Chapter Ninety-One The Yin and Yang Wheel of Life and Death!!

High in the sky, a large wheel slowly rose from the north and slowly crushed towards Guangzong City.

Before the big wheel arrived, just under the pressure of the momentum, Guangzong City was actually crushed and collapsed the northern city wall, and countless Yellow Turban troops screamed and struggled, and lost their lives by this big wheel.

“What is this?”

Yuan Shao and the others were all shocked.

In the sky, Tong Yuan’s face changed suddenly, and his right hand tightly grasped the spear in his hand, and at this moment, a spear flew out from under the big wheel, in an instant

He came to Tong Yuan’s body.

Tong Yuan was horrified, and the spear in his hand was hurriedly raised, just about to block it, but the spear with an unstoppable momentum instantly pierced his Heavenly Human Realm and pierced his body.

The huge martial will instantly destroyed all of Tong Yuan’s vitality, and his body also fell.

Northland Gun King, Tong Yuan, die!


Yuan Shao and the others changed their faces!

Unexpectedly, Xiu Wei had already reached the Heavenly Man Realm, and Tong Yuan, who had just killed the Sword God King Yue, was actually pierced by a spear.

The spear rolled upside down and flew straight towards the big wheel in the air.

It fell into the hands of a majestic and tall man dressed in a Mongolian imperial robe.

Beside him stood a great monk dressed in a monk’s robe and wearing a lama’s hat

These two people are the three top masters of the Mongolian Yuan, Ba Siba, and the Xu brother Hulegu of Kublai Khan, who was once the ancestor of the Great Yuan Dynasty, and the Han name Si Hanfei!

Dayuan, here it comes.

The two flew in the air, looking at the Yellow Turban Army and the Han Army facing each other below, and the smoke and dust behind them were everywhere, and a large number of Mengyuan Iron Horsemen rushed forward.

“Ahem! The Han people just like infighting, and it seems that attacking and destroying the Han Dynasty is as easy as a palm! ”

Hulagu snorted coldly, looked directly at Ba Siba and said, “Guoshi, please take a shot together and slaughter this battlefield!” ”

Ba Si Pa pronounced the trumpet of the Buddha.

“Immeasurable Buddha, everyone in the world suffers, when entering the cycle of birth and death, purify their own sins”

“The Great Prayer Wheel of Yin and Yang Life and Death!”

Ba Siba said, folding his hands, behind his back, the incomparably vast wheel slowly crushed down on Guangzong City with his movements.

Throughout Guangzong City, more than 100,000 Yellow Turban soldiers had a miserable pale face.


Just at this moment, a loud cry came, and then I saw a series of runes appear out of thin air, blocking the yin and yang wheel of life and death.

The seemingly huge Yin and Yang Wheel of Life and Death was actually blocked by these few runes.


Ba Siba looked forward with some doubt.

Only to see an old man dressed in a Taoist robe appear in the air.

“This is, Commander Zuo Ci!”

Huang Fusong’s face suddenly lit up, and the person who came was actually a god-like figure in the Great Han, Zuo Ci.

“I couldn’t imagine that Zuo Ci Dao Changxiu was so powerful!”

Cao Cao’s face also showed a shocked expression.

Zuo Ci stood on the basis of emptiness and said to Ba Siba and Si Hanfei, “Why did you Mengyuan invade my Han territory for no reason?” ”

Hulagu snorted coldly: “In the world of great strife, I will definitely unify the world, and if you want to come, you are the patron saint of this big Han, and today I will behead you to see who can still stop me from the Mongolian Iron Horse!” ”

Hulagu said, and the spear in his hand was slowly raised.

“Mongyuan? They are the strongest of the Mongolian Yuan! ”

“The one who made the Yin and Yang Wheel of Life and Death was none other than Meng Yuan’s Guoshi!” I’ve seen him at the Auction of the Heavens! ”

“Damn, two-on-one, can Zuo Ci Dao Commander block it?”

In front of the Han military camp, Huang Fusong, Cao Cao and others also discussed.

In the air, Zuo Ci carefully guarded Hulegux and Ba Siba, and at the same time, spoke to Huang Fusong and the others.

“When the Mongol Yuan invaded, General Huangfu quickly withdrew his army and insisted on asking for help, and the Mongol Yuan was not a country of our Han Dynasty, so quickly call for help from the Central Plains!”


Huang Fusong hurriedly responded.

“Withdraw, withdraw!”

Huang Fusong shouted, and in an instant, the Han army began to retreat rapidly, not even wanting a tent.

In the air, the Great War has finally begun.


Hulagu let out a loud roar, and the spear in his hand stabbed at Zuo Ci at the same time, Ba Siba’s palm pressed, and the Yin and Yang Wheel of Life and Death also crushed this Zuo Ci


Zuo Ci used one-on-two, and between the concussions of mana, the wind and rain and thunder and lightning came out in unison, and they met the attack of the two.

Suddenly, the battle of the three people made the world chaotic and dangerous.

A day later, Zuo Ci, a powerful land immortal of the Great Han Dynasty, was seriously injured and repelled by the two continent gods Ba Siba and Hulegu, and the news of the Mongol Yuan’s long drive straight into the territory of the Great Han Dynasty spread throughout the Central Plains Dynasty.

Great Qin, Xianyang Palace.

Win Zhengduan sat in a high position, and below, Wei Ji was reporting.

“Your Majesty, this time the Mongol Yuan is coming with a fierce force, and it is said that the three continents are immortal-level masters to personally attack, controlling three million of the strings, and raiding the Great Han, at present the Han army has been defeated and retreated, the Mongolian Yuan forward has reached the capital of the Great Han, and our Great Qin and the Great Han are bordering, and the lips and teeth are cold, so we need to make preparations as soon as possible.”

Win Zheng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in a fluttering tone, “Land Immortal?” How could there be so many land immortals in Mengyuan? ”

Zhao Gao stood up at this moment and reported.

“Your Majesty, the Immortals of the Three Continents of the Mongolian Yuan, Hulegu, Basipa, and Meng Chixing are all figures who have already swept the world a hundred years ago, and when the Mongol Yuan swept through the outside of Saiwai and invaded Kyushu, it was they who supported them behind them.”

“Now that a hundred years have passed, they can’t sit still when they want to see that the world of great strife has arrived.”

Hearing Zhao Gao’s words, the faces of all the courtiers in the hall changed, a hundred years ago, Mengyuan was the Xinjiang Dream of the Central Plains Dynasty, when it invaded the Central Plains, but the major dynasties of the Central Plains joined forces to barely resist.

In this way, Mengyuan still destroyed the Jin Dynasty, which occupied the land of a state, and countless Chinese people were slaughtered.

At this moment, hearing that Meng Yuan had made a comeback, and there were also three continents of earth immortal masters, how could it not make people nervous.

Win Zheng nodded, looked at the expressions of everyone in the Great Hall, and said coldly, “It’s just a land immortal, when I Great Qin didn’t have it?” ”

After speaking, Qin Shi Huang’s body, a mighty breath came out, and a huge pressure shook the government and the opposition.

The faces of the people all changed.

“Land Immortals?”

Zhao Gao’s face changed instantly.

“Good value for money”

Win Zheng said proudly, “Thank you Lord of the Palace, now that I have swallowed the True Dragon Essence Blood, the Feathering Ascension Immortal Technique has broken through to the Mahayana Realm, and it is also the peak of the Third Order, but I would like to see if the three land immortals of Meng Yuan can stop my Five Elements Flying Sword!” ”

Hearing the words of the victorious government, all the people in the hall were overjoyed and fell to their knees

“Congratulations to Your Majesty for breaking through the Mahayana realm! Long live Your Majesty! Long live Lord of the Temple! ”

Yingzheng’s face was majestic, and his voice was cold: “Wei Ji, inform the Han Emperor Liu Heng to declare himself a vassal of my Great Qin and merge into my Great Qin, and I will go out on a royal expedition and kill the enemy who has come to attack.”

“Obey orders!”

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