Great Yan Dynasty, Qingyang Town.

A small hill deep in the Lin family.

Originally a sparsely populated forest with weeds, a shallow path was trampled out by people.

Lin Tianci stood in the open space, swinging his fists and feet methodically.

The sun was scorching, hitting his bronze skin, and with Lin Tianci’s handsome face, he was so handsome that people could not take their eyes away. He had a full figure and perfect proportions, and beads of sweat slowly slid down his muscle texture. As his arms moved spiritually, crisp sounds came from his hands and feet.





Soon, after a set of four Tongbei punches was completed, Lin Tianci exhaled and slowly closed his fists.

“After practicing for a whole month, I can still barely perform four rings of Tongbeiquan. The gap between me and my younger brother Lin Dong, who later became the founder of Wushu, is huge.”

Lin Tianci smiled bitterly.

When he first traveled to the world of Martial Universe, he was completely confused until he completely integrated the memories of the original owner.

Lin Tianci half helplessly and half fortunately accepted the fact that he had traveled through time. He was helpless because he had no worries about food and clothing in his previous life and had achieved financial freedom, but he died suddenly because of staying up late to read novels.

He was fortunate because the identity he traveled through was really good, the Lin family of Qingyang Town.

That is, the family that Lin Dong belongs to.

And his identity is not some unpopular side branch transparent person.

His father is Lin Zhentian’s eldest son, Lincoln.

Lincoln had a son in his old age, so he named his eldest son Tianci. He showed a lot of love to Lin Tianci since he was a child, but unfortunately, Lin Tianci obviously did not inherit Lincoln’s talent for cultivation.

Therefore, even with many medicinal herbs, Lin Tianci has only reached the fourth level of body tempering.

Compared with his biological sister, Lin Xia, the gap is not a little bit.

Fortunately, Lin Tianci in his previous life was a person who refused to admit defeat. After traveling through time, even if he was not talented, he practiced every day without fail

“”Brother, I knew right away that you were practicing here again.” A female voice like a silver bell came from far away.

A girl in red slowly walked down the path, with a smile on her pretty face. She looked about seventeen or eighteen years old. She had a pretty face, and her brown high ponytail was vertical to her waist, swaying gently with her steps. She was full of vitality.

This girl was naturally Lin Tianci’s younger sister, Lin Xia.

She started practicing a few years later than Lin Tianci. Although she was a girl, her cultivation was undoubtedly the best among the younger generation of the Lin family.

She had reached the sixth level of body tempering and was quite prestigious among the younger generation. She was considered the eldest sister of the younger generation.

However, when facing Lin Tianci, Lin Xia did not have the demeanor of an eldest sister. She was more like a spoiled sister facing her brother.

“How did you get here?” Lin Tianci reached out and picked up the clothes hanging on the branch next to him. After putting them on, he asked

“Brother, you have been practicing so hard that you have forgotten the time. The test will start soon. If you don’t go now, you will be late!”

Lin Xia pouted, and two small dimples appeared on her face, which made her look very cute.

Her brother had changed his decadent ways and immersed himself in practice every day. As a younger sister

, she was naturally happy to see this. Even though the Lin family was rich and powerful, her brother could live a carefree life in Qingyang Town even if he was just waiting to die.

But as a younger sister, she didn’t want to see her brother drowsy every day.

“Oh, I almost forgot about this.” Lin Tianci slapped his head.

“Let’s go quickly. There are so many elders. We can’t let them wait for us.”

Because the Lin family’s younger generation will have a clan competition in half a month.

Therefore, during this period, the Lin family will often have various small tests to urge the younger generation to strengthen their training and improve their strength.

Today’s boxing test is one of them.

Soon, Lin Tianci and Lin Xia came to the Lin family’s trial hall.

After all, there hasn’t been such a semi-formal test for a long time. The whole Lin family became lively at this time. The noisy atmosphere kept startling the birds in the trees.

At this time, the trial hall was already crowded with people, not only the younger generation like them, but also some elders, as well as family worshippers, guards and the like gathered in twos and threes to watch the excitement.

“There are really quite a lot of people.”Lin Tianci clicked his tongue. This was the first time he had seen such a scene in the Lin family since he had traveled through time.

Lin Tianci suddenly thought of something and subconsciously raised his eyebrows.

Speaking of which, all the younger generations of the Lin family have arrived for today’s test, so his cousin, whom he has not yet met, should also be here. The cousin he was referring to was naturally the protagonist of the book”Martial Universe”, the son of luck in the entire plane, Lin Dong!

With him, the status of the Lin family will only get higher and higher!

At this time, many peers noticed the arrival of Lin Tianci and Lin Xia.

After all, Lin Xia was the strongest person of the younger generation, so many younger generations came over to greet Lin Xia.

“Brother Tianci, Sister Linxia, you are here”

“Sister Lin Xia, I heard that your strength has improved recently and you are about to break through to the seventh level of body tempering. Can you give me some advice when you are free?”


Lin Tianci responded to other people’s chats in a disjointed manner while searching for his target in the crowd with his eyes.

Soon, Lin Tianci’s eyes lit up.

At the end of the crowd stood a thin boy, whose temperament was out of tune with his peers.

While all his peers were chatting leisurely, he was the only one silently warming up before the test.

Even without the fusion of memories, Lin Tianci recognized him at a glance. This is the well-deserved protagonist of”Martial Universe”, the future Martial Ancestor, Lin Dong!

Lin Tianci knew that regardless of his own talent, he would never be able to surpass Lin Dong in his lifetime.

At most, he could only gain a small reputation in Qingyang Town.

“Ding, it is detected that the host has met the son of luck in this plane, and the ten thousand times return system is activated.”

At this moment, an emotionless electronic synthesized sound suddenly appeared in Lin Tianci’s mind.

Lin Tianci was stunned, and then his eyes burst into ecstasy.

Here it comes!

The must-have gold finger for travelers, it’s here!

After traveling for a month, Lin Tianci had originally given up any hope for the welfare of travelers.

As a result, the system appeared at such an abrupt moment!

“System, tell me about your abilities.”

Try to suppress the ecstasy in his heart, Lin Tianci quickly spoke in his mind

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