Chapter 214 Han Feng, come out and die!!

The clan pattern of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan looks like a golden phoenix with wings spread.

Although there were only a few lines to show the charm of the phoenix to the fullest, all the people of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan wanted to thank the Phoenix Heaven after receiving such a huge benefit.

However, Huang Tian did not stay long, he had just broken through the Dou Emperor, and now he urgently needed to quickly stabilize the realm, so he would soon retreat again.

Originally, they wanted to celebrate, but now that even the patriarch is gone, what else is being celebrated? They simply went back to their own residences to honestly consolidate their cultivation and wait for the patriarch to leave the customs before celebrating.

So much so that the entire Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan seemed unusually quiet, as if nothing had happened.

But the more they do this, the more others are worried.

In particular, the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan led by Candle Kun, the first time he sensed that the Phoenix Heaven had broken through to become the Dou Emperor, the whole person exploded.

I only felt that my Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan was about to die.

Don’t look at the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan in the previous confrontation with the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, often able to gain the upper hand.

That was entirely because of him, the Nine Star Dou Saint Peak Tai Xuan Gu Long Clan Patriarch, if he didn’t have his entire Tai Xuan Gu Long Clan, it would become as it was when he came back some time ago, becoming disintegrated, and if the strength of each one was not good, if the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan had always been like that, it would not be a big deal, there was no need to worry at all.

But now it was different, at this time, Huang Tian had become a Dou Emperor.

And now he is still a Nine Star Dou Saint.

If with his current strength, facing a Dou Emperor, there would be no way to live.

“Come, quickly gather all the Tai Void Ancient Dragons.”

Even though Candle Kun had just returned, it was still of great significance to the entire Tai Xuan Gu Long Clan, and there was no need for him to say any more nonsense, and the Tai Xuan Gu Long Clan, which had originally fallen apart, quickly merged again.

Let Candle Kun become the Dragon Emperor again.

So much so that his words still had unimaginable authority among the entire Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan.

As Candle Kun’s words fell, the information quickly spread out.

In a short time, all the Tai Void Ancient Dragons quickly converged under the command of Candle Kun.

“Now the Douqi Continent can’t stay any longer, hurry up and get out of here!”

Seeing that the crowd had arrived at Candle Kun did not give a crap, and directly stated his purpose.

Hearing Candle Kun’s words, everyone was slightly stunned.

But it was quickly reacted, and it was true that if I didn’t leave now, I was afraid that it would be too late to leave.

Huang Tian, who had already been promoted to the rank of Dou Emperor, would definitely not let go of the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan, and would definitely find them to liquidate when the time came.

“Obey the orders of the Dragon Emperor.”

The crowd shouted yes, and then quickly began to prepare for their departure.

The candle Kun on this side was ready to lead the people to run, and the people on the other side of Danta were frightened and scalp numb.

The Three Emperors crossed the sky.

It was a disaster for them.

Everyone knows that Danta is a fragrant feast.

Even if the current Danta would not be in any danger for the time being, it would definitely come to them for trouble after these Dou Emperors had freed their hands.

A great power that does not have a top strong person to sit in, and can also provide cultivators with various elixirs.

This in itself is a mistake.

“What now? Now that three Dou Emperors have appeared on the Douqi Continent, if you don’t think of any more way, I’m afraid you’ll be in trouble. ”

Danta’s face was unusually ugly.

He was most worried about this kind of thing.

After all, as a Nine Pin Xuan Dan, if you are not careful, you will be swallowed by someone.

Especially the Nine Pins Xuandan like him was the best in the eyes of those who were fighting emperors.

“Or shall we still turn to the Heavenly Temples?”

Genkuko said.

“If we turn to the Heavenly Temples, how can we ensure our interests?”

Tianleizi opened his mouth directly after Xuankong Zi said this.

And the words are all things that Danta is interested in.

“It’s all this time, what do you care about these things?” It is better for us to merge into the heavenly temples than to be directly divided up by those Dou Emperors. ”

“Then merge the entire Danta into the Heavenly Temple.”

Danta Lao Zu was not a fool either, and he knew very well at this moment.

Now is not the time to talk about interests at all, but more importantly, how to preserve the foundation of Danta, and at the same time save the lives of these people.

Hearing that the old ancestor of Danta had said this, Tianleizi did not say anything more.

“I don’t think there is a need to worry about this matter, didn’t the medicine dust tell us before?” Even if we were incorporated into the heavenly temples, it would have little effect on us. ”

Xuankong Zi saw the crowd and added.

Hearing him say this, although the hearts of the people were still full of doubts and worries, they could only choose to believe it.

After all, in their opinion, it was better to believe in the Heavenly Palaces than to believe in those three Dou Emperors, who didn’t know that whether it was Gu Yuan or the Soul Heavenly Emperor, it was not a good commodity.

Although Huang Tian’s situation could not be seen for the time being, the fool knew that after he became the Dou Emperor, he would definitely be interested in touching the entire continent.

Thinking about it, the Heavenly Temple is still the best choice.

“Just give this matter to Xuan Kongzi, you go to contact the medicine dust, just say that we are willing to join the Heavenly Temple, I hope he can also do what he says.”

After saying these words, Danta Lao Zu raised his head, and that childish face appeared with an unprecedented seriousness.

“Now let’s go clean up, and if there is anything left undone, hurry up and solve it as soon as possible.”

“We strive to enter the Heavenly Temples in a short period of time and avoid this Fighting Spirit Continent that is about to be chaotic.”

“Yes! Obey the orders of the old ancestors. ”

The status of the Danta Ancestor in the Danta is too high.

Not only because of his identity, but also because of his strength, so after the decision of Danta Laozu, no one had any objections.

As the voice of Danta Laozu fell, everyone got up and left to prepare for their own affairs.

Xuan Yi left Danta directly and went to the Black Corner Domain.

Everyone saw her movements, but they didn’t say much, because they all knew what Xuan Yi was going to do.

Black Corner Domain, in the middle of Maple City.

Alchemist Han Feng had been operating here for many years, and with the strength of his six-pin alchemist, he gradually broke into the reputation of the first medicine emperor of the Black Horn Domain in the Black Horn Domain.

Although this reputation seems to some people to have a bit of a touted meaning in it, Han Feng is very fond of this name.

And in order to please this six-pin alchemist, almost everyone treated him with courtesy, often sending money and giving people, and all kinds of beautiful women kept money.

Han Feng developed an extremely hedonistic nature.

At this moment, inside Han Feng’s mansion, he was tossing and turning with a beautiful woman with a charming body.

Just at this moment, a loud cry directly resounded throughout Fengcheng C.

“Han Feng, come out and die!”

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