Chapter 91: Dao Trace Realm! The Demon King is coming!!

“I’m afraid, this is a secret technique that belongs to me alone, right?”

Su Hao looked at the red-gold dragon elephant Neidan in his body, and his heart was also full of joy, knowing that this was a secret technique that belonged to him alone.

Almost all those who can become martial arts kings have their own hole cards, and Su Hao’s physical body has become a king, and he has cultivated the dragon elephant inner dan, which is very amazing!

“Dragon Elephant Neidan, now at the level of the first grain, it can not only greatly condense my own strength, but also double my physical strength after stimulation! This is just a grain, the dragon elephant Neidan still has the potential to transform to a higher realm! ”

Su Hao observed the dragon elephant Neidan in his body, and he was happy in his heart.

The effect of the dragon elephant inner dan is quite perverted, which can condense Su Hao’s strength and make the quality of the strength higher, so that it can achieve the victory of the weak over the strong.

In addition, after excitation, it can double Su Hao’s physical body in all aspects, and now Su Hao has the power of one dragon, and after stimulating the dragon elephant inner dan, it will skyrocket to the level of the power of two dragons.

You must know that the difference in strength is a huge gap, more than double, that is almost a one-sided crushing, children and adults are the same!

The ability of the dragon elephant Neidan is definitely perverted, and now it is in the lowest one-grain realm, and it can continue to improve to the second, third and even higher realms in the future.

Of course, in order to continue to improve, you need treasures like the fierce beast Neidan that are of great help to the physical body.

And fierce beasts are very rare, let alone the fierce beast king who cultivated Neidan, looking at the territory of the ten countries, I am afraid that I can’t find a few.

“In terms of martial arts, we can continue to improve, and we will improve all three martial arts.”

Su Hao did not hesitate, he still has 500,000 time points left, and he has to improve himself comprehensively!

“Ding! The time consumption value is 20,000 points, congratulations to the host Vajra Zen Fist for breaking through to the realm of the Dao (Dacheng)”

“Ding! Consumption time value of 20,000 points, congratulations to the host Vajra Zen Fist for breaking through to the realm of the Dao (consummation)”

Su Hao took the lead in improving Vajra Zen Fist, and under his successive promotions, Vajra Zen Fist improved again and again until a certain boundary was broken.


Su Hao’s body trembled violently, and in his feelings, his understanding of boxing techniques reached a whole new level, and the ways of heaven and earth were all condensed in his body and integrated into his fist.


Silently, in Su Hao’s origin, a wisp of gold condensed and was engraved in Su Hao’s body origin.

“Ding! The consumption time value is 200,000 points, congratulations to the host fist for breaking through to the Dao Trace Realm (wisp)”

In Su Hao’s ears, a crisp and pleasant system prompt sounded.

“Dao marks……… The sublimation that occurs after the realm of the Dao reaches the extreme! ”

Su Hao quietly felt that wisp of Dao mark, and his eyes were full of a trace of shock and amazement.

The Vajra Zen Fist continued to improve, directly transforming into the realm of fist scars in the realm! The realm of the Dao can mobilize the Dao of Heaven and Earth to bless itself in its own fist technique. The Dao Trace Realm, on the other hand, condenses the Dao into a Dao Trace and masters it by itself! These two realms are undoubtedly one earth and one heaven!

With fist scars in the hands of Su Hao, any fist technique can turn decay into magic, and after activating the dao marks, it can increase the power of the fist method, and the more the number of dao marks, the greater the increase.

Under normal circumstances, only when you reach the King Realm can you contact the Dao, and those who can condense the Dao into Dao marks are extremely rare in the King Realm!

Su Hao became a king in the flesh, and possessed nine wisps of innate qi, so he could push his fist technique to the realm of Dao Mark!

“If I face the blood of the fierce beast king again, with my own king body and this trace realm fist method, I am afraid that I can bombard it with one or two faces!”

Su Hao looked at his fist, and he said secretly.

Dao Trace Realm Fist Method, the king who is good at boxing rarely reaches such a realm!

“And my knife technique……… Also promoted to the Dao Trace Realm! ”

Su Hao was extremely excited, and immediately chose to improve the Black Tiger Sword Method.

Su Hao once again spent a total of 40,000 time values to raise the Black Tiger Sword Method to the Dao Realm to perfection, and finally increased the seven limits.

“Ding! The consumption time value is 20,000 points, congratulations to the host Black Tiger Sword Method for breaking through to the realm of the Dao (Dacheng)”

“Ding! The consumption time value is 20,000 points, congratulations to the host Black Tiger Sword Method for breaking through to the realm of the Dao (consummation)”

“Ding! The consumption time value is 200,000 points, congratulations to the host Dao Dao breakthrough to the Dao Trace Realm (wisp)”

Su Hao spent the same amount of time to make the sword technique reach the level of the Dao Trace Realm.

In Su Hao’s origin, a new Dao mark condensed, this Dao mark was extremely sharp, revealing a sword qi that tore the heavens and the earth, it was the Dao Dao mark!

Dao marks were born in the body, and any sword method in Su Hao’s hands would be able to exert extremely terrifying power!

This time of retreat, the harvest is quite huge, there has been great progress in all aspects, the biggest progress, of course, is to become a king in the flesh, condense the dragon elephant Neidan, and his 1.5 million time value, is also consumed only 20,000 points.

“The most urgent thing is to get enough cultivation resources to cultivate my Jindan to the realm of perfection, and then shatter the Jindan, integrate into myself, complete the transformation in all aspects, and become a true martial arts king!”

And Su Hao’s next step is to become a real martial arts king.

To achieve the king of martial arts, you need extremely high talent and potential, Su Hao believes that with nine wisps of innate qi, it should not be difficult to complete the transformation, not to mention that he has become a king in the flesh, and it should be simpler than others to complete the transformation.

What Su Hao needed was enough, a large number of cultivation resources!

And when Su Hao was preparing himself to become a martial arts king, there was an undercurrent surging in!

In a barren land of the demon country, there is a huge volcano, this volcano is an active volcano, it has erupted three times in the past hundred years, so there are no living beings living nearby.


At this moment, this huge volcano burst out with a sky-shaking roar, and flame magma spewed out from it, like a red pillar, one after another.

What is even more frightening is that in this pillar of flames, a burly demon shadow like a demon god stands along, and a blazing fire gas emanating from his body causes the temperature to rise sharply within a radius of hundreds of miles.

Trees with a high degree of fire resistance were ignited, burned, and quickly turned into ashes.

This burly devil shadow was filled with monstrous anger in his eyes, as if he wanted to burn the world.

“Bastard! Who dared to kill my own son! He has the resources of a king, and I have exhausted my mental strength to cultivate him! ”

The burly demon shadow roared, like crazy, and the murderous aura emanating from his body made the full moon in the sky rendered blood-red, dim!

This terrifying power makes people’s hearts tremble, as if the ancient gods and demons have been revived!

The demon who is covered in flames, as if the Flame Demon God, is a terrifying terrifying demon king in the demon clan, the Heavenly Fire Demon King!

“It’s the Heavenly Fire Demon King who has awakened! It’s terrible, the king is angry, and it makes people tremble! ”

“Hmm……… The Heavenly Fire Demon King only has one son, who values it very much, but he was killed! ”

The Heavenly Fire Demon King was furious, and the movement was great, and the rest of the nearby demons were alarmed, and their hearts were shocked, in addition to being shocked by the amazing power of the Heavenly Fire Demon King, they also knew the reason for the Heavenly Fire Demon King’s anger.

The Heavenly Fire Demon King is not like other demon kings, ruling over hundreds of millions of demons.

The Heavenly Fire Demon King has been practicing in the Flame Mountain all year round, ignoring foreign affairs, and his heir is only one.

It is Red Fire, and Red Fire is also very competitive, among all the royal demons, they can rank in the top five, and there is a great chance to achieve transformation and enter the King Realm in the future.

But this time, as soon as the Heavenly Fire Demon King came out, through the connection in his bloodline, he sensed that the aura of red fire had dissipated and he was dead!

How can the Heavenly Fire Demon King, who has only one heir and high hopes, not be angry?

“Who is it……… Who killed Goko? Whoever it is, this king must pay the heaviest price! ”

The eyes of the Heavenly Fire Demon King spewed with flames, he has always had a bursting temperament, and he must pay for his vengeance, otherwise the idea would not be clear, and now the only heir has been killed, making him angry, and he must repay the hatred of this murderous son.

“Go, go meet the other old guys, first find out what happened, my son is almost invincible under the Red Fire King realm, who can kill him?”

And the Heavenly Fire Demon King did not lose his cool, he quickly went in one direction, to find out what happened first.

Su Hao naturally didn’t know that if he killed Red Fire, he would provoke a demon king who was furious, and vowed to seek revenge on him.

After all, Su Hao had previously killed Zichen, Prince of Wind, the two royal demons, and their father was not so angry that he would do anything to deal with him.

Three days later, on the border of the Great Xia Dynasty, in a fortress.

This fortress serves as a border defense line, stationed with hundreds of thousands of people all year round to prevent foreign invasion.

On the walls of the border fortress, soldiers stood straight and sentry.

“Huh? In the sky……… What is that? ”

Some soldiers suddenly rounded their eyes and looked at the sky in shock, in the sky, the billowing flames were like a wave, causing the originally calm sky to burn, like pieces of fire clouds.

“Yes… It’s the Demon King! Demon King! ”

In the fortress, a leader of the Innate Realm shook violently, his teeth crunched, and his eyes were full of shocked voices.

Demon king, this is synonymous with horror.

A demon king can easily slaughter a city, just like crushing a nest of ants, and will not have any ability to resist.

“The Demon King is coming towards the fortress?”

“What’s going on? There is an agreement between the human race and the demon family, and the kings of both sides cannot make moves at will! ”

One soldier in the fortress all had a desperate mood in their hearts, and at the same time they couldn’t believe it, wasn’t it rumored that the demon king would not easily enter the territory of the human race, or even make a move?

“Within three days, Su Hao of the Human Race came here to die! Otherwise, hundreds of thousands of people in this fortress will have to be buried for him! ”

In the midst of the flames, the Heavenly Fire Demon King looked down at the border fortress below, and his voice sounded like a demon god in the ears of hundreds of thousands of people in the fortress, full of killing intent, making people doubt the truth or falsity of his words.

“Su Hao? This demon king is coming for Lord Su Hao? ”

“If Master Su Hao doesn’t come, he will kill us all?”

One by one, the soldiers were shocked and angry, they had all heard of Su Hao’s great name, they were the super demons of their Great Xia Dynasty, and now there was a demon king who wanted to deal with Su Hao, so he came to this border fortress and took them as hostages to force Su Hao to come out…

If Su Hao doesn’t come, the Fire Demon King will slaughter this fortress that day!

“Is the Fire Demon King crazy this day? Do you want to break the convention? ”

“Don’t be impulsive! The Heavenly Fire Demon King is a madman, saying that if he wants to slaughter the city, then it must be done! ”

The king of the Great Xia Dynasty, naturally got the news for the first time, and they were all extremely angry, this Heavenly Fire Demon King was too reckless, Su Hao killed his son, and the Heavenly Fire Demon King directly came to the door to take revenge, and took a fortress as a hostage.

These kings went together, although there was a high probability that they could destroy the Heavenly Fire Demon King, but hundreds of thousands of people in that fortress also had to be buried.

The Heavenly Fire Demon King is the Determined Great Xia Dynasty

The martial arts king would not disregard the life and death of these hundreds of thousands of people to dare to be so fearless!

In addition, deep in the clouds in the sky, there were several demon kings observing the direction of the fortress from a distance.

“Humph……… The Heavenly Fire Demon King is crazy enough, lonely, and has no concerns, so it is very appropriate for him to make a move. ”

A cyan burly demon stood with his hands in his hands, wrapped in mysterious devil patterns all over his body, and he sneered.

This demon king is the wind demon king.

At the beginning, Su Hao killed the Wind Demon King, which caused the Wind Demon King to be furious, but the Wind Demon King had some scruples and could only watch Su Hao leave.

And the temper of the Heavenly Fire Demon King is vengeful and must be avenged, Su Hao killed his son, but the Heavenly Fire Demon King could not bear this breath, and would rather break the agreement between the two races than kill Su Hao for revenge!

“Fortunately, this Su Hao is too demonic, rare in the history of the human race for thousands of years, if he does not die, it will become a disaster, and it is most appropriate for the madman of the Heavenly Fire Demon King to kill him!”

A demon king covered in amethyst said in a calm tone.

Su Hao is too demonic, and in just a few years, he has risen rapidly by a nobody, especially the battle of Xuelong Mountain some time ago, and the blood waiting for the snatching beast king to kill the fierce beast king with the innate realm has made him enter the eyes of all demon kings.

They knew that for the geniuses of other races, the king of martial arts may be an insurmountable threshold, but for Su Hao, it is almost certain that he can become a king of martial arts, if he is not quickly strangled, the future human race may have one more true king, or even a king of the ages!

If the Fire Demon King made a move today, they would support it in their hearts, hoping that the Heavenly Fire Demon King could strangle Su Hao!

The biggest friction between the Great Xia Dynasty and the demon clan in recent years will unfold at the border!

At this time, Su Hao was meditating in the Demon Division of the Great Xia Imperial Capital, and he did not know the movement at the border until the morning of this day, someone in the imperial city came to visit Su Hao.

The person who came was none other than Wei Xian.

“Master Wei, you are a distinguished guest, is there something going on?”

When Su Hao saw Wei Xian, he smiled.

Wei Xian generally doesn’t come to him if he is fine, Su Hao feels that Wei Xian is here now, it is likely to have some big task, Su Hao does not reject this, he is now lacking a lot of resources, impacting the king realm!

And Wei Xian’s face showed a bitter smile and said, “I am here to tell you on the order of Senior Li, you must not leave the imperial capital in the recent period.” ”

“Don’t leave the imperial capital? What do you mean? ”

Su Hao was stunned, not knowing why Li Tiangang would deliberately come to inform him of this.

Wei Xian’s eyes looking at Su Hao were very strange, and he said with a hint of amazement: “Lord Su, you killed a royal demon in Xuelong Mountain last time, and his father was the Heavenly Fire Demon King, such as today the Fire Demon King has arrived at the border fortress of the Great Xia Dynasty, and he wants you to go and die.” ”

Wei Xian was indeed shocked, Su Hao was too amazing, and killing the royal demons was a great honor for others.

But there are several royal demons in Su Hao’s hands, especially the battle in Xuelong Mountain, which can be called shaking the ten countries!

“Is it that royal demon?”

Su Hao was also surprised, the royal demon Red Fire who was casually erased by him, his father Heavenly Fire Demon King would seek revenge on him with great fanfare.

This one is not good, it will cause a big war between the kings of the two races, and the consequences will be huge, and the Heavenly Fire Demon King itself has a good chance of falling.

Wei Xian said helplessly: “Therefore, Lord Su, you must not leave the imperial capital recently, even if the Heavenly Fire Demon King is crazy, he does not dare to go deep into the scope of the Great Xia Dynasty.” ”

From Wei Xian, Su Hao also understood what was happening.

The Heavenly Fire Demon King took a fortress of hundreds of thousands of people as hostages to force Su Hao to go to the border to die, but on the side of the Great Xia Dynasty, of course, it is impossible to let Su Hao, the demon, fall, the attitude is equally tough, many kings have rushed to the border, once the Heavenly Fire Demon King really dares to slaughter the city, a big war will break out!

And in order to prevent accidents, he deliberately came to inform Su Hao not to leave the imperial capital recently.

“My battle with Red Fire is fair and just, he can only say that his strength is not good when he dies, this day the Fire Demon King wants to kill me boldly, and he has to take hundreds of thousands of people as hostages?”

There was a trace of murderous intent in Su Hao’s eyes.

The kings will not intervene in the struggle between the juniors of the two races, and they can only blame their own strength for being killed, and the kings will not tear their skin for this, and the Heavenly Fire Demon King also used the despicable means of taking hostages in order to force Su Hao to send his life!

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