Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 115: Plan to make money from Qingfeng Mountain (please subscribe! Please vote!)

Qingfeng Village.

Ten leaders including Jiang Hongfei, Sun Jing, Zhu Wu, Hua Rong, Yang Zhi, Ruan Xiaoqi, Shi Xiu, Chen Da, Cao Zheng and Huang Rang had breakfast and waited patiently for news from Shi Jin.

Before midnight, a sergeant from Qingfeng Village came to report: Leader Shi was back, and he brought back two big men tied up.

Chen Da asked in confusion: "Shi Dalang kidnapped Li Zhong and Zhou Tong?"

Jiang Hongfei, Sun Jing, and Zhu Wu all laughed at the same time!

They knew in their hearts that Li Zhong and Zhou Tong were probably afraid that the heroes of Liangshan would be disadvantageous to them, so they devised a cruel trick to gain sympathy.


When Li Zhong and Zhou Tong appeared, they were both shirtless and carrying thorn sticks on their backs. As soon as they saw Jiang Hongfei, they knelt down to Jiang Hongfei with a "pop" and said, "The villain is guilty. I hope the Great Sage will show mercy!"

Looking at Li Zhong and Zhou Tong, who were covered in purple from the cold and with mucus coming out of their noses, Jiang Hongfei thought to himself: "Although the weather has warmed up, this early morning in March is definitely enough for them to have a drink while shirtless. .”

Jiang Hongfei hurried forward to untie Li Zhong and Zhou Tong, blaming Shi Jin and saying, "Da Lang, I asked you to invite someone. If you dare to disobey me and tie someone up, I will make you eat a hundred military sticks!"

Shi Jin yelled at Qu and said: "Brother blamed me wrongly. I went to invite him. Last night I made an agreement with Master and the two of them, and we went down the mountain together at dawn. Who would have thought that when I saw them again, they would look like this and be so determined?" If I don’t teach my little brother to loosen their bonds, I have no choice but to bring them back like this.”

While talking, Jiang Hongfei untied the ropes and thorns from Li Zhong and Zhou Tong.

Then, Jiang Hongfei turned his hand, and two sets of large cross-collar robes appeared in Jiang Hongfei's hands.

Li Zhong and Zhou Tong were startled when they saw this, and then they figured out that Jiang Hongfei must have stored treasures on his body.

Li Zhong and Zhou Tong sighed to themselves in unison: "As expected of the Great Sage, the number one hero in the world, he is so generous!"

Jiang Hongfei handed the clothes to Li Zhong and Zhou Tong respectively, but they did not put them on immediately.

——It has been freezing all the way, the mountain wind has blown enough, and they have suffered enough sins and sufferings. How could they miss this moment? Don't you need more sympathy?

Li Zhong said: "The Great Sage of Heaven should not blame Brother Dalang. It is actually my two brothers who feel that they have sinned deeply, so they bear the thorn and plead guilty."

Are Li Zhong and Zhou Tong guilty?

In fact, these two people really don't have much of a problem, except for their nicknames that are almost blown up to heaven.

Let’s talk about Li Zhong first.

In "Water Margin", Lu Zhishen was quoted many times as saying that Li Zhong was "unpleasant" and "stingy" and despised him.

But to be honest, Li Zhong is just a traveling busker, living at the bottom of society with a low income. His stinginess is due to his background and income.

Furthermore, it was not easy for Li Zhong to make money. When Lu Zhishen opened his mouth to borrow money from Shi Jin and Li Zhong, they had just met for the first time, and Li Zhong took out two taels of silver, which was really good.

In addition, Li Zhong and Zhou Tong entertained Lu Zhishen warmly. Lu Zhishen looked down upon their stinginess and stole many gold and silver wine vessels from them before leaving. Li Zhong did not miss Lu Zhishen's old evil and said that Lu Zhishen was a straightforward and good person. .

This character is passable no matter how you say it.

In short, there is not much problem with Li Zhong. On the contrary, he is very shrewd, has some tricks, and is a useful person.

Let’s talk about Zhou Tong.

Zhou Tong was a bit lustful. When he met Liu Taigong's daughter, he fell in love with her at first sight and "left twenty taels of gold and a piece of red brocade as a gift", and then chose an auspicious day to welcome her.

Although Zhou Tong said to himself that he was not a matchmaker, he did manage to get married.

When the day came to welcome the bride, Zhou Tong dressed up energetically and created a large and formal ceremony to welcome the bride. There were congratulations and singing, which was in line with the etiquette of folk marriages.

But Liu Taigong was dissatisfied with the marriage. He thought Zhou Tong was a robber and was not a good match. Just as he said to Lu Zhishen: "He is a murderous demon king." The subtext is: "He is not worthy of me." daughter."

After Lu Zhishen and Zhou Tong became acquainted, their opinion was that Taigong Liu only had this daughter, and he would rely on her to provide for him until his death, and to inherit his family. The old man was reluctant and suggested that Zhou Tong give up the marriage and choose a better one.

Zhou Tong's answer was straightforward: "Listen to my elder brother's words. I will not dare to visit you again."

The first is to "listen" to the eldest brother and be considerate; the second is to "never come to the door again", which is an oath and reasonableness.

Lu Zhishen was still worried and said, "When a man does something, he never regrets it!"

Zhou Tong broke an arrow and made an oath.

Lu Zhishen smoothly broke off the engagement with just one word.

Judging from Zhou Tong's behavior, isn't it much better than Wang Ying and Dong Ping?

The former would grab anyone with good looks who came down the mountain; the latter's first thing after surrendering to Song Jiang was to kill the prefect of Dongping and steal his daughter.

Don't talk about others.

If it were the heroes of Liangshan who took action.

In all likelihood, the process is to settle the matter directly and then hold a public trial.

If Liu Taiping was unkind in his daily life, he would definitely not be able to get out of the public trial.

His daughter was brought back directly, either for Jiang Hongfei to enjoy himself or to give to his meritorious brothers.

He couldn't achieve Zhou Tong's level.

In short, although Zhou Tong cannot be said to be a good person, he should not be too bad.

This is actually one of the reasons why Jiang Hongfei is willing to accept Li Zhong and Zhou Tong.

At this time, Li Zhong and Zhou Tong came up with a cruel trick to protect themselves. Although it was a bit embarrassing, it was harmless. It can only be said that this is the wisdom of little people.

Jiang Hongfei knew how to deal with little people. He glanced at Zhu Wu without leaving any trace.

Zhu Wu immediately came over with understanding, and while helping Zhou Tong put on his clothes, he said: "According to our original intention, you guys have only five to seven hundred people in Peach Blossom Mountain on the left and right, so we can just capture it. It was Shi Dalang who heard about the name of the leader of Li Village. , I found out that his master is in your Peach Blossom Mountain, and I specifically asked my brother to give you a chance in Peach Blossom Mountain. My brother is the most generous person, how can he refute his brother's face? That's why today's incident happened."

While helping Li Zhong get dressed, Jiang Hongfei said, "Hey~! What are you talking about? Since these two wise brothers are willing to lead Taohua Mountain and merge it with our Shuibo Liang Mountain, we will be a family from now on. Let us teach them all what happened before." That’s it.”

Li Zhong didn't dare to let Jiang Hongfei help him get dressed, so he quickly put on his clothes himself.

The same is true for Zhou Tong.

At this time, Jiang Hongfei directly said what Li Zhong and Zhou Tong were most concerned about, which was the promise given to them by Shi Jin:

"After your Taohua Mountain was merged into our Shuibo Liangshan Mountain, like Erlong Mountain, it became a branch of our Shuibo Liangshan Village. You will still be the village owners of this branch village, but there is one thing. Both of you and your brothers in the village must accept it. Our Shuibo Liangshan selection, training and political education."

Li Zhong and Zhou Tong got Jiang Hongfei's golden words and took them into their hearts.

After getting dressed, Li Zhong and Zhou Tong pushed the gold mountain, toppled the jade pillar, and bowed to Jiang Hongfei, saying, "Kowtow to my brother!"

Looking at Li Zhong and Zhou Tong now, one is really bigger than the other.

Jiang Hongfei said with a smile: "The two worthy brothers are so strong."

"My little brother's figure and nickname are all deceptive. He only strengthens the seventh attribute spiritual root, and the other spiritual roots are not worth mentioning." Li Zhong said.

"My younger brother is also weak in ability and cannot be compared with other elder brothers." Zhou Tong also said.

It can be seen that Li Zhong and Zhou Tong have a very low profile.

This is normal, as Li Zhong and Zhou Tong said, their abilities are mediocre and they can only rely on their body size and name to scare people. If they really encounter hard problems, they are finished. But if they rely on Shuibo Liangshan, they You can sit back and relax from now on.

What's more, Jiang Hongfei still puts Li Zhong and Zhou Tong in charge of Taohuashan at this stage. In their opinion, this should be no different from before. At most, it is just giving part of the profits to Shuibo Liangshan.

Brief summary.

After Taohuashan surrendered, Cao Zheng asked Hua Rong to train troops in Qingfeng Village all day long, and even held up a big flag. It reads: Travel through three mountains to catch the bandits, Huang Rang Hua Rong has done all the work!

On this day, Cao Zheng and Yang Zhi, representing Erlong Mountain, and Li Zhong, representing Taohua Mountain, went to Qingfeng Mountain to discuss the alliance between the three mountains.

The three major thieves in Qingfeng Mountain, Jinmaohu Yanshun, Dwarf Tiger Wang Ying, and White-faced Prince Zheng Tianshou, also found out that Hua Rong and Huang Rang, the newly arrived Wen Zhizhai, were about to destroy them in Qingfeng Mountain and were worried.

Yan Shun, Wang Ying, and Zheng Tianshou were overjoyed to hear that Erlong Mountain and Taohua Mountain wanted to join forces to jointly resist the encirclement and suppression by the army. They hurried down the mountain in person to invite Cao Zheng and others to Qingfeng Mountain.

When introducing each other, Cao Zheng pointed at Yang Zhi and boasted: "This brother of mine is a descendant of the generals of the Yang family. He was born in martial arts. He once served as an envoy of the palace commander's office. He has the courage that ten thousand people cannot match. He is enough for a small flower." , but there are many people in Qingfeng Village, and the village is dangerous, otherwise my family can take it down, and there is no need to join forces with your family."

Seeing Cao Zheng being so arrogant, Wang Ying turned his back on the spot: "Why did you come to my Qingfeng Mountain when you were dying? Just go back to your Erlong Mountain to resist Hua Rong's encirclement and suppression alone!"

Li Zhong tried to smooth things over and said: "My children have learned that for this siege, the imperial court sent a battalion of elite forbidden troops to Qingfeng Village. Who among our three families can resist its siege on its own? If we don't unite, we will be defeated one by one."

After hearing what Li Zhong said, Wang Ying's anger was extinguished.

Yan Shun quickly confirmed: "Is the news from Village Leader Li accurate?"

"It's absolutely true that these five hundred forbidden troops were requested by the newly arrived Wenzhizhai Huang Rang. Otherwise, Hua Rongan dares to encircle and suppress our three mountains?" Li Zhong said.

Yanshun, Wang Ying and Zheng Tianshou thought it made sense.

"Our village also received this news, so we followed the suggestion of Chief Li and came to discuss the alliance between the three families." Cao Zheng said.

"Let me make it clear first that an alliance is possible, but this snake cannot do without a head. If our three families unite, one of them should be the main one?" Cao Zheng said again.

——Cao Zheng just said that he wanted to be the Lord of the Three Mountains.

Yan Shun was very angry!

Who can't see that if Sanshan defeats the encirclement and suppression by the government army this time, they will definitely become famous. The key is that in order to resist the encirclement and suppression by the government army in the future, they may have to maintain this alliance.

Erlong Mountain, Qingfeng Mountain, and Taohua Mountain are all small hills individually, but if they are put together, they can compete with Qingzhou's largest mountain, Qingzhen Mountain, and maybe they can unify the entire underworld in Qingzhou.

By then, the Lord of the Three Mountains may be the next Jiang Hongfei.

Let me ask, in this situation, who doesn’t want to be the master of the three mountains?

But Erlongshan is the strongest among the three, and there are powerful Qi practitioners like Yang Zhi. Qingfengshan's overall strength is still inferior to Erlongshan.

This made Yan Shun a little afraid and unwilling to accept Cao Zheng's words.

At this time, Li Zhong spoke up and said: "If our three families form an alliance, one family must be the main one. Otherwise, there will be no distinction between priorities and it will be difficult to achieve great things."

Cao Zheng praised: "It's still Li Zhai who knows the truth."

Cao Zheng looked at Yan Shun again and urged: "What did the leader of Yanzhai say?"

Yan Shun looked at Li Zhong, wanting to see what Li Zhong was thinking, and he actually agreed to Cao Zheng's proposal?

Unexpectedly, as soon as Yan Shung looked at Li Zhong, Li Zhong gave him a look that said, "You agree first, I will take care of it myself."

Yan Shun thought to himself: "It's okay to agree, but if I, Qingfeng Mountain, can't get any benefits, then don't blame the Sa family for not keeping their word!"

Thinking of this, Yan Shun said: "The Sa family agrees."

Cao Zheng asked with a smile: "Which family will be the main one?"

Cao Zheng's expression at this time seemed to be saying: "Why don't you come and pay homage soon?!"

Yan Shun couldn't stand Cao Zheng's arrogance. He looked at the instigator Li Zhong and asked, "What did Chief Li say?"

Li Zhong said with a smile: "Our three families are about the same strength. If we rely on selection, it will be difficult to choose who will be the leader. Just like the Sa family wants to choose Qingfeng Mountain as the leader, you, the leader of Cao Village, will not agree?"

Cao Zheng's face immediately sank: "What do you mean, Master Li?"

Yanshun, on the other hand, felt comfortable and thought: "Could it be that I, Yanshun, have a chance to become the second Jiang Yan?"

Li Zhong's smile did not change and he said: "It's not interesting. The Sa family just likes Master Yanzhai and wants to teach Master Yanzhai how to do this."

Cao Zheng turned his back on the spot: "Then let's form a fart alliance and let everyone be safe!"

After saying this, Cao Zheng wanted to get up and leave.

Yang Zhi quickly grabbed Cao Zheng and persuaded him: "Captain, with the strength of my family, how can we withstand the encirclement and suppression by the army? It's better to sit down and discuss the alliance with his family."

Cao Zheng hesitated for a moment and did not sit down. Instead, he stood and asked Li Zhong: "What do you mean?"

—— Dayou "If what Li Zhong says next makes him dissatisfied, he will leave immediately!"

Seeing that the heat was almost over, Cao Zheng also gave a signal. Li Zhong came up with the proposal he had discussed with Cao Zheng: "Sajia just said it. It's the leader of Cao Village who didn't listen carefully. What Sajia means is that the recommendation is certain." If you can’t choose the Lord of the Three Mountains, how about we, the three families, make a bet and use the Lord of the Three Mountains as a lucky draw?”

Cao Zheng frowned and said, "Bet on a round? Lucky draw?"

Yanshun also looked at Li Zhong, wondering what Li Zhong wanted to do?

Li Zhong no longer pretended to be a guard, he said: "The battalion of forbidden troops that Huang Rang asked for has not arrived yet. Why don't the three of us attack Qingfeng Village first, capture Qingfeng Village, capture Hua Rong, and resolve this crisis."

After a pause, Li Zhong added: "In this battle, whichever family has made the most merits and contributed the most will be the leader. How about the other two families willingly admit defeat?"

When Cao Zheng heard this, he laughed loudly: "What's the difference between this and me being the leader? I agree!"

When Yanshun arrived, he hesitated after hearing Li Zhong's suggestion.

But at this moment, Li Zhong nodded to Yan Shun imperceptibly.

Yan Shun thought to himself: "This Li Zhong is rough on the outside but subtle on the inside. He is full of evil ideas at first glance. I might as well agree first and see what kind of medicine Li Zhong sells in his gourd. The worst is, I will regret it later."

After thinking about it, Yan also agreed, and the three families formally formed an alliance...

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