Chapter 102 Catch Shangguan Jinhong

“Hands on.”

Wei Zhuang snorted.

Because he and Gai Nie were both in the Great Grandmaster Realm, it was too cheap to deal with these two Grandmaster Realms, so Wei Zhuang just gave orders and did not pull out his shark tooth sword.

Gai Nie also did not move.

Under this order, led by the purple woman, Liusha and the others immediately closed the formation and killed Shangguan Jinhong and An Wang Ye. Shangguan Jinhong also reacted quickly, swinging the oil lamp towards the fastest Bai Feng.

This trick is obviously useless.

Bai Feng’s figure flashed, and he was not affected in the slightest.

The overwhelming white feathers rolled up, with a sharp whistling sound stabbing Shangguan Jinhong, who was shocked by this speed, and the big sleeves of his robe waved, knocking a pool of qi out of front of him, trying to resist these white feathers.

A disdainful smile appeared at the corner of Bai Feng’s mouth.


Those white feathers did not pause, and after piercing the wall of qi, they continued to attack Shangguan Jinhong!

Seeing this scene, Shangguan Jinhong’s face became even more embarrassed, his hands were closed first and then opened, and the dragon and phoenix golden ring danced with one hand to resist the rapid attack of the white phoenix.

On the other side, the Chain Serpent soft sword was also like a red poisonous dragon stabbing towards King An at a strange angle, and the wind howled! It’s like a ghost crying!

At the same time, the purple woman also raised her slender jade finger, and a cloud of silver light flew out from her sleeve.

Only a very small number of people can see that it is a needle array composed of almost invisible silver needles, and as long as it is stabbed, I am afraid that it will not even be able to pull out.

An Wang Ye was not frightened by Shangguan Jinhong, but was relieved to see that Wei Zhuang Gai Nie did not make a move.

I saw him standing on tiptoe, twisting his body, and the cold long sword cut out a spiral wind sword qi, shooting all the silver needles of the purple woman into the sky.

At the same time, his sword also slashed out horizontally, stabbing the Chain Serpent soft sword into the air!

Chi Liannu was shocked, she didn’t expect this An Wang Ye’s strength to be so strong, she was unstable with her sword, fell backwards, and hit the wall straight.

As soon as her position was given up, the wolf king with green eyes like a hungry wolf immediately snatched up, jumped in the air, and slashed down with both claws against King An’s head, and the strength of those claws was enough to crack the mountain.

As long as it is successful, no one will doubt that King An’s head melon will turn into a rotten watermelon!

However, that scene did not happen.

I saw King An’s long sword blocked horizontally above, the sword body and the claws of the Azure Wolf King wiped out a brilliant and dazzling spark, and the moment the short soldiers met, King An’s wrist trembled, and a huge force was transmitted, directly picking the Wolf King out.

The latter tumbled several times in the air and finally landed on the roof, stepping on a piece of rubble and almost not falling.

This position is vacated again.

Flame Spirit Ji, who used flame as a weapon, took her position, her face was calm, and she dragged her arm forward from behind, and the fire spirit hairpin suddenly flew out of her hand.

I saw that the hairpin just left the body, and it burst into a scorching flame!

As if he could do magic, the Fire Spirit Hairpin turned into dozens of flame long swords and stabbed towards King An.

The fire is raging, the hot waves are sweeping, this move is fierce enough!

Grandmaster Realm was rarely able to withstand an attack that was almost out of the realm of martial arts.

However, this still did not stop King An!

An unrivalably powerful wave of qi erupted from King An’s body, flying back upside down with the flame sword, and Flame Lingji’s face was full of disbelief, and her beautiful eyes reflected the picture of her fire spirit hairpin flying upside down and piercing her eyebrows.

Tremble in the balance!

In this instant, she simply did not have time to hide.

If she can’t hide, she will definitely die under her own weapons!

The purple girl, Chi Lian, and the Azure Wolf King were all shocked.

What realm is this An Wang Ye!? It was effortless to even pick so many of them! Now he actually wants to kill Flame Lingji!

Laugh at!

At this moment of life and death, Wei Zhuang’s shark tooth sword blocked the fire spirit hairpin.

The fire hairpin plunged into the wall, and the whole one did not enter the wall.

The four people surrounded An Wang Ye very quickly, and the rabbit rose and fell in just a few breaths.

However, these few breaths of time were enough for Wei Zhuang to feel that this An Wang Ye was a powerhouse in the realm of a great grandmaster!

That boundless wolf-like true yuan swept through, saying it all!

Because the Hidden Bat and the Matchless Ghost were attacking Shangguan Jinhong, no one on King An’s side attacked again.

Breathing after being attacked repeatedly, he did not hesitate, shook the ground with his feet, and fled by leap. His strength was so strong that the green bricks around him were cracked into cobwebs.

Gai Nie Weizhuang has not yet made a move.

He will definitely be left behind if he delays, although he is a grandmaster realm, he does not have the confidence to fight two by two, especially when he learns that these two people are swordsmen.


Just when An Wang Ye’s body was in mid-air, without any source of borrowing power, the light blue Changhong streaked across the sky, straight to his first level!

It was also worthy of being a master of the Great Grandmaster realm, and the tip of the sword swirled, urging Zhenyuan to slash towards the pale blue long rainbow sword qi, sending out a crisp clang!

With the strength of this blow, An Wang Ye’s body flew into the distance again, like a flying star.

In the next instant, Gai Nie’s figure appeared there, dashingly raised his hand to catch the long sword that fell in mid-air, followed closely, he cast a light skill to pursue, and An Wang Ye disappeared from everyone’s sight one after another.

No one expected that this King An Ye was actually a hidden grandmaster master.

If Gai Nie Weizhuang and the two had joined forces to attack at the beginning, he would not have fled, but there was no if, and there was no regret about taking the medicine.


Just when everyone was shocked that King An was strong, the battle on Shangguan Jinhong’s side was nearing its end.

He was dragged by the matchless ghost and smashed on the ground.

Hidden Bat and White Phoenix avoided the flying green brick fragments with unhappy faces.

The three joined forces, even if Shangguan Jinhong’s strength was high, he couldn’t resist it, and a flaw was revealed, and he was immediately caught by the matchless ghost on his right foot.

That kind of strange power could not be broken free of him, and he could only be thrown to the ground by repeated swings.

Shangguan Jinhong’s face turned extremely red, he was a strong man in the Grandmaster Perfection Realm, and he was also the four dragon leaders of the Blue Dragon Society! When was such an insult received!

But what can he do now?

Only use True Qi to protect your body and avoid being killed by the Matchless Ghost.


Wei Zhuang shouted.

Wushuang Ghost immediately stopped the movement in his hand and smashed Shangguan Jinhong against the wall of the house.

A high wall collapsed, dust rose everywhere, and Shangguan Jinhong’s coughing sound.

“Bring it up, go back to the palace!”

Wei Zhuang withdrew his sharktooth sword into its sheath and turned to leave the house, while Wushuang Ghost walked over and grabbed Shangguan Jinhong with both hands.

In the absence of special chains, his hands are the best shackles.


Gai Nie chased far, far away, and he was frowning at the moment, standing on top of his teeth and looking into the distance.

“Lost it….”

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