WTF I Am In The Marvel Universe!

Chapter 84 - Interlude - Bertha’s Life

Bertha wasn't always a Social Justice Warrior, she remembers her life when she was young raised by a single black mother that had multiple boyfriends. Her mother always told Bertha that her father was bad and that's why she got custody of her. However even though her mother said her father never cared about her or paid any alimony, Bertha would find presents and cash transfers sent to her mother's account every month. In fact the truth was Bertha's father loved Bertha but due to her mother cheating on him and then divorcing him, their relationship changed into a combative one.

Bertha's father loved her enough to fight for custody of her, he loved her enough to allow his wife to take half of his wealth and savings so that Bertha could be better cared for and he loved her enough to pay his alimony to her wife every month even though his wife cheated on him !

Bertha grew up in a predominantly poor black neighbourhood with no father figure and soon ran with the wrong crowd. She did petty theft and fought with other females. She slept around like her mother did learning nothing from her mother except to sleep around with strange men. Only when she was an ȧduŀt did she get the chance to meet her father, the courts and the government screwed Bertha over and withheld her father's love from Bertha all her life !

By then her father had remarried and had kids with his new wife. Although Bertha's father still loved her but he could not give her his time now. Now Bertha's father had to take care of his new family. As for Bertha's mother she never remarried and finally died of a drug overdose. Bertha was alone but her father had done one last thing for Bertha, he had paid for Bertha to go to college. Yes, Bertha's father had saved a part of his savings for Bertha to go to college. With that Bertha had new hope in her heart and besides she thought she wasn't alone, she still had her younger half sisters and brothers from her father's new family. And she had a chance to go to college and create a new better her life for herself.

But then all of this is just fantasy, when she went to college she found herself rudderless. Bertha did not have any friends, she was lonely and she had too much time on her hand as she did not need to work to pay her tuition for college. It was then she fell in love and got herself a boyfriend in college. But this love did not last very long, Bertha's boyfriend was cheating on her. Bertha's boyfriend called her fat, and she was indeed a bit on the pudgy side. Bertha's boyfriend dumped Bertha for a new girlfriend.

After that Bertha's world fell apart. She had no one, no family, no one to take care of her. Bertha almost committed suicide until a group called the Social Justice Warriors in her college brought her hope. They told her of their grand plans and their agenda to better the world for their own benefit. Bertha could see that these Social Justice Warriors were all hypocrites but she had no one and she was not strong enough to stand on her own. So she followed the agenda of these Social Justice Warriors in college, she got fatter and she dyed her hair pink.

After Bertha finished college with an arts degree on social science, she could not get a job. Even though Bertha required the lowest amount of money and just wanted the chance to work. Once again Bertha's father came and brought her to his family home. She thought she could stay there forever but her stepmother had other ideas. Soon there was arguments in Bertha's father's household and it was always to do with Bertha. Specifically when would Big Bertha leave her father's house since she was already an ȧduŀt.

It was during this depressing time, a fateful encounter happened as she happen to bump into a robber that tried to rob Wilson Fisk. Due to her saving Wilson Fisk, Fisk gave her a job, a job as a bodyguard. Bertha was enhanced with the super soldier formula so she could get stronger then she was sent to guard Bakuto. This was also the time she met Oswald and her view on life totally changed. Bertha no longer cared about Social Justice Warriors or their agenda, her near death experience taught her life was important. Specifically her own life, so she began the task of answering, "Yes" to anything Oswald said !

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