Chapter 140 The Flicker of the Heavenly Ruler!!

“I don’t know if the little brother is interested in joining our Canaan Academy, but rest assured that if you join our Academy, we will definitely come up with the best resources to teach you.”

Qiu Tianzhi looked at Xiao Yan with a gentle face.

Although he didn’t know how strong Xiao Yan’s talent was, he had a feeling in his heart that it was definitely not easy for someone to participate in this auction.

The person who came to the Heavenly Temple to participate in the Heavenly Auction, if it was from another world, he did not know the specific situation.

However, if you come from the Douqi Continent, almost all of them are backed by big forces, so they are basically in groups of three or five.

Whether it is Danta, Soul Clan or Gu Clan, every force is like this.

Only Xiao Yan actually came alone, which meant that he didn’t have any special characteristics, and Qiu Tianru didn’t believe it when he was killed.

As the dean of the First Academy of the Douqi Continent, Dou Sheng Qiang, had taught an unknown number of students, and this bit of eyesight was still there.

Although Xiao Yan has been a waste for three years, his personality is more calm than before, and he does not know how many times.

It’s just that compared to an old monster like Qiu Tianru, it is a lot worse.

Therefore, Xiao Yan didn’t know at all that when Qiu Tianru saw himself, he had already thought of so many things in his heart in an instant.

When he heard Dao Tianzhi send an invitation to himself, Xiao Yan’s heart inevitably rose a little excited.

This is the First Academy of the Fighting Spirit Continent!

What Yunlan Sect, what Garma Empire, and Canaan Academy are scum compared to it!

Even if I hadn’t participated in the auction today, I would have seen several powerful and powerful forces.

Xiao Yan even thought that Canaan Academy was the largest force in the Douqi Continent.

At this moment, the dean of Canaan Academy personally invited him, how could he miss such an opportunity, and hurriedly said respectfully to Qiu Tianru.

“If you can join Canaan College, the boy naturally can’t ask for it.”

Hearing Xiao Yan’s words, Qiu Tianzhi suddenly laughed.

“Well, it’s so good, then I’ll wait at Canaan College for the little brother’s big come.”

As he spoke, Qiu Tianzhi took out a letter of recommendation from his ring and handed it to Xiao Yan.

This letter of recommendation looked very ordinary, but when Xiao Yan saw it, his heart couldn’t help but get excited, and even Qingxiu’s face didn’t appear a little rosy.

This is a handwritten recommendation letter from the dean of Canaan College! He seemed to have seen his chance to soar to the top.

While thinking in his heart, Xiao Yan held out his hands to take it.

Seeing Xiao Yan’s expression, the old man became a refined Qiu Tianzhi, and his heart immediately understood that the person in front of him was afraid that he would not be able to run away.

I was immediately satisfied.

Never mind what special this boy had, when he entered his Canaan College, he was his student.

On the other side, Tony, Xiao Shi, Zhang Xiaofan and the three of them were also hanging out in this heavenly shop.

Although they had long been mentally prepared, when they really came to the store, they found that the goods in the original store were far beyond their imagination.

Especially Zhang Xiaofan, a dirt bun, when he saw these things in the store, the whole person was simply stupid.

He had never thought about all kinds of exercises, heavenly treasures, and divine weapons that were placed on the counter for people to watch without any scruples.

What’s even more terrifying is that the things here can be worth thousands or even tens of thousands of points at will.

It’s still a very cheap thing, and if you want something better, the value is scary.

But don’t say tens of millions of value points, Zhang Xiaofan is now only one or two thousand value points.

Even this little value point was finally obtained by his desperate efforts.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I would be poorer now.

Don’t say it’s him, even Tony, who claims to be the richest man in the world, feels extremely poor when he comes here.

The only advantage is probably only better than Zhang Xiaofan’s poor ghost.

By the way, the little stone of the little fart, if you want to count it, you can also count one.

But the richest man in the world did not care at all about comparing with a child like Xiao Shi, so he was just richer than Zhang Xiaofan.


Little Stone followed Tony with a cup of animal milk, burping a full belch.

This made Tony a little depressed.

“If the little fart wants to drink milk, just go aside, don’t bother me here.”

Hearing Tony’s words, Little Stone lifted his head and winked at him.

He looked at Tony uncomfortably, and as he was about to speak, he suddenly heard the little stone speak in his milky voice.

“Big brother, are you poor?”

Are you poor? Are you poor?? Poor… Poor…

Suddenly hearing these words, Tony almost fainted.

I was despised by a little fart.

“Although I am a poor man, you are not much better than me.”

Looking at the small stone, Tony said without anger.

“No, I have money.”

When Xiao Shi spoke, he took out a palm-sized bone piece from his bag and proudly raised it.

If you pay attention, you will find that this bone piece is engraved with dense mysterious runes.

But Tony didn’t know.

Originally, Tony thought he would come up with something, but he didn’t expect it to be a bone, which made him laugh.

“Hahahahaha, I thought it was a thing, it turned out to be a bone, and you were so kind to take it out.”

The little fart child is indeed a small fart child, and he doesn’t understand anything at all. ”

No sooner had he finished his words than he heard Xiao Shi speak unconvincingly.

“You nonsense, the brother of the lord of the temple said that this bone is worth a lot of value points.”

“This thing of yours is just a bone, worth a fart’s money, and the lord of the palace is afraid that he is fooling you.”

Hearing Little Stone say this, Tony didn’t believe it at all.

I felt that even if Qin Yu had said something similar to Xiao Shi, it was estimated that he was just fooling this little fart.

After all, this little child has not been weaned.

“You nonsense, the brother of the lord of the palace will never lie to me.”

Little Stone muttered.

It was at this time that she walked over, and she couldn’t help but smile after hearing the two arguing.

Tony saw Fluttershy come over and hurried to speak.

“Miss Silk, tell this little fart that the bones in his hands are not worth anything.”


After hearing Tony’s words, Fluttershy burst out laughing.

Her delicate body trembled slightly.

After a while, she finally spoke.

“This child is right, the Lord of the Palace once told her that this bone is indeed worth a lot.”

“This is impossible, the lord of the temple is fooling the children, what is a bone worth?”

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