Chapter 177 kills Temujin

Led by Donghuang Taiyi and Gai Nie, the group flicked their sleeves and left, leaving behind the devastated sacred mountain holy sect. The fire burned until dawn before extinguishing it, and the smell of scorched corpses hovered in the air, attracting many vultures to peck at fresh meat.

It didn’t take long for the news of the Northern Demon Sect to be destroyed.

The three holy places were the first to learn.


Cihang Jingzhai

Fan Qinghui, the lord of the fast, had just left the customs, but when she saw her senior sister Bixiu’s heart floating, she said to her with an uneasy expression: “Senior sister, there is a news that you must know!” The Northern Demon Sect was destroyed just last night! ”

Both of them are extremely beautiful women, and although they are old, they still can’t hide their beauty. After hearing this, Fan Qinghui was suddenly startled and asked, “Destroyed?” What do you mean! ”

“That’s what you mean! More than a thousand people survived, all died! I don’t know who has such a big deal! Unexpectedly slaughtered the Northern Demon Sect, one of the four holy lands! ”

Bi Xiuxin also got the news not long ago, and there was still shock on her face when she said it, and she was terrified of this strange case.

Pang Ban’s strength is well known, even Pang Ban is dead, you know how beneficial the murderer is!

“But…. But Bingyun is still in the Demon Sect…”

After a pause, Fan Qinghui said slowly, with a sad tone.

Jin Bingyun is actually not a person from the Northern Demon Sect, but a person from Cihang Jingzhai, who was sent by Fan Qinghui to work undercover in the Demon Sect.

“There’s no way around it…. Alas. Bi Xiuxin also suddenly thought of Jin Bingyun and said with a sigh.

Who would have thought that the powerful Northern Demon Church would collapse overnight?

This can only be blamed on Jin Bingyun’s bad fate… It’s a bit of a thing.

Both fell silent and had to accept this fact.

“Did you find out who did it?”

After a long time, Fan Qinghui asked.

“Not yet, but there is a definite news that it is a group of people who are doing it, not one! I think this is a huge and mysterious organization doing it! ”

Bi Xiuxin continued.

“Mysterious and huge organization…. Which one is it? ”

Fan Qinghui muttered.


The Pure Nian Zen Buddhism, which is also one of the four holy places, also received this news.

Zen Sect Master Sora was knocking on wooden fish in the majestic hall of Daxiong, reading scriptures and doing morning lessons.

Under the majestic golden body, his figure looked extremely small.

Behind him, there were four monks, also sitting on the futon, twisting Buddha beads in their hands, silently chanting scriptures, and looking solemn.

These four monks are the protectors of Zen Buddhism.

No anger, no foolishness, no greed, no fear, the strength of the four is superb, second only to the Sect Master Void existence.

During the morning class, no one was allowed to disturb him, but a young monk broke in rashly, and he knew from the sound of his footsteps how hurried and panicked he was.

“Not good! Master, there is something big!! The little monk called.

The bell rings, the wooden fish rings unhurriedly, and there is no meaning of stopping for half a minute.

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, the little monk scratched his ears and cheeks, and said quickly: “Master, the four great protectors, there is really a big thing!” The Northern Demon Sect was wiped out yesterday! Up and down the door! Even the magician Pang Ban is dead! ”

Hearing this, one of the four Great Dharma Protectors suddenly did not control the strength in his hand, causing the Buddha beads in his hand to crackle and scatter on the ground.

The other three King Kongs also opened their eyes, their gazes revealing disbelief.

“Pang Ba is dead? Have you ever had an autopsy? Sora still knocked on the wooden fish, and asked without raising his eyelids.

“I’m afraid the corpse can’t be examined, not a piece of Pang Ban’s body is complete, it’s all shattered!” The little monk repeated the words of the newspaper.

When these words came out, he couldn’t sit still, and stopped knocking on the wooden fish.

“Do you know who did it?” Empty asked with burning eyes.

“I don’t know….. But there is an intelligence that says, it seems to be someone from the Daming Kingdom …. There is no way to confirm it yet. The little monk continued.

“Daming…. When did Daming have such a master? ”

Void fell into bitter contemplation.

The four Great Protectors King Kong were circulating the information booklet that the little monk took out of his sleeve, and his face was shocked.

That’s a big deal…

The fall of a strong person in the realm of heaven and man, and the collapse of a super powerful force, is enough to shock the entire rivers and lakes! I didn’t expect to receive such amazing intelligence after doing a morning class…..


The group of people under Zhu Houzhao did not know this, and they rushed back to Daming from the sacred mountain day and night to restore their lives.

After entering Beijing, it was also Zhao Gao who went to greet him and brought him into the Qianqing Palace.

Zhu Houzhao was in a good mood after waiting in the imperial study for a long time, and there was a light smile on the corner of his mouth.

Solving your enemies has always been a pleasure.

The rest were waiting in the Qianqing Palace, and Donghuang Taiyi and Gai Nie walked into the imperial study.

Li Sihanfei was inside to help Zhu Houzhao handle government affairs.

“Gai Nie see Your Majesty!”

“Donghuang Taiyi see His Majesty!”

The two saluted.

“Ai Qing is exempt!”

Immediately afterwards, Donghuang Taiyi and Gai Nie reported their duties.

After hearing that Pang Ban was hit by the Yin-Yang Technique, he was blown up into scum, and Zhu Houzhao was also quite surprised.

Donghuang Taiyi was actually so powerful! Even the famous Ponte is not an enemy of the same combination!

“There is one more matter to report to Your Majesty! Although the Northern Demon Sect was destroyed this time, the disciples of the Demon Sect performing tasks outside the world and those responsible for intelligence outside still remained in the world…” said Ganie.

“Such remnants are naturally not allowed to live, and Xu will let Zhao Gao’s people go and find them out!” Get rid of them one by one! ”

Zhu Houzhao said.

“Yes!” Gai Nie bowed.

After that, the two quietly waited for Zhu Houzhao’s orders, and there was a short silence in the imperial study.

Zhu Houzhao, who was sitting on the dragon chair, thought darkly.

He was very satisfied with the Northern Demon Sect’s affairs. As for the remnants of those unclimatic sins, they can be slowly eradicated. But things are not perfect yet, there is one more thing to be done!

Although the assassination of him was done by the people of the Northern Demon Sect, the source was the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, Temujin, and the destruction of the Northern Demon Sect was only the beginning, and that Temujin could not be let go.

Since you dare to send someone to assassinate him, you must be prepared to be counter-killed.

Thinking about Zhu Houzhao, he said: “There is one more thing for you to do, the great khan of the Mongol Empire, Tie Muzhen, will never allow him to live any longer!” Donghuang Taiyi, this task is entrusted to the Yin Yang family! ”


Donghuang Taiyi naturally would not have any opinions.

They were born to serve Zhu Houzhao, and immediately bowed down to receive the order.

“Luo Net’s dark son also has some in Mongolia, Your Majesty, Wei Chen can provide some help to His Excellency the Eastern Emperor!” Zhao Gao suddenly said.

“You arrange it.”

Zhu Houzhao nodded, and said to Donghuang Taiyi again: “In short, this time, I want to see the head of Tie Muzhen with my own eyes!” ”

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