Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 121: Divide the Cake (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

This refined salt conference can also be said to be a hero conference. The biggest highlight is naturally the division of the salt market of the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

Jiang Hongfei is a person who knows how to create an atmosphere.

Before officially dividing the salt market of the Zhao and Song Dynasties, Jiang Hongfei had someone bring a map of the Zhao Song Dynasty's territory enlarged ten times and a map of the Zhao Song Dynasty's territory drawn on sheepskin.

After deciding which family was responsible for which salt market, Jiang Hongfei asked people to use colored pens to circle the area and write the family's name on the large territorial map of the Zhao and Song Dynasty on the spot. The area responsible for the family was cut out from the territory map of the Zhao and Song Dynasties and handed over to the representative of the family as a voucher.

This gives people the feeling that Jiang Hongfei and others are not dividing the salt market of the Zhao and Song Dynasty, but rather dividing the territory of the Zhao and Song Dynasty.

For Fang La and Tian Hu, who had the intention to rebel, this process made them particularly excited.

I don't know if it was because of this excitement that Fang La and Tian Hu were rushing to grab the salt market. It felt like they were rushing to grab the territory of the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

In such a fierce atmosphere, Fang La's side took away almost half of the salt market in the southeast, while Tian Hu's side not only took away the entire salt market in Hedong, a small half of Hebei, and part of Shaanxi, but also took away the salt market in Liaoning. The country’s sales rights were taken away.

Although Wang Qing has no intention of rebelling yet, it does not mean that he does not have such ambitions, and his vision and courage are not comparable to those of Fang Wei and Tian Bao.

In short, Wang Qing grabbed all the Xijing, Nanyang, and Jingxiang areas in a snake-swallowing way. He even wanted the four Sichuan-Sichuan roads that others dared not take.

Judging from the territory, Wang Qing is definitely the biggest winner in this carving up the salt market of the Zhao and Song Dynasties.


The process of dividing the cake sounds simple, but in fact it involved countless overt and covert fights, and even almost a fight several times.

There is no way, in the face of Chi Guoguo's interests, human nature cannot withstand the test.

Fortunately, Jiang Hongfei, who is famous, has high prestige, and controls everyone's economic lifeline, can mediate and make this matter go smoothly.

But to be honest, Jiang Hongfei was definitely not fair and impartial in this process, but was very biased.

The main targets of Jiang Hongfei's gang are Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing.

Let's put it this way, without Jiang Hongfei's side, Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing would not have been able to obtain such a huge salt market today, even though they are powerful and have great potential.

——After all, Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing have not yet revolted, so the salt market they can actually control now is really not much more than those powerful private salt dealers.

Among them, Jiang Hongfei's adopted brother Wang Qing received the most care.

It is no exaggeration to say that without Jiang Hongfei helping Wang Qing to expand eastward and westward, how could Wang Qing, who has not even left Fangzhou, obtain such a large salt market?

The situation at Fang La and Tian Hu was similar.

And why did Jiang Hongfei divide the salt market in this way?

It's not that Jiang Hongfei doesn't know how to maximize the benefits of refined salt.

But Jiang Hongfei can't just consider interests, he also has to consider politics.

After all, the Zhao and Song dynasties lasted for two hundred years, and a skinny camel was bigger than a horse.

Moreover, there is another problem with this fucked-up dynasty of the Zhao and Song dynasties, that is, they are good at external affairs and good at internal affairs. Although they are not good at fighting external wars, they are absolutely professional in suppressing peasant uprisings.

——There were more than 400 uprisings during the Song Dynasty, but none of them could shake this cowardly dynasty.

If Shuibo Liangshan was the only one in the Zhao and Song Dynasties who had the tendency to revolt, wouldn't the Zhao and Song monarchs from Zhao Ji down have to keep an eye on Shuibo Liangshan every day?

If that were the case, Shuibo Liangshan would be better off if it could not be wiped out by the Zhao and Song Dynasties, let alone develop and grow.

And if there are three guys who are destined to rebel, Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing, who can help Shuibo Liangshan share the firepower of the Zhao and Song Dynasties, then Shuibo Liangshan will undoubtedly be much easier, and they can also learn from Zhu Lao's "Build walls high, Accumulating grain widely and slowly becoming king" secretly gathered the power to overthrow the Zhao and Song dynasties.

Let’s talk about Fang La, Tian Hu and Wang Qing.

Before, they looked down on the refined salt business.

But that's because the profits at that time were so small that they couldn't be interested at all. If they had time to go out of their way to sell refined salt, they might as well plan to rob a state or county.

But now it's different.

Seeing that refined salt has such a huge profit margin, which force doesn't want to obtain a stable source of income?

Let’s put it this way, do you think other people’s families don’t have the same problem faced by Shuibo Liangshan that it’s difficult to develop and grow without stable financial resources?

How can it be!

Which rapidly developing force is not short of spiritual money?

Especially poor religions like Manichaeism want to develop and grow, but at this stage they don't dare to rebel. They can only survive by collecting donations from believers.

Therefore, if Jiang Hongfei does not find a stable and sufficient financial source for Fang La, his development and growth will definitely be greatly restricted.


For Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing, financial resources are only one aspect. They also need a chain of interests to win over their subordinates to do this rebel business with them.

All the bustle in the world is for benefit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for benefit.

Do you think those who are involved in the Jianghu are all determined to rebel?

What a joke.

The vast majority of those who live in the world are just seeking fame and fortune, and some simply want to make a living.

Therefore, if Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing have a financial path that can continuously provide their people with life guarantees and even opportunities to make a fortune, most of their people will definitely be devoted to them. After all, they have But they are holding on to these people's jobs and opportunities to make a fortune.

At this point, Wang Qing saw it most clearly, so he frantically grabbed the salt market.

Do you think Wang Qing is just grabbing the salt market?


What Wang Qing was actually grabbing was territory.

Jiang Hongfei thought with his heels in mind, and he could imagine that when Wang Qing returned to Fangshan, his Fangshan would definitely grow rapidly in a short period of time, becoming the fourth largest river and lake on par with Shuibo Liangshan, Manichaeism, and Longhushan. power.

As for what benefits Jiang Hongfei and Shuibo Liangshan can gain?

The principle is the same.

The first is that Shuibo Liangshan can obtain a larger and stable source of wealth, so that Shuibo Liangshan will no longer have to be distracted by spiritual money in the future.

Secondly, just like Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing used refined salt to control the people below them, Shuibo Liangshan could also use refined salt to control Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing, or at least influence them.

Also, relying on the huge business of refined salt that may cover the entire territory of the Zhao and Song dynasties, Jiang Hongfei has a high probability of overpowering Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing and becoming the first brother in the world. People in the world, especially those People in the world who have interests in refined salt will definitely be more interested in Jiang Hongfei from now on, and Jiang Hongfei's influence in the world and on Green Forest Road will become stronger.

After the cakes were distributed, Jiang Hongfei invited a group of heroes and heroes to Dazhai in Shuibo Liangshan.

At this time, a group of heroes and heroes saw how majestic the eight-hundred-mile-long Liangshan Mountain was, with Wanzi City and Liaoerwa in the middle, vast smoke and water in all directions, and all around were the Shenzhen-Hong Kong branch, reed grass, strange woods, and Liangshan Mountain. The three majestic passes seem to tower into the sky.

Seeing this, everyone praised: Shuibo Liangshan is really a treasure village!

On the way up Liangshan, a group of heroes and heroes saw that there were 20,000 soldiers and horses scattered in various places in Liangshan. Among them, there were tens of thousands of fully armed Qi refiners. Looking at them, there was a Those who knew that Shui's forbidden army equipment had arrived at Shuibo Liangshan, but those who didn't know thought it had arrived at a certain Zhao and Song Dynasty's main imperial army camp!

What particularly shocked all the heroes and heroes was that there were actually four elite cavalry armies in Shuibo Liangshan. This was a hard power that was rare to see among most Song armies.

——If Jiang Hongfei hadn't hidden the Iron Pagoda as a trump card, he would have shocked all the heroes and heroes even more.

In addition, many of the dozens of leaders in Shuibo Liangshan are powerful heroes in the world. Now that they meet a group of heroes and heroes in the world, they know that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in Shuibo Liangshan.

Such a mighty and majestic Shuibo Liangshan gave the newly formed "Refined Salt Alliance" absolute confidence, making them believe that the refined salt business will be a long-term way to make money.

After visiting Shuibo Liangshan, Jiang Hongfei held a banquet for a large number of heroes and heroes. Everyone boasted about it and ate wine, but did not show off.

It is only said that after the banquet, those who were anxious to make money immediately raced against time to find the people in Hucao, Shuibo Liangshan, to order refined salt, and agreed on the delivery time and location.

Soon, more and more people realized that time is valuable money now, and the sooner they get refined salt, the better they can make a good sum of money in this market that is definitely a depression.

Even Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing hurriedly sent people back to find a way to open the salt road, and quickly prepared large ships to come to Shuibo Liangshan to grab the spiritual money.

After sending away the people who were purely in the refined salt business, Jiang Hongfei talked with representatives from Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing respectively.

The demands of these three parties are basically the same. They all hope that Jiang Hongfei can support them with some soldiers and armor, and preferably some spiritual horses. They also expressed on behalf of their respective bosses that as long as Jiang Hongfei is willing to support, the price is not an issue and Jiang Hongfei will definitely be satisfied. .

At this stage, there are some soldiers and horses in Shuibo Liangshan, but the heroes of Liangshan are still stretched for their own use. How can they support Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing?

Jiang Hongfei could only promise that if he had it, he would definitely give it to them.

In this regard, Fang La, Tian Hu, and Wang Qing were all disappointed, especially Tian Hu.

Jiang Hongfei could tell that Tian Hu might not be able to hold on anymore, and it might not be long before he fired the first shot of the uprising. That's why he was so anxious to find soldiers and horses to arm his own men. For this reason, He even didn't hesitate to give the sex lamp to Jiang Hongfei.

Tian Hu wanted to fight the thunder for Jiang Hongfei, so Jiang Hongfei couldn't help but express it. Besides, after all, Tian Hu gave Jiang Hongfei a sex lamp. Jiang Hongfei must return this gift, otherwise how could Jiang Hongfei have a good relationship with Tian Hu? Word of mouth, after Tian Hu's collapse, take over Tian Hu's legacy?

So Jiang Hongfei said to Tian Bao: "My dear brother, go back and tell Brother Tian Hu that I will not give him the gift in return. From now on, your family will get refined salt at twenty-eight cents per pound. In this world, your family is the only one who gets refined salt at this price. No other family can get refined salt at this price." There is no one with less than thirty coins, including my sworn brother Wang Qing."

After Tian Bao heard this, he couldn't help but praise in his heart: "Brother Jiang is so angry!"

Although the luminous pearl that Tian Hu gave to Jiang Hongfei had some effect on suppressing inner demons and was beneficial to cultivation, in general, its effect was not very great. Otherwise, Li Tianxi would not be able to give it to Tian Hu, and Tian Hu He forwarded it to Jiang Hongfei.

The two pieces of spiritual money that Jiang Hongfei gave in return were not much, but the price of refined salt has been reduced to this level. Then they are simply going to the market to grab money. The sales volume will definitely not be bad, and if this amount goes up , the profits are still rolling in, and by then, the two Wenling coins, maybe two million Minling coins, will be enough for them to arm an army of tens of thousands.

Let's put it this way, the original price of 30 coins made Tian Bao and the others feel like cats scratching their hearts. For another two coins, it was like Jiang Hongfei gave them spiritual money to Longhu Mountain. This was a real favor!

Needless to say, Tian Bao and his party all left Shuibo Liangshan with a smile.

Jiang Hongfei's return gift to Fang La was simple.

In order to increase Fang La's ambition, Jiang Hongfei returned to Fang La an emperor's sword made of hundred-refined snowflakes and iron.

This sword cannot be said to be very valuable, but its appearance is definitely second to none. The key point is that Jiang Hongfei personally named it "Sword of the Emperor", which has a good meaning.

Jiang Hongfei believed that the ambitious Fang La would definitely like the gift he gave him in return. Maybe with this Emperor's Sword, it was not certain that Fang La would revolt before Tian Hu.

Unlike Fang La's group and Tian Hu's group who were sent away by Jiang Hongfei, Wang Qing's group, no, Wang Qing, was driven away by Jiang Hongfei.


When others come this time, they will more or less bring some gifts to Jiang Hongfei, but Wang Qing comes with empty hands.

Forget it, Jiang Hongfei is really good enough for this guy and that guy.

What makes Jiang Hongfei angry is that he wants whatever he wants, and he really doesn't follow Jiang Hongfei's heretics at all.

What made Jiang Hongfei even more angry was that this guy openly went to poach Jiang Hongfei.

Needless to say, this guy's eyes are really poisonous. He specially picks strong first-class qi masters like Lin Chong, Lu Zhishen, Bian Xiang, and Yan Shude to dig out, and even slightly weaker ones like Yang Zhi, Shi Jin, Tang Bin, and Yu Cheng. He wouldn't even try to flirt with a top-notch Qi practitioner.

Moreover, this guy is not in a hurry to go back and digest his huge salt market and open up the salt road. He just spends the whole day hanging out in the water in Liangshan.

——Later, Jiang Hongfei learned that when he was in Shuibo Liangshan, he had integrated several big private salt dealers in his salt market (it could also be said that he had reached a consensus on cooperation with them), including Ma Shan, who was very knowledgeable about selling private salt, was definitely hanging out in Shuibo Liangshan, but his progress in selling refined salt there was definitely not slower than anyone else's.

Jiang Hongfei was really fed up with this force, so he directly grabbed him, threw him on his boat, and had people take him away from Shuibo Liangshan.

Who would have thought that before Wang Qing left, he still shouted on the boat: "Brother, don't be stingy. One day, I will definitely give you a big return gift and thank you for all your kindness. By the way, brother, your boat is good, so Give it to my little brother..."

Li Jun, who was very decisive, considered Jiang Hongfei as his eldest brother after only one day's consideration and expressed his willingness to come to Shuibo Liangshan to join the family.

——This is because Jiang Hongfei was too busy that day and had no time to talk to Li Jun alone. Otherwise, Li Jun would definitely bow down faster.

However, Li Jun later said that he wanted to go home, pack up his belongings, and then move his family to Shuibo Liangshan to join the family.

Of course Jiang Hongfei agreed.

Du Xing did not expect that Jiang Hongfei would actually keep his word. When dividing the salt market, he allocated a large salt market for Lijiazhuang, which could completely make up for the loss of the land cut off by his Li family, and also make a lot of profits.

Seeing this, Hu Cheng, who had not caught anything (Jiang Hongfei seemed to have forgotten about it when dividing the salt market), not only saw it with passion and longing, but also made him finally make up his mind...

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