Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 141 The first head-to-head confrontation between Jiang Yan and Song Jiang

Shi Qian didn't ask Jiang Hongfei how he knew there were three volumes of scriptures in Song Jiang's sleeves?

After receiving Jiang Hongfei's order, he followed Song Jiang in a flash...

Let’s talk about Song Jiang.

Thinking of the miraculous dream-like experience last night, he touched the three volumes of heavenly books in his sleeve and said to himself:

"It turns out that the Nine Heavens Xuannv Empress gave me the three volumes of heavenly books and saved my life! If I can escape this disaster, I must come here to rebuild the temple and build the palace. I look down to protect you! "

Thinking of this, Song Jiang looked at the entrance of Huandao Village, quietly left Xuannv's Temple and walked towards the outside of the village.

Song Jiang didn't notice at all. As soon as he left the temple gate of Xuannv's Temple, Shi Qian came quietly not far behind him.

Soon, Shi Qian used the concealment technique, and then walked a few steps silently, and then stood behind Song Jiang in a flash. Then Shi Qian followed the steps without any hurry and stuck behind Song Jiang like a shadow. Then Shi Qian lowered his head and followed Song Jiang...

Jiang Hongfei and others in the forest observed carefully and found that although Shi Qian and Song Jiang in front of him seemed to be walking in tandem with each other, the distance between them was much shorter than usual.

In other words, if Shi Qian is not careful, he will step on Song Jiang's heel in front of him.

——The reason why Shi Qian lowered his head was because he was trying his best to observe Song Jiang's footsteps in front of him, so as to judge the length of his steps.

From the beginning to the end, Song Jiang didn't know there was someone behind him!

This is another magical power of Shi Qian, which can also be said to be a magical skill: following him like a shadow!

Not long after Song Jiang and Shi Qian walked out, Song Jiang heard the noise at the entrance of the village.

Song Jiang was so frightened that he quickly hid in the forest and ducked behind a big tree.

Shi Qian followed Song Jiang at exactly the same pace, exactly the same posture, and exactly the same speed, and also ducked behind the big tree—to be precise, he ducked behind Song Jiang behind the tree.

Song Jiang thought to himself: "The girl in green only said: 'At dawn, I will naturally escape from the misfortune of this village.' But she never said, how should I escape? What should I do?"

At this moment, Zhao Neng and Zhao De were seen running into Huandao Village in a hurry with more than a dozen soldiers, shouting "Aye!" as they ran, hating their parents for not giving them enough money. Two legs were born!

Song Jiang behind the tree looked puzzled and thought: "Why are those guys so panicked?"

Not long after, I saw a big man chasing into Huandao Village.

When I look at this big man, I see:

He is as thick as a black bear, and as naughty as an iron bull. She has a pair of red and yellow eyebrows, and her eyes are messily tied with red silk. His angry hair is as thick as an iron brush, his ferocity is like that of a Suan Ni, and the canopy of the canopy is evil as he descends the ladder.

At this moment, his upper body was naked, revealing his ghostly muscles. He was holding two steel plate axes in his hands and shouted: "Don't leave with a bird in your mouth!"

Invisible from a distance, but clearly visible up close, this person is Black Whirlwind Li Kui.

Song Jiang thought: "Is it possible that I'm still in a dream? How could this black guy be here?!", and then he didn't dare to go out.

Li Kui held two axes in his hands and roared loudly, but it was like a thunderbolt for a long time. He slashed and killed everyone he saw. In addition, he was so fast that it was like the wind was blowing under his feet.

In a short time, all the soldiers were killed by Li Kui, leaving only two brothers, Zhao Neng and Zhao De.

Zhao Neng and Zhao De hurried to the temple, trying to escape inside.

At this moment, Zhao Neng, who was running behind, accidentally tripped over a pine tree root and fell to the ground.

Li Kui caught up with him, stepped on Zhao Neng's back with his powerful foot, and raised his ax to chop him down.

Zhao De saw it and hurriedly came back to save his brother.

At the same time, four big men rushed up from behind Li Kui, each holding a simple sword.

Song Jiang took a closer look and saw that Liu Tang was at the front, Shi Yong was second, Zhang Heng was third, and Li Li was fourth.

Li Kui was afraid that Liu and Tang would steal his credit, so he raised his ax and struck at Zhao Neng!

Seeing that Zhao Neng was about to be cut in half, even Zhao De, who was very close at hand, had no time to save him. He only heard a crisp "dang" sound, and the ax in Li Kui's hand that seemed to weigh a thousand kilograms fell. It clung to Zhao Neng's body, whirled and flew out horizontally, and chopped into a big tree not far away!


Li Kui looked at his trembling big hands in disbelief, and then looked at a small flying knife that was only three inches long and nailed to the ground in front of him!

At this time, Liu and Tang also rushed up.

Liu Tang rushed towards the forest where the flying knife was shot, and clasped his fist: "Liu Tang, the red-haired ghost in Xiafeng Mountain, who is a good man here, why don't you come out and see him!"

As Jiang Hongfei led Gaoliang out of the forest, he said, "Brother Liu Tang, are you okay?"

Liu Tang was overjoyed when he saw it was Jiang Hongfei and Gao Liang, and then stepped forward without hesitation: "Brother, why are you here?!"

Jiang Hongfei kept telling lies: "I dreamed about Jiutian Xuannv Empress yesterday. She led me here and said that there was an opportunity for me here, so I came here through the clouds and mist. As soon as I landed, I saw this black man trying to kill someone. Therefore, the man’s life was saved.”

When Liu Tang heard this, he quickly introduced Li Kui and others to Jiang Hongfei:

"Brother, a flood has really washed away the Dragon King Temple. One family doesn't recognize the other. These are all new heroes in Fengshan. The one who wields the ax is Black Tornado Li Kui. The other three are General Shi Shi Yong, Chuan Huo'er Zhang Heng and urging judge Li Li."

Then, Liu Tang introduced Jiang Hongfei and Gao Liang to Li Kui and others:

"This brother is the most extravagant hero in the world. Brother Jiang Yan, the master of Liangshan Dazhai, the God of Gods and Buddhas, the Great Sage of Heaven, and Yi Bo Yun Tian Zhen Qian Kun Shui Po, is also my biggest benefactor in Fengshan. This man next to me Madam, she is Brother Jiang Yan’s wife, Madam Gao.”

Hearing Liu Tang say that the smiling man in front of him was Jiang Hongfei, several leaders on Naitou Mountain, including Li Kui who had just looked at Jiang Hongfei and Gaoliang with raised eyebrows, all showed awe on their faces, and they all bowed respectfully. road:

"I've met Master Jiang!"

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

With Jiang Hongfei's current status in the world, not to mention the ordinary leaders on Naitou Mountain, even Song Jiang in the forest, all looked solemn after hearing Jiang Hongfei declare his family status.

——Of course, the main reason why Li Kui, a reckless man, was in awe of Jiang Hongfei was because Gaoliang's flying knife just now easily knocked away his axe.

At this time, Jiang Hongfei pointed at Zhao Neng, who was still under Li Kui's feet and did not dare to move, and asked: "Why did the two of them provoke you Fengshan? Why did you want to take their lives?"

Liu Tang explained: "My brother doesn't know something. One of these two people is called Zhao Neng and the other is Zhao De. They are both the heads of Yuncheng County. They were the two who captured our village's second master, Jiyu Songjiang, this time." The two of them came to hunt for Brother Song Jiang again and chased Brother Song Jiang to an unknown location, which is really hateful!"

After Jiang Hongfei heard this, he said, "Just fulfill your duties."

Zhao De was quite clever. When he heard that Jiang Hongfei wanted to save their brother's life, he hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed: "Please pray to the Great Sage of Heaven to save my brother's life. My brother is willing to go to Liangshan to lead Xie's horse and hold the bridle. Sui Xie will do the right thing for Heaven." !”

Zhao De could see that the two brothers had offended Song Jiang, who had a murderer like Li Kui under his command. Unless they were protected by the more ferocious Jiang Hongfei, even if they escaped with their lives this time, they would never have peace. A Huang Wenbing.

Seeing this, Jiang Hongfei smiled and said to Liu Tang: "My dear brother, I heard this, how about selling it to my brother to save face?"

Liu Tang immediately said: "Brother and younger brother are so polite. If Zhen wants to save the lives of his two brothers, who in the world would dare to touch him..."

Before the word "we" could be said from Liu Tang's mouth, Song Jiang in the forest said loudly: "Brother, please show me your favor!"

After saying this, Song Jiang walked out of the woods.

Jiang Hongfei looked at Song Jiang, mainly scanning Song Jiang's sleeves, and saw that the place was empty.

Obviously, Shi Qian has succeeded.

Moreover, what surprised Jiang Hongfei was that Shi Qian had not cut Song Jiang's sleeves and left any traces.

In this way, when Song Jiang discovers that the three volumes of the Heavenly Book are missing, he will only think that he accidentally lost them.

Song Jiang just stepped forward and hugged Li Kui and others who were relatively close to him: "Thank you brothers for coming to save my life again. I will never thank you for your kindness. I will repay you in the future!"

Li Kui and others were overjoyed and said: "Brother is here! Go and report to Leader Chao!"

Shi Yong and Li Li immediately saluted Jiang Hongfei, and then went to report to Chao Gai that they had found Song Jiang and Jiang Hongfei were also here.

Not long after, Song Jiang came to Jiang Hongfei and cupped his fist:

"The villain Song Jiang has heard about the reputation of my brother for a long time. Today, God shows mercy. He taught me how to recognize his face and got what I wanted. I wish I could have a drink with my brother right away! I only hate that Zhao Neng and Zhao have these two brothers. I and his brother The two of us had no grudges in the past and have no grudges today, but they have repeatedly harmed me and harassed my old father. How can we not avenge this enmity?! I ask my brother to be a huge favor and ask the villain to kill these two boys and have peace with the boy. People have let go of this endless hatred. I wonder what I think of you?"

Song Jiangman thought that with his reputation in the world, his relationship with Chao Gai, Liu Tang and others, and his unfailing words, Jiang Hongfei would definitely sell him this favor and ask him to kill Zhao Neng and Zhao Neng. have to.

In this way, Song Jiang could not only avenge himself, but also gain a higher status in the world through Jiang Hongfei's betrayal of his favor.

Song Jiang was even thinking that if he successfully made friends with Jiang Hongfei and then recruited Jiang Hongfei to accept his recruitment, then he would definitely be more important to the court. That way...

Who would have thought that before Song Jiangchang could finish his thoughts, Jiang Hongfei said coldly:

"I don't know you, why should I sell you a favor? Could it be that you didn't hear what brother Liu Tang said, who in the world dares to touch the people I, Jiang Yan, want to save? But you, a black man, don't know what's going on. Why don't you? It’s hard to find!”

Why didn't Jiang Hongfei sell Song Jiang's face?

The answer is very simple.

Jiang Hongfei was destined to be a rebel.

But Song Jiang wholeheartedly accepted the recruitment and was willing to be the eagle dog of the Zhao and Song court.

The two of them were obviously natural enemies, and there was no way they would pee in the same pot.

Why did Jiang Hongfei sell Song Jiang's face?

Let's put it this way, if Song Jiang hadn't been retained to serve as a "light", Jiang Hongfei would have killed Song Jiang long ago.

For a long time, people Song Jiang knew, from Chai Jin to Chao Gai to the leaders on Naitou Mountain who had contact with Jiang Hongfei, all said that Jiang Hongfei had a good personality, was loyal, generous, and never cared about anything. He never makes things difficult for others.

Looking at the things Jiang Hongfei did, it all proves that Jiang Hongfei is a very talkative person.

Give one of the most representative examples:

Jiang Hongfei rescued Chao Gai and the others, but Chao Gai and the others did not stay in Shuibo Liangshan to serve Jiang Hongfei. They insisted on establishing their own business. But even so, Jiang Hongfei did not blame Chao Gai and the others, and even gave Chao Gai and the others a piece of cake. The mountain and a large salt market take care of Chaogai and Naitoushan.

What a broad mind this is.

Song Jiang asked himself, he had never blinked at spending a small amount of money, but like Jiang Hongfei, he could not do it by spending huge sums of money and repaying evil with kindness.

To be honest, if he had unknowingly figured out what kind of person Jiang Hongfei was, how could Song Jiang ask for favors from Jiang Hongfei before he even met Jiang Hongfei?

Being slapped in the face by Jiang Hongfei, and in front of several of his younger brothers, made even someone as thick-skinned as Song Jiang feel his face burning.

However, Song Jiang was Song Jiang after all. He did not get angry because of this. Instead, he gave Jiang Hongfei a fist and said, "It's Xiao Ke Meng Lang. I'm sorry."

After saying that, Song Jiang called to Li Kui and Zhang Heng: "Let's go."

After saying this, Song Jiang walked towards the outside of Huandao Village.

Although Song Jiang looked normal, Jiang Hongfei was sure that Song Jiang must have been overcome by anger, otherwise he would not have discovered that his three volumes of heavenly books were missing.

This is actually one of Jiang Hongfei's purposes.

Seeing Song Jiang leaving, Li Kui immediately followed Song Jiang.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Hengchong clasped his fists at Jiang Hongfei and accused him, and then went after Song Jiang.

Only Liu Tang did not move.

When Song Jiang walked away, Liu Tangcai said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Brother, why would you ruin the loyalty of our family for the sake of two outsiders?"

Jiang Hongfei said with a smile: "First of all, since I agreed to accept his two brothers into our Shuibo Liangshan gang, they are no longer outsiders, but our Liangshan heroes. How dare Song Jiang and Jiang Yan take the lives of Liangshan heroes? I If I didn't crush him to death on the spot, it was just for the sake of King Chao Tianwang."


Liu Tang didn't say, brother, you didn't agree with Zhao Neng and Zhao De to go to Liangshan to join the gang at that time, but Zhao De said that the two brothers were willing to go to Liangshan to join the gang. You can completely deny it. Song Jiang also saw this, so he made this request.

But then again, Liu Tang also understood that Jiang Hongfei was right to say so.

After all, Jiang Hongfei had already opened his mouth to save the lives of Zhao Neng and Zhao De.

Under this situation, Song Jiang still insisted on the lives of Zhao Neng and Zhao De.

It's normal for Jiang Hongfei not to give Song Jiang face.

Just like what Jiang Hongfei said, who are you, Song Jiang, to deserve to let me, Jiang Hongfei, eat my words?

Therefore, except that Liu Tang felt that Jiang Hongfei was a little careless about the face of Naitoushan and Chao Gai, he really couldn't say anything else.

At this time, Jiang Hongfei put away his smile and said again: "If it were just like this, I would only save people and not teach them how to get off the stage."

When Liu Tang heard this, he immediately echoed: "That's right, brother Xie is so kind-hearted, generous and responsive to requests on weekdays. Today, he is eager to save people and refuted Song Gongming's request. It's excusable. Why do you still return the favor?" Are you going to ruin Song Gongming's face? I'm really confused, I hope my brother can give me some advice and teach me so that I can go back and explain it to Brother Chao Gai, otherwise, wouldn't it be a pity if the loyalty between Chao and Brother Chao Gai is ruined?"

Jiang Hongfei looked at the direction Song Jiang was leaving and said to Liu Tang: "Go back and tell King Chao Tian that it was me, Jiang Yan, who said this. He must be the one who takes over his position as leader of the village in the future."

Liu Tang's eyes widened when he heard this, and he blurted out: "Brother is saying that Song Gongming has a back bone in his brain?!"

Jiang Hongfei nodded, and then said leisurely: "If he only peeked at King Chao Tian's throne, I might still give him a wide berth, for fear that he might even take King Chao Tian's... life..."

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