Chapter 198 The Battle of Di Pin Dai Dan!!

This old man, of course, is the Emperor Pin Daidan.

When he heard the words of the Void Swallowing Inflammation, Di Pin Dai Dan was also slightly stunned, and he did not expect that the Void Swallowing Yan could actually see his abnormality.

It was also because of his stunned kung fu that the attacks of the Void Devouring Yan and the Soul Heavenly Emperor became more ferocious by a few points.

Not far away, Yan Yan, Lei Ying, and Yao Dan all heard the words of the Void Devouring Yan and also saw the change in Di Pin Daidan’s expression.

They were taken aback.

No one expected that this old man who could fight one against two would actually be an outlier.

At the same time, the identity of the other party has also aroused the curiosity of everyone.

No one knew what the identity of this old man who suddenly appeared was, only that this person suddenly appeared in the cave house.

The abruptness of the coming, the identity is even more mysterious.

Not only that, but his strength was also appalling, which could be seen just from the fact that he was able to resist the simultaneous attacks of the Soul Heavenly Emperor and the Void Devouring Yan.

This person’s strength was afraid that he had already reached the Nine Star Dou Saint Extreme.

Perhaps it has begun to move closer to the level of the half-emperor.

Such strength is so amazing, if you don’t see it with your own eyes, I’m afraid no one can believe that there is such a existence in this world.


The chains rattled in the hands of the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

The surface of the dark chain shimmers with a dark glow, making people’s scalps tingle at a glance.

Every time the Soul Heavenly Emperor waved the chain, it seemed as if it contained incomparably powerful power, and the space became shattered under the stirring of this chain.

Di Pin Dan’s white hair flew his hands and constantly hit the mighty power.

The fierce bombardment made a sonorous sound on this heel chain.

Each impact was like a thunderclap in the cave.

The horror is incomparable.

The strength of this Emperor Pin Daisy Dan was really too strong, and Yan Ember and these people were shocked in their hearts when they saw it.

“Who the hell is this guy?” Why would such a force actually be able to fight with the Soul Heavenly Emperor on a par? ”

As the leader of the Yan Clan, Yan Ember was well-informed no matter how he said it, but he had never seen such a strong figure.

If he didn’t know that Gu Yuan was impacting the Doudi Realm at this time, he would probably even wonder if the old man in front of him was Gu Yuan’s disguise?

Not only was he Lei Ying and Yao Dan both extremely surprised.

Especially as the patriarch of the medicine clan, Yao Dan was born with an extraordinary induction with Dan Yao.

When he first saw Di Pin Daidan, he vaguely felt that this person exuded a breath of Dan Medicine.

It made him couldn’t believe his eyes.

Although there were legends that the Nine Pins Xuandan could give birth to spiritual wisdom under special circumstances, and even cultivate into human form, this probability was very small, and it had always been just a rumor, and even he, the patriarch of the Medicine Clan, had never seen it.

If the person in front of you is really a Dan Medicine, it is inconceivable that a single Dan Medicine can actually have such strength.

It’s unheard of.

From the beginning to the end, the medicine Dan did not think about the Di Pin Dan in the direction of Di Pin, because if it was really a Di Pin Dan Medicine.

That’s a little too amazing.


At this time, the Void Devouring Flame also seemed to have hit the real fire.

The black robe wrapped around the body, and the black robe roared violently with excitement.

It gives the impression of being a bully.

As he roared with rage, the killing intent on his body erupted like a volcano.

Endless flames rolled out from his body, and then the boundless flames under the hood of Emperor Pin Dai Dan seemed to be endless, and Di Pin Dai Dan did not expect that the Void Devouring Yan would actually use this move directly.

This made him a little tired to cope.

But even so, Di Pin Dai Dan did not give up.

On the contrary, in the endless flames, it showed even more amazing strength.

“Want to kill me? Not so easy. ”

Di Pin Yan Dan roared angrily, and his hands waved to strike a piece of fierce and incomparable strength into a blade, as if he could cut through the endless void.

Such an attack is horrible.

Domineering and fierce, like a tidal wave, unceasing.

“Today you will undoubtedly die, and it is useless for anyone to come.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor’s eyes shone coldly, and his body was murderous.

At this time, it was a critical moment, and he did not allow anyone to come out and make trouble.

Because of this, when he saw Emperor Pin Daidan, the Soul Heavenly Emperor would strike at the first time, in order to kill him on the spot, at least to drive this person away, so that he could swallow everything in the Tuoshe Gu Emperor Cave Mansion alone.

“Soul Heavenly Emperor, I admit that you are very powerful, but if you still want to kill me with this kind of strength, it will inevitably underestimate me.”

Emperor Pin Dan did not want to obediently wait for death to face the threat of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, he struggled to resist, and the endless chaotic flames had completely wrapped around his body at this time.

There is no way back from heaven or earth.

In the face of this situation, although Di Pin Dai Dan was shocked, he was not panicked.

The fighting qi in his hands condensed, turning into two long swords to frantically fight with the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

But what annoyed him a little was that the Void Devouring Flame Guy appeared from time to time in the endless flames.

There is always a sudden appearance at a critical moment to give him a blow, allowing the attack that was already brewing to dissipate in an instant.

Such a situation made Di Pin Dai Dan a little tired to cope.

Whoops… Just at this moment, I saw the Soul Heavenly Emperor and suddenly threw out several chains again.

A total of eight bracelets snaked in mid-air, making a rattling sound.

The sound is weird and disgusting.

At the same time, this voice makes people feel a little upset.

Di Pin Daidan, who was already tired of coping, did not slow down the movement in his hand by half a minute in this voice.

However, this action of his was instantly mentioned by the Void Devouring Flame Catcher next to him.

The billowing flames took advantage of the void and quickly spread to him.

In a blink of an eye, Di Pin Daidan was full of fire.

“Ahh… Open it for me…”

Di Pin Yan Dan roared angrily, his body full of fighting spirits, wanting to shake off the chaotic flames on his body.

However, at this moment, the Soul Heavenly Emperor suddenly seized the opportunity and controlled eight chains to attack him.

It’s as fast as lightning.

In the face of such an attack, Di Pin Dai Dan could not react at all.

In an instant, it was firmly bound by eight chains.

After struggling again, Di Pin Dan no longer had the strength, and then quickly shrank in the eyes of everyone, turning into a golden elixir the size of a dragon’s eye.

“This is…”

Seeing a living person actually turn into a elixir in front of him, everyone did not expect it.

Everyone present froze.

“This is Dan Yao, this old man is a Dan Medicine, is it the Nine Pins Xuan Dan?”

Yan Guan didn’t understand the elixir, and when he saw a person transform into such a elixir, he couldn’t help but say this.

The medicine dan next to him was very familiar with all this, and when he saw this elixir, a fiery golden light suddenly burst out from his eyes.

“No, this is not the Nine Pins Xuandan, but an Imperial Dan!”

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