Lin Tianci stood up.

Although he was the oldest among his peers, his talent was well-known among his peers. He had practiced for the longest time but was the weakest. It was not an exaggeration to say that he was the last in the Lin family.

If Lin Tianci’s father was not Lincoln, he would have been assigned the family business two years ago and would not have been able to continue practicing without distraction.

“Brother, don’t be nervous, it’s okay.” Seeing this, Lin Xia patted Lin Tianci’s arm and said

“During this period of time, you have been practicing Tongbeiquan diligently. I believe that you will not disappoint your grandfather and father too much.”

“”Yes.” Lin Tianci did not explain too much, but just nodded gently.

He is now a completely different person from before today. With his current talent, he will definitely surprise Lin Zhentian and others.

When passing by Lincoln, the latter turned around and said softly

“Tianci, don’t feel stressed, it’s just a normal test. What’s more, as your father, I have seen your efforts during this period.”

“Don’t worry, Dad. I know.”Lin Tianci kept walking.

But from the corner of his eye, he saw a hint of mockery on Lin Mang’s mouth. Although

Lin Mang had a good relationship with his father Lincoln, he never had a good face towards Lin Tianci. He even mentioned to his father Lincoln more than once that his talent was too poor and he should not be given so many resources.

However, most of these suggestions were ignored by Lincoln.

Soon, Lin Tianci stood on the stage.

What he performed was naturally Tongbeiquan.

After all, Lin Tianci’s talent was really too poor before. He was only a first-grade martial arts master. It took him half a year to learn the Tongbei Fist and barely make a sound.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for him to learn any more martial arts.

As the saying goes, an expert can tell the quality of a fighter just by one move.

Lin Tianci’s arms only performed the first move of the Tongbei Fist, and Lin Zhentian and others sat up straight.

His movements were fluent and flexible, and all the muscles in his body felt comfortable as if they moved with him.

This state would never appear in a person who only practiced Tongbei Fist for half a year.

Soon, after the first move was completed, a crisp sound of sticking clothes appeared.


Just a sound gave everyone a feeling of great power.

“Did you give Tianci special training?”Lin Zhentian couldn’t help but turn his head and glanced at Lincoln beside him.

“”No.” Lincoln also shook his head, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

But more of it was surprise.

After all, although he didn’t know why Lin Tianci seemed to have come to his senses, this kind of change was always a good thing!

“Keep watching.” Lin Zhentian nodded slightly, without saying much.

But it was obvious that a hint of expectation emerged in his eyes.

As Lin Tianci continued to perform Tongbeiquan, the”pa pa” sounds from his body became more and more frequent.

The eyes of the younger generation in the audience gradually changed.

They thought Lin Tianci was just going on stage for a formality, but in the end……

I don’t know who spread the rumor that Tianci has poor talent!

Finally, the nine moves of Tongbeiquan were completed, and naturally nine sounds were heard from Lin Tianci’s arm!

When the ninth move was finished, Lin Tianci realized that the tenth sound was naturally bred in his body. This power is stronger than the previous sounds combined!

And now, as long as he punches lightly, the tenth sound can be emitted naturally.

But in the end, Lin Tianci still retracted his fist and did not emit the tenth sound.

The first nine sounds can still be explained, but after the tenth sound came out, he was afraid that…It’s not easy to make up for it.

The trial field was in silence.

No one reacted.

Why did Lin Tianci, who was originally not very talented, suddenly change his normal state and directly perform the Nine-ring Tongbei Fist?

Nine rings in half a year, this speed is amazing enough!

Lin Tianci noticed that even the usually calm Lin Dong showed a look of astonishment in his eyes.

“When this guy gets the stone talisman, he will probably be even more shocked. Why is the Tongbei Fist I perform exactly the same as the Tongbei Fist optimized by the stone talisman space?”

Lin Tianci smiled and couldn’t help thinking in his heart.

He felt a sense of satisfaction in being able to shock the future martial ancestor.

In fact, when he just crossed over, Lin Tianci had thought about getting the stone talisman before Lin Dong.

But unfortunately, he went to the stone cave for a long time and couldn’t find it. At that time, he thought that Lin Dong had already got the stone talisman.

The first person to react was Lin Zhentian.

“I didn’t expect that today, in addition to Dong’er, Hong’er and others, you, Tianci, also gave me such a big surprise.”

Lin Zhentian looked at Lin Tianci with surprise in his eyes.

If there hadn’t been this boxing test, he might have arranged a family business for Lin Tianci, and buried such a bright pearl!

“Tianci, what’s wrong with you? I remember that you could only hit two shots yesterday.”

The most shocked person was Lincoln.

He saw Lin Tianci almost every day during this period, and would check on Lin Tianci’s progress every now and then.

Originally, Lincoln thought that in this boxing test, he didn’t need Lin Tianci to be amazing, as long as he didn’t embarrass himself.

“What? Two shots yesterday, nine shots today? Seven shots a day?”

Lincoln’s words made Lin Zhentian even more uneasy.

If it was really as Lincoln said, then Lin Tianci was not just gifted, but a martial arts genius!

Lin Mang beside him was also stunned.

“Tianci, tell grandpa, how did you do it?”Lin Zhentian looked at Lin Tianci as if he was looking at a treasure.

“”Here it comes.” Lin Tianci’s heart trembled. Long before he went on stage, he already knew that there would be such a thing.

Fortunately, he had thought of an excuse in advance, so he was not panicked at this time.

“Hehe.” Lin Tianci laughed dryly:”I was practicing alone in the forest yesterday.”

“As I was practicing, my body had reached its limit, but I was so focused at the time that I didn’t notice”

“I fainted afterwards. When I woke up, my body’s potential seemed to be stimulated. Whether it was cultivation or anything else, it was very clear.”

After Lin Tianci finished speaking, everyone fell into a long silence.

They felt that something was wrong, but they couldn’t figure out what was wrong.

After several people looked at each other, Lin Zhentian coughed lightly and spoke.

“There are all kinds of things in Tianxuan Continent. Maybe Tianci has a special physique. When he reaches his limit, he will burst out again. His talent will increase twice.”

“It is possible.”Lincoln’s eyes showed a trace of confusion, but he finally nodded.

No matter what, the result is good.

Finally, after some hesitation, Lin Zhentian gave three-grade spiritual medicines to all four people.

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