WTF I Am In The Marvel Universe!

Chapter 80 - The Finale !

Ray had woken up held in the arms of Dr. Strange with the Avengers surrounding him. As he turned his head, he could see the dead torn bodies of Cthulhu, Nodens, Shuma Gorath, some Celestials and all other types of cosmic beings bodies was spread out around him.

"What happened ?", Dr. Strange asked Ray with a weird smile on his face.

"What did you mean what happened ! You left me alone !", Ray shouted in a girlish voice as he pushed Dr. Strange away.

"Did you set me up ?!", Ray asked Dr. Strange in an angry girlish tone.

"What do you mean ? When I saw Cthulhu and Nodens, I went looking for help. Any one of us seeing the Old Ones would be crushed like a bug. But you Ray survived. You even look healthier than normal.", Dr. Strange said in a happy tone.

"Mother.... f... you bastard !!!", Ray shouted in a girlish voice as he punched Dr. Strange in the face. Dr. Strange fell down on the ground while covering his face.

"Calm down everyone. We should go back first before we decide to do anything. It's too dangerous to stay here.", Tony Stark Iron Man said as all the other Avengers agreed.

As Tony Stark said that Dr. Strange snapped his fingers and all of them including Ray reappeared in Kamar Taj again.

"This has been one great failure today... ", Dr. Strange said with a weird smile as he left Ray and the Avengers alone and walked away from them.

Ray looked angrily at Dr. Strange as he left. The rest of the Avengers began to leave. Ray teleported to his penthouse in New York only to find Clara there in his room sniffing his used undėrwėȧr.

"Clara ! Get out !", Ray shouted angrily in a girlish voice.

Clara in shock ran out of the room taking Ray's used undėrwėȧr with her.

As Ray lay down on his bed, he began to recollect what happened to him. As he began to recollect what happened, the room began to change. Everything was a white empty space. Then another older golden haired young man about 18 years old appeared before Ray.

"Who are you ? Where am I ?", Ray asked curiously in a girlish voice.

"Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! My name is Tom Watkins. And you are in a place where nothing exist. Hmm... someone seemed to have tagged along, I believe her name is Clara. Come out Clara !", the young blue eyed blonde haired young man said decisively.

Out of the empty white space Clara came out holding her Muramasa sword.

"Why are you doing this ? I have no beef with you.", Ray asked in a girlish voice.

"Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! That's because you are my clone. Let me tell you a little story before I kill you and your little girlfriend there.", Tom Watkins said with a smirk on his confident face as he pointed at Clara.

You see I was a transmigrator that was reborn into the Watkins family in 1942 during World War 2 where Captain America and the Red Skull existed. Imagine my horror as a child to be reborn into the Marvel Universe with no special ability or power. The only thing I had were my memories of the Marvel universe. I really thought I was doomed until a thought entered my mind, "Owen Reece". Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Yes, Owen Reece the molecule man, the man that got the power of the Beyonder. I knew Owen Reece worked as a janitor for Acme Atomics a nuclear power plant in the Marvel Universe in 1959. Even though the power he received makes him a ticking cosmic bomb, I was willing to risk it. When I was 16 years old I started working at Acme Atomics in the janitor department of Acme Atomics. I became Owen Reece's supervisor when I was 18 years old. When the accident happened that gave Owen Reece his power, I was there, I pushed Owen Reece away and received the power of the Molecule Man ! But was I satisfied ? No ! I was not satisfied, I killed Owen Reece on the spot with my new powers and plunged into the crack in space to fight with the Beyonder. When I killed the Beyonder, I discovered that I was able to absorb his power as well. I think the rest you know, I started killing cosmic beings to get their powers.

"Then why did you create me ?", Ray asked in a girlish voice.

"Why ? Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! I suppose you deserve an explanation before you die.", Tom Watkins said happily.

When I was killing cosmic beings like Galactus and Dormammu and absorbing their power, a group of these cosmic beings started to form a rebel camp. These group of cosmic beings went into deep hiding. I couldn't find these cosmic beings to kill them and absorb their power. I had by then enslaved Eternity and Lady Death, the Living Tribunal was dead by my hands. Nothing could threaten me but then to be safe, these rebels had to die, just in case they found a method to kill me. I knew if I went out to find them directly these rebel cosmic beings would run away. I needed to make a container like you Ray where I could hide in and creep up upon these cosmic beings so I could kill them and absorb their cosmic powers. Thanks to you, I found where these rebels were hiding. Ha ! Ha ! Ha !

"You mean Cthulhu and Nodens and the Old Ones were the rebel cosmic beings still defying you !" Ray shouted out in a girlish voice.

"Yes ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", Tom Watkins said as he laughed out loudly.

"Then why did you make me a Shota and have a girly voice ?", Ray asked in a girlish voice.

"Because I thought it would be funny. Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", Tom Watkins replied as he continued to laugh.

"I will kill you ! You bastard !", Ray said angrily in a girlish tone.

"Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! You have no chance of killing me. Your usefulness is at an end, it's time to die my clone.", Tom Watkins said happily as he pointed his finger at Ray. A ray of light shot out Tom Watkin's finger and entered Ray's forehead.

In Ray's mind, a voice called out, it's us Cthulhu, Nodens, the Old Ones, the Celestials, all of us cosmic beings, we have given you all our powers when you came to see us. You are basically the same as Tom Watkins ! If you defeat him, you can absorb his powers as well. He does not know this but when he attacks you, you can absorb all his powers indirectly thus depowering him and killing him. We have given you Ray our last hope all our powers in the hope you can defeat Tom Watkins. Defeat him and claim your freedom !

There was a giant explosion in the empty space as both Ray and Tom Watkins disappeared.

"Ray !", Clara shouted out desperately as she ran towards the smoke.

When the smoke cleared , there was a young 18 year old blonde haired blue eyed man standing there in torn clothes.

"Ray ?!", Clara shouted out again while holding her Muramasa sword in front of her, afraid that it was not Ray but Tom Watkins.

"Yes, Clara...", Ray said softly...

"Are you Ray ?", Clara asked again as she dropped her Muramasa sword.

"Yes, I am Ray, I defeated Tom Watkins and got all his powers. I no longer have to stay as a young 14 year old boy. I am Ray and I love you too Clara, I know how you feel now.", Ray said gently as he held out his hand to Clara.

Clara smiled as she reached out and held Ray's hand. He was no longer a child, they could get married now. The knot in Clara's heart started to unwind and she began to smile for real for the first time in many years.

"Let's visit the stars together Clara, just you and me.", Ray said while holding Clara's hand lovingly.

"What about Butch and Oswald ?", Clara asked as she remembered that Butch and Oswald was still in New York.

"Forget about them Clara, lets go.", Ray said with a gentle smile. Ray and Clara then disappeared from the empty space leaving the Muramasa sword on the ground in the empty space.

The End.

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