Chapter 151 The Slave Must Die!!

I saw that the person who came was dressed in a black power suit, his eyes were slender, and he had a kind of momentum of looking at the world and giving up his own.

It was Xiang Yutian, who had unified the Demon Dao a hundred years ago and was known as the Evil Emperor.

Seeing Xiang Yutian appear, he smiled and said with a look of anger.

“There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that you are dead, but I didn’t expect you to be alive and appear here!” ~”

“Oh, even you, an old monster who doesn’t know how many years of life, have appeared, so naturally I can come out and move my old bones.”

Xiang Yutian said calmly.

In fact, the reason why Xiang Yutian, as the Demon Gate Evil Emperor, suddenly appeared in the world was entirely because Yang Guang personally invited him to serve as the Great Sui Guoshi.

Originally, Xiang Yutian wanted to refuse, but considering that in recent months, the Heavenly Palaces had been in full swing, and the entire Kyushu continent had undergone unprecedented upheaval.

Curious, Xiang Yutian finally agreed to Yang Guang’s request.

Therefore, there is this scene now, he appeared on the battlefield in this national war between the Eastern Ying and the Great Sui and Southern Song Dynasties in Kyushu.

And as soon as he struck, he assassinated Xiao Tiantian and Xiao Aoshi.

If such an achievement were to be passed on, I am afraid that it would shake the whole world.

“Be well, I don’t know how Xiang Brother’s strength has improved over the years?”

“That’s it, the last step can never be taken.”

After a pause, he continued to say, “But Brother Smile has not diminished his style all these years, and he is really living younger and younger.” ”

As an old monster who had lived for more than four thousand years, Xiao Sanxiao did not take Xiang Yutian’s flattery in his eyes at all.

However, after saying these words to Yu Tian, he looked at the bodies of his two sons.

Assassinated by the land immortals from behind, the two wanted to live, which was naturally impossible.

Laughing and sighing, for a moment, I don’t know whether to be sad or angry.

Immediately, he raised his head and stared at Xiang Yutian.

Xiang Yutian did not speak, and stood quietly like this, but his hand holding the sword did not relax at all.

After killing the two sons of the family, Xiang Yutian naturally did not think that the three laughs would pass by with a smile, and they had to be careful to guard against it.

For a moment, the atmosphere at the scene seemed a little heavy.

But if you pay attention, you will find that the two of them involuntarily exude a trace of energy, and the air around them seems to be stirred.

The dust on the ground was blown straight up.


A small stone suddenly shattered on the ground and then quickly turned into powder.

Just then, over the two of them, a crow flew by.

At first, the crow was fine, but when it flew between the two, the crow suddenly exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

Even the feathers shattered in an instant.

The fluctuations of momentum between the two of them were terrifying! After half a day, the surrounding qi finally dissipated.

It is also through this means that the two know each other’s strength.

“Good! It will not be the evil emperor Xiang Yutian’s strength is really earth-shattering, laughing at the lesson today. ”

“Brother Smile’s strength is also amazingly strong, and it has really not changed at all over the years.”

And it was as if he hadn’t heard the irony in his words at all.

Instead, he just stood where he was and smiled.

“Another day there is a chance to come back to ask for advice, today Xiao Mou will not accompany him.”

After saying this, he laughed three times and grabbed it in the air, and the bodies of Xiao Tiantian and Xiao Aoshi were instantly grabbed in his hands.

Immediately after that, I saw the laughter three laughs rise and fall a few times, and quickly disappeared into this battlefield.

Xiang Yutian just watched quietly, with no intention of shooting.

After half a day, Xiang Yutian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The face involuntarily thought of a palpitation.

“The old monster that has lived for four thousand years is really extraordinary, and its strength is really amazing!”

It turned out that during the qi-machine contest just now, he fell into the downwind.

Fortunately, I don’t know for what reason, Xiao Sanxiao did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, if not, he is afraid that he would have fallen into a bitter battle by now.

Think about it, an old monster who has lived for more than 4,000 years is simple and easy to live with.

On the battlefield, without the two martial saint peak masters of the Laughing Heaven and the Laughing Pride World, the Sui and Song Dynasty coalition forces can be said to be overwhelming.

Especially with the blessing of the Eight Arrays, the three thousand innate masters simply blocked the killing of the gods, and the Buddha blocked the killing of the Buddha.

They galloped across the battlefield, and there was no enemy at all.

The Dongying army was killed by them, and even the masters of these armies were easily killed.

Even people like Hayato Tianyin and Emperor Ying were all defeated when facing the Eight Formations.

Especially when Hayato Tianyin saw the Eight Arrays coming to kill him, although he chose to retreat at the first time, he was stopped by the Titan Giant Bear halfway through.

The terrifying Titan Giant Bear directly slapped it, Hayato Tianyin had just been killed by the sword qi of the Eight Arrays, and there was no time to react, and it was instantly shattered.

Not even a single body could be picked up.

The Dongying army saw that their god-like figures had been killed, and with no master to sit in, morale suddenly plummeted.

The remaining hundreds of thousands of troops began to flee continuously, and in the face of this situation, the combined forces of the Song and Sui states followed and continued to pursue.

It was only after chasing more than thirty miles of road that it gradually stopped, and there were countless dead people along the way, and there were dead Dongying soldiers everywhere, and a lot of weight was left along the way.

Collapse, this is the real escape.

In this great rout, there was not a single Dongying soldier who could really survive.

Almost a battle wiped out an entire generation of young warriors in Dongying.

You can imagine the fierceness of this war.

Since then, Dongying no longer had the strength to attack the Central Plains.

Don’t say it’s an attack, even if you can hold it.

Moreover, the serious shortage of the younger generation is enough to shake the foundation of the Eastern Ying Dynasty, so it is almost impossible to attack the Central Plains in the next ten or twenty years.

At this moment, Yang Guang’s heart had already begun to think about the matter of sweeping away Dongying later.

On the first floor of the Heavens Shop, on the big screen, a headline message suddenly appeared.

“The Sui and Song armies and the Eastern Ying army fought and Jiankang City, and the evil emperor killed the Great Demon God and the Great Boss in Yutian, and the coalition army slaughtered millions of Dongying warriors.”

As soon as the news came out, the heavens inside the shop exploded in an instant.

“Oh! Slaughter millions of slaves! ”

“Sleeper, the Great Demon God and the Great Boss are actually dead?” Aren’t they martial saint peaks? ”

“The Evil Emperor to the rain field?” Wasn’t he already dead? ”

“Ahem! How could I, the Demon Gate Emperor, die, the Old Ancestor must have already broken through the Land Immortal Realm, and only then did he kill the two Martial Saint Strongmen with one blow. ”

“It was horrible! I couldn’t imagine that the Evil Emperor was actually born, this is the world of great controversy! ”

Everyone was talking about it, and as the news spread, the major dynastic forces in Kyushu looked sideways and looked at the Sui Kingdom.

Obviously, no one expected that Yang Guang would actually invite Xiang Yutian out.

Moreover, Xiang Yutian’s strength was actually so strong, as soon as he was born, he killed two Martial Saint Peak Strongmen, which was really terrible.

For a moment, the world shook.

Countless evil Dao forces were even more rushing to tell each other, obviously, the appearance of the evil emperor Xiang Yutian was nothing more than a shot in the arm for these people.

For a long time, the demon gate forces have been suppressed by the Buddha’s Gate and the Daomen forces.

However, the appearance of the Evil Emperor Xiang Yutian gave them a possibility to compete with the Bai Dao forces.

Daming, within the Imperial City.

Zhu ignored the detailed report to Emperor Ming.

At the end, Zhu ignored a worried look on his face and said to Zhu Houzhao, “I didn’t expect that Great Sui could actually invite Xiang Yutian to be such a master mountain of land immortals.” ”

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