Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 129 If you don’t fall in love with her, you will become a man!

The fire, which burned the sky and boiled the sea, burned for three days and three nights.

The fire not only burned to death most of the three thousand low-level Qi masters in Zhujiazhuang and the five hundred low-level Qi masters in Fengyun Village who were preparing to ambush the heroes of Liangshan, it also affected Chiyudi and burned down countless houses of Zhujiazhuang villagers. Many innocent villagers in Zhujiazhuang who had no time to escape died.

No wonder Sun Jing would say that this plan was harmful to Tianhe, and even used provocation to force Jiang Hongfei to adopt this plan.

To be honest, if Sun Jing had not forced Jiang Hongfei, Jiang Hongfei would definitely choose to use this poisonous trick.

Jiang Hongfei knows very well that kindness does not lead to soldiers, righteousness does not support wealth, kindness does not lead to officialdom, emotion does not establish affairs, and benevolence does not engage in politics.

Since he has embarked on the path of armed rebellion in Huashan, Jiang Hongfei must have already made some determination.

Let's put it this way, Zhujiazhuang did not set this fire and gave the Liangshan heroes the opportunity to set this fire. Otherwise, those who were burned to death would be the Liangshan heroes under Jiang Hongfei.

This is a war, a life-and-death war, not a child's play, how can there be room for the kindness of Jiang Hongfei's wife?

Therefore, Jiang Hongfei personally ordered the burning of Pantuo Forest and appointed Wu Jiao, who was good at setting fires, to do the job.

Now, three days have passed, Pantuo Forest has been burned to a white ground, Zhujiazhuang is no longer blocked, and Liang Shanjun can go whenever he wants.

In addition, before setting the fire, the Liangshan heroes set up dragnets in the east and north areas where there was no fire. Those people in Zhujiazhuang and Fengyunzhuang who were lucky enough not to be burned to death, as long as they do not risk their lives to cross the sea of ​​​​fire, but travel from the east and north. If you escape from the north direction, you will definitely be captured alive by Liangshan heroes.

The result was that Zhu Long, Zhu Hu, Yun Long, Liu Guang, and Liu Lin, without exception, were all captured by Liangshan heroes just when they were thankful that they had escaped from the sea of ​​fire.

In other words, the fire caused the Zhujiazhuang side to lose five generals and 3,500 elites, cutting its strength in half.

To describe it this way, today's Zhujiazhuang is almost equivalent to a naked beauty. Liang Shanjun, a strong man, can play with her however he wants.

In this case, if you don't fall in love with her, you will be a man!

Therefore, just when the fire was about to be completely extinguished but not yet completely extinguished, Jiang Hongfei ordered Zhu Wu to lead the Ma Erjun, Ma Sanjun, Bu Yijun, and Hujiazhuang troops to block the back door of Zhujiazhuang.

Jiang Hongfei personally led the Guards Army, Ma Yi Army, Tiefu Tu Army, Fourth Infantry Army, and the Secret Special Forces Battalion to block the front door of Zhujiazhuang.

Subsequently, the main force of Liangshan Army gradually dispersed, and several military camps were set up at the front and rear gates of Zhujiazhuang, blocking Zhujiazhuang completely.

——Jiang Hongfei followed Zhu Wu's suggestion and set up numerous military forts, some large and some small, too numerous to count. The auxiliary troops were also asked to hold flags openly in the countryside and go between the military strongholds. This formed a sparse formation, making the people in Zhujiazhuang mistakenly believe that Liangshan's army had tens of thousands of troops. In fact, even with the auxiliary army and the people from Zhujiazhuang, Hujiazhuang, and Lijiazhuang who took the initiative to help the Liangshan army transport stones, cut wood, and manufacture siege equipment, the Liangshan army did not have fifteen thousand.

Zhu Wu's goal was achieved. The Zhuang soldiers guarding Zhujiazhuang stood on the walled city, clearly seeing the situation of Liangshan's army outside the walled city, and they were all afraid.

Three days later, wait for the dust to settle.

A man walked out of the Liangshan Army. He came to Zhujiazhuang holding a large flag with the words "Prisoner Exchange" written on it.

Seeing this, the people in Zhujiazhuang did not shoot with arrows. Then someone used the secret technique of sound transmission to ask loudly: "Who are you? Why are you here?"

The visitor said: "I am Shi Xiu, a hero from Liangshan. On the orders of my village master, I have come to discuss with your village master to exchange the three young masters of Qizhuang, Zhu Long, Zhu Hu, and Zhu Biao, and the young master of Fengyun Village, Yun Long. It’s all about people.”

Hearing Shi Xiu say that he came to exchange prisoners, the people in Zhujiazhuang were a little confused: "Have we caught the Liangshan bandits? Why did they come to exchange prisoners? Who to exchange for?"

Such a major event is obviously not something that these dealers and dealers can decide.

So a banker hurried to meet Zhu Chaofeng.

After being trapped three times in a row, Zhu Chaofeng fell ill all of a sudden. Fortunately, the miracle doctor Kong Hou was here. Otherwise, Zhu Chaofeng, who was not in good health, might have died from such a blow.

The morale in Zhujiazhuang is also extremely low, and there is no longer the lofty ambition to conquer Liangshan heroes in the water.

"Report to the village owner, the Liangshan thieves want to replace Zhujiazhuang with three young village owners and Yunlong young master." Zhuangke reported.

After listening to Zhuang Ke's report, Zhu Chaofeng, who was still ill at first, suddenly sat up as if a light had returned to him:

"What did you say? The Liangshan thieves want to replace my son with someone else? Who?"

The banker replied truthfully: "He didn't say anything."

Zhu Chaofeng said: "Help me up and go to the meeting hall quickly."

After thinking for a while, Zhu Chaofeng said again: "Invite that person up."

After thinking about it for a while, Zhu Chaofeng said to Zhu Yongqing who was standing aside: "Prepare five hundred swordsmen and ax men to ambush outside the meeting hall, waiting for me to throw a cup as a signal."

Zhu Chaofeng then sent someone to invite Zhu Wannian, Luan Tingyu, Luan Tingfang, Liu Qi, Kong Hou, and Fu Yu. After hesitating, Zhu Chaofeng also invited Liu Huiniang, who he didn't care about before, but now he didn't dare to care. Please come.

After everyone gathered, Zhu Chaofeng told Zhu Wannian and others about the Liangshan heroes coming to replace them.

Zhu Wannian was also a little surprised: "My family has not caught the Liangshan bandits. Who do they want to replace them with?"

Others didn't know who Shi Xiu came for, but Liu Huiniang already had the answer in her heart.

For Liu Huiniang, this was too easy to guess.

Shi Xiu only said that he would use Zhu Long, Zhu Hu, Zhu Biao, and Yun Long as replacements, but did not say that he would use Liu Guang and Liu Lin, who were probably captured together. This means that Shuibo Liangshan must be targeting her, Liu Huiniang, and her brother. Liu Qi and the miracle doctor Kong Hou.

Of course, there is a small chance that Shuibo Liangshan would like to replace Luan Tingyu, Luan Tingfang and Fu Yu.

But Liu Huiniang thinks the latter is unlikely.

Several men were confused and discussed for a while, but they couldn't come up with a reason. Only then did Zhu Chaofeng remember Liu Huiniang, who had performed well before. Then he looked at Liu Huiniang and asked, "What can you teach me about waiting, little lady?" ?”

Liu Huiniang bowed and said, "The slave family doesn't understand what his family wants to do. He only hopes that his family can return the slave family's father and brother."

Zhu Chaofeng immediately promised: "Don't worry, little lady, even if your family goes bankrupt, I will save your father and brother!"

Liu Huiniang bowed and said, "Thank you, Master!"

After a few more discussions, everyone still couldn't guess what kind of medicine was sold in Shuibo Liangshan's gourd, so they could only invite Shi Xiu in and act accordingly.

After Shi Xiu entered the meeting hall, Zhu Wannian wanted to preemptively intimidate Shi Xiu and pave the way for the negotiation, so he shouted:

"How dare you, a little thief, come to my village alone? Who gave you the courage?! Why are you here? Why don't you call them quickly!!!"

When Shi Xiu heard this, he smiled disdainfully and said lightly: "You can make your voice louder and see if I can scare you, Grandpa Shi Xiu, the desperate man."

Having said this, Shi Xiu stretched out his neck, patted his neck with his hand, and said: "Otherwise, you will chop off your Grandpa Shi Xiu's head. See if your Grandpa Shi Xiu blinks." .”

There is no shortage of arrogant people in this world, nor is there any shortage of scoundrels like Niu Er, but most of them are just bluffing, and when it comes time to show their true feelings, they can no longer do it and give up.

But Shi Xiu was different. When he said these words, there was no fear in his voice, as if he was stating something that had nothing to do with him.

Moreover, Shi Xiu spared no effort in provoking Zhu's family, giving the impression that he was afraid that Zhu's family would not kill him.

Zhu Wannian pointed at Shi Xiu and said angrily: "You are looking for death!"

Shi Xiu said coldly: "Either you come and kill Grandpa Shi Xiu now, teach your Zhu family members to be buried with Grandpa Shi Xiu, and teach the owner of the Zhu village to annihilate his descendants, or you go and bring a chair for Grandpa Shi Xiu." , Grandpa Shi Xiu will tell you what my village leader means."

Shi Xiu pointed at Zhu Wannian and said, "It's you, go and move a chair for Grandpa Shi Xiu. Grandpa Shi Xiu won't sit on the chairs brought by others."

Zhu Wannian was so angry that his veins were popping. He really wanted to cut Shi Xiu into pieces immediately!

But Zhu Chaofeng, who is sophisticated in the world, can see that Shi Xiu is just like his nickname, a person who truly dares to fight for his life. Such a person is really not afraid of death, and he really dares to risk his life to get what he wants.

Therefore, Zhu Chaofeng shook his head at Zhu Wannian, indicating to Zhu Wannian that if he could not bear it, his plans would be ruined.

Seeing this, Zhu Wannian took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, then gritted his teeth and went to bring Shi a master's chair.

After Shi Xiu, the man with the golden sword, sat down, Zhu Chaofeng said: "Strong man, I wonder what the purpose of your coming here is?"

Shi Xiu said: "Substitute."

Zhu Chaofeng wanted to ask again: "How to change? Who to replace whom?"

Who would have thought that Shi Xiu didn't give Zhu Chaofeng a chance to ask questions, so he said to himself: "My village leader wants to use your village's three young masters Zhu Long, Zhu Hu, Zhu Biao and Fengyun Village's young master Yunlong." In exchange for the young lady Liu Huiniang, Liu Qi, Liu Dalang, the miracle doctor Kong Hou, Teacher Luan Tingyu with the iron rod, Teacher Fang Luan with the double sword Luan Ting, Fu Yu and all their families."

As soon as Shi Xiu said this, everyone except Liu Huiniang looked shocked.

After briefly communicating with each other with their eyes, Zhu Chaofeng said with a serious face: "You only use four people but you want to replace me with so many people. Isn't it too insincere?"

Shi Xiu said leisurely: "I corrected the Zhu Zhu family. I used four Zhu family members, three of which are the sons of your Zhu Zhu family, and replaced them with some outsiders who are dispensable to your Zhu family."

As soon as Shi Xiu's words, which were obviously extremely provocative, everyone's expressions changed.


Although Shi Xiu's words don't sound good.

But who dares to say that it is not true?

Compared with Zhu Chaofeng's three sons, which one is more important, Liu Huiniang, Liu Qi, and Kong Hou, whom the Zhu family has just met for a few days, or Luan Tingyu, Luan Tingfang, and Fu Yu, the three servants of the Zhu family?

As for how many family members there are, let alone just a few, even if there are a hundred and eighty of them, can they still compare with Zhu Long, Zhu Hu and Zhu Biao?

What's more, Shuibo Liangshan also gave Zhu's family an extremely important addition - Yunlong.

All this time, the Zhu family had never cared about Liu Guang's family or Liu Guang's friend Kong Hou. They had always given face to only one person, and that person was Yun Tianbiao, who had an official status.

If Yun Tianbiao's only son Yunlong was killed, it would be hard for Zhu's family to explain to Yun Tianbiao.

The key is that Zhujiazhuang's only hope is that Yun Tianbiao can move in the army. By then, they can only defeat the Liangshan heroes by cooperating with the people in Zhujiazhuang and the army.

And if Yunlong can be in Zhujiazhuang, it will definitely increase the chance of Yun Tianbiao coming to rescue Zhujiazhuang. After all, Yun Tianbiao can not save the Zhu family, but he will not not save his own only son, right?

As for the Liu Guang family who just got engaged?

Just change it.

If it doesn't work, the Zhu family will pay some betrothal gifts, find another in-law for Yun Tianbiao, and find a new fiancée for Yunlong.

Luan Tingyu, Luan Tingfang and Fu Yu?

To be honest, if he hadn't encountered such a thing, Zhu Chaofeng would not have been willing to give up on these people with real abilities.

But now, there is no other way. Compared with Zhu Chaofeng's three sons and Yun Tianbiao's only son, what are Luan Tingyu, Luan Tingfang and Fu Yu?

It is no exaggeration to say that Shi Xiu, or Jiang Hongfei behind Shi Xiu, had already figured out the thoughts of the Zhu family, especially Zhu Chaofeng, the owner of Zhujiazhuang. This seemingly unfair transaction, In fact, it was completely within Zhu Chaofeng's acceptance range.

At this time, Shi Xiu calmly gave Zhu Chaofeng a step that would allow him to get off the stage:

"The last thing I want to say is that before I came, my village master had something to say. If your Zhu family doesn't care about the life and death of the three young village masters and Yun Shao master, then don't change. Starting from Shen Shi today, I will be in Shuibo Liangshan every day. Killing a young village owner, if I can't go back before today's time, don't let me go, teach the third young village owner Zhu Biao to be the first to be buried with me, first come, first served."

When Zhu Chaofeng heard this, he hurriedly bowed to Shi Xiu and said, "Hero, can you give me some time to discuss it?"

Shi Xiudao: "Grandpa is hungry, prepare some wine and food."

Zhu Chaofeng did not lose his temper with Shi Xiu. He waved his hand and asked someone to take Shi Xiu down to make arrangements.

After Shi Xiu left, Zhu Chaofeng looked at Liu Huiniang, Liu Qi, Kong Hou, Luan Tingyu, Luan Tingfang and Fu Yu.

Before Zhu Chaofeng could speak, Liu Huiniang said: "To save my father and brother, my brother and sister are willing to go to the enemy camp in exchange."

Liu Qi knew that he would not suffer a loss if he listened to his extremely smart sister, so he acquiesced in Liu Huiniang's decision.

Seeing that Liu Huiniang and Liu Qi are so knowledgeable, I wish Chaofeng great joy!

——This saves him from being a villain.

Therefore, Zhu Chaofeng did not hesitate to praise and said: "Your brothers and sisters are really filial people. Brother Liu Guang is so lucky to have such a pair of good children like you."

Zhu Chaofeng looked at Kong Hou again.

Liu Huiniang did not give Zhu Chaofeng a chance to embarrass Kong Hou. She took the lead and said: "My uncle came here for the sake of the slave family, but he suffered such an unreasonable disaster. The slave family felt really sorry. If my uncle could trust the slave family and arrived at his Shuibo Liangshan camp, Even if I risk everything, I will definitely protect my uncle."

Liu Huiniang's assurance was actually very pale and weak to Kong Hou, who didn't know Liu Huiniang well.

But Kong Hou also saw that Zhu Chaofeng had already made up his mind to use them to replace his three sons and Yun Tianbiao's only son. If he was not decent, Zhu Chaofeng would probably help him to be decent.

So Kong Hou sighed leisurely and said: "I am very curious about the great sage of heaven, so I will go and have a look with you."

When it was Luan Tingyu, Luan Tingfang and Fu Yu's turn, Zhu Chaofeng knelt down to the three of them with a crisp "pop".

None of the three Luan Tingyu helped Zhu Chaofeng, because they all understood what Zhu Chaofeng's kneeling meant.

Although he had laid an ambush beforehand, Zhu Chaofeng still didn't want to fall out with these three powerful qigong masters, so he could only use this bitter trick:

"That evil thief Jiang Yan wanted to kill him. He probably fell in love with his ability. Even if he went to his place, nothing would happen to him. Maybe this was an opportunity for him and we don't know. If the three unsatisfactory sons of the little old man are in his place, he will kill one of them every day, and he will teach the little old man to cut off his descendants in three days. As a thought of our master and servant, I beg you to save them. The little old man is here. Here are some kowtows to Xie!"

After saying this, Zhu Chaofeng kowtowed to Luan Tingyu, Luan Tingfang, and Fu Yu...

At the same time, in the guest room on the other side, Shi Xiu was eating a lot of wine and meat, completely unafraid of the people in Zhujiazhuang who were watching him.

And a dancing girl in Shi Xiu's ear lowered his voice and said: "Save some for me, I will stay here until night..."

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