Chapter 210 The Void Devouring Yan is about to be stabbed in the back!!

“Kill, kill me, kill all these affiliated races.”

No one expected that the Soul Heavenly Emperor would actually set his sights on the subordinate races of the Soul Clan!

Many of these affiliated races have been following the Soul Clan for tens of thousands of years.

I didn’t expect that the Soul Heavenly Emperor would actually kill all these people without hesitation.

Hearing this order, the people of these affiliated races even forgot to react for the first time, and did not begin to cry and resist until the killing came.

However, the strength of these people was too far behind that of the Soul Clan, although there were some high-end combat strengths, but the strongest ones were only the two stars of Dou Sheng.

Such strength did not have any power to fight back at all when facing the entire Soul Clan.

What’s more, in order to carry out this order, the Soul Heavenly Emperor even personally intervened.


As a Dou Saint Peak Strongman, once he struck, it was the power of the heavens and the earth, and the terrible power instantly swept across the sky.

Hundreds of affiliated races exploded directly in his hands.

Seeing this, everyone went crazy and kept fleeing to the outside of the Soul Clan.

They wanted to escape, but the Soul Heavenly Emperor didn’t give them any chance at all.

Only to see that the Soul Heavenly Emperor was constantly using chains to frantically strangle people of all ethnic groups.

Hundreds of corpses fell slowly.

Fall next to the altar to form a terrifying mountain of corpses.

A steady stream of blood gathered on the altar, making the red light flickering on the entire surface of the Di Dan even more dazzling.

Seeing this situation, the Soul Heavenly Emperor knew that Di Dan was about to make a sacrifice, but the more this time came, the more blood and soul he needed.

In order to satisfy the consumption of Emperor Dan, the Soul Heavenly Emperor went crazy with his entire body.

Not only the rest of his soul clan were also frantically strangling the people of those affiliated races.

No matter how much these people had contributed to the Soul Clan before, under the orders of the Soul Heaven and Earth, these people had only one way to die.

Kill, kill, kill.

In the face of the slaughter of the entire Soul Clan, the people of these affiliated races had no strength to resist at all, and countless people fell under their butcher knives.

Blood had formed a billowing river in the gully.

The Di Dan on the altar was even more dazzling, and the crimson light could almost illuminate the entire soul realm.

By the end, the people of the Soul Clan had even been slaughtered.

After all, their races are strong, so there are many subordinate races, and there are hundreds of zeros and zeros.

There are several relatively large affiliated races, even as many as two or three hundred thousand.

The combined number of so many affiliated races exceeds three million.

Although the strength of the Soul Clan people was strong, it would take a lot of effort to kill so many people in one go.

Because of this, I have killed so many people again, almost all of them are exhausted and breathless.

After all, these populations are not cattle.

They are all powerful.

Under the threat of life, these people will naturally rise up and resist.

This also caused the entire Soul Clan to lose a lot of people because of this incident.

But fortunately, after a few hours, these affiliated races were swept away.

By this time the entire altar was covered with corpses.

The cascading corpses stacked on top of each other looked so terrifying that the timid could tingle their scalps at a glance and faint in fear.

What everyone did not expect was that after devouring the blood and souls of so many people, although the blood-colored light on the surface of Di Dan was brighter, it was still not fully ripe, which made everyone’s heart sink.

“How is that possible? Why hasn’t it matured yet? ”

Seeing this situation, the Soul Heavenly Emperor was almost going crazy.

“Elder Clan, otherwise let’s go outside and hunt some other people to come over, and the soul cliff will speak at this time.”

However, his words had just fallen, and he was grabbed by the neck by the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

“It’s been too long to go hunting outside, and now you can’t wait that long, so let’s wronged you.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor was full of evil when he said this.

When Soul Cliff heard these words, his face instantly changed wildly.

Patriarch This is to be. Sacrifice yourself!


Before he could finish speaking, the Soul Heavenly Emperor slammed into the Soul Cliff’s body with a powerful force, and the powerful fighting qi instantly poured into the body of the Soul Cliff.

Let his whole person explode directly.

Flesh and blood accompanied the soul of the Soul Cliff, and were used by the Soul Heavenly Emperor to sacrifice Emperor Dan.

Everyone could see all this clearly, and everyone in the Soul Clan was frightened and stupid by the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s methods.

No one expected that the Soul Heavenly Emperor would actually extend his hand to his own people.

“It’s not good to run, the patriarch is crazy.”

The crowd did not know who shouted such a sentence, and all the soul clan members ran away in unison.

“Nothingness helps me.”

Between the Soul Heavenly Emperor and the Void Devourer, although there is a nominal distinction between the primary and secondary, it is actually a cooperative relationship.

That’s why the Soul Heavenly Emperor would say this.

And the Void Devouring Yan did not hesitate after listening to the words of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, and directly shot at these Soul Clan people.

Because these soul clan people in the heart of the Void Devouring Yan had no effect on him.

There was no slightest entanglement between the two, and naturally there was no slightest hint of moving his hands, and he said that this matter was let him do it by the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

Even if you want to settle the account, it will only find that the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s head has nothing to do with his nothingness.

The two Nine Star Dou Saint Peak Strongmen joined forces.

The lethality is simply appalling.

Coupled with the absolute authority established by the two of them in the hearts of the Soul Clan people for many years, it had already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Although some of them would resist when they slaughtered people, it was far less fierce than expected.

Even if these people resisted, it would be useless to face the attacks of the two Nine Star Dou Saints.

No matter how these people block it, they will not be able to avoid a dead end.

Countless people screamed, countless people begged for forgiveness.

This simply could not stop the massacre of the two men.

With the blood and souls of the Soul Clan joining in, the entire Di Dan radiated a brilliant light under the action of these two forces.

Finally, after sacrificing the bloodline souls of most of the soul clan.

The entire Didan took off directly into the air, suspended in mid-air, like a blood-colored sun.

The boundless powerful and shocking power spread out from the surface of Di Dan.

As if in ripples, it spreads in all directions.

Seeing this situation, whether it was the Soul Heavenly Emperor or the Void Devouring Yan, they all quickly realized that Emperor Dan had finally made the trip.

There was no discussion at all, and the Soul Heavenly Emperor and the Void Devouring Yan reached out almost at the same time, wanting to get the Emperor Dan at the first time.

At this moment, the two people who had just been partners instantly became rivals.

However, the speed of the Soul Heavenly Emperor was too fast, and although the speed of the Void Devouring Yan was not slow, it was still half a point behind.

In the horrified gaze of the Void Devouring Yan, the Soul Heavenly Emperor instantly snatched away Emperor Dan.

Only to see the Void Devouring Yan’s right hand turn and directly grab the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

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