Chapter 151: The Holy Daughter Chooses Zhu Houzhao

“Since you are all here, then I can also take the opportunity to make things clear.”

A moment later, Shifei Xuan said, “None of you present have been selected by Cihang Jingzhai, please come back.” ”

Her words fell, and everyone in the attic changed color in unison.

The Tianlong Temple represents Dali, the Quanzhen Sect represents the Great Song Dynasty, and the two leaders of Yuwen, Li Er, and Wagangzhai represent the Great Sui, and Yipintang, which represents Western Xia. Four countries were actually denied by such a fluttering sentence.

“Then I don’t know who the candidate in the saint’s mind is?” Qingjing scattered people Sun Buji asked.

“Yes, please tell the Holy Daughter, so that we can die.”


Several people also posted.

Seeing this, Li Shimin’s eyes showed disappointment, and he shook his head and said to Li Jiancheng: “Big brother, let’s go, Cihang Jingzhai will not support us.” ”

“No, don’t fight for it anymore, how do you know!” Li Jiancheng refused.

“Please come back.” Shifei Xuan didn’t answer, turned around and stopped looking at them.

Seeing this, Zhang Sanfeng was about to open his mouth to repulse these people, and at this moment, footsteps sounded again in the stairs.

All of them were excellent and intelligent people with excellent martial arts, and it was very easy to hear this light footsteps, and they followed Shifei Xuan’s gaze and looked over together.

“Yuhuatian, the supervisor of the Daming West Factory, has seen the Holy Daughter.”

The visitor was a man with a beautiful face and a strange temperament, white and clean, and the gorgeous clothes on his body represented that he was the father-in-law of the East Factory. Not a normal man. He led the two factory guards to the attic and saluted the concubine, although his words were polite, he was not as in awe as the people of Fangcai.

“Yuhuatian…,” Shifei Xuan raised her eyebrows and looked him up and down.

Now that Daming is in the palm of Zhu Houzhao’s hand, it is known to everyone, unlike before he was in power. Since Zhu Houzhao accepted the East Factory and promoted Zhao Gao as the supervisor of the East Factory, he has always favored the East Factory, and his attitude towards the West Factory has cooled down a lot. This can be said to be the decline of the saint in the imperial court, and it can also be said that it has fallen out of favor in layman’s terms.

However, as the two murderous knives in Zhu Houzhao’s hands, the East and West Second Factory still represents the face of the emperor. However, letting Xichang Yuhuatian come to invite Shifei Xuan had already shown his attitude.

If he really paid attention, it would never be the rain field. And it will be Zhao Gao, the supervisor of the East Factory.

Many of the people present understood this, so they all showed mocking looks on their faces.

Coming to invite the Holy Daughter, although it is not necessary to come in person, but it is necessary to use the most authoritative force to represent his highest respect to invite, Zhu Houzhao let Yuhuatian come, isn’t it obvious that he does not pay attention?

“Yuhuatian, the holy girl has already said, the people here, Cihang Jingzhai will not choose, go back as soon as possible hahaha!” The people of Xixia Yipintang laughed.

“Imprudent.” The old monk Ben clasped his hands together, shook his head and said.

“Holy girl, Emperor Ming wants to invite you into the palace to see you!” Yuhuatian arched his hand and said without humility.

“What did the Emperor Ming say?” Shifei Xuan asked unexpectedly.

Yuhuatian was stunned, but quickly replied: “I only said that I would invite the Holy Lady to the palace to see her, and I didn’t say anything else.” ”

There was silence in the attic.

Everyone thought to themselves, this Ming Kingdom is also no drama, this attitude, how can Shifei Xuan go.

Just when everyone thought that Shifei Xuan would refuse Yuhuatian, they saw Shifei Xuan slowly standing up from the futon.

“In that case, then I will accept the invitation of the Ming Emperor and go to the Daming Palace.” The concubine smiled quietly, hung up the scarf, and walked slowly past everyone.

This move made everyone confused.

How is this possible?

Walking with Yuhuatian like this, doesn’t that mean that Cihang Jingzhai, Shifei Xuan has already chosen Daming Zhu Houzhao!!

It’s simply not fair enough.

Many people showed a look of displeasure.

“Holy Lady please.” Rainy fields give way to roads.

Shifei Xuan, who came closer, suddenly turned her head and said: “Zhang Zhenren, I will leave first, he will talk again when he is free!” ”

“No problem!” Zhang Sanfeng smiled and waved his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Shifei Xuan followed Yuhuatian down the attic, and the figure disappeared.

“Unexpectedly, the Holy Girl actually chose Daming in the end!” Li Shimin narrowed his eyes and said.

Li Jiancheng’s face was also not good-looking, and he snorted coldly.

As for Yuwen Chengdu, he was silent, listening to what his uncle was discussing behind him.

He clearly knew that the person behind his Yuwen family was Zhu Houzhao, and the reason why he was able to fight with the Dugu family so far was also supported by Zhu Houzhao. Shifei Xuan chose Daming, so it was reasonable, he shouldn’t say anything.

“Amitabha, it seems that Daming is going straight to the blue sky this time.” Ben Yin said with his hands folded.

“Not necessarily, the saint girl just went to the Daming Palace, how to prove that she chose Daming!” Sun Buji, a Qingjing Sanren, denied it.

“Hmph, let’s come, aren’t we all inviting saints!? If it’s really just a simple meeting, then why doesn’t the saint go back with us?! Yuwen Chengdu suddenly interjected.

These words completely dispelled everyone’s thoughts of denial. Because he was telling the truth.

“Absolutely impossible! He Zhu Houzhao He De how can he be favored by Cihang Jingzhai! The leader of Xixia Yipintang said angrily, his raised hand had nowhere to place, and when he saw the piano master who was playing the piano, he slapped it with a palm, wanting to kill and vent his anger.

“Old Immortal also wants to kill people right now, you are so daring.”

Zhang Sanfeng, who was sitting at the tea table, glared, and instantly defused his attack.

There was no movement, but it blocked the powerful leader of Yipintang. This is an extremely impressive effort.

When everyone saw it, they all looked grim.

“The Holy Lady just said…. Zhang Zhenren? …. Could it be…”

Liu Zhixuan, who was behind Sun Buji, seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly stood up and shouted: “Could it be that His Majesty is Zhang Sanfeng, a real person on Wudang Mountain!?” ”

This voice startled the others, and after understanding the meaning of the words, they were startled.

Zhang Sanfeng?

Isn’t that a peerless master who is attacking the realm of heaven and man on Wudang Mountain!?

I didn’t expect to meet here!

“Faux pas! I’ll wait to see Wudang Zhang Zhenren! ”

Everyone hurriedly saluted.

However, the people of Xixia Yipintang took the opportunity to slip away.

“Old and old, ears are not useful, what kind of udang long needle, I don’t understand.”

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, got up from the futon, walked to the railing and looked, not intending to admit that he was Zhang Sanfeng.

He looked at the shadow of the boat in the cold river, and saw that the silhouette of Shifei Xuan was standing at the bow of the boat, and a different color appeared in his eyes.

“Zhu Houzhao, I didn’t expect that in the end, it was actually the person from the Zhu family, and the old man was also surprised.” After he finished speaking, it was blown away like a gust of wind and disappeared into the attic.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing how he disappeared.

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