Chapter 153 Yang Ruyi’s shyness!!

As soon as he came to this world, Qin Yu obviously felt that the immortal spirit qi of this world was very abundant.

Compared with it, the Heaven and Earth Yuanqi of the Douqi Continent and the Kyushu World can simply be called the desert land.

It is precisely because of this that this side of the world can become a sixth-order world, otherwise, it is simply impossible.

Standing on a mountain peak about 10,000 feet high, Qin Yu quietly felt everything in this world.

Faintly, Qin Yu felt as if he was being noticed by something in the darkness.

“Heavenly way?”

When Qin Yu felt this sense of gaze, he instantly realized that this feeling should come from the Heavenly Dao of this world.

After all, he was only an outsider, and his strength was so strong, it was also very normal to be watched by the Heavenly Dao.

As soon as this thought fell, Qin Yu immediately felt the dark clouds over his head.

Faintly, it was obvious that there was a large area of thunder flickering in the dark clouds.

The terrible thunder and lightning seemed to be about to split the whole sky.

In Qin Yu’s surprised gaze, the entire dark cloud turned blood red.

Even the thunder light turned dark purple.

“Heavenly punishment? I couldn’t imagine that the Heavenly Dao of this world would be so harsh, and once he detected the outsider, he immediately sent down the Heavenly Punishment. ”

“No, I can’t let the Heavenly Dao send down the Heavenly Punishment, with my current strength, I’m afraid I can’t withstand the Heavenly Punishment of the Sixth Order World.”

Qin Yu knew very well that his current strength was only in the early stages of the Fifth Order, and it would not be so easy for him to withstand the Heavenly Punishment descended from the Sixth Order World with this strength.

Fortunately, he still has a system, and the world is originally rewarded to him by the system.

“System, subdue the Heavenly Dao of this world.”


The system responds at the first time.

Then I saw that the dark cloud of heavenly punishment began to dissipate little by little.

Not only that, Qin Yu also clearly felt that the world had opened up a lot of permissions to him.

Even the laws of the world could be clearly seen by the naked eye.

“Lord of the World.”

With the help of the system, Qin Yu successfully took over this world and became the true lord of the world.

Immediately, he clearly felt that in this world, many people could not see anything that was impossible to see was all presented in front of his eyes.

The whole world had no secrets at all in his eyes.

“From today onwards, this sixth-order world will be called the Hongmeng Great World.”

Qin Yu said this with a smile, and then began to examine the world.

In an instant he made a discovery.

What made Qin Yu feel a little surprised was that the area in the Hongmeng Great World was very large, countless times larger than the Douqi Continent.

In this world, there are countless human forces, fierce beast forces and demon forces.

There are other mysterious indigenous forces hidden in this world.

Among the Terran forces, the Ten Doors of the Immortal Dao and the Six Sects of the Demon Dao are also the top forces among the Terran race.

They nurture the dynasty, absorb talents, develop themselves, and their strength is a terrible mess.

Among the demon clans, there are also three major royal families, of which the three demon emperors are the strongest beings.

Between these forces, there have been years of war, with countless deaths and injuries.

But no one has ever cared about the life and death of ordinary people.

These powerful men mobilize all the resources at their disposal to attack their opponents.

The tens of thousands of years of conquest have never stopped.

For such a thing, Qin Yu didn’t care much?

But after seeing the strength of these people, he calculated slightly in his heart, if your own hard power wants to fight against the world’s top masters, hidden old monsters, I am afraid it will take a lot of trouble.

After all, the gap between the fifth and sixth orders was too big, and the further back the gap between the strengths, the greater the gap.

It is almost impossible to win the weak over the strong.

However, for Qin Yu, who had cultivated the Hongmeng Emperor Sutra, these were not impossible.

At this moment, although he was in the realm of Xuan Immortals, there would be no big problem dealing with ordinary Yuan Immortals and Golden Immortals.

Even the Taiyi Scattered Immortals at the beginning of the Sixth Order could fight a battle, but if they were to fight against the Taiyi Golden Immortals at the peak of the Sixth Order, then I was afraid that they would have to think of running away.

However, if he used the power of the world to fight against the enemy in this world, I am afraid that with just one thought, he could make those hidden old monsters obediently bow down and dare not make the slightest difference.

And even if he wasn’t in this world, in the Great Thousand Worlds of the Flood World, Qin Yu, who possessed the Sixth Order Great World, could even fight against the Great Luo Golden Immortal when he mobilized the power of the world.

This is the power to have a complete world.

But at the same time, Qin Yu also discovered the flaws of this sixth-order world.

It turned out that this sixth-order world was not complete.

Or rather, it hasn’t been thoroughly developed.

In the normal sixth-order world, there will be many dependent worlds.

Some sixth-order worlds even have upper realms.

However, this sixth-order world has no subordinate worlds, let alone such things as the upper realm.

Both the strong and the weak live in such a vast world.

In a sixth-order world without a netherworld, naturally no one will soar up, let alone a steady stream of living forces to replenish.

If in the long run, after the resources of the entire world are hollowed out, the world will probably fall to the sixth order.

Moreover, Qin Yu estimated that in tens of thousands of years, this sixth-order world would fall into a fifth-order world.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu’s heart moved.

Since this world has no subsidiary world, why can’t you arrange some subsidiary worlds for this world?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it made sense, and Qin Yu began to think about it that season.

“The Kyushu continent can be used as an appendage of this world, but only if it waits for the Kyushu world to be upgraded.”

“The Douqi Continent can also do it, but the Douqi Continent has a seventh-order world, and as an upper realm, it is a bit difficult to deal with.”

“It’s possible to try the Pacific Rim world, but that world is a science fiction world and I don’t know if it works?”

With such a thought in his heart, Qin Yu instantly disappeared into the same place.

When he reappeared, he had returned to the heavenly temple.

“Come here as you wish.”

Qin Yu said to Yang Ruyi in his room.

Yang Ruyi, who was far away in the Heavenly Shop, heard Qin Yu’s call, quickly put down the matter in his hand and walked towards Qin Yu’s room.

Along the way, Yang Ruyi’s heart thumped.

“What is the purpose of the lord of the temple asking people to go to the room?”

“Does the Lord of the Palace want someone to sleep?”

“Oh, what a shame, it’s daylight, how can the Lord of the Palace be like this?”

The more Yang Ruyi thought about it, the more ashamed he became.

When he and she reached the door of Qin Yu’s room, her cheeks were already red like silk cloth.

Yang Ruyi stood quietly in the doorway, several times he wanted to push the door in, you can think of those shameful pictures, Yang Ruyi flinched again.

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to serve Qin Yu, but because it was daylight.

If that’s the case, it’s a bit too shameful.

“Ruyi, what are you doing at the door?” Come in! ”

Although Yang Ruyi did not enter the door, Qin Yu could still clearly feel that she was standing in the doorway.

This made Qin Yu feel a little strange in his heart, this girl is usually fine, how did she suddenly become so hesitant today?

Hearing Qin Yu’s voice, Yang Ruyi’s heart jumped.

She felt that she could not hide today.

Standing in the same place and hesitating for a moment, Yang Ruyi finally pushed open the door and entered the room.

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