Lin Tianci was a little surprised.

It was still early, but this girl came here without any prior arrangement.

It seemed that she had been coming here frequently in the past few days.

Lin Tianci was moved.

“Qingtan, did you miss me so much that you came to see me so early in the morning?”Lin Tianci said with a smile

“What?” Qingtan was about to speak when Lin Tianci made her blush.

After all, she was still a little immature now. Although she liked Lin Tianci very much, she was still a little embarrassed to say some things.

After teasing Qingtan a little, Lin Tianci was in a good mood.

He didn’t say anything else.

After all, he knew that Qingtan was thin-skinned. If he said a few more words, the shy girl might not be able to stand it and run away.

In that case, it would be a bit of a loss.

Qingtan had come here, and if Lin Tianci continued to practice, it would be a bit too unromantic.

Therefore, Lin Tianci stopped practicing Kaitian Yin directly.

After all, with his current talent, it would be just a little bit difficult to practice Kaitian Yin.���It’s just a one-time thing, so there’s no need to rush.

Lin Tianci took two steps instead of three and came directly to Qingtan.

Qingtan seemed to have a premonition of what would happen next, and her cheeks flushed and she closed her eyes.

Seeing this, Lin Tianci smiled and kissed her.

It was a long time.

After the girl’s breathing became rapid, Lin Tianci moved his mouth away.

Qingtan felt that her brain was getting dizzy due to lack of oxygen.

She took a few deep breaths and finally came to her senses.

After separating her lips from Qingtan, Lin Tianci felt something different.

“Qingtan, have you practiced?”

“”Hmm.” Qingtan nodded, and then looked at Lin Tianci with some expectation.

Lin Tianci couldn’t help but click his tongue.

If he were to say, in the entire Lin family, apart from Lin Tianci, who was a cheater, the one with the highest talent should be Qingtan.

He remembered that when he saw Qingtan here a few days ago, Qingtan still had no cultivation.

As a result, it has not been long since Qingtan reached the seventh level of body tempering!

This speed, I am afraid that even if you eat all kinds of spiritual herbs and pills as candy beans every day, you can’t achieve such a fast speed.

If Lin Hong and Lin Xia knew about it, they would probably be so depressed that they would not be in the mood to practice.

“You are worthy of being the future Lord of Darkness.” Lin Tianci murmured softly.

“What?”Since Lin Tianci’s voice was too soft, Qingtan didn’t hear it, so she asked curiously.

“It’s okay, I said you’re great.”Lin Tianci touched Qingtan’s little head and smiled.

Hearing Lin Tianci’s praise, Qingtan nodded with satisfaction.

Then she whispered:”Brother Tianci, I will practice seriously in the future, so that I won’t be getting farther and farther away from you.”

Lin Tianci was stunned, and then a deep feeling of emotion emerged in his heart.

Little Qingtan is really, so, so, so cute.

However, this is also the charm of the cultivation system, isn’t it?

Without waiting for Lin Tianci to think about it, Qingtan continued:”Actually, after you kissed me that day, Brother Tianci, I felt a strange state in my body”

“Then when I woke up today, I found that I had inexplicably broken through to the sixth level of body tempering. After a little more practice, I reached the seventh level of body tempering.”

After saying this, Qingtan stuck out her tongue.

So that’s it.

Lin Tianci nodded thoughtfully. Originally, the evil spirit in Qingtan’s body was too much and chaotic, and it was impossible to absorb it.

But when Lin Tianci used the Chaos Ancestral Stone several times, he also simply adjusted the chaotic Yin Sha Qi in Qingtan’s body. Therefore, Qingtan was able to practice and rushed to the seventh level of body tempering in one fell swoop!

“Brother Tianci, I feel that cultivation is not that difficult.”Qingtan said softly.

Lin Tianci was speechless when he heard it.

For him, cultivation was as simple as eating and drinking, but this was entirely because he had a cheat.

“Since you think it’s easy, I’ll kiss you more in the future.”Lin Tianci said, and then he kissed Qingtan again without waiting for her reaction.

“”Hmm.” Qingtan suddenly opened her eyes wide, then she closed them again and responded to Lin Tianci in a naive way.

After a long time, Lin Tianci finally withdrew his mouth with satisfaction.

“How about it, Qingtan, do you feel like you are going to make a breakthrough this time?” Lin Tianci said with a wicked smile

“God-given brother……”Qingtan was too shy to speak.

However, she still felt that after Lin Tianci kissed her, the evil spirit in her body seemed to have been regulated a lot.

“Okay Qingtan, I’m going to practice my skills.”

Lin Tianci said

“Yeah.”Qingtan nodded obediently, then stood aside and quietly watched Lin Tianci comprehend the martial arts.

It must be said that the sixth-grade martial arts, Kaitian Seal, is much more powerful than the fourth-grade martial arts, Wuji Bahuang Palm, but relatively speaking, it is also much more difficult than Wuji Bahuang Palm.

Even with Lin Tianci’s current talent, it was a bit difficult to perform Kaitian Seal for the first time.

Fortunately, no matter how difficult it was, Lin Tianci still played it out awkwardly. However, the power of this seal is definitely much lower than that of the perfect version of Kaitian Seal.

Even so, when this seal came out, it also caused several large trees in the distance to explode.

“”Good, what a powerful martial art.” Qingtan’s eyes were full of admiration.

She had cultivated herself, so she could naturally feel the power of the martial arts that Lin Tianci was currently displaying.

Even though this Kaitian Seal was not aimed at her, it also made the evil spirit in Qingtan’s body tremble.

“Is this powerful?”Lin Tianci smiled slightly.

Then, he used the Kaitian Seal again.

After the failure last time, Lin Tianci’s Kaitian Seal was quite successful this time.

Just a move, sand and rocks flew.

A powerful momentum suddenly burst out from Lin Tianci’s body. After the first seal was cast, Lin Tianci did not bombard the distant woods, but went to the ground.

After all, because of his cultivation these days, the trees nearby were all bald by him.

On the ground, a huge handprint immediately appeared, which was ten meters deep!

You know, except for a layer of soil underneath, it is all solid rocks!

The power of this Kaitian Seal is much greater than imagined!

“Awesome! Is this also Brother Tianci’s own martial arts?” Qingtan couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“Forehead…”Lin Tianci was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

The martial arts awarded by the system could not be directly disclosed to outsiders, so Lin Tianci could only accept the title first.

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