Chapter 65 Two hundred thousand golden fire cavalry, Meng Tian

Two hundred thousand golden fire cavalry!

The Lord will be blessed!

This is one of the elite legions under Ying Zheng, and the place it passes is like a raging plain, unstoppable!

Together with the 200,000 Mu family army in the Mu Royal Mansion, Zhu Houzhao now has a total of 400,000 troops!

“Finally has its own army!”

Zhu Houzhao’s heart was ecstatic.

This is the foundation of his footing, the starting point for him to conquer this comprehensive martial arts world, no matter how powerful these masters around him are, they cannot be used as millions of male soldiers, so the golden fire cavalry came in time!

Zhu ignored that he was secretly plotting against him in the capital, and he would definitely fight him when he returned.

In addition, the Mongol Empire, which has been serving outside for a long time, must also be angry because he killed Huo Du and captured Zhao Min. Now with this 200,000-strong army and the Mu family army, he has more confidence.

Zhao Min, Zhu Houzhao has not killed her yet.

Like the previous Eastern Undefeated, it is also being imprisoned.

Because her identity is not ordinary, the county lord of the Mongol Empire, if she uses her life to trade with the Mongol Empire, she can get a lot of benefits.

Just thinking about it, the figure in the void in front of Zhu Houzhao completely solidified.

General Meng Tian!

A rough and handsome appearance, tiger eyes are majestic, thick sideburns add a bit of wildness, Gu Pan is full of domineering. He wore a red tasseled helmet, wore a black armor with gold trim, which glowed with a cold and hard luster of metal, wore a big sword at his waist, and was strong and burly, a head taller than Zhu Houzhao!

“Subordinate Meng Tian! See Your Majesty! ”

The armor rubbed out a crisp sound, and Meng Tian knelt down on one knee in front of Zhu Houzhao, respectfully surrendering his hand.

“Ai Qing flat, where are the 200,000 Golden Fire Cavalry?” Zhu Houzhao asked excitedly.

It is impossible for the 200,000 army to be condensed in this room of his, but since the system is rewarded, there will definitely be it, and Meng Tian, as the boss, must know where the army will land.

“Your Majesty! Two hundred thousand golden fire cavalry are under the Junshan Mountain thirty miles away, waiting for His Majesty’s dispatch! ”

Meng Tian’s voice was loud and powerful, and the whole room was buzzing, but Zhu Houzhao didn’t care, he couldn’t get excited to get such a fierce general, and an army of 200,000.

“Very good! Oh, I want a military parade! His tone couldn’t hide the excitement.


“Wang Ye, this is the latest information about the Lord of Shaomin County…”

In the barracks tent, an adjutant general presented the information to King Ruyang, who was sitting on the first seat of the big case.

The latter is a white-haired old man with Mongolian unique whip hair, wearing a luxurious blue right collar, and the domineering spirit of the princes who are not angry and self-threatening naturally radiates from his body.

Sighing, he took the information handed over by the adjutant general, and King Ruyang spread it out on the case and stared at it.

The deputy general stood by without moving, his eyes from time to time with the look of King Ruyang, as he expected, after more than a dozen breaths of effort, King Ruyang’s dark face gradually turned red, and the sharp and shining eyes like an eagle falcon also burst into anger like thunder.

“Waste! A bunch of waste! ”

King Ruyang stood up and kicked over the big case.

He pointed at the adjutant general but couldn’t speak, feeling a faint pain in his heart.

“Wang Ye is angry!”

The adjutant hurriedly knelt down.

“Are so many masters dead! I can’t even protect Minmin! Unexpectedly let Minmin fall into the hands of Zhu Houzhao! King Ruyang stomped his foot and shouted.

Some time ago, Zhao Min sent him information that he wanted to leave Daming Capital for Yuezhou.

He wanted to rely on his daughter’s resourcefulness and the protection of so many masters under him, nothing would happen, but he never expected it!

It actually fell into Zhu Houzhao’s hands like this!

“Wang Ye, I heard that Zhu Houzhao’s subordinates have raised many masters, what should I do now? Send someone to rescue the Lord of Shaomin County?! ”

The adjutant general said.

“Send whom! Dali doesn’t fight anymore! Transfer troops to King Ben! King Ben wants to directly enter Yuezhou! ”

King Ruyang kicked over the adjutant, his purple lips trembled with anger, and he strode away from the marshal.

“Subordinates obey!” The deputy got up and shouted.

At the same time, I felt very humiliated in my heart.

It was not him who protected the Lord of Shaomin County, but as a result, because the person who reported it was him, he would be kicked by King Ruyang!

But he did not hesitate at his feet, and after getting up from the ground, he quickly walked out of the tent to follow the footsteps of King Ruyang.

The four attendants waited for the two to leave before they hurriedly picked up the big case and rearranged all the military aircraft intelligence piled up on the case.

Not long after, the sound of a desolate and distant horn sounded outside the manager’s tent.

Immediately afterwards, the neighing of horses and the shouting of commanders and chiefs also sounded in all corners of the camp.

After the Mongol Empire became hegemonic, it coveted these countries in the Central Plains for a long time. After planning for a long time, it was finally decided to let King Ruyang lead the 300,000 elite cavalry of the Mongol Empire to attack Dali!

As a result, this is actually the case now.

This most precious beloved daughter of King Ruyang fell into the hands of Emperor Daming, how did he swallow this breath, and immediately mobilized the 300,000 army that was originally preparing to attack Dali, and directly sent troops to Yuezhou!

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