Chapter 120 The Soul Hall Lord has lost his mind!!


Hearing this offer, the Soul Heavenly Emperor was immediately surprised.

Don’t say it’s him, even the other people in the hall took a breath of cool air when they heard this offer.

30 million worth points!

Such an offer is almost astronomical.

Who is the person who can quote such a price?

Everyone is speculating.

Even the Soul Heavenly Emperor and Gu Yuan were constantly observing who it was.

The person who can afford this price is definitely not the people of the Kyushu Continent, that is, the Douqi Continent.

What was strange to them, however, was that they could not think of who this man was, and even the man’s voice was very strange.

Isn’t it the people of the Fighting Spirit Continent, the natives of this lower world? The idea came to their minds, but was then rejected.

Because in their cognition, the people of this world, no matter what, can not come up with 30 million value points in one go.

The person who can offer such a sky-high price must be a strong person in the Fighting Qi Continent.

They don’t know.

The medicine dust standing in the corner of the auction hall was stunned after hearing this sound.

A look of disbelief looked in the direction where the sound was coming from.

Because he was very familiar with the voice.

It was clearly the voice of Genkuko, president of the Danta Alchemist Association.

“I didn’t think this old guy was here too.”

The medicine dust was very excited.

He himself and Danta have a lot of friendship, and they are also friends with the three giants of Danta.

That’s why he’s so familiar with the sound.

At this auction, because there were people from the Fighting Spirit Continent participating, in addition to letting the clerks come forward to maintain order, Qin Yuhe specially informed the medicine dust and asked him to participate in it as well.

Unexpectedly, in addition to encountering the Soul Clan, a force that made him grit his teeth, he also found his old friend.

Suddenly, the medicinal dust seemed to have returned to the days of his youth and the Wind Lord, Xuankong Zi and others, wantonly running rampant.

Inside the Soul Clan box, seeing the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s doubtful expression, the Soul Hall Lord’s soul extinction also reacted immediately, and immediately said.

“Patriarch, the person who opened the quotation is Xuankongzi, the president of the Danta Alchemist Association, and the patriarch has been closed for many years, and it is normal not to know this person.”


Hearing the words of the Soul Extinction, the Soul Heavenly Emperor nodded, the Soul Clan’s arrest of the soul body was basically handed over to the Soul Hall to do, so although he had heard of some forces on the Douqi Continent, he didn’t know so much about someone specifically.

“Who is my word?” Turns out to be the Xuankong Zi of Danta? If you don’t have a good alchemy in Danta, are you going to come and rob us of the treasure? ”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor sneered and said slowly.


Xuankong Zi finally opened his mouth at this time.

“It was just a coincidence that the Soul Clan Patriarch and the Soul Hall Lord were here.”

Although the words were said like this, everyone could hear that Xuankongzi’s tone was full of disgust and a little hatred.

The people of Kyushu did not know what was going on.

However, the people in the Douqi Continent knew very well that Danta and the Soul Hall were notorious feuds.

The main reason for this is because the Soul Hall likes to capture the alchemist’s soul.

So much so that as the holy place of the alchemist, the relationship between Danta and the Soul Hall had almost reached the point where water and fire were intolerable.

For the soul clan behind the Soul Hall, Danta naturally looked very unpleasant.

“Yes, it is really a coincidence, there is time, and I hope that Xuankong Zi will come to our Soul Hall to sit more.”

Soul Annihilation looked at Xuan Kongzi with a sinister face.

The color of greed flickering in his eyes.

This person was an eight-pin peak alchemist, and he had even stepped into the nine-pin level in half a step, and his soul could be said to be incomparably powerful.

Even if you are out of the flesh, you can survive for a long time.

Such a existence, if it can be caught back, is absolutely perfect.

Noticing the soul-destroying eyes, Xuan Kongzi’s heart couldn’t help but sink slightly.

I couldn’t imagine that I would actually be targeted by him.

“31 million value points.”

After determining the identity of Xuan Kongzi, the Soul Heavenly Emperor was not polite and directly opened his mouth to quote.

At the same time, the Soul Destroyer also stood up and said to Xuan Kongzi with a cold face.

“Xuankongzi, cultivation is not easy, or don’t be mistaken.”

“Otherwise, after returning to the Douqi Continent, my soul hall will definitely go to the Danta and talk to you for a good chat.”

“The Soul Hall is really a great majesty, but this thing, the old man likes it very much, and he really can’t bear to let go.”

“Old stuff I see you’re tired of living.”

The breath on the soul annihilation body went towards Xuankong Zi and overwhelmed the earth.

The breath of horror made the whole auction hall look a little dull for a while.

“This is the auction venue of the heavens, and if there is anything you can do when you go back and solve it, but here, it is best to be honest with me.”

Seeing this situation, Qin Yu’s face also darkened, this soul was destroyed, giving you a face, right? Provoking the rules of the heavenly temples again and again is simply looking for death.

Who knows, hearing Qin Yu’s words, the soul annihilation actually did not take him in the slightest eye.

When Qin Yu had just finished speaking, he instantly raised his head and stared at Qin Yu deadly, with a fierce killing spirit flashing in his eyes.

“What are you?” Dare to say such a thing in front of me. ”

“Even a person who is engaged in an auction dares to be brazen in front of me, and he simply does not know whether he is alive or dead, kneels down, and hands over all the treasures in your temple to me!”

Soul Destroyer said, take a step forward.

An even more powerful breath surged up from his body and pressed directly towards Qin Yu.

That strong breath almost instantly made everyone in the hall below breathless.

However, when almost everyone heard the words of the soul, their faces all changed.

“This man is so strong.”

“What a terrible breath.”

“This kind of strong person should not appear in the Kyushu world at all.”

“This man is so terrible, I’m afraid he alone can destroy a dynasty.”

“However, he actually dared to make the lord of the palace kneel, is this a loss of wisdom?” It’s like looking for death! ”

“Damn, these people are also worthy to enter the Heavens Auction Hall?”

“Damn! Kill him! Kill him! ”

Everyone was talking about it, and almost every person on the Kyushu continent had an angry look on their faces.

Without him, the Heavenly Temples and the Kyushu Continent would be the most transcendent force.

And Qin Yu was the god in their hearts!

Now, a cultivator of the Soul Clan dared to speak ill of Qin Yu, and everyone was undoubtedly angry!

Qin Yu’s face instantly cooled down, how long had it been, how long had no one dared to talk to himself like this.

This soul is dying, looking for death!

“Dog-like character! Do you dare to bark wildly in front of me, do you think that this is the Fighting Spirit Continent? Give me death! ”

Qin Yu took a cold drink and directly reached out to the Soul Hall box, and in an instant, the soul annihilation broke through the glass of the Soul Hall box and was photographed by Qin Yu in the middle of the hall.

“Damn! How can this be? ”

Everyone in the Soul Clan was shocked.

The Soul Heavenly Emperor didn’t even see what was going on, and the Soul Extinction had already been photographed out of the box.

Soul Annihilation felt a chill all over his body, and a god-like force squeezed against his body, pressing his body almost without moving.

At this moment, he only felt like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, the shadow of death was oppressed, and a strong fear surged into his heart.

“No! Damn, I’m the Lord of the Soul Temple! How could he die in such a place! Open it for me! ”

The Soul Destroyer roared angrily, and the power of the Five-Star Dou Saint exploded in full force, slamming into the surrounding areas fiercely, trying to squeeze out a way of life.

Feeling the full-strength of the Soul Annihilation, the people in the auction hall were shocked again.

This kind of power has already surpassed the third-order peak, no, not only the third-order peak, even ordinary fourth-order masters are not so strong, this is the fourth-order peak of the strong!

In the face of such a deadly counterattack of a strong man, can the Lord of the Palace solve it?

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