rogers shouted out as he tried to jump over the table. Luckily he was being held back by Tony Stark and Sam Wilson the Falcon.

"So, is that all. The purpose of your meeting was to find out what happened to your soiled undėrwėȧr. Don't worry I will buy you guys new undėrwėȧr, just give me your soiled undėrwėȧr to sell over in eBay. That way, you don't have to wash your undėrwėȧr anymore.", Prince TChalla the Black Panther said happily.

"Shut it ! We have talked about it and we agreed anyone in Avengers headquarters taking or stealing anything will be fined US$ 10 Million per item ! Got it TChalla ! If you steal anymore of our items ! Pay up or go to jail !", Natasha Romanov the Black Widow said angrily to Prince TChalla the Black Panther.

"....", Tony Stark said.

"...", Natasha Romanov the Black Widow said.

".....", Captain America Steve Rogers said.

".....", the rest of the Avengers said.

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