Chapter 207 You are hungry for her body!!

The people who have been hungry for her body for so many years, Yafei has seen a lot.

For someone like Qin Yu, Yafei didn’t want to touch it too much, and she didn’t even want to look at it.

Men are all a stinky character.

Thinking of this, Yafei felt a pang of anger in her heart.

Looking at the woman in front of him, who was already angry, Qin Yu felt a burst of laughter in his heart.

If I am not mistaken, this woman is afraid that she has regarded herself as the kind of disciple who looks good.

It is also true to think that such a beautiful and outstanding woman as Yafei does not have the strength to lean over, even if it is a member of the Mitre family.

If you can’t protect yourself well, I’m afraid you will have been eaten dry and wiped clean long ago.

So he smiled and said.

“You don’t have to be angry, Concubine, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of the Heavens Auction?”

Originally, Yafei was still angry, when she suddenly heard Qin Yu say this, her face changed dramatically.

Of course, she had heard of the Celestial Auction, and it was not long ago that the name of the Celestial Auction gradually spread from other places.

Even she, who was born into a large family, if she had not been an auctioneer, and the Mitre family was one of the three major families of the Garma Empire, and there were often auctions.

I’m afraid that even she herself didn’t know about the Celestial Auction.

According to Yafei’s own speculations, there are definitely only a few people in the entire Douqi Continent who know about yesterday’s auction.

And as far as she knew, the things in this heavenly auction were extremely rare and precious, and even many things were unheard of and unseen rare treasures.

As an auctioneer, Yafei naturally longed for this Sunday auction.

But he didn’t expect to hear the words of the Heavenly Auction again in Qin Yu’s mouth.

Concubine Ya, who was originally angry, suddenly became serious.

“I don’t know where the adults know about the auction of the heavens?”

“I held the Auction of the Heavens.”

I thought that Qin Yu would say other reasons, but I didn’t expect Qin Yu to directly say that he held the auction yesterday.

This made the serious expression on Yafei’s face disappear in an instant, replaced by a face full of unbelievable shock.

“How is that possible? Is the Celestial Auction held by you? ”

Yafei’s eyes looked at Qin Yu in shock, and she couldn’t even believe her ears.

“How? Don’t believe it? Do you want me to show you and prove it? ”

Looking at the shocked expression of the woman in front of him, Qin Yu wanted to laugh a little.

After a pause, Qin Yu continued.

“The purpose of my coming to Utan City this time is to find you, and I heard that your auction skills are excellent.”

“And I’ve seen your auction technique before, and it’s really good, so I want to ask if you’re interested in coming to my Celestial Auction?” Become an auctioneer at my Celestial Auctions? ”

“Become an auctioneer at my Celestial Auction.”

If Qin Yu had said that the Celestial Auction had been held by him before, and this sentence had shocked Yafei, then when Qin Yu issued an invitation to Yafei, it directly detonated a nuclear bomb in Yafei’s mind.

This sentence directly made Yafei stunned and did not react on the spot.

After a while, Princess Yafei finally returned to God.

“Sir, do you really want me to preside over the auction of the heavens?”

Up to now, Yafei was still a little incredulous, so she asked Qin Yu again if she wanted to make sure if Qin Yu was joking.

Looking at the concubine in front of him, Qin Yu smiled slightly.

“Do you think I’m going to lie to you?”

Hearing Qin Yu say this, Yafei immediately stopped hesitating and nodded her head repeatedly.

“Yafei is willing, and of course Yafei is willing.”

After doing this, Yafei even knelt down directly to Qin Yu.

This move of hers directly startled the treasurer who came with her.

What is the identity of Yafei? He knew better than the whole auction house.

She was a big man from the headquarters of the Mitre family in the imperial capital.

If you count the inheritance order, this concubine in front of you even has a chance to become the helmsman of the Mitre family.

Such a big man actually knelt down to the strange man in front of him, which almost made him drop his jaw.

“Have you thought about it?” As long as you become a member of my heavenly temple, I am afraid that if you want to come back, it will not be so easy. ”

“Yafei has already thought about it, Yafei wants to become the auctioneer of the Heavens Auction.”

Qin Yu’s words did not make Yafei timid.

Seeing her like this, Qin Yu couldn’t help but smile, while the treasurer standing next to Yafei directly widened his eyes.

He never imagined that the big man sent by the Mitre family would be taken away without saying a word.

And at this time, Yafei’s behavior is completely inconsistent with her usual appearance, don’t look at Yafei’s usual appearance as if it is easy to approach, but in fact, he has a very strong resistance to anyone.

The man in front of him dispelled Yafei’s concern with two words.

What made him feel even more strange was what was the auction of the heavens among the two people?

So much so that Princess Yafei, the chief auctioneer of the Mitre auction, was actually willing to follow him to preside over what heavenly auction?

Compared with the shocked treasurer, Yafei’s heart was extremely happy at this time.

Because at this moment, Princess Yafei could already guess that the man in front of her must be the mysterious person who presided over the auction of the heavens.

The reason was very simple, first of all, the Heavens Auction was just a thing that had just appeared, and not many people in the entire Douqi Continent knew about it, all of them were top forces.

The young man in front of her knew very well that she did not think that the other party did not know where to hear the news and wanted to deceive herself, although she knew her charm very well, but she was not confident enough to let such a figure run to the remote city of Utan to deceive herself.

As soon as she thought of the things that appeared in the auction of the heavens, Princess Yafei was excited about the items, not only because the things that appeared in the auction of the heavens were extremely precious and valuable.

More because Yafei saw a hope.

Although Yafei herself looked sexy and charming, but due to the reason of talent, Yafei had always been extremely slow in her cultivation, and if she went to the Heavens Auction, she might be able to get some treasures from the Heavens Auction, so that she could change her current situation.

It was precisely because of these reasons that Yafei would not hesitate to agree to Qin Yu’s invitation, and even did not talk about commissions and salaries.

“Rise up, since you have promised, then from today onwards, you are a member of my heavenly temple, and everything you have ever done has nothing to do with you.”

After saying this, Qin Yu stepped outside the box.

Seeing Qin Yu leave Concubine Yafei quickly explained a few words to the treasurer and followed up.

Only the treasurer was left standing in the same place.

He knew that something big was going to happen to the Mitres.

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