Chapter 138 Auction Mission Reward Arrived, Qin Yu was stunned!!

The auction is already in its fourth place, but the proceeds this time are much larger than the previous three combined.

The combined cost of all the lots is only 1.2 million value points, but the total transaction value reaches a staggering 360 million.

Three hundred times the profiteering! It’s faster than grabbing money.

Both the total profit and the profit margin are far more than the previous auctions!

“It’s crazy, three hundred times the lukewarm, and the whole auction is only about an hour before and after.”

“In one hour, the cost of one hundred and twenty million was sold, a staggering three hundred and sixty million!” At this speed, I am afraid that even if the printing machine comes, it will have to bow to the wind. ”

If that’s all there is to it, that’s it.

More critically, the value point can be many times higher than the value of ordinary gold and silver.

As for the legal tender issued in modern society, it is directly killed by the second, and it cannot be compared with the value point, and in the face of the value point, the legal tender is as worthless as the straw paper.

“It’s too good, it’s too powerful, whether it’s gross profit or net profit, it’s definitely far more than all industries!” Just ask who else? ”

The more Qin Yu thought about it, the more excited he became, and a smile involuntarily appeared on his face.

More importantly, after this auction, the system still has mission rewards to be claimed, and the value of these things has far exceeded 360 million value points.

Double reward, double excitement, double refreshment.

“If there are a few more auctions like this, then Lao Tzu will not go directly to heaven?”

Qin Yu opened the virtual screen of the system during the conversation, and then directly clicked to claim the reward.

Then I heard the system’s tone coming as promised.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for completing the Fourth Celestial Auction and receiving Reward 1: A Complete Sixth-Order World.”

Before hearing this tone, Qin Yu was still wondering what kind of reward the system would bring to himself this time.

But after he listened to this prompt, Qin Yu’s whole person was suddenly stunned, and he didn’t say a word.

I step on a horse! What did you hear? A sixth-order world?

Qin Yu didn’t look back at him again, and then looked at the virtual screen with a puzzled look.

After a while, Qin Yu finally reacted.

“Sleeper, sixth-order world, is this a convulsion of the system?” Actually rewarding me with a sixth-order world, sleeping in the grooves, is simply going to heaven! ”

In fact, Qin Yu had known for a long time that the system would reward all kinds of valuable things, but he had never thought that the system would directly reward himself with a sixth-order world.

This is a sixth-order world, which is much stronger than those fourth-order worlds and fifth-order worlds, and I don’t know how many times stronger.

The Fighting Spirit Continent is good enough.

Even that world is only a fourth-order world.

You don’t care if he’s a fourth-order peak world or a fourth-order primary world, compared to the sixth-order world, it’s all scum.

As for the Kyushu world, it is just a third-order world.

Now in order to upgrade to the fourth-order world, it is conservatively estimated that the value points they spend to win the government will be more than tens of millions of value points.

It would take so much to ascend alone, and you can imagine how many value points the entire fourth-order world is worth.

If the value of the sixth-order world is two higher than the fourth-order world, it can be called a priceless treasure at all.

Therefore, when Qin Yu received this reward, he couldn’t help but get excited at the first moment, and his whole body trembled slightly with excitement.

A sixth-order world, it’s really terrifying.

He never imagined that the system would actually reward him with a complete sixth-order world.

Even Qin Yu clearly saw that there was a note behind this prompt.

“You can cultivate upgrades.”

This also means that the sixth-order world that the system rewards him can become a seventh-order world, or even upgrade to a ninth-order and tenth-order world, which is not an impossible thing.

Although it is only a sixth-order world now, no one knows its future.

Growth is too strong.

“If such a world is sold in one go, it will not be directly earned.”

“Even if you go to exchange the Innate Spirit Treasure of the Flood World, there is no problem!”

In the heavenly temples, the world can be sold.

That is to say, every world here, whether it is big or small, high or low, can clearly mark the price.

Therefore, the system rewards Qin Yu’s sixth-order world, and if he doesn’t want it, he can sell it directly to the system.

Of course, Qin Yu’s words were just talk, and if he really wanted him to sell the world to the system, he really couldn’t do it.

After all, everyone knows that the value of a sixth-order world that can grow is too great.

As long as he cultivates well, the benefits of this world to him will be immeasurable.

“The system still loves me.”

Qin Yu accepted the reward without hesitation with excitement on his face.

Then Qin Yu received a second reward.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Absolute Immortal Artifact Tianlong Town Prison Boat.”

“Has it become a superb artifact this time?”

With the complete Sixth Order World Pearl Jade in front of it before, at this time, this Absolute Immortal Artifact Heavenly Dragon Town Prison Boat, although it was also precious and abnormal, was a little more common compared to it.

So much so that after Qin Yu heard the name of the Absolute Immortal Artifact, he was even slightly disappointed in his heart.

“Forget it, it’s better than nothing.”

Qin Yu skimmed his lips very dismissively.

If the people of the Douqi Continent and the Kyushu Continent saw this, it was estimated that they would kneel down in an instant!

Nima, you are still too bad for the best immortals? This is a sixth-order treasure! I don’t know how many times stronger than what dragon breaking the wave flying boat and the thunder boat are!

Ask the Lord of the temple to show mercy and give us the garbage you dislike.

Qin Yu naturally didn’t know how much his Versailles expression was.

Putting away the Heavenly Dragon Town Prison Boat, Qin Yu set his sights on the next reward.

And when Qin Yu received the third task reward, his face was suddenly stunned.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Wang Pin Immortal Elixir, Ten Jade Dew Dome Qidan.”

After hearing this prompt, Qin Yu’s expression was first slightly stunned, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

“I can’t imagine that it is actually Yulu Qiongqidan!” Hahahahahaha, this is simply a pillow sent to sleep. ”

As the lord of the Heavenly Halls, Qin Yu knew too well what kind of elixir this Jade Dew Dome Strange Dan was, and it was precisely for this reason that Qin Yu would appear so related.

“Yulu Qiongqidan, I didn’t expect the system to reward me with such a elixir.”

Qin Yu remembered very clearly that this Jade Dew Dome Qidan was from one of the most immortal worlds in the Great Thousand Worlds.

It is the elixir of the king in the immortal world.

Each elixir contains a thousand Golden Immortal Laws.

What level of immortals is the Golden Immortal, that represents immortality.

The Golden Immortal Law is the secret of the Golden Immortal’s immortality.

Among the ten Jade Dew Dome Qidan contained ten thousand Golden Immortal Laws.

Now that he was already in the Fourth Order Peak Realm, the Heavenly Immortal Peak Strongman, only one was left to enter the Fifth Order Realm!

And the Golden Immortal is the peak realm in the Fifth Order Realm!

As long as he could make good use of these Jade Dew Dome Qi Dan, then he would definitely be able to use these Dan Pills to touch the Golden Immortal Realm.

Even, if you are lucky, you can also use these elixirs to directly step into the Golden Immortal Realm.

It’s exciting to think about.

This system is sending Dan medicine to itself, it is simply sending itself the key to step into the Golden Immortal Realm!

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