WTF I Am In The Marvel Universe!

Chapter 9 - The Beast is Dead

Ray happily woke up the next morning after killing off the two leaders of the Hand. He had a plan to get rid of the last three leaders of the Hand and control the Hand directly. Killing off the Hand would be such a waste, it would be better to keep this organisation alive to serve him. Ray wondered whether it would be better to kill off the Chaste or to keep it as well to serve him. These last few days, Ray discovered other than superhuman strength, he had gained the ability to fly, telekinesis and telepathy. You could say he has become a regular Professor Xavier if there was a Professor X in this Marvel Universe. Now with these additional abilities, he has come a step closer to be able fight against Thanos and the infinity stones when they appear !

Meanwhile there was a meeting in a secret closed off room somewhere in New York, the three remaining leaders of the Hand were meeting up. There was Bakuto who looked like the actor Robert Rodriguez. The ninja Murakami from Japan who looked like the actor Yutaka Takeuchi. Finally the last leader of the Hand from the continent of Africa, Sowande who looked like the actor Babs Olusanmokun.

"What happened to Alexandra and Madam Gao ? Have any of you heard any news about them ?", Bakuto asked seriously.

"I heard that they went to see some small time gang leader. They wanted to impress that gang leader. That's why I gave them some of my ninjas.", Murakami said confidently.

"But a small time gang leader could not possibly kill Alexandra and Madam Gao, especially with their fire power and the group of fighters going along with them.", Sowande argued.

"I agree. I have also asked the people from the gang of thieves about what could have happened. According to their number two, Alexandra and Madam Gao never showed up at their appointed meeting area. It must mean Alexandra and Madam Gao was attacked before they could meet up with this small gang. This small gang of thieves could definitely not kill even one ninja in their team. I have seen their operations, they are mainly staffed with children and teenagers.", Bakuto said seriously.

"Does that mean someone is targeting the Hand ? It cannot be the Chaste, they definitely do not have that much strength to threaten the current Hand. Which group could attack the Hand successfully ?", Murakami said seriously.

As the three of them pondered which new organisation has started attacking the Hand, they would never guess in their wildest dreams that a single individual had eliminated two leaders of the Hand and their team of fighters. And that this single individual intends to eliminate all the leaders of the Hand to become the new leader of the Hand.

Ray called D1 for Dumb 1 and D2 for Dumb 2 over.

"D1 and D2 arrange to meet up with the rest of the leaders of the Hand. Tell them I have information on what happened to Lady Alexandra and Madam Gao, and I can only pass the information to them directly. Tell them it's my way of showing my fealty to them. Tell them I will be going alone to see them.", Ray said in a girlish voice as he smiled an evil smile.

"We will do it immediately boss !", D1 or Dumb 1 and D2 or Dumb 2 shouted out immediately.

A few days later.

The three leaders of the Hand was gathering at the building in New York, a tall high rise building belonging to the Hand. In the building waiting for Ray to show up are Bakuto, Murakami, Sowande and a group of heavily armed men and ninjas. These last three leaders of the Hand were not taking any chances before they meet up with the leader of the small gang of thieves.

Walking to the lift as he smiled at the heavily armed guards that inspected his tiny lithe body was a young blonde haired blue eyed boy with a beautiful face, that was Ray. Ray was getting closer to his objective, control of the Hand. Next Ray was being escorted by five heavily armed guards to the penthouse of this high rise building in New York. Waiting in the penthouse was the last three leaders of the Hand, Bakuto, Murakami and Sowande.

Once Ray reached the penthouse and saw the faces of Bakuto, Murakami and Sowande, he smiled.

"Hello, Bakuto, Murakami and Sowande, the last three leaders of the Hand.", Ray said in his girlish voice with an evil smile.

Bakuto, Murakami and Sowande was shocked by the statement from the beautiful young blonde haired blue eyed beard boy that had just come up to the penthouse. They never expected anyone could know who they were. Ray used his telepathy to scan the mind of all three leaders of the Hand to see if any of them could be used by him. Ray smiled as he found one of them that would be willing to serve him, this has made his job in taking over the Hand much easier.

"Garrotte sharp... pain... ", Ray whispered in his girlish voice.

"Burn... ", Ray whispered next in his girlish voice.

The head of Murakami and Sowande was cut off and fell off their bodies. All the other heavily armed guards around them had their heads cut off and their heads fell off their bodies. Only Bakuto fell down screaming in pain before he lost consciousness. After all the dead bodies fell down on the floor they immediately started to burn up and turn to ashes within a few seconds.

Ray approached Bakuto and held up his unconscious head and whispered, "Chain...".

Ray proceeded to laugh in an evil girlish voice, "Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", after that Ray continued to read Bakuto's mind to get a more clear idea of how the Hand organisation worked. Ray also scanned Bakuto's mind for more information on the Beast, the god that the Hand worshipped.

"What ?!", Ray shouted in shock. It can't be true but from Bakuto's mind he could see that the Beast and his voice disappeared decades ago even before he was born. The Hand's conclusion was that the Beast is dead. How could a cosmic being die, Ray wondered ? Does this tie in to Dormammu and the Dark Dimension disappearing ? Perhaps he could get more information when Bakuto wakes up.

Ray pulled up a chair and waited for Bakuto to wake up. In his spare time, Ray was kicking the body of the unconscious Bakuto to get him to wake up faster.

"What ? What happened ?", Bakuto said as he groggily woke up to see no one there but a beautiful young blonde haired blue eyed boy sitting there kicking him.

"Who are you ?", Bakuto asked as he grabbed a chair and slumped over the chair.

"I am your new master !", Ray said proudly in his girlish voice.

"What ? What happened to my friends, the rest of Hand ?", Bakuto asked curiously.

Ray pointed to the ashes in the room surrounding them and smiled at Bakuto. Bakuto felt goosebumps all over his body as he looked at Ray's beautiful blue eyes.

"Master ! What do you want me to do ?", Bakuto asked obediently as he was a survivor. He knew anyone that could kill a roomful of ȧssassins so easily could easily kill him.

"Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! I knew I made the right choice when I kept you alive.", Ray laughed out loud happily.

"I want to know what happened to the Beast ?", Ray asked in his girlish voice.

"You know about the Beast ! Sorry master, I shouldn't have shouted. We of the Hand lost communication with the Beast somewhere in the 1960s. It started with the Beast being afraid of something. We never knew what it was. It ended with no more communication from the Beast even when we tried to contact him from 1968 until now in 1984. We believe the Beast is dead.", Bakuto said seriously with a grim face.

"Then what are your objectives nowadays ?", Ray asked in his girlish voice.

"The objective of the Hand or specifically our objective was to live longer. But now with the death of the four leaders of the Hand, I do not need to look for more resources to live longer. There is more than enough resources for me to live longer in the Hand itself.", Bakuto said seriously with a grim face.

"You have enough dragon bones and parts to live longer ?", Ray asked with a wicked smile.

Bakuto's face showed shock before he calmed down.

"Yes I have enough. Do you need any of the dragon bones ?", Bakuto asked sincerely. Clearly Bakuto knew anyone that knew the Hand's secrets so intimately now had full control of him and the Hand. That person might just kill him and take all the resources of the Hand easily.

"No. I don't need any of that. I am an immortal already. I don't need any of your dragon oil. Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", Ray laughed out happily.

Bakuto's face turned green from fear. This new master of his was an immortal ? What else could he do ?

"Now listen to me. I am serious here. I want you to transfer all the Hands ȧssets to my name. I want full control of all the Hand's ȧsset. And make sure to have other bases of power of the Hand outside of New York because in twenty years time or more New York will be a war zone. As for properties in New York, be sure to have them heavily insured for alien invasions. Oh ! And also look for two people for me.",Ray said in a girlish voice with a smirk.

"And who are the two people you need to find master ?", Bakuto spoke as kneeled on the ground facing Ray.

"I want you to find Stick of the Chaste and Wilson Fisk a so called businessman. I want to talk to both of them. Don't kill them, at least not yet. Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", Ray said with an evil laugh in his girlish voice.

"Yes master !", Bakuto said seriously.

Soon Bakuto introduced the Hand in New York to their new master, Ray. Bakuto also informed all members of the Hand in the world of their master, Ray. The Hand's ȧssets were also transferred to Ray.

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