After Lei Wujian on the side heard it, he didn’t know, “Longbow chasing wings and hundreds of ghosts walking at night, this name sounds very extraordinary, but I have heard my elders talk about rivers and lakes since I was a child, how come I haven’t heard that there is such a force in the rivers and lakes?” ”

Xiao Se said, “Of course, what your elders and you said are heroic deeds in the rivers and lakes. ”

“But chasing a hundred ghosts with a longbow at night, not a hero, but a horse thief!”

“The largest horse thief force in the Western Regions robbed all wealthy merchants with hundreds of guards.”

“It seems that they should also come for your escort, but unfortunately, they ran into the four lords.”

“I’m afraid it’s not enough for the four lords to stuff their teeth.”

Sure enough, when the horse thief on that cliff was still firing a bow and pulling arrows, Tang Tian silently took out a heavy desert eagle.


The horse thief’s head exploded like a watermelon, bursting with a shower of blood, and a bow and arrow fell.

Half of the man fell to death on the spot and fell to the ground with a pop.

There was silence on the cliff for a moment, followed by exclamations.

“Groove! Chieftain!! ”

“What’s wrong with the chief!?”

“Death… He’s dead!? How did it die, where did the head go? ”

“Dark weapon, there is dark weapon!!”

“Be careful!!”

Tang Lian looked at this scene, relieved, and looked relieved.

“Little Uncle Junior still knows in his heart, knowing that there is a cliff above, and there is no big battle, otherwise we will be buried.”

“Speaking of which, it’s the first time I’ve seen Little Junior Uncle so concerned about the consequences, it seems that it still hurts us, I’m afraid that we will be injured, isn’t it a thousand falls?”

“It seems that I was worried just now…”

Sikong Qianluo’s voice came from afar, “Senior brother, don’t you run quickly!?” ”

Tang Lian turned her head and looked, her eyes almost didn’t fall.

I saw that in the distance, Tang Tian was holding Lei Wuxian’s neck collar in one hand, and holding Sikong Qianqiao’s small waist in the other, and swept into the distance at a rapid speed.

Look at that, it’s like running for your life!

Tang Lian’s scalp was numb for a moment, it was the first time he saw the little uncle throw out the dark weapon, it would be this reaction!

Even if the Nine Thunder Thunder Top-Breaking Buddha Fury Tang Lian exploded, the little uncle’s face did not change!

Now he has escaped?

God, what the hell did he throw up!?

What about the consequences of scruples???

A cool breath instantly rose, and Tang Lian’s body seemed to have an electric current, and the sweat hair stood on end.

There is almost no hesitation, and run with a snort!

“Wait for me, Little Master!”

Xiao Se saw that the opportunity was always the fastest, stepping on the clouds, and followed Tang Tian step by step.

Following Tang Tian’s team, Xiao Se has only one principle, that is, to follow!!

Otherwise, I don’t know that I will be sent away by the dark weapon one day!

This is the moment.

Seeing that even Tang Tian had fled, the others were naturally revenants, and for a while, the eight immortals crossed the sea and showed their powers, and they all followed at an extremely fast speed.

Duan Tianya and Gui Hai also wanted to run away, but Tang Tian’s voice also came from afar.

“If you two lose the carriage, I will castrate you both!!”

Duan Tianya and Gui Hai wanted to cry without tears, and could only play with the carriage of their lives.

It turned out that the carriage was spinning too slowly.

The two simply joined the secret agent, directly lifted the carriage, and then fled quickly.

From pulling a carriage, it became a carriage on the back!

While running, Duan Tianya looked at the horse on the cliff with grief.


“My horse!”

Several people wanted to cry without tears, but they did not dare to stop.

At this scene, all the horse thieves who watched the longbow chasing the wings and the hundred ghosts were stunned.

What’s the situation?

Isn’t the leader seconds by you?

What do you run?

“Deputy Chief, what do you think this is?”

“This seems to be the dark weapon that killed the leader, why is it such a small one?”

“And this mushroom type doesn’t look like a dark weapon!”

Several horse thieves gathered in a circle, looking at a black iron mushroom with a puzzled expression.

The iron mushroom is no more than the size of a finger, and it is a slender fusiform below and looks like an umbrella on top.

The deputy leader looked at it, also confused, “This… I’ve never seen such a dark device. ”

“How do I throw this thing?”

“Oh, turned red?”

As they spoke, the two hemispherical cracked materials inside the black mushroom were compressing into a flat sphere.

This is followed by a supercritical state.

Chain reactions occur in large numbers of reactions in a short period of time.

Next moment!

That red “iron mushroom” vaporized instantly!

An orange-white light swelled out, a light so strong that it directly blinded the horse thief.

Up to millions or even tens of millions of light radiation fireballs rapidly expanded, tens of millions of degrees of light and heat vaporized everything around in an instant!

The hot fireball violently expands outward!

In a thousandth of a millisecond, vaporize several horse thieves surrounding the study of iron mushrooms on the spot!

Their whole person turned into gas and disappeared around the fireball in an instant!

Subsequently, all the horse thieves within a radius of more than ten meters were also vaporized and extinguished one after another, and the world disappeared!

The rocks on the ground melt into magma, which then begins to bubble and then begin to evaporate.

The fireball emits light radiation outward on one side, and rapidly expands on the other side, and the temperature and pressure change the front.

The surrounding air was compressed to the extreme in an instant in a thousandth, and then burst into bursts of high-pressure air waves, sweeping in all directions.

This high-pressure air wave, like an air cannon, travels towards the surroundings at supersonic speed.

In an instant, all the surrounding things, including those more than three hundred horse thieves, exploded, and at the same time, all the internal organs were flattened at the same time, and the seven tricks were bleeding!

A large number of rays, frantically passing through their bodies and everything around them.

Then the heat followed, melting them away.

Only the outermost horse thief did not come into contact with the terrifying fireball, but under the powerful air shock wave, the bones of the whole body were shattered, and the whole person was instantly flattened.

The stones on the ground, like shotguns, beat them into a sieve.

Flying sand and stones, endless smoke and dust, and all things are silent.

Next moment!

The fireball finally swelled to the extreme.

The red light gradually disappears from the outside in.

The ground blast energy reflexed, lifting the entire fireball that was about to be extinguished.

The vacuum pressure returned, and the dust column connected with the smoke cloud, forming a tall mushroom, soaring tens of meters away.


The sound spread, the black mushroom cloud rose, and the entire cliff shattered into a huge hole.

Then the crumbling cliff ahead was like a flood, carrying smoke and dust billowing down, like ten thousand horses.

Fall into the valley and bury the camp just now.

The loud noise still reverberates through the valley!

The shock wave also hit the ground, causing a twelfth-level wind, which directly flew out the few people who fell in the last Duan Tianya.

Fortunately, the carriage was strong enough and did not break when it fell to the ground.

The carriage was not broken, but everyone’s worldview was shattered.

The white-haired fairy’s cheeks twitched wildly, and he completely lost his elegant appearance.

The huge mushroom cloud and the disappearing cliff put his whole person in a state of soul withdrawal.

Is this a dark weapon!?

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