Chapter 184 Qin Yu’s power can be destroyed with a backhand!!

Suddenly hearing this strange voice, everyone was surprised.

No one expected that at this time, someone would suddenly appear.

And it is still in such a place.

They may have had some doubts about what this place was, but at this moment they already knew that this was the legendary Yingchao, and it was also the Mars of the modern population.

On the supposedly lifeless Mars, their ability to live is surprising enough.

Now there was another stranger.

“Who are you?”

Liu Yunzhi looked at Qin Yu who suddenly appeared and was shocked.

“How did you come along?” How did it come to be here? ”

Wang Yan looked at Qin Yu with a look of surprise, but at the same time seemed to see the hope of life.

Since this stranger will appear here, doesn’t that mean that there are people living here?

For a moment, Wang Yan’s heart was extremely excited.

“Lord of the Temple?” Are you the Lord of the Temple? ”

Ye Fan looked at Qin Xiyu with excitement on his face.

Originally, he just had the attitude of trying it out, but he didn’t expect Qin Yu to actually come.

Only to see that at this time, Qin Yu was wearing a robe, wearing a silver crown, stepping on cloud boots, and wrapping a gold belt around his waist.

It looks exactly like the costumes of the ancients.

This kind of person couldn’t help but wonder if Qin Yu was a cosplay fan who ran out of nowhere.

“How? Didn’t you let me come over? Don’t know? ”

Hearing Ye Fan’s inquiry, Qin Yu turned his head and grinned at him.

No one seemed to notice that with Qin Yu’s arrival, everything around him seemed to freeze, even the giant palm taken by the crocodile ancestor became extremely slow.


Hearing Qin Xiyu’s words, everyone was shocked.

No one expected that Ye Fan would actually call a helper, and this person was still dressed in an ancient costume.

Originally, they thought that Ye Fan was just talking, but it was only when they were dying that they chose to go to the doctor in a hurry to believe Ye Fan and tried it.

Unexpectedly, Ye Fanzhen found a helper.

“Lord of the Palace, I didn’t think it was really you.”

Looking at Qin Yu in front of him, Ye Fan was extremely excited in his heart.

“Hello Lord of the Palace, my name is Pang Bo, and I am Ye Fan’s brother.”

Pombo this guy looks like a thick leaf, but in fact, his heart is as delicate as hair, and he is very familiar.

After determining Qin Yu’s identity, Pang Bo directly came to Ye Fan’s side and laughed at Qin Xiyu.


For Pang Bo as a person, Qin Yu still had some good feelings in his heart, so after seeing Pang Bo’s greeting, Qin Yu also nodded in response.

“Lord of the Temple, you see this…”

Speaking of this, Ye Fan pointed to the crocodile ancestor in mid-air.

At the same time he looked up.

This look is not tight, and it is instantly shocked.

“How can that be?”

“Oh my God, what’s going on?”

“How can there be such a thing?”

As Ye Fan’s exclamation sounded, everyone else finally noticed the changes around them.

At this time, everything around him seemed to freeze, and even the wind became slow.

What was even more unbelievable was that the crocodile’s blinding palm moved extremely slowly in mid-air, even they could clearly see it.

But even so, the crocodile’s terrifying palm prints still make people’s scalps tingle.

The boundless demon qi emitted a scalp-tingling breath that overwhelmed the earth and swept in ten directions.

Can you imagine how terrible the strength of this crocodile really is?

At this moment, the crocodile’s movements seemed to be restricted by some force.

Such a peculiar phenomenon is really incredible.

“It’s no big deal, I just fixed everything around me.”

“Rest assured, this little crocodile, although it looks like a very powerful one, is no big deal in my opinion, and it can be easily solved.”

When he finished saying this, Qin Yu couldn’t help but smile again, and then in the surprised eyes of everyone, he slowly raised his right hand and held out a finger.

As his fingers reached out to everything around him, it recovered.

The palm of the hand, which was originally extremely slow, also became extremely fast, as fast as thunder.


The crocodile ancestor’s palm collided with Qin Yu’s finger.

A fierce glow erupted at the junction.

The qi was like a mouthful of heavenly knives, tearing apart the surrounding soldiers.

The fierce wind blew Ye Fan, and the clothes on their bodies hunted.

However, the clothes on Qin Yu’s body did not move at all.


There was another loud noise, and the crocodile ancestor’s palm print was completely dissipated under Qin Yu’s casual finger.

“How can that be?”

The crocodile ancestor shouted in the magic cloud.

Apparently what was happening before his eyes was beyond his imagination.

He had never imagined that the palm prints he had taken would actually be worn down by a person who suddenly appeared.

What kind of strength this group of people is, he knows very well in his heart, it can be said that it is a group of ants.

But at this moment, in front of this group of people, a mysterious man actually appeared.

“… How could it not be? Little crocodile, something you think is impossible, just because you haven’t seen it. ”

Hearing the words of the crocodile ancestor, Qin Yu smiled and held out his hand.

Everyone thought that his action was just a symbolic action, but they didn’t expect that the crocodile ancestor who was far away in the magic cloud actually shouted.

Because at the moment when Qin Yu held out his hand, the crocodile ancestor suddenly found that his whole body could not move, and the powerful divine power in his body actually lost its effect at this time.


The crocodile couldn’t help but roar up to the sky and let out a terrifying roar.

In an instant, the sound shook in ten directions, and the ground cracked into a trench.

The power of the saint level does not want money to be crazy and turbulent, like a tidal wave that makes people stand unsteadily.

“It’s time for the little things to come, do you still want to resist?”

Qin Yu was full of smiles, as if he hadn’t felt the power of the saint at all.

The saints of the Heavenly Covering World were at best the initial realm of the fifth order, and for Qin Yu, a freak of the same rank who was absolutely invincible and could sweep through strong enemies across the ranks, it could be destroyed!

Only to see his right hand forcefully, flying empty grip.

The huge body of the crocodile ancestor rolled in the black fog.

It seems to be a clamping stalk that wants to get rid of this force.

However, the gap in strength between the two sides is too great to be calculated by reason.

Although he was already constantly resisting, he still couldn’t help but fly towards Qin Yu, and in an instant, he involuntarily flew out of the enveloping range of the Demon Cloud.

At this moment, Ye Fan finally saw the true body of the crocodile ancestor.


The appearance of this crocodile ancestor was really too vicious, and the figure that was a million feet tall and fierce and fearful cloth made them can’t help but feel their scalps tingle.

“Is this Shakyamuni suppressing the demons under the Great Lei Yin Temple?” It’s also horrible. ”

“It’s so horrible, it’s almost heart-pounding.”

“How can there be such a monster in this world, it’s just unbelievable.”

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