Chapter 333: Old Ancestor Ziyang is here!!

Zhao Feng looked at the golden pillar of light that suddenly appeared, his face was happy, and he saw that this golden pillar of light was Zhao Feng’s master, the old man of the Purple Cloud Empire, and the only master of the God King Realm on the Purple Cloud Star.

This golden pillar of light directly knocked Su Hao out and bombarded Su Hao to the other end of the ring.

Zhao Feng felt the pain in his body, like a river overturning the sea, and a bitter smile appeared on his face, and then, he slowly sat up and looked at Su Hao beside him.

Su Hao was knocked out by this golden pillar of light, and the whole person fell to the ground, and a large mouthful of blood erupted from his mouth.

His face became very ugly, and his face was full of disbelief, looking at the Ziyang Old Ancestor who was standing not far away with a sneer on his face.

“Master, why are you here?”

“Humph! A few of you juniors have actually bullied my apprentice’s head, today, even if you have three heads and six arms, you don’t want to leave Ziyun Star alive. ”

Old Ancestor Ziyang glared at Su Hao in front of him, and his eyes burst with murderous intent.

“Hehe, Su Hao, my master has promised me to avenge me, so you must die.”

Zhao Feng looked at Su Hao, his eyes full of mockery.

Su Hao listened to Zhao Feng’s words, his face suddenly became gloomy, he did not expect that Zhao Feng’s background was so deep, he glanced at the ancestor of Ziyang, sneered, and said, “Hmph, old thing, aren’t you very good?” I’ll see if you can save him a few times, but today, even if you can save him the first time, you can’t save him a second time, he is already a waste, I see if you old guy can protect him thoroughly. ”

After Su Hao finished speaking, his eyes swept, and suddenly, he fell on Zhao Feng on the side, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, with a cruel smile, walking towards Zhao Feng, and said, “Boy, today, the old man will let you know that the gap between you and me Su Hao, in front of me, you are just a dog, a dog that was trampled under my feet, Su Hao stepped out, and in an instant, he appeared in front of Zhao Feng, and his punch bombarded Zhao Feng fiercely, bringing a whistling storm. ”

At this time, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Feng’s mouth, and his body instantly soared into the air, avoiding Su Hao’s attack.

Su Hao’s punch fell short, and seeing Zhao Feng avoid his attack so easily, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Su Hao did not chase Zhao Feng again, but turned his head and looked at Zhao Feng, a sneer appeared on his face, and said, “Boy, now, let you taste the power of Laozi.” ”

When the words fell, Su Hao held the purple spirit combat knife in his hand, his body turned into a bolt of lightning, and instantly rushed towards Zhao Feng, and the purple spirit combat knife in his hand burst out one after another extremely sharp blades, slashing towards Zhao Feng.

Facing Su Hao’s attack, Zhao Feng snorted coldly and used his “Thunderball” body.

In an instant, Zhao Feng’s figure turned into a phantom, instantly appeared behind Su Hao, and then, with a punch, with a terrifying thunder fluctuation, smashed into Su Hao fiercely.


At this time, Su Hao had more than ten blades in a row, and he bombarded towards Zhao Feng very fiercely, but Zhao Feng still dodged unhurriedly, his figure shook, avoiding the bombardment of these blades, and at the same time, the purple spirit combat knife in his hand continued to slash towards Su Hao.

Bang bang!

A series of collision sounds came from the exchange between Zhao Feng and Su Hao, emitting a piercing explosion sound…

At this time, the battle between the two people was very fierce, and Su Hao wanted to kill Zhao Feng, but whenever he wanted to make a move, Zhao Feng would dodge, so that Su Hao had no way at all.

Moreover, because Su Hao’s speed slowed down, he didn’t dare to approach Zhao Feng at all, for fear, if he was not careful, Zhao Feng had performed some magical secret skills, so that he couldn’t eat and walk, so he kept retreating backwards, wanting to avoid Zhao Feng far away.

Zhao Feng, on the other hand, seized this opportunity and kept attacking.

Although Su Hao’s strength is strong, Zhao Feng is not to be outdone, and he is constantly counterattacking, looking desperate.

“Boy, do you really think that I can’t help you? In that case, you go and die. ”

At this moment, Su Hao suddenly burst out, the purple spirit combat knife in his hand rose sharply, and then, a purple long dragon that was a hundred zhang long and looked like a giant python instantly appeared in front of him, biting fiercely towards Zhao Feng, this purple long dragon, lifelike, seemed to be alive.

“Purple Dragon Swallowing Sun Slash.”


In the purple spirit combat knife, a roar was heard, and the giant dragon directly opened its mouth wide, and swallowed it towards Zhao Feng.

This trick is one of Su Hao’s masters, he has cultivated four different fires, one of which is the fire system different fire, he once used such a trick, extinguishing dozens of mountains, it can be seen how terrifying this move is.

Moreover, because Su Hao’s strength has improved a lot, his strength has become even stronger, and the power of this move has been doubled.

In the face of this move of the Purple Dragon Swallowing Sun, Zhao Feng’s face also became serious.

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