Chapter 205 Emperor Shi Tian, you have fished out of bounds!!

But these things didn’t matter to Qin Yu at all, what he really cared about was the extent to which the resources of the two worlds of Dou Break and Kyushu had accumulated.

Only after the resources of the two worlds have accumulated to a certain extent, if he opens the Heavens Auction again, can he better harvest a wave.

Otherwise, the resources are not enough, how can he cut the leeks of the two worlds?

On the side of the Kyushu world, Daqin and Daming are frantically attacking their respective opponents.

The two countries of Mongolia and Daqing were already crumbling under the attack of their two countries, and it seemed that they would perish at any time.

Emperor Shi Tian on the Zhongzhou side mobilized tens of thousands of elite martial arts masters to prepare to attack Dongying by boat.

In order to be able to complete this task beautifully and successfully surrender to the Heavenly Palace, Emperor Shi Tian could be said to have fought for his life this time.

The newly established Bactrian Dynasty can be described as pouring out of his nest under his mobilization.

The purpose is also very simple, that is, to ensure stability, and there can be no situation when attacking Dongying.

Qin Yu also smiled slightly at this matter.

I couldn’t imagine that this old guy really didn’t want to die, and actually dared to use such a poor army.

If that’s all there is to it, then it doesn’t matter, and more importantly, when Emperor Shitian acted, the Great Sui and Southern Song Dynasties also received the news.

If it was at any other time, it would be enough, the key was that at this time, they only destroyed the enemy of Dongying on their front feet.

Emperor Shitian, the old monster, actually wanted to pick peaches on his hind feet.

How to endure this stepping horse, Yang Guang and Zhao Yun immediately chased after them with the Sui and Song joint forces.

“Emperor Shi Tian, you have crossed the line.”

Standing in the midst of the army, Yang Guang roared loudly at Emperor Shi Tian.

Don’t say it’s him, even Song Lizong Zhao Yun, who has always been weak, was full of anger when he encountered this kind of thing.

“Emperor Shi Tian quickly roll back, otherwise don’t blame us for being rude.”

After learning of Emperor Shitian’s actions, both Yang Guang and Zhao Yun were indignant.

It’s like taking advantage of the void and wanting to pick peaches.

Such an act made them how could they not be angry, but Emperor Shitian was very dismissive after hearing their words.

“Dongying is not your place, you can go and I can go, do you still want to tie the legs of this seat?”

Emperor Shi Tian’s expression between words was tinged with a bit of coconut elm.

“Emperor Shi Tian, you are too much, don’t think that you can do whatever you want with high strength.”

Compared with Zhao Yun, Yang Guang’s boldness was obviously much greater.

After he heard Emperor Shi Tian’s words, Yang Dare directly rebuked: “No one in this world knows that the Dongying army was destroyed by us, and the attack on Dongying naturally belongs to us.” ”

“This seat sees that your strength is not good, and is ready to help you, don’t be so ignorant of lifting.”

Emperor Shitian obviously didn’t put the two of them in his eyes with a sneering smile.

In his opinion, since this matter was given to him by the lord of the heavenly halls, it was naturally owned by him, and as for any other country, it was not in his consideration at all.

After saying these words, Emperor Shitian waved his right hand at the people behind him.

“Let’s go.”

“Emperor Shi Tian, you are so rampant!”

Looking at Emperor Shi Tian’s behavior, Zhao Yun was full of anger.

“Dongying is so far away, you have the ability to keep up.”

Hearing Zhao Yun’s words, Emperor Shitian laughed.

This made Yang Guang and Zhao Yun even more angry.

It was immediately decided that the two countries would form a coalition and cross the eastern part of the Eastern Ying, and it was necessary to sweep the Eastern Ying away before Emperor Shitian captured the Eastern Ying, otherwise the big peach of the Eastern Ying would become the Emperor of the Eastern Ying.

When Qin Yu saw this situation, he smiled and did not pay attention to it anymore.

Kyushu is full of smoke, but basically the overall situation has been decided.

He doesn’t need more attention at all.

Now that the fifth Heavenly Auction in the Temple of the Heavens was about to begin, he needed to find an auctioneer to help him organize the auction.

Otherwise, if this kind of thing is always done by yourself, it will be too cheap.

Because of this, Qin Yu quickly left here after putting away the system screen.

When he reappeared, Qin Yu was already standing in the middle of Utan City in the Dou Breaking World.

He appeared very suddenly, but the pedestrians on the street came and went, as if they had not found him.

As soon as the divine thought was swept away, Qin Yu instantly discovered his goal.

Then he walked towards the Mitre Auction.

At this time, an auction was being held in the Mitre auction house, when Qin Yu came to the auction house hall, there were not many people in the whole hall who were sitting quietly in chairs, waiting for the guests to come, when they saw Qin Yu’s arrival, the treasurer quickly stood up and greeted Qin Yu with a smile: “This guest is so fresh, I don’t know what you are talking about when you come to my Mitre auction house?” ”

“Nothing, just trying to sell something.”

During the conversation, Qin Yu took out a small porcelain bottle and threw it at the treasurer.

Where had the treasurer seen Qin Yu’s behavior like this, and when he saw him throw a small porcelain bottle at himself, he was startled, and then hurriedly caught it.

“Be careful, what if this breaks?”

It was difficult to take the small porcelain bottle, the treasurer opened the cap, and suddenly a strong medicinal fragrance came to his face, which made his face change wildly.

“Hey, what is this?”

Although he had already recognized the name of this elixir from the medicinal incense, he still instinctively shouted like this.

Immediately after that, the treasurer’s face was ecstatic.

“Is this a gathering of gases?”

“Well, how’s that? Can this thing be sold out? ”

Qin Yu seemed very casual, but the more he did this, the more curious he was about Qin Yu’s origins.

He really knew what Ju Qi Dispersion was, this was an incomparably precious elixir that could make the Nine Duan Dou Qi people 100% promoted to fighters!

Only the extremely rare Four Pin Alchemists could make it.

Because of this, this kind of gathering gas dispersion is extremely sought-after in the market, and once it appears, it will often be swept away.

I couldn’t imagine that the strange man in front of me actually threw out a bottle in one breath.

If he guessed correctly, there were at least ten of them in this bottle.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Absolutely! This guest inside please. ”

After hearing Qin Yu’s words, the treasurer nodded his head repeatedly, and then respectfully led Qin Yu to the back.

Qin Yu didn’t care about this either, so he followed the treasurer’s side and walked towards the innermost part.

In fact, this gathering of qi dispersion is completely the practice of the alchemist’s apprentices carried by the medicine man.

Originally, he felt that this kind of thing was a complete waste and useless to put it here.

But I didn’t expect to use it here today.

If the treasurer knew that Qin Yu had a lot of elixirs in his hands that were more advanced than gathering qi dispersion, he didn’t know what he would think.

This is the auction at Mitre Auction House today, and it has been going on for half of it.

When the treasurer put Qin Yu in the auction hall, he ignored everyone’s eyes and directly brought Qin Yu into a box.

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