Chapter 155: The Kingdom of Dali Destroys the Country

“Master, that demon girl is right ahead!”

Gao Shengtai led the monks of Tianlong Temple to the palace, his face full of anxiety.

There were a total of six monks behind him, one of them was the highest strength of the Tianlong Temple, a master of the early stage of a great master, and one of the few masters in the Dali Kingdom.

Originally, all the monks were practicing well in the Tianlong Temple, but Gao Shengtai suddenly broke in, saying that a demon girl had broken into the palace to kill Emperor Baoding, and was still fighting with Duan Yu, and Duan Yu, the Duan clan’s sole seedling, was in danger of his life at any time. Hearing Gao Shengtai’s report, all the monks were shocked, and at the same time, they rushed all the way from Tianlong Temple to the palace in a hurry, fortunately, they were not far away, and it didn’t take long on the road.

“Duan Yugongzi, I didn’t expect your martial arts to be so good…. It really surprised me, you say, what do I do with you? ”

“If you want to kill, kill, why say more!”

Before the monks entered the temple, they heard the sound of an argument.

“Okay, I’ll listen to you. It’s a pity for this good skin….”

A charming chuckle sounded, followed by the sound of bones shattering.

With this crackling sound of broken bones, the monks turned pale when they heard it, and they accelerated their pace and rushed in.

Sure enough, Xuan had already crushed Duan Yu’s neck, and the royal family of Dali Kingdom was completely dead.

“Witch, you are so daring! Today, I will definitely submit to you, the demon girl, and sacrifice my Duan Clan in blood!” ”

The five great monks were full of anger, and they used light skills to kill the past, one person and one divine sword, and the missing six-vein divine sword was unleashed, as if there was an overwhelming rain of invisible arrows falling, and in an instant it was necessary to penetrate the weak and delicate body of Xuanxuan.

“With a few of you, it’s not qualified.”

Xuan turned his head and saw these old monks, snorted slightly, twisted his posture, and the huge True Yuan Qi isolated all the six veins of the Divine Sword, making a crisp impact sound that clanged.

She raised her arms, a red shawl flew out of her sleeve, and the spirit snake generally swam in mid-air, and under the manipulation of the commanding of her arm, it turned into thousands of virtual shadows, and the red light shrouded the five monks of the Heavenly Dragon.

“Amitabha, there is room for you to be presumptuous here!”

This move was extremely fierce, and the master of a lamp was afraid that the monks would resist it and stop it.

The red light constantly touched the yellow light turned into by a lamp, and the two intertwined, making a hunting wind.

“Dali Tianlong Temple is famous, and in my opinion, it is no more than that!”

Qiuqiu pursed his lips and chuckled, raised his other lotus arm, and the red snake burst out of it, directly penetrating the chest of Ben Jian, who was closest to him. A master of the Tianlong Temple died under the soft and smooth mantle like this, and he died without a blind eye.

Yi Lang’s face was a little whiter, and the great consummation of Yiyang fingers continued to shoot towards Qiu, the power he exerted was very high, and Qiuqiu also had to avoid some, and his body flew in mid-air like a shock.

It was as if he was dancing, and he had no trouble dodging the attacks of the monks.

“Gao Shengtai, what do you see! Together, fight to the death today to kill this demon girl! ”

Master Benyin, who had his index finger cut off by the mantle, looked terrified, holding the remaining half of the finger root and taking a few steps back, Yu Guang swept and found that Gao Shengtai was actually standing leisurely to the side to watch, and couldn’t help roaring.

“Master Benyin, you are still embarrassed for me, where is my little cultivation her opponent.” Gao Shengtai had a cold face and was unmoved.

“You! The enemy is coming, what are you thinking! ”

Ben Yinqi’s face was livid, and he swept towards Gao Shengtai.

However, as a result, his back lost its defense, and a poisonous red snake suddenly came to his back, passed through his body, and flew back into his hands, dripping blood.

The cause of a large hole was penetrated through the chest, and there was not a single point left, and he was directly killed.

He killed two more with ease, and only two of the six senior monks of Tianlong Temple remained.

Master Yilan can only support hard now, no matter what moves he uses, he can’t beat Qiuqiu, and now he even feels difficult to save his life.

And Xuan is just a disciple of the Northern Demon Sect.

Master Yi Lantern was miserable in his heart, could it be that his Dali Duan Clan was going to die from now on!

Laugh at!

Just as he was distracted, the last monk who came with him was also mercilessly taken by death.

“Master Yi Lantern, you can also be regarded as a figure with a head and a face in this mundane. If you can cut yourself and avoid dying at my hands, it is also a decent practice. How about setting it up? ”

The figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was half-leaning on the beam of the palace, looking down with a smile.

“Demon girl, you are not worthy of letting the old monk cut himself, fight to the death!”

A light struck a heart, his feet shook the ground, and the tiger rushed up.

However, this blow he was determined to die. Fang Cai and Xuan fight, he has consumed a large amount of True Yuan, he has already run out of oil, and it is impossible to start another fierce fight like the one just now.

“If you are really an old stubborn, then I will fulfill you.”

Qiuqiu shook his head, his figure disappeared again, and he rushed towards the master of a lamp.

The rabbit rose and fell, and in the moment of electric flint, the victory and defeat had already been divided.

Wrapped up his shawl and walked towards Gao Shengtai not far away, while a lamp fell from mid-air, fell violently to the ground, and gradually oozed a large red color under his body.

Gao Shengtai retreated from the road and gave way to Qiuqiu.

At the moment of passing by, the two looked at each other and smiled.

After Qiujiao left with a smile, Gao Shengtai also laughed loudly, but those eyes were unusually cold, as if there was no trace of emotion in them.


Footsteps sounded from outside the palace.

The army under the command of Gao Shengtai surrounded the palace, and the general led by him dressed in fine armor stopped the march of the team with a wave of his hand. And he walked out of the ranks and entered the palace.

“Sir, what you ordered has been done.” The general knelt on one knee in front of Gao Shengtai, who was laughing maniacally.

The latter gradually stopped smiling and said coldly: “Send someone to carry the corpses inside out and burn them, take all the centaurs, let’s go to the Tianlong Temple!” ”


The general immediately complied.

The bodies were carried out of it by the soldiers.

This is not only the corpse of the Duan royal family of Dali, but also the past of Dali that is about to be overturned. Gao Shengtai has already rebelled.

The army followed Gao Shengtai all the way, surrounded the Tianlong Temple, slaughtered the Duan monks of the Tianlong Temple, and spilled blood on the Buddhist hall, which was extremely cruel.

A few days later, Gao Shengtai held an enthronement ceremony, called the Emperor of Dali, and announced in a high-profile manner that Dali would henceforth be dependent on the Mongol Empire, and sent envoys to send heavy gifts and edicts.

This disruptive change has had an unprecedented impact on Dali.

At the same time, it also had an extremely bad impact on neighboring Daming.

Before this, Dali had publicly announced that it was a vassal of Daming, and now it will be surrendered to Mongolia another day, such a change, Daming can not accept it in any way…

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