Xianwu: Start With The One-Click Full-Level System

Chapter 394: True And Far From The Truth

At this point, precious elixirs such as Qiaosi Dan have also been included in the points system of the Little Firefly World. As long as you have enough points and strength, you can exchange for this elixir.

The existence of Qiaosi Dan quickly spread throughout the Little Firefly world, and everyone was excited.

Everyone is yearning for the realm of King Realm. As long as you step into this realm, you can exchange for Qiao Si Dan and get a leap in improvement again.

This is a straight line to the top of Great Dao!

First there were good things like Qiaosi Incense, and then there was Qiaosi Pill, and everyone's enthusiasm for cultivation increased again [Little Yinghuo's cultivation craze increased by ten times again.

Chang Sheng clearly felt this. He re-trained the Little Yinghuo Realm and improved the status of the Little Yinghuo Realm. He is the way of heaven in the Little Yinghuo Realm, and all living beings in the Little Yinghuo Realm are closely connected to him.

As long as the strength of these firefly people improves, it will be fed back to Chang Sheng.

Because the overall strength of the people in the Little Fire World is constantly improving, Chang Sheng's strength is always on the rise.

If the power fed back to Chang Sheng was a gurgling stream before, now it has become a small river.

Not only that, Chang Sheng's strength improved faster than Kuai Chen.

Soon, the feedback of this power will become a mighty river!

"Very good, everything is on track!"

The little firefly world once again burst out with vigorous vitality, which made him very happy.

When more people break through the King Realm, he can start to spread his power in the Qinglan Ancient Realm.

Previously, four Daoists from the Middle Thousand Realm raided Lanxiang Mountain and dealt a heavy blow to the long-established King Clan of Youjia. This was a good start.

After that, not only Youjia, but also the other nine King Clan were unable to stop the power of the Little Yinghuo Realm from rising in the Qinglan Ancient Realm.

In addition, there is another matter that can be dealt with recently.

Chang Sheng raised his head, his gaze penetrated the dome and came outside the starry sky, where he vaguely saw a huge black shadow.

Bone Ao.

This ancestral-level alien demon has been squatting outside the starry sky. More than half a year has passed, and it has not left. [Chang Sheng could also often feel a vague gaze watching him.

It is precisely because of Gu Ao's surveillance that Chang Sheng has been restrained in his actions outside during this period. He needs to disguise his strength and cover his whereabouts at all times to prevent Gu Ao from seeing through his trump card.

Continuing like this is not an option.

It's time to deal with this guy.

It's been a long time since such a big thing happened in the Qinglan Ancient World.

A King Clan has fallen.

This is not a rumor or a legend. Many people have witnessed the fall of the You family with their own eyes, and many are even participants in the destruction of the You family.

The head of the You family, You Ruosong, died.

Its combat power in the Great Thousand Realm was completely damaged. Except for a few elders in the Great Thousand Realm and a small number of elite disciples of the You Family, all the people in the You Family died.

In addition, most of the You family's wealth has disappeared and has been transferred by the You family in advance.

It can be seen that the You family has already foreseen that such a thing will happen, and has laid a secret plan in advance, because the You family left a spark of fire.

The You family has not been exterminated, and there is still hope of coming back again.

Just... little hope.

It is not that simple to build a King Clan. It requires generations of hard work to achieve it. The road is bumpy, and if you make one wrong step, your success will be ruined.

Moreover, even if the You family has the strength to start over again, will other King Clan agree to the rise of the You family again?

Absolutely no such possibility!

After the Youjia was destroyed, almost all the King Clan added fuel to the fire, with the blood of the Youjia people on their hands. How could they watch the Youjia rise again?

If one day the You family returns with force and wants to settle all the past events, then these King Clan will be the first to bear the brunt!

There is no going back.

From now on, there will no longer be one of the top ten King Clan in the Qinglan Ancient World.

But.........Nine King Clan!

Not only the You family, but the forces closely related to the You family have also been purged and suppressed. At this time, everyone is in danger and can't avoid it. How can anyone come out to speak for the You family?

The legacy left by the Youjia was quickly divided up by various forces in the Qinglan Ancient World, and even the residence of the Youjia was occupied by a new force.

After all the dust settled, many people also had doubts when they looked back.

Why did the huge Youjia disappear overnight?

What kind of enemies did the You family provoke to suffer this misfortune?

What secrets are hidden behind all this?


Many people are speculating on the truth behind this, but they always feel like they are looking through the fog, unable to see clearly or know the truth.

Except Zhou Wende!

Zhou Wende may be one of the first people in the Qinglan Ancient World to know that something happened to the You family.

He had put a lot of effort into the destruction of the You family. If it weren't for the many dead men in his Blood Clothes Building spreading the news, the You family wouldn't have fallen so quickly.

Who is the first person in the Qinglan Ancient World to know the inside story of the You family?

Others don’t know, but Zhou Wende knows it clearly!

It’s Chang Sheng!

It was Chang Sheng who told him that something happened to the You family.

He has always been curious about how Chang Sheng knew such secretive things.

Something happened to a King Clan. No one else knew about it yet, but Chang Sheng did!

Even he, the person behind the Bloody Clothes Building, doesn’t know!


Chang Sheng is just a middle-aged person, and there are a lot of such people in the Qinglan Ancient World.

Although Chang Sheng did not tell Zhou Xi the reason and said that he was lucky and learned about it by accident, Zhou Wende didn't believe it in his heart.

Where in the world can there be so much good luck?

Afterwards, Zhou Wende reviewed the entire incident and arranged for the dead men from the Bloody Clothes Building to investigate, and discovered a chilling detail.

In recent times, everything related to the destruction of the You family has Chang Sheng's shadow more or less in it.

Chang Sheng shined in Wumo Secret Realm and obtained a [心眼 Sword Dao]. This method was auctioned by Yubao Pavilion and was finally auctioned by Youjia...

Afterwards, the You family seemed dissatisfied with Chang Sheng and began to send dead soldiers to surround and kill Chang Sheng.

Later, when civilian soldiers competed for the Boundary Breaking Pill in the Secret Realm, two elders of the You family besieged Chang Sheng. Chang Sheng escaped and ascended to heaven, but the two elders of the You family disappeared.

After the disappearance of the You family elders, the targeting of Chang Sheng intensified, and many dead soldiers from the Great Thousand Realm were sent to surround and kill Chang Sheng.

The strange thing is that Chang Sheng always survived from the hands of these top dead warriors for one reason or another, while those dead warriors in the Great Thousand Realm fell one after another.

It’s a bit off the mark!

Some time ago, Chang Sheng came to the door in person and told Zhou Wende that the You family was in trouble and asked Xueyilou to help spread the information.

In the end...the You family has no more than 100 million. .

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