Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 127 Female Zhuge

After listening to Zhang San's report, Jiang Hongfei knew that Zhujiazhuang was indeed prepared.

However, the people of the Zhu family did not receive any news, but they had a premonition that the Liangshan heroes were about to attack their Zhujiazhuang, so they had been making preparations secretly.

This is not difficult to guess at all.

Today, on the left and right of Liangshanbo, only the small area of ​​Zhujiazhuang has not been attacked by Liangshan heroes.

Although this place is not big, it can become a bridgehead for the army to attack Shuibo Liangshan.

In addition, Zhujiazhuang has sufficient grain, grass and baggage. If the army comes to attack Shuibo Liangshan, with the cooperation of the Zhu family, they can transport grain, grass and baggage here without wasting people and money.

Let's put it this way, if Zhujiazhuang helped the army attack Shuibo Liangshan, with Zhujiazhuang's accumulation of countless years, the Zhao and Song Dynasty would have sent 100,000 troops to fight a war of attrition with the Liangshan heroes for a year, without having to recruit other troops. Local transportation of food and baggage!

On the other hand, if the heroes of Liangshan pull out the nail of Zhujiazhuang, let’s not mention how great the harvest will be in Shuibo Liangshan. First of all, Liangshanbo will be a piece of iron on the left and right. No matter who comes to attack Shuibo Liangshan , he had to face the major premise that neither the geographical advantage nor the people were on his side. The remaining provisions, supplies, civilian labor, etc., he had to worry about every issue, big or small, even before the war started. Boliang Mountain took a huge advantage first.

Let me ask, how could such a crucial Zhujiazhuang not be a thorn in the flesh of the heroes of Liangshan?

The people of the Zhu family have a clear understanding of this, so they have long been on guard against the Liangshan heroes.

Uniting Lijiazhuang and Hujiazhuang is part of the Zhu family's preparation.

But this step is not the only preparation for the Zhu family.

While the Zhu family formed an alliance with the Li family and the Hu family, they also secretly contacted Fengyun Village and asked for help from Fengyun Village.

——Yunwei is the maternal grandfather of Zhu Chaofeng, Zhu Wannian, and Zhu Yongqing, so their three brothers and Yun Tianbiao’s son Yunlong are cousins.

Fengyun Village was originally established by Feng Hui, the leader of the Feng clan, and received strong support from Yun Wei, the old village owner of the Yun clan.

Today, Yun Wei's son Yun Tianbiao is the general manager of land troops and horses in Jingyang Town, Shandong Province, and has become the core figure of Fengyun Village.

Yun Tianbiao had the same idea as Zhu's family. He had been playing tricks on his troops every day. He had originally intended to oppose Shuibo Liangshan and obey the king's enemies in order to eat Mao Jiantu's sincerity.

Not long ago, when Zhu Yongqing went to Fengyun Village to ask for help, he happened to catch up with Yunlong and Liu Guang's daughter Liu Huiniang's engagement.

Yun Tianbiao felt that this was a great opportunity to make contributions, so he sent Yunlong and five hundred soldiers from Fengyun Village to Zhujiazhuang to help in the battle.

This was not over yet. Yun Tianbiao returned to Jingyang Town and asked his officials to send troops to help Zhujiazhuang eliminate the Liangshan heroes.

This Liu Guang, like his in-law Yun Tianbiao, was also an official fan. He also wanted to take this opportunity to earn military merit and serve as an official, so he took his two sons Liu Qi and Liu Lin, his daughter Liu Huiniang, and his friend Kong Hou (who came to treat Liu Huiniang's illness and witness her marriage), followed Zhu Yongqing and Yunlong to Zhujiazhuang to help out.

Nowadays, although the officers and soldiers that Yun Tianbiao moved to move have not yet arrived, Zhujiazhuang has already gathered many powerful Qi practitioners. Although their overall strength is not as good as that of Shuibo Liangshan, it is not much worse.

If Yun Tianbiao can really bring in the army, there is really no certainty who will win in this battle.

In fact, Zhujiazhuang did not expect the heroes of Liangshan to call so soon. They were still waiting for Yun Tianbiao to bring the army to help.

It is worth mentioning that Zhujiazhuang was not originally prepared to wait for Shuibo Liangshan to attack.

——The plan of these people is that after Yun Tianbiao moves in the army, they will unite with Zhujiazhuang, Hujiazhuang, Lijiazhuang, Fengyunzhuang and a group of small villages attached to them, and go to attack Shuizhou under the command of Yun Tianbiao. Boliang Mountain.

In other words, Shuibo Liangshan suddenly came to attack Zhujiazhuang, which disrupted Zhujiazhuang's battle plan.

Why didn’t the heroes of Liangshan know about all this?

First of all, it must be emphasized that in fact, Shuibo Liangshan did not place spies in Sanzhuang at all.

To be honest, the current Shuibo Liangshan does not have such strong intelligence capabilities.

At this stage, the intelligence agency in Shuibo Liangshan is still dominated by the hotel intelligence system of the two brothers Zhu Gui and Zhu Fu.

This intelligence system can only collect intelligence passively and has not yet developed to the point of actively collecting intelligence.

Some people may want to ask, since Shuibo Liangshan has no spies in Hujiazhuang, how did Jiang Hongfei know what Hu Sanniang said at home?

The answer is simple.

It was the tenants of the Hu family who leaked the news.

Seeking promotion in the morning and harmony in the evening, it is difficult for poor people to survive these days.

Open the door early to pay homage to the great sage, and he will discipline everyone with joy.

They killed cattle and sheep, prepared wine and wine, and opened the city gate to welcome the great sage. However, the great sage came and refused to pay for the food.

Eat his mother, live with her mother, if you don’t eat enough you will be a great sage.

If you don’t do bad things and don’t pay for food, everyone will have a happy time.

Nowadays, "The Great Sage" that Jiang Hongfei secretly modified based on "The King of Chuang" has been circulated through the hotel intelligence system in Shuibo Liangshan.

Do you really think that the tenants of Zhujiazhuang, Hujiazhuang, and Lijiazhuang, who are within the sphere of influence of Shuibo Liangshan, will honestly agree with the big landowners who are exploiting them after listening to this song "The Great Sage of Heaven"?

How can it be!

Those around who are also farming have their debts forgiven and their crops distributed, and they don’t have to pay rent for farming.

As for the tenants of Sanzhuang, they still paid high land rents and carried huge debts that could never be repaid. After working hard for a year, not only did they have nothing left, but they owed more and more, and then allowed these big landowners to They were whipped and driven like slaves, and even marrying their daughters required permission from these big landowners. In addition, they had to endure various scientific disciplines and unpaid labor from these big landowners.

This is no longer worrying about scarcity but inequality, but rather, one is in heaven and the other is in hell.

Let me ask, under such circumstances, how could the tenants of Sanzhuang not want Jiang Hongfei to lead the Liangshan heroes to fight?

Let's put it this way, if Jiang Hongfei conquers Sanzhuang, who will benefit the most?

These are not the tenants in Sanzhuang who have not yet been liberated and are eager to become serfs and sing.

It is precisely because of this that the tenants of Sanzhuang will send out any news, especially the news that can stimulate the heroes of Liangshan to attack Sanzhuang.

As long as this information spreads out of Dulonggang, it will be easily collected by the hotel intelligence system in Shuibo Liangshan and then reported to Jiang Hongfei.

Think about it again.

If Shuibo Liangshan really sent spies to Sanzhuang, Jiang Hongfei would not be able to easily sell out his own spies who had finally penetrated into the enemy.

One thing to say.

Because no spies were placed in Zhujiazhuang, Jiang Hongfei and Liangshan Heroes only knew some superficial information about Zhujiazhuang, and they did not know the secret information.

——Relatively secret information such as the walking method of Pantuo Road was all seen by Jiang Hongfei from the books and film and television series of the Water Margin series.

Coincidentally, just yesterday evening, when Jiang Hongfei and Hu Sanniang came to the church to get married, Luan Tingfang, Zhu Wannian, Zhu Yongqing, Yunlong, Liu Guang, Liu Qi, Liu Lin, Liu Huiniang, Kong Hou, Fu Yu (another apprentice of Luan Tingyu) , led the five hundred Qi refiners from Fengyun Village to reinforce Zhujiazhuang, and they are now in Zhujiazhuang.

These are things that the Liangshan heroes really didn’t know at the beginning of the war.

It can also be said that the hotel intelligence system in charge of Zhu Gui and Zhu Fu failed in their duties this time. They did not notice that such a large group of people entered Shuibo Liangshan's sphere of influence.

Is there a reason?

Jiang Hongfei got married yesterday. Zhu Gui and Zhu Fu were busy attending Jiang Hongfei's wedding?

This is no excuse!

In Jiang Hongfei's view, this is because Zhu Gui and Zhu Fu have no competitors, so their work attitudes are not as serious as before.

The moment he learned the news, Jiang Hongfei had already made up his mind to form another intelligence system!

First, this can make up for the shortcoming that Shangshui Boliangshan can only passively collect intelligence;

Secondly, Jiang Hongfei had to find a competitor for Zhu Gui and Zhu Fu to prevent Zhu Gui and Zhu Fu from slacking off.

To be honest, if Zhu Gui and Zhu Fu hadn't made such a big mistake this time, Jiang Hongfei would have no excuse to set up another intelligence system.

But then again, even if Zhu Gui and Zhu Fu find out that there are so many reinforcements coming to Zhujiazhuang, Jiang Hongfei will definitely have to attack Zhujiazhuang at this opportunity to separate Lijiazhuang and Hujiazhuang from Zhujiazhuang.

——Jiang Hongfei can't wait for Zhujiazhuang to pull Lijiazhuang and Hujiazhuang back, and wait until the army of the Zhao and Song Dynasties arrives to jointly attack Shuibo Liangshan, and then passively counterattack, right?

It can only be said that Song Jiang is lucky enough.

In "Water Margin", the gang alliance of Zhujiazhuang, Hujiazhuang, and Lijiazhuang in Dulonggang was originally on the same side as Shuibo Liangshan.

——Although the power of Shuibo Liangshan was not small at that time, it never expanded to Dulonggang when Chao Gai came to power.

To make matters worse, Shi Qian stole a chicken in Zhujiazhuang, and Shi Xiu set a fire in Zhujiazhuang.

At that time, Song Jiang, who was deliberately trying to seize power, needed an opportunity to establish his authority in Shuibo Liangshan.

So Song Jiang suddenly led an army to attack Zhujiazhuang on the pretext of rescuing Shi Qian and Yang Xiong who had drowned in Liangshan.

Song Jiang was lucky enough to meet Sun Li and others sent by Dengzhou to throw water into Liangshan Mountain, and they quickly attacked Zhujiazhuang with their tactics.

This not only caught Zhujiazhuang off guard, but also gave the Zhu family no chance to bring back the Zhu family who were developing outside, nor did it give the Zhu family the chance to find foreign aid other than the Hu family, allowing Song Jiang to easily A castrated version of Zhujiazhuang was created.

It's Jiang Hongfei's turn.

Because the development of Shuibo Liangshan was so fast that it had seriously threatened the safety of Zhujiazhuang, Zhujiacai transferred back all the Zhu family members who were developing outside, and found a group of foreign aid to prepare for a preemptive strike. Jiang Hongfei met an enhanced version of Zhujiazhuang.

It can only be said that every time you drink and drink, it must be a predetermined decision. There must be a reason for the orchid and the fruit.

Now, at the beginning of the war, Jiang Hongfei took advantage of Zhu Biao's impulsiveness to provoke Zhu Biao, a reckless man, and let Hu Sanniang capture him.

It can only be said that this is really the luck of Shuibo Liangshan.


Zhujiazhuang actually has a vicious plan that can defeat the heroes of Liangshan in one fell swoop.

This poisonous plan is to burn Pantuo Forest on fire after the Liangshan heroes retreated to Pantuo Road. A fire will burn all the Liangshan heroes trapped in Pantuo Forest to death.

Fortunately, the Zhu family felt that if this happened, the Panda Forest that their family had been running for hundreds of years would be destroyed, and the Zhu family would also lose an important barrier.

In addition, the people of the Zhu family were too superstitious about their family's Pantuo Road. They believed that even if they did not burn Pantuo Forest, they could use Pantuo Road to trap the Liangshan heroes to death, and then annihilate all the Liangshan heroes trapped in Pantuo Forest.

In the end, I don't know whether it was because the Zhu family members were too insistent on their own opinions or because they cared too much about the safety of Zhu Biao who had become a hostage, that they did not adopt this vicious plan.

After hearing Zhang San explain this vicious plan, Jiang Hongfei's back was wet with cold sweat.


Even if Zhujiazhuang burns Pantuo Forest, it will not be able to trap Jiang Hongfei with the handkerchief cloud, or even kill the powerful Qi practitioners in Shuibo Liangshan.


The soldiers, spirit horses, and not-so-strong Qigong practitioners of the Liangshan Army may not have escaped!

Jiang Hongfei's business operation of more than two years might be half burned by this fire!

Sun Jing narrowed her eyes slightly and asked, "Do you know who came up with this plan?"

Zhang San replied: "I wish you the best, Liu Huiniang, the fiancée of my cousin Yunlong."

Sun Jing showed a rare look of surprise: "A female doll?"

Jiang Hongfei took over and said: "Master Sun, don't underestimate this little girl. She is nicknamed 'Female Zhuge'. She is born with a keen eye. She can distinguish between money and money at night, and can climb mountains in the daytime. She can climb mountains within two to three hundred miles. People can be identified. She has a clever mind since she was a child, and she has made utensils that no one can recognize. All the chiming clocks, wooden cows and horses are all common food in her hands. All books and history will not be forgotten after a passing glance. "

After a pause, Jiang Hongfei continued: "This girl has another adventure. It is said that an old nun wanted to make her his disciple, but her parents refused, and suddenly one day she disappeared. Searching everywhere, the couple found no trace. The two of them cried to death. Half a year later, she suddenly came back and said that the old nun took her to an ancient cave in the mountains and taught her all the art of war and battle formations, including Qimen Dunjia, Taiyi and Liuren, and she had learned it in half a year. Ni walked her to the door. Her father hurriedly went out to see, but the old Ni was gone. Since then, he has become smarter and smarter."

After hearing this, Zhu Wu said leisurely: "I won't say whether she had such an adventure or not. Just based on her vicious plan, the name of 'Female Zhuge' is justified."

Jiang Hongfei thought so too.

In Jiang Hongfei's opinion, the most outstanding woman in the Water Margin series is Liu Huiniang. She is simply a bug-like existence.

To be honest, Jiang Hongfei has been looking for Liu Huiniang for a long time, thinking that he would snatch her back even if he robbed her.

But Jiang Hongfei never had any news about Liu Guang and his family.

Jiang Hongfei clearly remembered that Liu Guang's family lived in Anle Village.

During the time when Bai Sheng was in Shuibo Liangshan, Jiang Hongfei specifically asked Bai Sheng if there was any Liu Guang family in their Anle Village?

As a result, Bai Sheng told Jiang Hongfei categorically that there was no such family in Anle Village, just like Jiang Hongfei sent people to inquire about the news.

Jiang Hongfei didn't know whether there were two Anle Villages in this fairy tale version of Water Margin, or whether Liu Guang's family had not yet moved to Anle Village. Anyway, Jiang Hongfei was never able to find Liu Huiniang.

No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to find it even if you wear iron shoes, and it won't take any effort at all. Liu Huiniang actually took the initiative to deliver it to her door!

What others don't know is that Jiang Hongfei has already declared in his heart at this moment: "My next woman is Liu Huiniang, everyone else should stand behind me!"

Putting away his distracting thoughts, Jiang Hongfei asked: "Two military advisors, what can you teach me?"

Sun Jing smiled slightly: "Xiao Ke borrowed flowers to offer to the Buddha. He was taught a strategy to ensure that the Zhu family village will lose but not win. However, this strategy will harm the peace of the world. I wonder if the village owner dares to use it?"

Jiang Hongfei heard this and smiled: "What's the plan? Could it be that the Pantuo Forest is set on fire?"

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