Wukong Teaches Me To Build A Kingdom While I Teach Him To Create A Universe

Chapter 57: Grandpa Sun is here, you wait for the little demon to come out and die!

However, regarding the method of refining, he also needs to experiment briefly before passing it on to Ying Zheng.

So now it's time to find a salt mine.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yu looked at the opposite side, the monkey was eating quietly, and said:

"Monkey, stop practicing after dinner, I'll take you out for a while."

As soon as the words came out, the monkey immediately raised his head to eat, looked at Zhou Yu and asked in surprise:


Seeing the monkey's surprise, Zhou Yu was also a little stunned.

Why, are you not happy staying in my Hongmeng Farm? You are so excited when you hear that you can go out?

But he didn't care about this. He also knew that monkeys were lively and active by nature. If it wasn't for the fact that his farm allowed him to practice and improve his strength, he would probably run away within a week.

It is normal to be excited when I hear that there is an opportunity to go out. Then nodded.

Seeing Zhou Yu nodding, the monkey immediately replied happily:

"it is good!"

He has been here for so long and has never gone out.

Occasionally, when I heard Ying Zheng talk about some anecdotes from the outside world, I yearned for it in my heart.

However, because he has to work every day and practice at night, he has no time to go out.

Furthermore, he knew that his current strength was not enough, so he didn't dare to move around rashly.

But it's different when there are immortals.

In Monkey's heart, Zhou Yu was a very powerful existence.

Having a fairy lead him out is enough to guarantee his safety, and he can also see the outside world, so why not do it?

Immediately, the monkeys began to eat faster.

While the two were eating, Ying Zheng on the other side had already returned to Daqin and met Li Si and others.

Tonight, Li Si and other ministers came to another city to station as usual.

At this time, they were gathering in their residence, waiting for Ying Zheng to return.

In this way, after waiting for a while, the familiar light gate appeared before their eyes again.

Seeing this, Li Si and others were overjoyed that His Majesty came back earlier than usual tonight!

Immediately, they knelt down on the spot and respectfully said at the same time:

"Welcome Your Majesty!"

Unexpectedly, Ying Zheng's attitude was completely different from the usual in the face of everyone's welcome today.

As usual, when Ying Zheng came back every night, he would stay in front of everyone for a while, and after receiving their gifts, he would say goodbye.

But tonight was different.

Ying Zheng walked past them and hurriedly said "flat body".

The ministers present were stunned for a while, wondering what happened?

His Majesty was not like this in the past, why is it so abnormal today?

And just when they were wondering, Ying Zheng on the other side had already sat on the chair and shouted:

"come over!"

Hearing this, all the ministers hurriedly came back to their senses, agreed quickly, and came to Ying Zheng, saying:

"His Majesty."

Ying Zheng continued:

"Hurry up and arrange it, call the craftsmen of the whole Daqin, and come to see me immediately!"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned again.

Why does His Majesty suddenly want so many craftsmen? Could it be that he wants to cast something?

Why is it so abrupt, it seems to be a rather urgent matter?

Before they could think it through, Ying Zheng continued:

"By the way, let someone prepare dinner for me."

As soon as these words came out, the officials present were even more confused.

Didn't Your Majesty always come back after having dinner with the Immortal Elder?

Why is it different today?

Could it be that he made a mistake at the head of the fairy and was punished by the head of the fairy not to eat?

However, although they were puzzled, seeing that Ying Zheng didn't intend to explain at all, they didn't have much to say, so they hurriedly obeyed and went down to prepare.

Zhao Gao immediately went down to prepare dinner, while Meng Yi came to Ying Zheng and continued to ask:

"Your Majesty, leave the artisan work to the minister."

"But I don't know, what type of craftsman is needed, blacksmith or carpenter?"

As soon as these words came out, Ying Zheng himself was stunned.

Immediately, he frowned and began to think.

Because he discovered that this papermaking technique is different from those of Daqin before, and there are big differences in some aspects.

A simple blacksmith or carpenter is not what he wants.

He recalled the detailed steps of papermaking and thought about the specific craftsmen.

After a short while, Ying Zheng thought of the talents who could meet the needs of papermaking.

He remembered that there were hundreds of schools of thought in the Great Qin, among which the Mohists and the Gongloists might be able to do so.

Immediately ordered:

"I don't need craftsmen for the time being, you go to the Mo family and the public losers first, and make sure they come to meet me immediately!"

Hearing this, Ying Zheng hurriedly replied:


After finishing speaking, he left here and took people to look for it himself.

In this way, the hall calmed down a little.

Seeing that Ying Zheng's affairs had been arranged, Li Si stood up and asked:

"Your Majesty, why are you looking for these people all of a sudden? What happened?"

Hearing this, the other officials below also cast their gazes over with concern and were puzzled.

Ying Zheng explained:

"Today I was reviewing the memorial in Xianchang's farm. The Xianchang saw that Daqin was using bamboo slips, so he gave me a technique called papermaking."

"This papermaking technique is simply invented for writing."

"Not only is it light and easy to store, but it is also easy to communicate, cheap, easy to popularize, and easy to spread."

"I want to find someone to test it immediately. If it can be done, it will be promoted to the whole Daqin immediately."

"In this way, the national strength of my Great Qin will definitely increase!"

After hearing Ying Zheng's words, Li Si and the others couldn't help but feel shocked.

Only then did I understand why His Majesty was so abnormal tonight, and came back without even having dinner.

It turned out that it was because of such a good thing!

Everyone was very excited, Li Si exclaimed:

"There is such a god?"

"It's really God helping me Daqin!"

"Thank you for your gift!"


At the same time, Zhou Yu and Hou Zi in Hongmeng Farm also finished their dinner.

Immediately, Zhou Yu left the farm with the monkey.

However, the entrance that Zhou Yu opened was not on Ying Zheng's side, but on the other side some distance away.

This is also a human city.

It's just that because of the late night, most of the human race in this city are resting, and there are few candles, making it very quiet.

The monkey scanned around curiously with his spiritual sense, and found that there was nothing unusual around him, so he asked Zhou Yu beside him:

"Sir, what did you bring me here for?"

"Is there anything to do?"

Zhou Yu nodded, but didn't explain much.

Afterwards, he directly activated "Digital Secret" and began to deduce the location of the salt mine closest to him.

Soon, he was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a salt mine hundreds of miles away!

Immediately, Zhou Yu directly cast "Xing Zi Mi", leading the monkey into a beam of light and heading towards the direction he deduced!

The monkey only felt that he was following Zhou Yu, and his speed was uncommonly fast. He passed thousands of rivers and mountains in the blink of an eye, and the scene in front of him quickly reversed.

But even at such a fast speed, the monkey could not feel a trace of wind force, and his whole body was as calm as usual, as if he was moving silently in the water, which felt amazing.

He couldn't help secretly admiring Zhou Yu's strength.

The fairy elder was able to do it so quickly without causing any fluctuations.

It is absolutely impossible to do it yourself.

So, after a short while, UU reading www.uukanshu. The two of them stopped, suspended in the air.

The monkey looked forward and found that this was a deserted suburb, nothing special.

Only a large stone forest in the distance looks really eye-catching, reflecting the moonlight.

But what is even more worth mentioning is that there is a strong demonic aura above the stone forest, which is obviously a place where demons gather.

For this, the monkey is not surprised.

Monster races are all over the prehistoric, basically everywhere, so it's not surprising that there will be here.

He was curious about what Zhou Yu brought him here for, so he turned his head and asked:

"Sir, what are we doing here?"

Zhou Yu replied:

"I need you to get rid of all the monsters here for me, can you do it?"

Hearing this, the monkey's eyes lit up immediately.

Only then did I realize that the immortal chief wanted to test his own strength!

After all, I have been in Xianchang's farm for so long, practicing daily, drinking spiritual springs, and eating crops.

And as a contributor to all of this, it's really normal for Xianchang to want to check his own strength!

Coincidentally, the monkey himself has long wanted to find a target to test his strength.

However, the Immortal Chief wanted to examine his strength, and even he himself wanted to examine it carefully. Look at the results of my practice for so long!

Immediately, the monkey nodded and agreed:

"Don't worry, Immortal Chief, these monsters will be handed over to me!"

After saying these words, he didn't stay any longer, his body moved, and a gust of wind blew up, rushing towards the stone forest full of monster aura.

Soon, he came to the stone forest, his figure fell on the highest point of the stone forest, and he shouted provocatively:

"Fairies, Grandpa Sun is here, you wait for the little demon to come out and die!"

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