Chapter 105 Purple Heaven Palace, the Three Sects Propose to Seal the Gods!!

In the depths of chaos, the endless chaotic atmosphere raged.

From time to time, there are also chaotic hurricanes.

Such a harsh environment, even if it was a figure of the peak of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, could not stay for long.

The slightest carelessness is the death of the body.

However, now, in the chaos, a figure turned into a stream of light and quickly rushed in one direction.

It was the Master of the Tongtian Sect.

At this moment, the Tongtian Sect Master only felt that his heart was full of doubts.

The mysterious chat group that had just appeared, even he couldn’t see the origin.

What was even more frightening was that the group of lords actually predicted their own future, saying that they would be beaten by the four saints.

Originally, the Tongtian Sect Master scoffed at the words of the group of masters, but soon the group of masters said that they would be summoned by Daozu to the Zixiao Palace to discuss the matter of canonization, and that this matter would be detrimental to them.

As soon as he retorted, he actually heard Daozu summoning him to the Zixiao Palace.

In order to agree on the canonization of gods.

What is Fengshen Shen? Tongtian had never heard of that group leader before, where did the group leader hear it.

The Master of the Tongtian Sect could be quite sure that the group leader was not Hongjun, but since it was not, how did he know what Hongjun Daozu was going to do.

To know that Hongjun was the most powerful figure in the entire Flood World, Tongtian really couldn’t imagine who else could predict his actions in advance.

In the midst of hesitation, the Master of the Tongtian Sect had already arrived at the Purple Heaven Palace.

After some of them entered the Zixiao Palace with some distraction, within a few moments, the Yuanshi Tianzun and the Tongtian Sect Master came to the Zixiao Palace.

“I didn’t expect the third brother to come one step ahead.”

Taishang Laojun smiled.

Yuan Shi Tianzun said dismissively, “There are all the disciples with hair and armor, and if there is anything that needs to be taught, it will naturally come quickly.” ”

For the words of the Yuan Shi, the Tongtian Sect Master seemed to have not heard of it, at this moment, he looked at Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi, and couldn’t help but think of the words of the group master, Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi, but then he would aim the spearhead at himself, would this be true?

For a moment, Tongtian’s heart also had some doubts.

Yuan Shi saw Tongtian’s silent look, and his brow couldn’t help but frown, Tongtian’s performance today was a bit abnormal.

Usually, he was most annoyed to say that his disciples were wet and egg-born, hairy and armor-wearing, and every time he heard it, he had to argue with himself, but today’s Tongtian did not say a word, which couldn’t help but make him feel bored.

Looking at Lao Tzu and directly asking, “Big Brother, do you know what Daozu is looking for us for?” What happened to the gods? ”

Lao Tzu’s brow also frowned, shook his head, and said, “I don’t know, I want to come to Daozu to have his own arrangements.” ”


At this moment, a flash of light flashed, and on the main seat of the Purple Heaven Palace, an old man suddenly appeared there, but it did not look abrupt, as if he himself was there.

The whole person, with a natural and peaceful atmosphere, at the same time faintly exuded the Heavenly Dao pressure of all things like dogs, and in an instant, the three Lao Tzu people turned back to God and worshiped the old man on the main seat.

“Disciple, see teacher.”

This old man was none other than the Honghuang Daozu, a Hongjun Daoist who was in line with the Heavenly Dao and had unparalleled strength.

“Well, do it all.”

Hongjun looked at the three people and said calmly.

When the three people sat down, Hongjun spoke directly.

“Since the Lich Demon Catastrophe, the heavens and the earth have fallen, and now Hao Heaven is in charge of the Heavenly Garden, but the Heavenly Court is almost useless, the stars are out of place, and the flood is chaotic.”

“The day before yesterday, Hao Tian came to say that you explained the disciples, ordered the criminals to kill and rob, and were not restrained, and also said that there was no one in the heavenly court and could not handle the flood, and I thought about it carefully, it was really inappropriate, just today I invited you to wait and agree on the matter of canonizing the gods, and you and the other three people discussed a list and filled in the list of gods to run all over the world.”

As soon as Hongjun’s words were spoken, the three Tongtian Sect Masters were stunned.

What’s the thing? He Haotian, a little boy, actually dared to come to Hongjun here to file a complaint, and let our three saint sects want to give him a complaint? Tease me?

Yuan Shi was directly angry, and forcefully suppressed his anger and said, “Teacher, I explain that the disciples are under the door of the saints, naturally they are not under the control of his Haotian, the two sides have some discord, but it is only a small fight, where there is a reason to directly be on the list for him Haotian to drive.” ”

Tongtian was rare and aligned with Yuan Shi Tianzun, and nodded along with it.

Although Lao Tzu did not speak, it was obvious that his mind would definitely not be towards Haotian.

All three of them were already saint-level figures, the laws would not invade, all calamities would not be destroyed, what was he Hao Tian? Do you still want our Xuanmen disciples to work for him? Dream it to you.

Hongjun’s face was expressionless, his eyes indifferently swept the beginning, Tongtian glanced at it, and said in a tone that did not contain a trace of emotion: “The general trend of this Heavenly Dao cannot be changed, and it can only be agreed upon.” ”

Speaking of which, without giving the Yuan Shi three the opportunity to oppose, the figure disappeared directly, but in the air, it was a list of gods that slowly floated down.

Looking at this list, the faces of the Tongtian Sect Lord, Yuan Shi Tianzun and Lao Tzu, all three of them changed.

On this list, there were three hundred and sixty-five godly seats waiting to be filled.

What does this mean, which means that the three sects combined will provide Haotian with a total of three hundred and sixty-five elite disciples!

“Haotian child! Ann dares to deceive me like this! ”

Yuan Shi Tianzun was furious and directly scolded out.

Lao Tzu raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, “The matter has come to an end, and the teacher’s will cannot be changed, so let’s agree on a candidate.” ”

The Tongtian Sect Master looked at this list of gods, but his eyes were a little distracted.

Is this the agreement to canonize the gods?

Then, is it these two brothers of their own who join forces to deal with themselves?

Thinking of what the mysterious group leader said, the Tongtian Sect Master couldn’t help but look up at Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi.

Seeing Tongtian’s gaze, Lao Tzu frowned, and then Yun said lightly, “There is only one disciple of Xuandu in my teaching, so naturally he is not on the list.” ”

Tongtian was stunned for a moment, it seemed that the eldest brother had only one apprentice, and this list of gods would naturally not let him fill the list.

Immediately, Tongtian looked at Yuan Shi Tianzun again.

Yuan Shi Tianzun snorted disdainfully, “Hum! My disciples are all people with deep blessings, so naturally they can’t be on the list! But the third brother, you, the fish and dragons under the door are mixed, all of them are wet and ovate, those who wear hair and armor, and the black smoke miasma within the entire sect should let them be on the list and fill the gods! ”

Tongtian was suddenly angry and said coldly, “Second brother, just now the teacher said clearly, obviously it was your disciple who had evil that Haotian, and he had sued him to the Zixiao Palace, so he had this divine affair, but now he wants my disciples to explain the Sect Door for you. ”

Yuan Shi immediately said, “How can your disciples be compared with my disciples, but all of them are people with profound blessings.” ”

“My disciples are not shallow!”

Tongtian stood up directly.

The two quarreled again.

At this time, Lao Tzu finally spoke…

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