Chapter 238: The Adulterous Merchant Is About to Overturn the Truck?!!

“I’m out of fifty million worth points.”

The voice of the Cruel Emperor rang out.

Adding ten million value points at a time, this seemed very simple for Ye Qingcheng.

But it made Qin Shi Huang’s heart sink suddenly.

Taking out fifty million value points in one breath is something that any force must weigh and weigh, and Ye Qingcheng’s face has not changed in the slightest from beginning to end.

You can see what a terrible fortune she holds in her hands.

Not to mention Qin Shi Huang, even the others noticed Ye Qincheng’s face.

“Where the hell did this woman jump out?”

Looking at Ye Qingcheng, the Soul Heavenly Emperor couldn’t help but have some doubts in his heart.

“This woman is terrible, and she took out fifty million points worth of things in one go.” It seems very simple for him. ”

“It seems that this auction of the heavens has another battle of dragons and tigers.”

“I just don’t know what price this Immortal Pill will eventually offer.”

The hearts of the people were constantly wondering.

“I’m out of sixty million worth points.”

Qin Shi Huang quoted again.

And this time, the three Dou Emperor Strongmen who came from the side of the Douqi Continent did not choose to quote again, after all, this kind of thing, but it was not of much use to them.

A strong warrior can live for thousands of years. The fighting emperor strong like them is even more endless.

Therefore, the Nine Turns Immortal Pill is really not very useful to them, and even if they get it, it can only be used as a decoration.

That being the case, it would be better to leave the limited value points for the later auction of more valuable things.

Because of this, the only people who really participated in the auction and did not have the Immortal Medicine were Qin Shi Huang and Ye Qincheng.

One of them was deeply interested in the Nine Turns Immortal Medicine, while the other was deeply obsessed with the Nine Turns Immortal Medicine.

“I’m out of seventy million worth points.”

Although he already knew that Qin Shi Huang would fight with himself for this elixir.

However, Ye Qingcheng’s heart was not at all moved by this matter.

If you want to talk about heaven and earth, I am afraid that the entire people who participated in yesterday’s auction several times may not have more than her.

The value point for this point is a dime a dozen for her. But the more she did this, the more Ye Fan sitting next to her was shocked. This big sister is really too fierce.

Seventy million points of value, so much value, the value of the point of things to take out, just smash can smash people to death.

When this goddess girl took it out, her face was not red and her heart did not beat, as if she was throwing garbage.

“Eighty million value points.”

When the value point climbed to the level of eighty million, Qin Shi Huang was already feeling a little uncomfortable.

The price of this elixir was too high for him to feel a little unbearable. Ye Qincheng also obviously saw that his face was somewhat abnormal.

There was no look on his face.

Only to hear Ye Qincheng say something lightly.

“I’m out of 100 million worth points.”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly froze.

No one expected that the price of this elixir would actually climb to the terrifying level of 100 million value points in a short period of time.

What is even more difficult to accept is that the person who broke this value is actually just a girl who seems to have no power.

When Yafei who was standing on the stage heard this offer, a look of excitement appeared on her pale face.

She had never imagined that the value of the Dan Medicine would actually soar to a hundred million in an instant.

This value is really terrible, to know that this one hundred million is a billion value points.

It’s not a hundred million gold coins or any other possessions.

The value between the two could not be calculated by reason, and because of this, she felt extremely shocked and surprised.

Qin Yu in the background gave her a direct thumbs up after hearing the offer of the Cruel Emperor.

The Cruel Emperor is worthy of being the Cruel Emperor, that is, the Fierce.

The price of one hundred million yuan exploded in one breath, without even blinking an eye.

And Ye Fan, who was sitting next to Ye Qiancheng, after hearing this offer, the whole person was instantly shocked and numb.

Tycoon, this is the real tycoon, a hundred million worth points taken out, eyes do not blink.

Is this the world of local tycoons? The world of local tycoons is really unimaginable.

“Sister, are you a local tycoon?”


Ye Fan’s words made Ye Qincheng a little confused, and he didn’t understand why Ye Fan would suddenly ask such a question.

Moreover, the two words of local tycoon made Ye Qincheng feel quite interesting.

“Tycoons? Maybe! ”

Hearing these six words, Ye Fan was immediately excited.

“Rich man, let’s be friends.”

“Aren’t we friends now?”

Ye Qincheng’s reply made me feel extremely excited.

“Yes yes yes, of course.”

It’s not easy to be a real tm, I can’t imagine that I can actually be friends with local tycoons one day.

In the box, when Ye Qincheng quoted an offer of 100 million value points, Qin Shi Huang was not good at all.

This price has far exceeded the scope of Qin Shi Huang’s bearing, not that he really can’t afford it, but that he needs to consider the next things.

If he really bought this elixir, I’m afraid he wouldn’t have a chance to sell anything behind.

Because of this, Qin Shi Huang would feel extremely unwilling, but helpless.

After a long time, Qin Shi Huang did not bid. Seeing this situation, Yafei had to start shouting.

“The price of the Nine Turns Immortal Pill has now reached a value point of one hundred million. No one has bid more than this hundred million value points. ”

Yafei began to shout the price, while her eyes kept scanning the faces of everyone present. She wanted to see if there was a look of intent on the faces of the people present.

But it is a pity that everyone on the scene has been silent after hearing the 100 million offers.

Apparently this price has reached everyone’s psychological level.

“One hundred million worth points at a time.”

“Does anyone else bid?” One hundred million worth points at a time. ”

“One hundred million worth points twice.”

Yafei kept shouting prices, but everyone in the audience did not move.

It was clear that the people who attended the Auction of the Heavens were very sensible, far from the men he had met at the auction in Utan City before.

In this case, even if Yafei can use her own means to let those men buy something that they simply do not need.

It doesn’t work at all.

Because the people present are so rational, even rational people feel a little scary.

No matter how much she shouted the price, no one continued to quote.

“Ten Thousand Disasters Nine Turns Immortal Medicine 100 million value points for the third time.”

When the auction hammer fell, the auction of this immortal medicine finally came to an end.

“Congratulations to this young lady for getting this Immortal Nine Turns Immortal Pill.”

The handover of the elixir soon began.

Ye Qiancheng also took out a large number of corresponding heavenly treasures.

It was only when Ye Qiancheng got this Immortal Nine Turns Immortal Pill that he instantly discovered the problem.

This elixir does not provide strength growth. At most, it will only make people live longer.

Qin Yu stood in the background and watched all this quietly, and when he saw the change in Ye Qingcheng’s face, he also suddenly realized that Ye Qincheng must have discovered the problem of this elixir.

Thinking about it, Ye Qiancheng was also a ruthless emperor, an emperor-level strong man who had lived for an unknown number of years.

If even this problem cannot be discovered, it is really strange.

At this moment, Qin Yu suddenly found that the Fierce Emperor raised his head and looked at him violently.

There was a hint of danger in Qing Leng’s gaze, obviously asking Qin Yu to give her an explanation.

Qin Yu suddenly felt a tightness in his back, this Nyima, the adulterous merchant has been doing it for a long time, has he finally been discovered?

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