Thousands of miles of ice are frozen here, and thousands of miles of snow drift.

When Chu Jiangnan set foot here, he felt a kind of wild area in the Western Regions that was completely isolated from the Central Plains.

I have to say that the Central Plains of China is really blessed.

With the blessing of dragon veins, it is no wonder that it will become the target of alien attack.

Entering the Daxueshan realm, Chu Jiangnan let the horses that travelled freely and switched to walking instead.

Three days later, he had penetrated deep into the snow-capped mountains.

Looking around, there is a vast expanse of white, which can be described in one word as "white snow"

At this time, Chu Jiangnan suddenly became poetic and wanted to recite a poem.

He looked at the snow-covered sky.

"Looking at this picturesque scenery, I wanted to recite poetry to add to the world, but I don't have any culture, so I can only lie, the snow is so heavy."

Chu Jiangnan continued to move forward. The scenery of the snow-capped mountains in this windy world was much more spectacular than the snow-capped mountains he had seen before.

According to the hidden secrets along the way, Chu Jiangnan came to a canyon.

He chased the special marks left by the phantom along the way and found a hidden canyon.

Canyon Entrance: Very small and difficult to find without guidance.

This is a hidden base of the Phantom in Daxueshan.


As soon as Chu Jiangnan entered the snow-covered canyon, several figures swept up in front of him.

They were two men and two women, and the people the Phantom sent to Daxueshan were eight men and two women, and everyone else had already sacrificed.

Disappearance is sacrifice.

Chu Jiangnan glanced at them, wearing thick leather jackets, carrying bows and arrows, and dressed as a hunter.

Four people 4 looks very ordinary, after all, the less conspicuous the better.

"how is the situation"

Chu Jiangnan said.

"Young Master Qi, now it's only us, everyone else asks Young Master to come with me"

One of the four men took a step forward.


Chu Jiangnan nodded.

Entering the depths of the canyon, Chu Jiangnan saw a charm ""

He was already dead, his body was frozen into a vulture, and the situation was very strange.

No wonder it was really tricky to ask Chu Jiangnan to take a look in person.

Chu Jiangnan looked at the ice man in front of him and kept his expression on his face.

Fear, Despair, Panic The missing six people 6, this is the only one who has been found and recovered.

The fate of others can be imagined.

"Sure enough, it is the means of Tianmen."

Chu Jiangnan just glanced at it and made a judgment.

This is the kung fu of the Sacred Heart Art, but the breath is not that of Emperor Shitian.

Obviously, the person who shot was not Emperor Shitian, and the difference in martial arts was obvious.

However, looking at this person's cultivation of the Sacred Heart, the martial arts are definitely above the tyrants. Chu Jiangnan knows that there are three realms in Tianmen, the emperor

Shi Tian claimed to be Tian.

The strength of Tianmen is divided by the three realms of the immovable human world, the free world, and the void heaven, and the distance between close and distant.

"Divided into three realms, determined Kyushu?"

Chu Jiangnan's eyes flashed.

Most of the people in Fudoren are ordinary martial arts masters, and Tianchi killers like Tong Huang in the first episode of Fengyun can only be brought to the door.

As for the Earth Realm, it is the priests and generals headed by the Mother Goddess. Most of these people can be trusted by Emperor Shitian, while the Void Heaven Realm is the place where Emperor Shitian lives.

And the reason why Tianmen was able to rise in a short period of time and gathered many martial arts celebrities to work for him, the main reason is because of a martial arts Sacred Heart Art created by Di Shitian! , can make you immortal.

And who in the rivers and lakes doesn't want to live forever? Wouldn't it be better if Emperor Shitian taught them the Sacred Heart Secret Art, or gave them some longevity elixir, so naturally a large group of people would come to this martial arts as a temptation Effective.

What's more, Emperor Shitian's thousand-year lifespan, accumulated wealth and peerless martial arts are countless, which makes people in these rivers and lakes yearn for it.

In the Heavenly Gate, the people who were taught the Sacred Heart Art by Emperor Shitian were all high-level figures.

However, Di Shitian did not teach them the complete Sacred Heart formula.

It's just, I don't know who shot him, which high-level in Tianmen is Luo Xian, Ice Emperor, Huai Mie "Where did he find him?"

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