Chapter 108 Heavenly Fury!!

At this time, Shao Liwen was still working in the laboratory.

When he saw Yang Ruyi coming, his heart was still a little strange.

When Yang Ruyi handed the hard disk to Shao Liwen, she was even more confused in her heart.

“What is this?” What do you do for me? ”

“You can open it yourself and see it, and I don’t know what it is.”


All right. ”

Shao Liwen thought that this was Yang Ruyi’s deliberate sale of Guanzi.

So don’t think it’s surprising.

Connect the hard drive to the computer immediately.

The moment the hard disk is connected to the computer, it quickly starts running.

Shao Liwen began to check these folders with a doubtful mood.

The first folder contains just some surface treatment processes.

That’s not a big deal yet.

But when she saw the second folder, she was taken aback.

“This… How can it be? ”

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing her expression, Yang Ruyi was a little strange.

“This is a design drawing for a set of mechanical armor, the kind that can be worn by real people in combat.”

Shao Liwen looked at these documents in surprise, “It’s so incredible, I can’t imagine that there is such a delicate design.” ”

“I dare say that the man who designed this mechanical armor was an absolute genius.”

“Any one of these designs is wonderful.

When it’s time to put some designs all together.

The armor produced will have a cross-era significance. ”

“What about them compared to the dangerous wanderers?”

Hearing Yang Ruyi’s question, Shao Liwen was silent for a moment, and then continued: “Don’t let it go, even more.” ”

“The mech hunter can operate because it has a huge volume and enough space to combine the power system, weapon system, and reconnaissance system to form a powerful combat force.”

“However, if you reduce it to a conventional human body size, it will be too difficult, because how to ensure that after shrinking, it can still have such a powerful combat effectiveness, and can be worn by ordinary people, but in this design drawing, it perfectly solves these problems!”

“Look at the structure here.”

With that, Shao Liwen began to explain the mystery to Yang Ruyi.

“Looking at the powertrain here… And the weapon systems here…”

It’s just that these things make Yang Ruyi a little confused, and it is really a bit difficult for a princess of a Sui to understand the top technology in the world of science and technology.

“This… What do these mean? ”

“Yes, everything in this thing has been miniaturized, refined, and you say what if we could mass-produce all these things?”


Yang Ruyi didn’t know much about those things, but she still knew a lot about mass production.

After a long time, Yang Ruyi took a deep breath.

“Build a mechanical armor legion.”

“That’s right, it’s to build a mechanical armor legion, as long as you can mass-produce these things, even if you can create a mechanical armor legion of a million people, it is very simple.”


Hearing Shao Liwen say this, Yang Ruyi couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air.

The strength of the mech hunter, she knows, basically has the strength of the second order, a million mech legions, that is a million second-order warriors!

This kind of power can even sweep through the Kyushu continent! It was horrible!

Yang Ruyi was still in shock, but the Tongtian Sect Leader who was far away in the Flood World was completely furious after watching the Fengshen Yanyi.

The furious saintly aura overwhelmed the earth and swept through the entire desolate land.

Countless people looked up at Golden Turtle Island and didn’t understand what was going on. I didn’t understand exactly who had provoked the ruthless man of the Tongtian Sect Lord.

Not only them, but even the Golden Spirit Lady and these people had no idea what was going on with their Master today, why they were suddenly so angry.

At this time, the Tongtian Sect Lord’s eyes were already red, full of killing chances.

He didn’t expect that his interception would actually end up like that, and he didn’t expect that he would actually have such an ending.

All this really shocked him.

“Good! It was so good! ”

The Tongtian Sect Master gritted his teeth, and the endless anger almost drove him crazy.

But soon, he recovered from his endless anger.

Because the Master of the Tongtian Sect knew very well in his heart that no matter how angry he was at this moment, it would not help at all.

The most important thing today is to find a solution in a short period of time.

Otherwise, once the period of consecration comes, if you want to lay out the layout, it will be really difficult.

Almost immediately, the Tongtian Sect Master thought of that mysterious chat group.

And the mysterious group owner.

Thinking of this, the Tongtian Sect Master logged into the chat group at the first time.

“Lord, I’ve already read that copy of the Fengshen Yanyi.”

“Any thoughts?”

Qin Yu asked.

“I can’t imagine that Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi would have no regard for brotherly feelings and colluded with outsiders to deal with their brothers!”

“If I don’t know about it, that’s it.”

“But now that I know it, I won’t give up.”

It could be seen that at this time, the Tongtian Sect Master was in a state of extreme anger, but he still maintained his sanity.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have come looking for Qin Yu.

“You don’t have to be too angry, it’s just a battle of luck.”

But you don’t have anything to suppress luck.

They’ll do that to you, and it’s to be expected. ”

“But they actually dared, they dared to do this!” Billions of years of brotherly love, actually said to turn the face of the face! It is really chilling to act without regard for brotherly feelings. ”

“In the face of interests, any brotherhood is bullshit.”

At this time, the Tongtian Sect Master had already been treated as a big fat sheep by Qin Yu.

When talking about Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi Tianzun, it is natural not to be polite.

“The group leader doesn’t know what you can do to help me survive this disaster?”

The Tongtian Sect Master didn’t give a crap either, and just asked like this.

From this point alone, it can be seen that the Tongtian Sect Master is definitely a crisp and neat person.

Qin Yu was waiting for this sentence.

But it won’t be too eager.

“But you must know that if I help you intercept the teachings, it will not be so good for people to teach and explain the teachings.”

“Since they don’t care about brotherhood at all, what else can I care about?” Do you wait for them to kill them? ”

As soon as the Tongtian Sect Master said this, his body trembled with anger.

The scene described in that “Fengshen Yanyi” was really too tragic.

It made him feel creepy.

If only everything described in the Fengshen Yanyi would come true.

He couldn’t believe what he was going to do.

“Since you think so, it means that you have figured it out.”

After a pause, Qin Yu continued.

“Actually, I really have a way to help you get through this.”

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