After speaking, Tang Tian turned around and walked towards the temple.

At this time, the purple-black color on the wound of the underworld had spread to half of his chest.

Suddenly Yueji said urgently, “Lord, I… I want to buy an antidote. ”

Even if the chance of surviving is not great, Yueji still feels that he can be rescued, and he does not want his partner to die in front of his eyes for many years.

Tang Tian said impatiently, “I’m not short of money. ”

Tsukihime: “I’ll buy something else!” ”

Tang Tian was puzzled, “Your little life belongs to me, what else to buy?” ”

Yueji’s face turned red, and she spoke with difficulty, “Use… All my purchases, innocence, soul, can be given all. ”

“I only ask the Lord to give me an antidote, and let me be worthy of friends who have been born and died together in the past few years.”

This means a lot.

The previous work was just a willingness to fight for Tang Tian, and he died without regrets.

This time everything is sold from the inside out.

After that, even if Tang Tian let Yueji sleep at any time, or did something more outrageous, it was only natural.

When Hades heard this, his body trembled, his eyes suddenly widened to the maximum, staring at Yueji deadly, and he was trying hard to stop it.

But it’s a pity that his current state is already difficult to move, and he can’t say anything.

Tang Lian’s face was strange.

Lei Wujian looked dazed, “Xiao Se, what does this mean?” ”

Xiao Se smiled on his face, “Xiangmusi jade bone, beautiful person in the moon, change the antidote, this transaction is not a loss…”

Tang Tian shook his head and walked into the temple, and his voice came outward.

“Your antidote, his arsenic…”

Yue Ji didn’t understand, and when she saw Tang Tian walking into the temple, her figure couldn’t help but shake, and her face suddenly turned pale as paper.

A sense of extreme frustration rose from my heart.

She sold everything, but couldn’t get an antidote.

Is your innocence so worthless?

He doesn’t look at it at all?

Her face was sad.

Looking down, I saw that a pill fell in my hand at an unknown time, and I was overjoyed.

“Thank you, Your Lord.”

“Thank you!!”

[The host gets a dead man, +500 technology points].

“Well, this Yueji’s words really count, this is a dead man.”

“That’s right, it’s really not a loss!”

Whether the Hades is dead or alive, what he thinks, Tang Tian does not care at all.

As for Yueji, Tang Tian didn’t care, he was not an animal that thought in his lower body.

What he cares about is this technological point.


At this time, outside, Yueji put the pill to Hades’ mouth, and Hades closed his mouth tightly and stared at Yuehime.

It was as if he was going to die without blindness.

The antidote that Yueji exchanged for this, he would rather die than eat it.

Indeed, as Tang Tian said, this elixir was an antidote for Yue Ji.

But for Hades, it is no different from killing people and poisoning the heart!

Can’t beat it, just die!

What’s going on here?

Yue Ji saw that Hades Hou’s mouth was closed, raised his hand and slapped Hades, and his jaw was directly dislocated.

Then the elixir was thrown in, and Hades resisted.

But I heard Yueji say, “Have you forgotten what you’re going to do!? ”

“Now that you and I have met the four lords of Xueyue City, defeat is not a crime of war, you still have things to do.”

“Take the antidote, there will always be a glimmer of life!”

“This is the last thing I do for you, and if you die, that’s it.”

“If you can survive, I can only help you get here, and you will have to rely on yourself in the future.”

Hao Hou swallowed the pill with tears, but if he didn’t swallow it, he couldn’t do it, and his jaw was dislocated.

Yue Ji attached the chin of the Hades, then gave him a hemostatic pill, and then put it in the corner of the broken temple, then came to Tang Tian and bowed and knelt.

“Thank you Venerable Lord, Yueji counts when she speaks.”

“If you have any needs in the future, just do as you are told.”


Hades heard it from the sidelines, and almost didn’t gag over.

“Got it.” Tang Tian was indifferent.

The temple is quiet.

“You’re in luck.” Xiao Se looked at Yueji with a smile, “I believe that if it were the four lords a few years ago, your corpse would be cold now.” ”

Tsukihime didn’t answer.

Instead, Tang Tian sighed with a smile, “I promised Master before that I would be reasonable before I killed someone.” ”

Xiao Se nodded, “No wonder. ”

Tang Tian looked at Xiao Se, “How is your master doing lately?” ”

Xiao Se’s gaze froze, looking at Tang Tian’s gaze, his mind flashed.

Finally, he smiled and said, “The blessing of the Lord is quite good.” ”

“That’s good.” After saying these words, Tang Tian lay on the cushion and squinted and slept.

Xiao Se didn’t say more, just thoughtfully.

However, Lei Wujian seemed to have discovered something new, and asked curiously.

“Xiao Se, you still have a master.”

“Who is your master, it sounds like an old acquaintance with the little master…”

“Senior brother, where are you going? I’ll go with you, otherwise relying on the two of us, I’m afraid I won’t find Snow Moon City.” ”

Xiao Se patted Lei Wujian on the head, “Be quiet.” ”

Lei Wuxian quieted down.

At this time, Tang Tian was looking at the system, his own scientific and technological points, calculating something.

“After the satellite went to the sky, there were still more than 1,300 science and technology points left, and tonight I got 700 points.”

“It’s two thousand and one hundred points now, I didn’t expect to receive so many rewards from one subordinate, which is much more than meditating.”

“The more rewards you receive, the more you kill.”

“It’s been interesting along the way.”

After Tang Tian obtained the system in Snow Moon City, he could get technology points every day when he did things, in fact, there were quite a few.

So in the past few years, I have been engaged in research, and the days are too peaceful and quiet, so I have not killed anyone.

Before the technology tree started, he was studying the dark weapon and went further above the Tang Gate.

After getting up, he combined technology with dark techniques, and engaged in some modern things.

For example, the defective products in the courtyard of his Tianfeng Pavilion were actually researched by himself, but some succeeded, and some failed.

With the assistance of the intelligent brain, the materials of the system, as long as the hard conditions allow, can basically be made out.

However, if you exceed the level of the technology tree, there is a chance of failure.

Therefore, the contribution points obtained in recent years have basically gone to the technology tree.

Within the standards of the tech tree, the system can manufacture everything.

As long as there are design drawings, whether it is a design drawing produced by the system or a design drawing made by Tang Tian himself, the system can be produced by OEM.

However, to charge technology points as OEM fees, it is not much, and the efficiency is fast.

Therefore, unless you are more interested, Tang Tian generally lets the system work.

In addition, there is black technology, but most of the black technology is very expensive.

For example, the super intelligent brain cost Tang Tian 300,000 scientific and technological points.

It can be said that it took several years to save up.

But the benefits are also great, all technology, including some weapons made by Tang Tian, can be directly controlled through the wisdom brain.

And all martial arts, Tang Tian’s super intelligent brain can also be learned by reading it once, and understand it in a short time.

It is even possible to optimize and improve the exercises through model deduction.

It can be said that it is the root of everything.

In addition to these, there is another thing, and that is the raffle.

Since the first lottery to thank you for your patronage, Tang Tian has not drawn again, and it is not as safe as a little bit of technology tree to have that money.

But now, Tang Tian was staring at the lottery interface in his mind.

“The technology tree nodes needed now, it will be tens of thousands to continue to click, it is better to try this lottery.”

[Primary lottery: 1000 technology points required.] 1% get black technology, 4% get technology tree nodes, 15% get special materials, 30% get design drawings, 40% get technology products, 10% thank you for your patronage. 】

“System, conduct a primary lottery!”

As Tang Tian’s mind moved, the prize pool full of prizes began to rotate, and countless items that could not see the specific shape were constantly switching…

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