Wukong Teaches Me To Build A Kingdom While I Teach Him To Create A Universe

Chapter 6: The wonders of corn! Improving your cultivation base is like riding a rocket!

Immediately, Zhou Yu put down the peeled corn, and immediately prepared the pots and pans.

After putting the corn in the pot, he started the fire to boil the water!

Although Zhou Yu's thatched hut is small, it has all internal organs.

There are some things needed for daily life, but there is a temporary shortage of seasonings and so on.

He didn't dislike it either, and started cooking directly.

After all, he didn't cook this corn for eating, but to find out the effect of this corn!

In this way, when the water in the pot boiled, a magical scene happened!

The pot began to emit an amazing aroma slowly!

The aroma is so strong that people will have a good appetite and spirit just by smelling it!

Can't wait to eat it!

As soon as this fragrance was born, it soon occupied Zhou Yu's thatched cottage, and flooded the entire Hongmeng Farm.

The fragrance is ten miles away!

Outside the thatched hut, the monkey who was plowing the fields suddenly asked, and was shocked by the fragrance.

I just feel that this fragrance enters my nose and enters my whole body, and all the cells in my body are alive because of this, as if I want to absorb this fragrance!

"What kind of food smells like this? It smells so good?"

"It smells ten times better than the spirit fruit from Huaguo Mountain!"

The monkey murmured in shock.

He even temporarily stopped plowing the field and turned his gaze towards the thatched cottage where Zhou Yu was.


The monkey swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his mouth was drooling greedily!

If it is normal, according to the habits of monkeys, they have to drop the **** and go desperately to **** food.

After all, something that smells so delicious must be more enjoyable to eat!

But in this situation, I promised the elder to work **** the field.

If he not only doesn't plow the field, but also runs in and grabs food with the immortal head. Immortal Elder had to kick himself out on the spot!

Compared with gourmet food, the monkey naturally values 鈥嬧€媡he practice of longevity more, although to be honest, he really wants to rush in now.

But I still tried my best to restrain myself, and started to continue working!

It's just that I can't help sneaking glances at the thatched cottage from time to time.


In the thatched hut, Zhou Yu was standing in front of the iron pot, staring at the corn in the pot in bewilderment!

To be honest, he was shocked!

It is obviously a pot, some water, and a corn.

Even if he was replaced by the top chef in his previous life to cook, Zhou Yu didn't believe he could cook anything!

But now that's the way it is!

This clear water corn tasted like a big dish after being cooked by myself!

This fragrance is not inferior to any delicacy in my previous life!

It's hard to imagine that this is just Qingshui corn!

After Zhou Yu was shocked, he immediately became ecstatic!

Originally, he thought he had been cheated by the system, but after some tossing, he only produced an ordinary corn.

Who would have thought that this corn is so hidden, without the slightest clue, and the magic will come out as soon as it is boiled in clear water!

The system is really reliable, and it won't cheat yourself!

Zhou Yu became more and more excited!

I also began to look forward to the effect of the corn after being eaten by myself!

After all, such miraculous corn grown by Hongmeng Farm must not be bad in efficacy!

In this way, Zhou Yu began to wait anxiously!

After a while, the color of the corn finally turned light yellow, and it was already cooked!

Immediately, Zhou Yu fished it out, regardless of whether it was hot or not, and started to eat it!

The entrance was very hot at first, and Zhou Yu was almost thrown out of the corn when it was so hot.

But when the corn kernels are bitten into the mouth for the first time, after chewing, the hotness of the corn is immediately messed up!

It's just corn that looks ordinary, but Zhou Yu's tongue is full of fragrance, and he can't stop!

Zhou Yu even began to doubt, how could there be such delicious food in the world!

Without adding any seasonings, it makes your taste buds overwhelmed!

The skin of corn kernels can be broken by blowing bombs, and the teeth will burst when touched lightly!

The corn meat in it is extremely fresh and tender, as if it has been processed by a master chef through ninety-nine procedures!

too delicious!

Zhou Yu calmed down slightly, and began to feel his body.

He only felt that after taking a mouthful of corn, a warm current was born in his stomach instantly, and it was transported towards the meridians and pores of his whole body like a water pump!

My meridians and pores have been scrubbed and become extremely comfortable!

At the same time, Zhou Yu also felt a seemingly infinite force emerging in his body!

He felt that his physique was improving rapidly!

"It's so cool!"

Zhou Qing couldn't help but make a sound.

And at this moment, the system notification sound in Zhou Yu's mind also rang on time:

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the cultivation level has been upgraded to the early stage of refining and transforming gas!"

Hearing the notification sound from the system, Zhou Yu was stunned for a moment!

Only after he felt the gradually growing power in his body did he dare to confirm that what the system said was true!

After eating a bite of corn, his cultivation level has been raised to the early stage of refining and transforming qi!

What kind of speed is this? It's not as fast as taking a rocket, is it?

Immediately, he continued to eat!

Zhou Yu couldn't stop eating, and gnawed on it regardless of his image!

Immediately, there was another wave of warmth, and the system's notification sounded again:

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com's cultivation base has been upgraded to the middle stage of refining gas!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the cultivation base has been upgraded to the late stage of refining and transforming gas!"


A series of prompts sounded, and when Zhou Yu finished eating the corn, his cultivation level had actually been raised to perfection in refining and transforming Qi!

For a moment, Zhou Yu felt as if his whole body had changed, becoming extremely powerful and light like a bird!

For a while, Zhou Yu was also very excited.

"Sure enough, my previous guess was correct. The things on the farm must be good things!"

After the excitement, Zhou Yu suddenly thought that since he had reached the perfection of refining and transforming Qi, he should also be able to practice "Tiantian Diagram"!

So, he immediately tried again.

This time, when he acted according to the content on the first piece of "Tiantian Map", he really felt different.

Following his movements, the aura around him began to be drawn into his body, turned into a hot stream, and spread to his limbs and bones!

There are a total of thirty-six movements on the first piece of "Tiantian Diagram". During the cultivation process, not only must the movements be accurate, but also need to pay attention to the changes of fast and slow rhythms.

However, Zhou Yu has already mastered it, and it is completely handy to practice.

For a while, Zhou Yu was completely immersed in cultivation.

And just when Zhou Yu had just broken through his cultivation, the monkeys outside were also stunned!

Because he actually heard the roar of dragons and tigers!

The sky is bright and bright, and there are thunder and lightning!

He knew that this was definitely the cultivation of the immortal elder.

Thinking of Zhou Yu's method of instantly ripening the corn before, he was shocked, and also strengthened his belief.

You must stay!

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