Xiongba saw a large group of puppets catching up behind him, and he knew that he couldn’t carry it hard.

So he ran with the two apprentices, and between his eyes, he saw Yang Xiao, Wei Yixiao and others who were probing their brains and ghosts.

He said in his heart that these people seemed to be in good cultivation and worth pulling into the water, so he plunged into the old nest of the Ming Sect!

Seeing this, Yang Xiao was immediately shocked, “I drafted Uncle!!” ”

He struck out with a palm, but Xiongba did not dodge, and his strong internal strength exerted three points to return to the vitality, directly knocking Yang Xiao away.

Wei Yixiao and the others behind him were even more unable to intercept Xiongba.

The hero rammed into the room, turned his head and saw that a dense number of shells behind him were being fired.

So he cast his Fengshen legs, and broke out again without looking back!

Instead, Yang Xiao and the others suffered from it, and they were first hit by the hero and fell to the ground.

The shells chasing behind Na Xiongba also smashed on the ground and burst out.

Flames and fragments of shells blew up everywhere.

Everyone in this Ming Sect showed their own talents, and one by one, they fought for their lives, but they were still slightly injured and burned.

However, Na Wei smiled and saw that the momentum was extremely fast, and when he saw the hero rushing over, he performed a strange light skill and flew out of the room.

When the explosion was over, it turned back again.

Yang Xiao, who bore the brunt of the injury, was lifted and left.

“Go, this place can’t stay!”

“This group of madmen was driven crazy by the four lords of that Snow Moon City! Let’s get out of town as soon as possible! ”

Yin Tianzheng smiled bitterly and said, “There is such chaos in this city, the group of killers in Tsing Yi Building bite people when they see them, plus there are masters like the one just now. ”

“Now in this situation, it’s hard to get out!”

Yang Xiao said, “If it weren’t for that guy who rushed me just now, my True Qi was dispersed, and the bullets that were attracted could also be dealt with!” ”

He had cultivated the Qiankun Great Shift, although he had only cultivated to the second level, but the profound internal strength accumulated over the years, coupled with the effect of the Qiankun Great Shift, was four or two pounds.

To deal with the flying bullets, you can also use internal force to deflect those bullets just like an extermination master.

Through observation, they also found that although the bullet is fast and powerful, as long as it is not carried hard, it can still be dealt with after being affected.

Yin Tianzheng shook his head, “It’s not a long-term solution to deal with it, why don’t we go near the convoy of that Snow Moon City?” It must be untouched. ”

As he spoke, sure enough, the hero appeared next.

Scourge the Ming Sect again!

Everyone is not popular, but they can’t take the hegemon!

After hearing Yin Tianzheng’s words, everyone’s eyes also lit up.

Purple Shirt Dragon King Daisy said, “This may be good, we haven’t made a move on these puppets yet, if we say where is the safest now, it must be the convoy of the four lords.” ”

“It’s better to go to the side of that carriage and cast your faith, and follow the four lords 803, it’s better than dying in this chaos.”

Wei Yixiao raised his eyebrows, “How can I grovel to others when I am the four great kings of the Ming Sect?” ”

“It’s not nice to say this…”

Before he finished speaking, a shadow once again shuttled by, and the bursting fire burned half of Wei Yixiao’s eyebrows clean.

He was full of excitement, and quickly changed his tone and said, “This person is really powerful, I see that our Ming Sect does not have a sect leader, how about letting him be the sect leader?” ”

The crowd was speechless.

Yang Xiao still said, “That’s all for now, Wei Bat King, you are the most accomplished in light work, it is up to you to go to the side of that carriage and tell the four lords of that Snow Moon City about our sincerity!” ”

“Go quickly, go to the evening, if you don’t get it, we will explain here!”

Wei Yixiao also knew the seriousness of the current situation, so his figure moved, and the flying green smoke skill was displayed.

The whole body is as light as flying, and the mist is like light smoke.

It moves like a bat, resembles a ghost.

Floating out of the room without a trace, and then quietly approaching the direction of the carriage.

The closer he got to the direction of the carriage, the more frightened he became.

It was really near this carriage, the battle situation was the most miserable, it can be described as a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, and layers of rivers and lakes fell under the outbreak of fire.

From time to time, something exploded, and the attics on both sides of the explosion continued to collapse, and the flames burst into the sky.

Wei Yixiao’s heart jumped, he leaped above the roof, and in a moment, he came to the street near the carriage.

And just below, the six major factions that were working together to resist suddenly saw Wei Yixiao.

“Shi Tai, that’s Wei Yixiao, the Blue Wing Bat King of the Ming Sect!”

Extermination Master Tai looked up and saw Wei Yixiao, who was flying towards the other side, and her eyebrows suddenly sharpened, “What a demon sect!” ”

“Hugh go!”

She swept lightly and struck a sword straight at Wei Yixiao.

Wei Yixiao didn’t pay attention, and was almost stabbed by her!

For a while, a cold sweat broke out, “You old nun doesn’t talk about martial virtue, make a sneak attack!” ”

“Fuck off, there’s no time to deal with you!”

Wei Yixiao was extremely light, the whole person was erratic, and he didn’t pay attention to the extermination master at all, and after bypassing, he quickly left.

The extermination master is too hated by the Demon Sect, where will he let him go, desperately catching up and fighting.

Although Wei Yixiao was light, there was chaos on all sides at this time, and even he had to stop from time to time to dodge the aftermath.

So he was really caught up by the extermination master from time to time and pierced a sword.

It was annoying for a while.

And the five major factions behind were also numb in the scalp, “Mrs. Shi, don’t worry about the Demon Sect first, we can’t stand it when you leave!” ”

Extermination Master Tai’s palm technique and internal strength, it is the most effective against these stray bullets, occasionally a batch of bullets are attracted to her, she comes to divert, and the masters of the other five major factions can handle the aftermath, which can be carried.

But at this time, as soon as the extermination master left, the other five major factions sat on wax, and the people who were beaten for a while turned on their backs.

As a last resort, they could only run and chase after the extermination master.

The more it runs, the more it goes inside.

The crowd was terrified.

The old nun seemed to be possessed by a demon, and when she saw the Demon Sect, she went crazy and chased after her.

Fortunately, the closer to the convoy, the fewer killers there are in those Tsing Yi Lou and the Blue Dragon Society.

Their pressure is also much less.

After a while, without being judged to be an enemy, Wei Yixiao really approached the convoy with a superb light skill.

However, when he was still three or four feet away, he was surrounded by several puppets on the spot.

Wei Yixiao looked at those silent puppets, stiff for a while, and did not dare to make the slightest move, for fear of causing misunderstanding, and was suddenly abrupt on the spot.

He hurriedly shouted, “Four Venerable Lords, I am Wei Yixiao, the four great protectors of the Ming Sect, and everyone from the Ming Sect has come to surrender!” ”

“I also hope that the four lords will raise their noble hands!”

After he said this, he nervously looked at the puppets around him, for fear that he would suddenly be abrupt.

The surrounding area is still full of flames, and the carriage is very quiet.

Wei Yixiao swallowed his saliva with a grunt, his heart was extremely nervous, and he felt that time had become very long.

In the rear, the extermination master also rushed over, stabbing a sword at Wei Yixiao, but was suddenly held by a puppet and snapped against the brain.

Extermination Master Tai suddenly stood up covered in sweat, holding his sword and did not dare to move at all.

She has seen the power of this thing, but it is a stray bullet, and it is very difficult to handle.

If it is blown up against the head, then the head is probably gone.

She maintained the posture of the immortal guiding the way, stiff in place, and did not dare to move.

In the rear, the masters of the five major factions also fled in embarrassment, and when they arrived here, they were relieved.

Within a ten-zhang radius centered on the carriage, it is actually very peaceful.

Ten zhang square circle, but the tragedy is to the extreme.

Everyone stopped at a distance of five zhang, and although they were surrounded by those puppets, they were greatly relieved.

Only Zhou Zhiruo and other Emei Mountain disciples watched the extermination master being pointed at by a gun in the posture of an immortal guiding the way, and their hearts were worried.

“Division… Master…”

The extermination master was too unresponsive, not because he didn’t want to respond, but he didn’t dare to respond.

She was also afraid that if she opened her mouth now, she would be killed by that puppet.

The scene froze and fell silent.

After a while, a yawning sound came from the carriage.

“Hahh… You said you were going to be sincere? ”

“Are you going to be my subordinate?”

The voice was still a little lazy, as if he had just woken up from sleep.

Wei Yixiao’s heart was numb, this one killed wantonly in the city, but he was sleeping?

He didn’t dare to think about it, and quickly replied, “Yes, the entire Ming Sect is willing to surrender.” ”

“I teach the four great kings, except for the Golden Retriever Lion King, they are all here, and they are willing to be used by the four lords.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There was no speech in the carriage, and it seemed to be groaning.

In fact, Tang Tian had indeed fallen asleep just now, and I don’t know why suddenly Ming Jiao ran over to surrender.

It stands to reason that they didn’t make a move, and it has nothing to do with them.

He looked at Yu Ling inquiringly.

Yuling transmitted the information about the situation in Sangu City to Tang Tian, and Tang Tian almost didn’t laugh when he saw it.

The people who co-authored Tsing Yi Lou and the Blue Dragon Society not only encouraged those little minions, but also dragged a large group of people into the water with their lives.

This Mingjiao was miserable, and did not dare to really start a war with himself, so he had no choice but to run to surrender.

Tang Tianyi thought of this and asked with interest, “It’s not impossible to cast (adbj) sincerity. ”

“What’s the Confession Law?”

Wei Yixiao did not dare to bargain, “The martial arts of the four lords are world-famous, and since I have already surrendered to the world, I am naturally wholehearted, and I am willing to serve the four lords as the new Ming Sect leaders.” ”

“There are thousands of people in the whole sect, and there are altars in various places, all of which can be driven by the sect leader!”

Tang Tian raised his eyebrows, and said in his heart that being a sect leader, this can also be regarded as accepting his subordinates, I don’t know how many technology points can be obtained.

Seems to be able to try.

He spoke, “Well, you guys…”

Before he finished speaking, suddenly the extermination master’s eyes widened and shouted, “The four lords should not be seduced by them, they are all demon sects!” ”

“The people of the Demon Sect are cunning and cannot be trusted, and they are even more enemies of martial arts!”

“If the four lords become the leaders of the Demon Sect, won’t they also be enemies of our martial arts sect?”

As soon as these words came out, the five major factions behind each shook, and their eyes widened.

Don’t take us with you!”

Who is so decent with you martial arts!

Don’t you have a single count in your heart?

Tang Tian raised his eyebrows, a little impatient in his heart, “Which one are you?” ”

“Can actually represent the decent martial arts?”

The extermination master hated the Demon Sect to the extreme, naturally he couldn’t let this Ming Sect really surrender his sincerity, otherwise at that time, wouldn’t Tang Tian become the umbrella of the Ming Sect?

How else to deal with the Demon Sect at that time?

She said, “In Xiamei Mountain, although Xueyue City is in the north, it is also a well-known decent person, and our Emei Mountain is also a decent person, and the decent is a family, and we should all kill the Demon Sect quickly!” ”

“If the four lords admit this, they should immediately kill this Blue Winged Bat King, and then kill the Ming Sect!”

Tang Tian’s voice was a little dangerous, “Are you teaching me to do things? ”

The extermination master was too righteous and awe-inspiring, “This is righteousness and righteousness!” ”

Tang Tian’s face turned dark, what about this moral kidnapping?

He asked lightly, “Those people behind you are all with you?” They think so too? ”

Great Song Shaolin Kong Zhi Master clasped his hands together and said, “Amitabha Buddha, Lao Gu does not think so, the so-called one thought becomes a demon, one thought becomes a Buddha, who can clearly say the right demon? ”

The extermination master’s eyes widened, you special old bald donkey, you didn’t say so when you came!

He Taichong of the Kunlun Sect also looked at the nose and nose and looked at the heart, “Poor Dao doesn’t think so, in fact, Poor Dao also brings disciples to surrender!” ”

The extermination master’s eyes are too wide, and you are also sincere?

Say that let’s fight the Demon Sect together, isn’t this a colleague with the Demon Sect? ?

Xian Yutong said, “It is precisely because of this that we are willing to follow the four lords, clear the small night here, and return the world to the world.” ”

The Gang faction also echoed one after another.

The extermination master shouted angrily, “Steal life!” You are shameless! ”

“The four lords listen to my words, for the sake of this world, you must not be in the same league with this demon sect, let alone be the leader of that demon sect!”

Tang Tian said with a smile, “You say that you hate the Ming Sect in every way for the sake of the world, but in fact, it is just because of your senior brother.” ”

“The senior brother you had in mind at the beginning, because he couldn’t beat Yang Xiao, was robbed of the Heavenly Sword by Yang Xiao and threw it away, so he died alive!”

“If he can’t fight, he will practice martial arts well, and then fight again in Japan, but he will die alive, isn’t this because he himself is small-minded?”

“But you relied on the head of the Ming Sect, chased after you, and stood on the moral high ground, suppressing in every way.”

“He speaks of righteousness, but he is full of selfishness.”

“If you don’t stay in your Emei Mountain, you will still take care of me.”

The extermination master was too short, and his face turned white with anger at that time, “You talk nonsense! My senior brother, my senior brother is not… It’s Yang Xiao…”

Tang Tian continued, “Let’s talk about your disciple again. ”

“You have a disciple named Ji Xiaofu?”

The extermination master looked cold, “So what? ”

Tang Tian smiled and said, “Where is she?” ”

As soon as these words came out, all the disciples of Emei Mountain looked strange, not knowing why Tang Tian mentioned Ji Xiaofu.

They hadn’t seen this classmate for a long time.

The extermination master said in a cold voice, “I was killed by that Ming Sect Yang Xiao!” ”

Tang Tian seemed to hear something funny, and his smile was even more contemptuous, “Was it killed by Yang Xiao, or was it killed by you?” ”

The extermination master’s eyes were even more sharp, “What do you mean?” ”

Tang Tian said, “Wasn’t the reason why she wasn’t here that she was killed by your own hands? ”

“She and Yang Xiao are in love, and when you found out, you had to force her to kill her husband, and if she didn’t comply, you beat her to death with one palm!”

“You keep saying that you are righteous and righteous, the so-called husband is a wife, forcing a wife to poison and other insidious means to kill her husband, but righteous!?”

“The wife is unwilling, as a master, and personally kills her own apprentice, but the public heart!?”

The extermination master looked at Tang Tian’s expression and saw a ghost, his body shook, and he exclaimed, “You are in the north, how can you know this!?” ”

As soon as these words came out, the hall was shocked!

Everyone looked at Shi Tai with an incredulous expression.

“How so?”

“How can Extinction do such a thing!?”

“That’s your own apprentice!! You’re confused! ”

“Aren’t these methods exactly the actions of the Demon Sect that you hate the most? Extinction Master, you’re in love…”

The extermination master listened to the discussion of the people around him, and his whole mentality collapsed.

“I don’t care, I just want to kill the Demon Sect! Today, if you still have some righteous heart, you must not be the leader of that demon sect!” ”

Tang Tian asked, “You actually have the face to say the truth, I did this Demon Sect Leader, what can you do?” ”

The extermination master was too embarrassed and angry, “If that’s the case, it’s with me… Mount Emei is an enemy! ”

“Good and evil are not separated! If the four lords insist on going their own way, they will come and fight with me in an upright battle! ”

Zhou Zhiruo waited for the disciples of Emei Mountain to get numb.

They shook their heads repeatedly, “Master, don’t be like this…”

Tang Tian was speechless, “Okay, then you take out the sword!” ”

The extermination master shook the heavenly sword in his hand, the sound of the sword was clear, the internal force surrounded, and a sword stabbed out!


The gun on the puppet’s head instantly burst into flames, and a bullet opened the extermination master on the spot.


She fell to the ground with her eyes wide open, and she was able to take her last breath and said intermittently, “Say yes… What about the Fair War? ”

Isn’t this a method of the Demon Cult?

Tang Tian had a question mark on his face, “The gun is clearly on the white head, how do you still want to be upright?” ”


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