Chapter 187 Ye Fan You Listen to My Explanation!!

The breath of the Fierce Emperor appeared.

It also made Qin Yu further determine that his plan was likely to succeed.

This ruthless emperor’s obsession with resurrecting his brother was far deeper than everyone imagined.

As long as there is any opportunity, the fierce emperor will never let it go.

Thinking about the possible harvest in the future, Qin Yu smiled slightly, and the figure disappeared into the Heavenly World.

In the Ancient Forbidden Land, just when the Cruel Emperor woke up and was ready to come to inquire, he found that Qin Yu had suddenly disappeared into the Ancient Star.

Even the breath on Qin Yu’s body disappeared without a trace, which surprised the Fierce Emperor very much.

With her current strength, trying to track down a person was like a slap in the face, but she didn’t expect that even Qin Yu’s breath couldn’t be traced now.

Qin Yu’s disappearance was too complete, as if he had never appeared in this world.

If it weren’t for Ye Fan still holding the Heavenly Order in his hand, the Cruel Emperor would even doubt whether Qin Yu had ever appeared in the end.

A hint of surprise flashed in his cold eyes.

It immediately dissipated without a trace, as if it had never appeared, and even the Cruel Emperor himself quickly became what he was.

She stood quietly at the door of the dilapidated courtyard.

Like a sculpture.

In the coffin of Kowloon, Ye Fan was facing another matter.

If Qin Yu’s appearance surprised everyone, then Qin Yu’s subsequent slap to death of the crocodile ancestor made them feel horrified.

And now that Ye Fan actually knew such a person, it was difficult for them to think of not being surprised.

What’s more, before the man left, he also gave Ye Fan a treasure, and now, only Ye Fan still had the treasure.

After everyone had returned to their senses, they were gathered around Ye Fan almost immediately.

“Ye Fan, are you thirsty?” I have a bottle of mineral water here, you can drink it! ”

Li Changqing took out a bottle of mineral water from the backpack he was carrying and handed it to Ye Fan.

Compared with others, Wang Yan’s move is more direct.

“Ye Fan, it’s so dark here, I’m so afraid.”

After saying these words, Wang Yan directly threw himself into Ye Fan’s arms.

If it had been in the past, Ye Fan would not have refused to do such a trick, but at this moment, Ye Fan knew too well what kind of calculation these people were playing, so he simply ignored it.

Even if Wang Yan had the heart to paste upside down, he directly pushed Ye Fan away.

“There are so many people here you don’t have to be afraid, if you’re really scared, close your eyes and sleep.”

“I also want to sleep, now people are so tired, or you will accompany me.”

In order to win Ye Fan’s favor, Wang Yan can be said to have done everything.

Liu Yunzhi, who had become a lonely man, saw all this in his eyes and was angry in his heart.

But there was nothing he could do about it, he could only look at Ye Fan deadly, eager to directly pounce on Ye Fan and beat him to death.

But this can only be thought of as he does not have the courage to provoke Ye Fan now.

But it was Wang Yan’s action, which made Pang Bo next to him a little unable to watch it.

“You go aside, my brother is not in good health, afraid of being squeezed by you.”

“You… I’m not looking for you. ”

“If you don’t look for me to find anyone, I’m the only one here who isn’t afraid of being squeezed dry by you.”

Pombo grinned.

This can tickle Wang Yanqi’s tooth roots.

Li Xiaoman did not care about several of them.

Instead, at this moment, he came to Ye Fan and bowed his head and said to Ye Fan.

“Ye Fan, that foreigner Cade, don’t take it to heart, I have nothing to do with him.”

“I know.”

Ye Fan nodded and didn’t say anything more.

“Believe me, I really have nothing to do with him, I am just ordinary friends with him, there is no relationship between men and women at all.” 」

Li Xiaoman’s words made Ye Fan sigh.

Sure enough, people are becoming more and more realistic now.

When you are useful to him, he will desperately paste it, and when you are useless to him, he will not hesitate to kick you away.

“You don’t have to explain that to me, I know it.”

“Then we…”

Li Xiaoman did not say the words directly, but the meaning was already obvious.

She wanted to reconcile with Ye Fan.

“Let’s talk about this later, get out of this ghost place first.”


Hearing Ye Fan say this, Li Xiaoman didn’t say anything more.

Just at this moment, Li Xiaoman saw Lin Jia come over again.

But Lin Jia did not speak, but just held one of Ye Fan’s hands.

This directly angered Li Xiaoman.

When Pang Bo saw all this, he directly extended his thumb to Ye Fan.

At this time, they can enjoy the blessings of others.

Really worthy of being his own brother…. Ye Fan watched his movements in his eyes, did not speak, but couldn’t help but laugh bitterly.

Who could have imagined that the faces of these people could become so fast.

Before, I was still the object of siege by everyone, but now I have become a being that everyone wants to please.

All this is because of the Lord of the Temple!

Ye Fan sighed in his heart, and he respected Qin Yu even more.

Of course, if he knew, because the crocodile ancestor was casually pinched to death by Qin Yu, his first love girlfriend Li Xiaoman would not be possessed by the crocodile ancestor, and maybe he would not target him everywhere in the future, and would he be more grateful to Qin Yu.

At this time, Qin Yu, who had returned to the Heavenly Hall, directly began to study the Buddha treasures that he had obtained from Ye Fan.

The magic weapon in the Heavenly Covering World is obviously different from the magic weapon in other worlds.

The magic weapon of this world can even be transformed into reality by virtualization.

Forge directly into the body with runes.

That is to say, in the forging process, the human body is the forging furnace.

Reiki is fire and will is a hammer, and the magic weapon forged in this way has a special effect that is different from any other world.

Not to mention that the other gods in these magic weapons alone are comparable to another incarnation of the user.

In many ways even goes beyond that.

Because of this, Qin Yu would attach great importance to the magic weapon of this world.

The magic weapon obtained from Ye Fan’s hands had a clear Buddhist aura.

Overall, all divine patterns are invariably biased towards Buddhism.

That’s why it has such a strong Buddhist character.

Qin Yu relied on Xuan Xian cultivation and used his divine thoughts to constantly study the divine patterns on these Buddha treasures.

But Qin Yu soon discovered that the gods in these Buddha treasures were dead.

Although the surface of the divine pattern was still incomparably mysterious, many of the divine veins had been damaged, although this kind of thing, he could completely use his advanced cultivation to ignore it, but for him still lacked a lot of core.

“Unfortunately, these Buddha treasures are damaged, and if they are not damaged, I am afraid that I can get more information from them.”

Qin Yu couldn’t help but sigh.

“It seems that we must find a way to get other magic weapons, and if we can get the Imperial Soldiers, it will be even better.”

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