Tang Tian looked at the secret agent who fell from the sky, as well as the three people dressed in white, like Shangguan Haitang, who was like a young brother.

Silently took out a heavy-loaded high-explosive AK-47 from his arms, the muzzle of the gun as thick as a baby’s fist, and aimed it at the surrounding spies.

“You guys are sensible, you didn’t bother me watching the dance!”

The battle begins instantly.

Several dark weapons rushed towards Tang Tian at the first time, but they were instantly blocked by the liquid metal suspended around Tang Tian’s body.

And countless spies have already attacked and killed everyone at the first time.

The white-haired immortal and Sikong Qianluo and the others also began to fight for the first time.

Lei Wujian threw out a few thunderbolts and blew up several spies.

Tang Lian, on the other hand, wielded a dark weapon and injured several spies.

The spear swept down, opened and closed, and no one could get close for a while.

Many spies looked at it, and these ideas were quite solid.

So they rushed towards Tang Tian, who was holding an AK47.

After all, among several people, only this guy is holding a burning stick and looks like no threat!

Seven or eight black-clothed spies were surrounded from all sides.

Tang Tian chuckled and pulled the trigger.


The walnut-sized high-explosive bullet burst out instantly, and those seven or eight spies didn’t even make a sound, and the entire body exploded in half!

The battle in the entire ruined temple was stalled.

The spies’ eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost, and slowly retreated, shocked.

“What… What is it? ”

“What kind of weapon is this?”

The three of Shangguan Begonia were also taken aback, but Shangguan Begonia was smart after all, and he understood the principle for the first time.

“Use your body, don’t be pointed at by that thing, he won’t hit you!”

While speaking, Shangguan Haitang threw out a few dark weapons again, wanting to interfere with Tang Tian.

But unfortunately, Tang Tian’s spiritual magnetic energy liquid metal seemed to be everywhere, and every time he could block all the dark weapons.

Never without exception.

When everyone listened, they probably understood the principle!

So one by one, they began to move flexibly, wanting to avoid Tang Tian’s muzzle!

Tang Tian raised his eyebrows.

Whether to say or not, there are still smart people.

Although they do not understand guns, they obviously know that at this distance, bullets are not easy to hide, but muzzles are easy to hide.

Unfortunately, they met Tang Tian and had the wrong idea.

Tang Tian, who has a super intelligent brain, is far beyond the limits of human beings in terms of reaction ability and predictive ability.

Even if he didn’t have a brain, with Tang Tian’s martial arts realm, he was far beyond all the secret agents.

Under the superposition of the two, dodging Tang Tian’s muzzle was more difficult than dodging bullets.

They want to dodge bullets, which is simply unrealistic.


The muzzle of the AK-47 is still constantly spraying flames.

Every bullet smashes an agent on the spot!

Crushed flesh is flying, blood is splattered, and life is dying!

In the blink of an eye, the secret agents in the broken temple were already less than half.

This caused Gui Hai to stab the scalp of the three people, what is it, the rate of fire is fast, and the power is extremely powerful.

Each bullet is like a cannonball.

“I’ll drag him, you guys go to the back to get something, it’s too late to come!”

Duan Tianya said this, and was about to rush forward.

Looking up, he found that Tang Tian’s muzzle had been pointed at him.

Duan Tianya was overwhelmed by electricity, and a great sense of crisis surged into his heart.

A black bead smashed on the floor, exploding a cloud of smoke, and then the figure frantically dodged left and right like a phantom.

“Oh? Toei Ninjutsu, Little Doyle. ”

Infrared sensing activation.

The thermal imaging is locked directly.


A bullet shot at Duan Tianya at a speed that was difficult for the naked eye to catch.

Duan Tianya’s souls are all gone, how can this guy still lock himself?

He didn’t have time to think about it, and while twisting his body with all his strength, he slashed forward!

He admitted that he had an element of hoodwink, but seemed to be lucky, and finally actually hit something.

But the next moment.

A huge and irresistible terrifying force came from the long knife in his hand.

At the same time that the long knife almost came out, the blade body shattered directly.

Then with a boom, the high-explosive bullet exploded directly!

Larger and more terrifying forces were generally used, Duan Tianya’s internal force was directly broken, and the whole person smashed into the wall behind like a broken sack.

With a bang, the wall was smashed out of a hole.

I tried to stand up again, but I couldn’t stand up anymore.

“Wow…” Duan Tianya vomited blood, his face ashen.

As the No. 1 secret agent of Dragon Guarding Villa.

He wanted to drag Tang Tian, but he didn’t even drag it in the blink of an eye.

Almost as soon as the words fell, he was already beaten to the ground and vomited blood!

It’s a little embarrassing.

Who is this man, so strong?

Even if the righteous father came here, the three of them could still resist against the righteous father.

In the face of this guy, he couldn’t resist at all.

“Brother Duan, how are you?”

Gui Hai Dao and Shangguan Haitang’s faces changed greatly, and they wanted to rush over and pull Duan Tianya away.

But seeing that Tang Tian’s muzzle was already pointed at Shangguan Haitang, Gui Hai’s face changed greatly, and the horizontal knife blocked in front of Shangguan Haitang.

“Three knives in the nasal road!”

At this moment, Gui Hai’s eyes instantly emitted purple light, and his aura became evil and full of anger, and an uncomfortable malice rose in his body.

This is a very thick, pure and extreme hatred, which leads to the power of the most evil bottom of hell.

This power is completely out of man’s emotional control.

For Gui Hai’s knife, it is also uncontrollable, his whole person is under this force, he has lost his mind, and he only has killing in his mind.

In the face of the incoming bullets, he cut out three times!

At this moment, it was like gathering the evil qi of heaven and earth in these three swords!

The power of these three swords is no less than that of the late stage of the Escape Heaven Realm.

The light of the sword is as fast as lightning.

A high-explosive bullet was cut down directly by the knife light in mid-air, and the fire exploded.

The remaining sword light did not abate, and fiercely pounced on Tang Tian and everyone in the temple.

The faces of everyone in the temple changed drastically, which was an indiscriminate attack.

Even the white-haired fairy had a solemn face, which showed the power of Gui Hai’s three swords.

“Well, I forgot you still have this trick.”

These three swords are indeed powerful, and the attack range is also large.

So Tang Tian silently put away the AK and took out a high-volume accumulator cannon.

The muzzle is the size of a lion’s head.

A heaven-destroying power condensed at the cannon port.

Next moment!

Vaillant saves to the limit.


The fire exploded, and the entire temple was as bright as day.

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