Wukong Teaches Me To Build A Kingdom While I Teach Him To Create A Universe

Chapter 85: Shake the 3 realms! A monkey becomes a golden fairy? The sword energy shook the sky!

"Xianchang, what kind of treasure is this? It's too powerful!"

Sun Wukong looked surprised.

Zhou Yu just smiled slightly, and handed him the Enlightenment Stone.

Looking forward to it in his heart, Monkey King carefully took the Enlightenment Stone from Zhou Yu's hand and held it.

Immediately, the mysterious aura above the Enlightenment Stone jumped out of him.

Sun Wukong unconsciously sat down on the same spot, closed his eyes, and instantly entered the state of enlightenment.

At the same time, he practiced unconsciously, and the aura on his body changed rapidly, which was very mysterious.

On the side, the six-eared macaque and Ying Zheng were even more surprised when they saw this scene.

They confirmed that this Enlightenment Stone must be a precious magic weapon that can help practitioners enter the state of sudden enlightenment!

If I can grasp it, maybe I can have a lot of insights!

Immediately, both of them looked at Zhou Yu pleadingly at the same time.

Zhou Yu naturally guessed their thoughts easily and said:

"I will let the two of you try if I have a chance in the future."

Hearing this, both of them nodded, and they began to look forward to it.

Immediately, the three of them looked at Sun Wukong again, waiting for him to complete his enlightenment.

In this way, after a while, Monkey King came back from his comprehension.

His eyes were fixed, and a confident expression appeared on his face.

Obviously through this Enlightenment Stone, I have learned a lot.

He returned the Enlightenment Stone to Zhou Yu and said: https://

"Thank you Immortal Elder!"

"I can go out to cross the tribulation now!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yu was very satisfied.

He took the Enlightenment Stone and put it away, smiled and said:

"In that case, let's go."

After saying this, he sent Monkey King out of the farm first.

Zhou Yu took Monkey King into the wilderness, and came to a place that Zhou Yu had chosen long ago, which was suitable for crossing the catastrophe.

He told Sun Wukong:

"Wukong, you can survive the tribulation here."

"Don't worry, I will always watch you."

Hearing this, Monkey King nodded solemnly, and saluted Zhou Yu:

"Thank you Xianchang, I will definitely succeed in crossing the tribulation!"

Zhou Yu hummed and returned to the farm.

He didn't immediately close the farm's entrance, though.

Instead, together with Ying Zheng and the others, they started to observe Monkey King.

But he saw Sun Wukong fell into the mountain below, sitting cross-legged to practice.

His aura at the peak of Xuanxian began to echo with the way of heaven.

In the dark, there is a force of heaven gathering in the sky above him, and it begins to brew.

Seeing that the Golden Immortal Tribulation was brewing and Sun Wukong was on the right track, Zhou Yu felt relieved.

Sun Wukong himself is extremely powerful with his heels and feet, and he also practiced the "Star Transformation" that he taught him.

Before crossing the catastrophe, he even used the Enlightenment Stone to raise the state before crossing the catastrophe to the peak.

Zhou Yu felt that under normal circumstances, the probability of Sun Wukong surviving the catastrophe was almost 99%.

As for the things that will happen later, outside the normal situation, he has already made plans and is not worried.

Soon, the thousands of miles of sky above Sun Wukong was filled with the clouds of the Golden Immortal Tribulation.

The terrifying thunder calamity pressure filled the surrounding space of thousands of miles.

Countless creatures trembled and fled frantically outside the range of the thunder calamity.

Some big monsters even sent out their spiritual consciousness to investigate, wanting to know who is here to escape the catastrophe.

However, when they discovered that the Heavenly Tribulation in the sky turned out to be the Golden Immortal Tribulation, and judging by the posture, it turned out to be the top Golden Immortal Tribulation, they immediately retreated.

Like other creatures, they fled towards the outside.


In this way, when the Golden Immortal Tribulation in the sky is fully condensed, the first Golden Immortal Tribulation will suddenly fall and come towards Monkey King!

Seeing this, there was no panic in Sun Wukong's eyes, but a high fighting spirit.

He looked at the thunder calamity in the sky, and actually resisted it with his body!

It was the same as when Zhou Yu was crossing the tribulation.

After all, what they practice is "Star Transformation", and their physical bodies are extremely powerful, so they are naturally very confident in themselves.

Sure enough, Sun Wukong passed through the first thunder tribulation with his body without any pressure.

After easily passing the first thunder tribulation, Sun Wukong's eyes became more confident.

He sat cross-legged again, and began to wait for the second lightning tribulation.

Seeing that everything was going well, Zhou Yu sealed an entrance on Monkey King's side.

He said to Ying Zheng and the six-eared macaque: "You two, come with me too."

Ying Zheng and the six-eared macaque had waited for this day for a long time, and they were finally about to cross the catastrophe today, feeling extremely excited.

However, they were not nervous.

The Immortal Tribulation is not as difficult as the Golden Immortal Tribulation.

They have accumulated so much time in the farm, and they are fully confident that they can get through it. The body and mind are already ready.

Hearing Zhou Yu's words, they all nodded solemnly.

Immediately, he left the farm with Zhou Yu.

Soon, it appeared in the outside world.

The two of them saw that the place the immortal head had chosen for him to cross the tribulation was a high mountain.

The mountain is full of spirits and spirits, surrounded by white mist, which is very steep.

After Ying Zheng saw this scene, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

He asked Zhou Yu in surprise:

"Xianchang, is this the top of Mount Tai in Daqin?"

As the emperor of Great Qin, he naturally knew about the territory of Great Qin.

After practicing the "Son of Heaven Conferring the Gods Art", you can feel the great Qin luck within the country.

In addition, Mount Tai was very famous, he had heard of it before, so he recognized it at a glance.

Hearing this, Zhou Yu nodded and said:

"You guys will go through the robbery here."

Hearing this, the two nodded solemnly.

Ying Zheng didn't ask much.

He knew that the immortal chief must have his reasons for doing so.

At this time, two powers of heaven appeared in the sky brewing.

Obviously it belongs to them.

After all, the immortal calamity of the two of them should have come a long time ago, but they just hid in the farm until now.

As soon as he came out, he was immediately sensed by the Dao of Heaven.

The two of them didn't panic, they found their own positions and began to practice, preparing for the next immortal calamity.

a moment later鈥?/p>

"Boom! Boom!"

In the dark clouds that were nearly two hundred miles away, a thunderbolt descended from each of them, heading towards the two peaks of Mount Tai below!

These two thunder tribulations are naturally the immortal tribulations of Ying Zheng and the six-eared macaque.

Because of the relatively close distance between them, they even connected to the Immortal Tribulation above them.

The two looked up expectantly, ready to cross the catastrophe!

As for Zhou Yu, after making arrangements for the two of them, he returned to the farm again.


After entering the farm, Zhou Yu saw that the little white dragon Ao Lie was already busy in the field.

Because he has just started learning "Breaking Heaven Sword Art", Xiao Bailong is not proficient at all, and he is still in charge of a full sixty fields, so he is in a hurry at this time.

When he saw Zhou Yu came back, he became even more nervous.

Fortunately, Zhou Yu didn't mean to blame him, but instead encouraged him: "Don't worry, take your time, I believe you can do well!"

This made Ao Lie full of energy and started to work again.

Zhou Yu nodded in satisfaction, then sat down beside the Phoenix tea tree, poured a cup of tea and drank it.

Immediately, Zhou Yu waved one hand, and two light curtains appeared in the space in front of him.

There are still scenes in the two light curtains, which are the situation of Monkey King, the six-eared macaque and Yingzheng at this time.

Although these three tenants did not cross the robbery in the same place.

But they were both in Zhou Yu's plan.

Monkey King must be allowed to cross the tribulation first, and only after attracting the attention of all the gods and Buddhas in the sky, Ying Zheng and the six-eared macaque can start to cross the tribulation.

This is also the reason why Zhou Yu didn't personally accompany any of them to cross the tribulation, but stayed alone in the farm to watch.

He needs to stay here, and if there is any accident, or if there is anything that needs to be adjusted, he can immediately notify both parties.

In this way, Zhou Yu watched the tribulation of the three tenants while drinking the spiritual tea.


At the same time, in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Jieyin and Zhunti were still sitting in the same courtyard as last time.

The two sat cross-legged on the ground, their eyes seemed to be closed but not closed, and their fingers were constantly pinching.

Their bodies have been shrouded in a mysterious and ever-changing aura.

What the Second Saints of the West are doing is none other than calculating the whereabouts of Monkey King.

At a certain moment, the two of them seemed to have discovered something, the original deduction stopped suddenly, and the mysterious aura on their bodies also stopped suddenly!

Immediately, everyone was surprised and looked at each other in shock.

Looking at each other, the two suddenly understood what the other had discovered.

Immediately, the docking of Zhunti Earthquake elicited the voice channel:

"Senior brother, I deduced the aura of that stone monkey!"

The reception was also very joyful, and a smile appeared on the sad face.

Immediately, Zhuang said:

"Quick, continue to calculate, where is the stone monkey now, and what is it doing!"

Zhunti nodded and continued to calculate.

The reception also began to calculate.

So, a moment later鈥?/p>


When the two opened their eyes again, the original joy had dissipated and was completely replaced by bewilderment.

Zhunti's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it:

"What... what's going on here?"

"This stone monkey has actually started to cross the Golden Immortal Tribulation?!"

Jieyin and Zhunti couldn't even believe it, the result they deduced was true.

How could the stone monkey pass the Golden Immortal Tribulation?

You know, when he disappeared, he didn't have any cultivation at all.

From his disappearance to the present, it has only been a year in the lower realm.

How could it be possible to break through to the peak of Xuanxian from the point of no cultivation in one year?

This speed is too terrifying?

Even if he is the son of luck, he can't be so fast, right?

This speed is already against the law of heaven!

The two felt that it was very likely that their deduction technique had gone wrong.

I would rather believe that I was wrong than believe that this is the truth.

Because to them, this fact is too frightening.

After all, the monkey's highest strength in the westbound plan is nothing more than the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

This is still the result of step by step.

You must know that the most critical step in the plan of Buddhism's westward journey is to let him learn from his teacher Bodhi and learn a skill that is neither high nor low, so as to establish the cause and effect between Buddhism and monkeys.

Subsequent plans will also revolve around this cause and effect.

But now the Journey to the West plan has not yet started, and his strength is about to reach Jinxian.

Just ignore this most critical step!

In this way, even if Buddhism catches him back, many plans will not be able to be implemented.

Furthermore, the strength of this stone monkey has now broken through to Xuanxian. If it is true, his knowledge must no longer be as ignorant as before.

This is another blow to their westbound plan.

Immediately, Zhunti took out a precious mirror and threw it at the position of the stone monkey that the two had detected.

Soon, a picture appeared in the mirror.

What this picture presents is exactly the scene of monkeys crossing the golden fairy calamity in the mountains.

Seeing this scene, Jieyin and Zhunti no longer have any doubts.

Even if they don't want to believe that this is true, they can only accept the fact now.

Immediately, both of them became angry at the same time.

Zhunti said angrily:

"Who the hell? How dare you oppose my Buddhist sect and raise the cultivation of this stone monkey to this point!"

They were not stupid, and they could tell that the monkey's strength did not come for no reason.

They could tell from the aura emanating from the monkey that he had cultivated a powerful technique.

If it is said that such a powerful technique was created by monkeys in just one year, they would not believe it even if they were killed.

Then there is only one possibility, which is taught by others!

Someone deliberately opposed Buddhism, kidnapped the stone monkey, and taught him exercises, trying to break the westward plan and prevent Buddhism from flourishing!

I didn't expect this person to be so vicious. In such a short period of time, he trained this monkey to become a golden fairy!

They even suspected that the reason why they were able to detect the monkey this time was because the person behind it deliberately let it out to cross the catastrophe, disgusting themselves.

Thinking of this, the anger in their hearts suddenly became deeper.

Zhunti continued to say angrily:

"My Buddhism finally ushered in a great prosperity, but this person ruined the plan!"

"When I find him, I will never spare him!"


Zhunti was furious, very angry at the current result.

Originally, when he first discovered the missing trace, he felt that as long as he found the stone monkey, everything would be fine and all difficulties would be solved.

But now it seems that the difficulties have not been resolved, but have become more!

With the current situation, he didn't know what to do.

On the side, Jieyin was also very angry.

For the guy who did this in secret, he wished he could be crushed, skinned and cramped.

But his character is more stable after all, and he was not dazzled by anger.

Seeing Zhunti's furious appearance, he discouraged Zhunti:

"Junior brother, it's useless to complain now."

"We will look for the person behind the scenes later."

"The most important thing now is to tell your good corpse about this, and let him rush to where he is now. Follow closely."

"If not, by then, after the Golden Immortal Tribulation, he might disappear again."

Hearing this, Zhunti, who was still immersed in anger, suddenly woke up.

Indeed, brother is right.

Now that things have become like this, no matter how angry I am, I can't reverse what has happened.

The only thing we can do is to quickly find a way to find the monkey, so as not to let him continue to disappear.

After all, the monkey is the son of luck, born with extremely strong heels and feet.

It can be seen that the exercises he practiced are also very powerful.

If you want to survive this catastrophe, there is probably no problem.

Someone must be sent there quickly.

Otherwise, it is really possible to lose his track again.

Then things get worse!

Immediately, Zhunti sent a message to Bodhi, informing him of the location of Monkey Crossing Tribulation.

The reason why these two sages didn't personally go out to catch the monkey.

It is because of the order of the Taoist ancestors in the past that saints can only practice outside the prehistoric and cannot enter the prehistoric.

Although they are extremely anxious now, they can't wait to catch the monkey by themselves.

But in comparison, he is still more afraid of Daozu's order.

Whether it is to keep an eye on the monkey, or to track down the instigator behind the scenes, the guy who sabotaged their Buddhist plan, we must start with this monkey.

Bodhi must be rushed over immediately!


At the same time, Bodhi below is in the sea of 鈥嬧€媌lood.

This Nether Blood Sea is full of blood, almost occupying the entire space.

The blood was rolling, and the air of killing was full of bursts.

The reason why Bodhi came here was because this Nether Blood Sea is a special place, which can isolate the technique of deduction to a certain extent.

He wondered if the Patriarch Styx of the Nether Blood Sea hid the stone monkey.

If Patriarch Styx hid the stone monkey in the depths of the Nether Blood Sea, he might not be able to deduce it himself.

At this time, standing opposite Bodhi was an old man covered in **** aura.

The old man looked at Bodhi with a bad face, it was the ancestor of Minghe.

Patriarch Minghe spoke in a bad tone, and said to Bodhi:

"Bodhi, what are you doing here in my Nether Blood Sea?"

Bodhi said:

"A monkey in my Buddhist sect is missing. I wonder if it is with you."

"Please don't stop it, let Pindao search for it."

Hearing Bodhi's unkind words, Patriarch Minghe was not as weak as Dragon Palace, and said angrily:

"Hmph, where do you think my Nether Blood Sea is? Did you search whenever you wanted?"

Bodhi's face remained unchanged, and continued:

"If you don't want to, then the poor can only summon the strong Buddhists to search together."

Patriarch Minghe's face darkened, his eyes were full of murderous intent, but he didn't act, but his eyes flickered.

However, just as Bodhi was preparing to summon Buddhist experts, he suddenly learned of Zhunti's summons.

He couldn't react for a while, and stayed where he was.

On the opposite side, Patriarch Minghe originally heard that Bodhi said that he would summon Buddhist experts, and his heart became more angry.

He was born in this billowing blood, and his temper was quite cold.

Even though he knew that he was no match for the Nether Blood Sea, he didn't want to compromise with them.

Just as he was about to scold Bodhi angrily, he suddenly saw Bodhi standing there in a daze, as if he had received some amazing news.

Seeing Bodhi's strange behavior, Patriarch Styx's original anger disappeared a little, and he became a little confused.

He also knew the importance of monkeys to Buddhism, and if he didn't let Buddhism search this sea of 鈥嬧€媌lood, Buddhism would definitely not back down in order to find the monkey.

He originally thought that because of this matter, Nether Blood Sea would fight Buddhism.

But seeing Bodhi's appearance now, what seems to have happened?

Then do you still want to make a move?

Patriarch Styx began to hesitate.

To be honest, if you can ensure that the Nether Blood Sea will not be invaded by the Buddhist sect, and you don't have to fight the Buddhist sect, Patriarch Minghe doesn't want to fight against the Buddhist sect.

After all, he also knows the power of Buddhism.

Not to mention the two saints, there are just a group of quasi-sages.

If there is a confrontation, the Nether Blood Sea has no chance of winning.

And just when he was hesitating, he saw Bodhi on the opposite side suddenly come back to his senses, and then turned around directly, heading out of the Nether Blood Sea.

It quickly disappeared into the Nether Blood Sea.

The whole process was very anxious, and I didn't even have time to look at Patriarch Styx.

In this way, Patriarch Styx was even more confused.

I wonder why Bodhi left so suddenly?

Did you go to move the rescuers yourself? Or did something else happen?

He couldn't think of a specific reason, so he stopped thinking about it.

If the strong man from the Buddhist sect really came to the Nether Blood Sea and wanted to search forcibly, he wouldn't mind fighting desperately with the Buddhist sect.

Patriarch Minghe snorted coldly, then retreated into his palace.

The Asura clan under the opponent ordered:

"Strengthen my defenses against the Nether Blood Sea, don't let Buddhism take advantage of the loopholes!"


As Bodhi left the Nether Blood Sea, he was furious and his face was extremely gloomy.

Just now, just when he was about to summon Buddhist experts to come to Nether Blood Sea, he learned about the monkey from Zhunti.

The monkey actually appeared!

What's even more unbelievable is that he has reached the peak of Xuanxian, and he is going through the Golden Immortal Tribulation in Nanbuzhou at this time!

This situation surprised him very much. Immediately very angry again!

To be honest, when he found out that the monkey was missing, he was not so angry.

At that time, he felt that the westbound plan and the great prosperity of Buddhism were the general trend. Even if the monkey disappeared, under the influence of the general trend, he would be able to find it soon.

In this way, the Journey to the West plan can still proceed as usual.

And his role in the plan can also be performed as usual.

But now that the monkey has found it, he is going to break through the golden fairy directly, but he is so angry that he is mad!

Because according to the original plan, he taught the monkey exercises and supernatural powers, and it would be completed when he taught the golden fairyland.

In the future, the monkey will need to toss by himself to elevate his strength to Taiyi Golden Immortal.

But even so, he can get a lot of benefits.

It is not a small project to raise a monkey from no cultivation level to a golden fairy.

But now, as soon as the monkey was found, it was already crossing the Golden Immortal Tribulation.

It's equivalent to pinching his own role directly!

How does this not annoy him?

Who took the monkey abducted, took him as a disciple, and raised his strength to the present level?

Bodhi even wondered, did that person come here just for himself?

He secretly vowed in his heart that if he catches the person behind the scenes, he must pay the price!

But he also knows that the most important thing now is not to find the instigator.

Instead, rush to the place where the monkey crossed the catastrophe and control him.

Otherwise, after the monkey successfully crosses the tribulation, it is very likely that it will disappear again!

Immediately, while driving at full speed, he also used his supernatural powers to investigate the monkey's position.

Bodhi couldn't wait to know what happened to the monkey, and who ruined his good deeds?

In this way, his consciousness soon came to Monkey Dujie's side.

But at this time, the monkey is really going through the Golden Immortal Tribulation as Zhunti's information said!

Moreover, he is already starting to cross the third Golden Immortal Tribulation.

Looking at the appearance of crossing the catastrophe, it was extremely relaxed, without any pressure at all.

If it continues like this, it is estimated that it will not take long to successfully cross the tribulation.

Seeing this scene, the suppressed anger in Bodhi's heart burst out again.

He paid special attention to the aura that emerged from the monkey's body and the magical powers he displayed when he was resisting the catastrophe.

I want to rely on the signs of the magical powers to judge what kind of magical powers this is.

So as to infer who taught it to him.

He wasn't stupid, he could tell at a glance that the skills and supernatural powers the monkey practiced were extremely powerful.

It's not even inferior to those top ones in the prehistoric world!

So, a moment later.

Bodhi had a panoramic view of the monkey's skills and supernatural powers.

But what shocked him was that even though the martial arts performed by the monkey were clearly displayed in front of his eyes, he had watched them all over.

But he couldn't recognize what it was!

This supernatural power and technique are extremely powerful, but he has never seen it before!

He couldn't help being surprised.

I am a good corpse of a saint, with the insight and experience of a saint.

You know, Zhunti has survived since ancient times. What powerful skills and magical powers have you never seen?

But he couldn't recognize any of the things the monkeys were using now!

In this way, his idea of 鈥嬧€媎educing the person behind the monkey by virtue of martial arts and supernatural powers naturally came to nothing.


At the same time, in the heaven.

On the Lingxiao Palace, a group of immortals stood respectfully below.

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother had just sat on the throne.

Before the Jade Emperor could say anything, he saw two figures hurried in from outside the hall.

These two figures are the two famous generals of the Heavenly Court, Qianliyan and Shunfenger.

Shunfeng Er hurriedly said to the Jade Emperor:

"Your Majesty Qizuo, something serious has happened!"

Seeing that the two were so flustered, the gods on both sides were a little puzzled, not understanding what happened to make the two of them so flustered.

The Jade Emperor frowned slightly and asked:

"What happened to make you so panic?"

Clairvoyance said:

"I just discovered that the stone monkey that the Buddhist sect was looking for appeared in the lower realm of Nanbuzhou!"

"We found out that he is going through the Golden Immortal Tribulation!"


As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the entire hall.

The gods looked at each other in disbelief!

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother also stared at each other.

Immediately afterwards, the Jade Emperor immediately took out the Haotian Mirror and played a formula in his hand.

I saw the Haotian mirror flying out, and the divine light flashed on it, and the image of the monkey from the lower realm to cross the tribulation appeared.

Immediately, all the gods looked towards the Haotian Mirror.

It turned out that things were exactly as Clairvoyance said.

That monkey actually appeared in Nanfang Buzhou, and it is still going through the Golden Immortal Tribulation!

After seeing this scene, the gods present were even more surprised.

Some do not understand, what happened?

Didn't the stone monkey say it was missing and couldn't be found?

Why did it suddenly appear?

And the speed of strength improvement is so fast?

It's just been missing for a year, and it's about to break through the Golden Immortal?

Is this what Fomen did?

But that's not right either.

Buddhism does not mean that the stone monkey should learn from the ancestor Bodhi for about ten years, and then his strength will be promoted to the golden fairyland.

How come it's only been a year since you've been promoted to Golden Immortal?

After all, this matter is from the Buddhist side, and the gods on the Heavenly Court don't know as much as the Buddhist side, so they are very puzzled.

Among the immortals and gods, Nezha, who was absent-minded and drowsy when he first came to court, was also startled by the movement on the scene.

He looked up in bewilderment, not knowing what had happened.

However, when he saw the scene of the monkey crossing the Golden Immortal Tribulation in the Haotian Mirror above, the drowsiness in his mind disappeared immediately, and he immediately regained his energy!

Isn't this the stone monkey?

You know, Nezha followed Li Jing and Guanyin to the lower realm last time, looking for monkeys for a long time.

Although he didn't really care whether he could find the monkey or not, he had been looking for it for so long after all, and he returned empty-handed in the end.

Naturally, I became curious about the monkey and wanted to know where he went.

Now seeing the monkey appear, I was naturally very surprised.

Immediately, like many immortals and gods, he began to observe.

Above, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were also very surprised when they saw this situation, and they couldn't figure out what it was.

Haven't you been missing all the time? Why did you come out suddenly?

As soon as you come out, start crossing the catastrophe?

What the **** is Buddhism doing?

They have not been notified by the Buddhist side now.

Have no idea what's going on.

Can only start to pay attention silently.

At this time, the monkey has successfully passed the third golden fairy calamity.

And under the watchful eyes of all gods and gods, the fourth tribulation thunder was successfully ushered in!

In the first three thunder tribulations, monkeys basically used their physical bodies to resist.

At most, it will cast mana to help resist.

Now, the power of this fourth lightning tribulation is far greater than the previous three.

As soon as the thunder calamity came out, thousands of miles around were shrouded in its terrifying pressure!

The strata of the earth were cracked, and the peaks of the mountains exploded!

Thunder Jie seems to be able to destroy everything!


Seeing this, the monkey had a thought, a strong mana erupted from his body, and sword intents spread out, instantly filling the space within a hundred miles around him, forming an independent "sword intent domain"!

At the same time, streams of fierce sword energy derived from it, following the monkey's control, condensed towards one place!

Soon, a huge sword tens of meters long was condensed into one!

The thick and sharp breath on it seems to be able to cut off all obstacles, even under the catastrophe, it will not give way too much, showing a tendency to fight for the front!


The monkey gave a low snort, and pointed his finger at the thunder that fell from above!


Immediately, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com's sky-shattering great sword followed like a shadow, and headed towards the thunder robbery above!


When the two collided together, it was like a silver bottle leaking out, bursting out with thousands of rays of light!

The white electric light and the crimson sword aura, like waves, oscillated in all directions wave after wave!

The Great Sword of Breaking Heaven was like an indestructible wall, resisting the fourth thunder calamity, and the thunder calamity couldn't even move forward!

After such a situation lasted for a moment, it was broken when the fourth thunder tribulation dissipated.

The monkey scattered the Potian Dajian, and the look in his eyes became more confident.

Seeing this scene, the gods in the heaven couldn't help being surprised.

The gods talked one after another:

"What kind of supernatural power of swordsmanship did the stone monkey use just now, to be so domineering?"

"Such an astonishing way of swordsmanship doesn't seem like a Buddhist supernatural power? Could it be taught to him by others?"

"Strange, why have I never seen such a powerful swordsmanship before?"

"Speaking of swordsmanship...could it be the one who taught it to him?"

"How is this possible? That person is far away in the chaos, without Daozu's permission, it is impossible to come out."


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