Then a panel with a shimmering light was projected into Chang Sheng's eyes.

[Host: Chang Sheng]

[Realm: Peiyuan Realm Late Stage]

[Martial arts: Changhe Sunset Palm Level 3+ (second-rate martial arts, click the + sign to upgrade!) ]

Chang Sheng looked overjoyed:

"I, giao!"

"Bao, you are finally here!"

After carefully realizing the function of Goldfinger, Chang Sheng's eyes almost narrowed with laughter.

The one-click max-level system is not that fancy and has only one function.

That is, when you click the + sign, you can upgrade all the martial arts that appear on the attribute panel!

No bottlenecks, no recharge required.

Conscience, happiness, it’s that simple, it’s that rough!

"Sure enough, only hard work can create happiness. As expected, only a handsome guy like me deserves to own such a conscientious plug-in."

Chang Sheng silently gave a thumbs up and shamelessly praised his appearance.

With this Goldfinger, his future is limitless!

Chang Sheng couldn't wait to click on the martial arts page.

The detailed introduction of the Long River Sunset Palm Technique shown inside suddenly appeared in front of me.

[The Sunset Palm Technique on the Long River: Second-rate martial arts, it takes the meaning of the solitary smoke in the desert and the round sun setting on the Yangtze River. It is straight, one round, one moving, one quiet, one hard, one soft, one upright, one side, with the trend of strange and correct interdependence. , virtual and real, unpredictable]

[After practicing to the fifth level of Great Accomplishment, you can wield it with ease and become unparalleled in power. The eight kinds of power can penetrate directly into the internal organs, making it impossible to prevent! ]

[As a Body Refining exercise, it is extremely suitable for strengthening the foundation and cultivating the body, and sharpening the Qi Refining blood]

[The current level is Lv3 and can be upgraded. Do you want to upgrade? ]

Seeing that he could upgrade, Chang Sheng immediately clicked on it without even thinking about it.

[Long River Sunset Palm Technique Lv3 → Lv4, upgraded successfully! ]

A powerful sense of power started from the hands, continuously strengthening the functions everywhere, and then spread to the whole body, and the skills of the entire body began to be strengthened crazily.

Then a lot of insights about Changhe Sunset Palm were continuously introduced into Chang Sheng's mind, and he was quickly absorbed by it.

The entire transformation lasted for dozens of breaths, but Chang Sheng felt as if he had been practicing Changhe Sunset Palm for two years continuously.

Chang Sheng was a little tired, but he clenched his fists and felt as if he was twice as powerful as before, making Chang Sheng even more excited.

He tried a few moves.

The sound of fierce breaking wind is endless, not only the power, but also the speed is much faster!

It wasn't a dream, he really reached the fourth floor!

In the Great Wilderness World, according to what Chang Sheng learned, martial arts is roughly divided into six levels: Beginner, Proficient, Mastery, Basic Accomplishment, Great Accomplishment, and Perfection.

It just corresponds to Lv1 to Lv6.

Second-rate martial arts is already considered an upper-middle-level martial arts. If the average person wants to reach the level of L4 Basic Accomplishment, even those with good talent and sufficient resources will have to work hard for several years.

But Chang Sheng just clicked and dozens of breaths were achieved instantly.

And it doesn’t cost a single resource!

Just a little hungry and a little depressed!

Goldfinger is so scary!

Addicted, completely addicted.

Without stopping, he pressed the upgrade button again with his mind.

[Long River Sunset Palm Technique Lv4 → Lv5, upgraded successfully! ]

boom! ! !

The warm current that was several times stronger than before surged out!

Even the Taoist robes were puffed up slightly, and the hair was flying.

Power is still power, sufficient, powerful, the power to crush everything!

Long River Sunset Palm Technique-lv5 Great Accomplishment Realm!

The violent force continuously squeezed the deepest part of the body, and a dark red power filled the outside of the body, and then suddenly shrank into the white bones of the limbs, exuding eight different powers, constantly strengthening Chang Sheng's body.

The Level 4 Long River Sunset Palm is already a goal that people with ordinary qualifications strive for.

And the Level 5 Long River Sunset Palm is already in a realm that ordinary people cannot touch in their lifetime!

because this is……

"This is...the power of Qi and blood!"

"I can't imagine that I could break through to the Qi and Blood Realm so easily!?"

Chang Sheng felt the special energy constantly flowing in his body and looked at his palms.

Then he walked to the stone lock that he specially used for practicing.

The stone lock is extremely huge, weighing over a hundred kilograms. It is made of special stone and is extremely hard.

Chang Sheng did not raise it to polish his strength as usual, but instead gently leaned his palm on it, gently stimulating a trace of special energy.


A crisp sound came from inside the stone lock, and then in front of Chang Sheng, the stone lock shattered into eight petals.

Chang Sheng nodded with joy: "Yes, it is really the power of qi and blood, or the power of qi and blood with eight kinds of strength."

And just a trace of energy and blood has such power. What if he uses all his strength?

What about hitting people?

No wonder, no wonder Qi and Blood Realm can be called human beings, but Peiyuan Realm can't even control their own life and death.

No wonder the inner disciples are treated so well, but the outer disciples are so conceited about life and death.

Only then did Chang Sheng fully understand all of this.

On his panel at this time.

[Host: Chang Sheng]

[Realm: Early stage of Qi and Blood Realm]

[Martial arts: Changhe Sunset Palm Level 5 (second-rate martial arts, click the + sign to upgrade!) ]

"Can it really be upgraded infinitely? Add it to me!"

Chang Sheng didn't hesitate. What was there to hesitate about?

He decisively clicked the upgrade button again.

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