Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 144 The benefits Jiutian Xuannv gave Jiang Yan

Seeing that Jiang Hongfei was about to sleep at her place and seemed not to leave, Jiutian Xuannu asked, knowingly: "What is the guest doing?"

Jiang Hongfei lied and said: "I have an immortal body, and there are still people who want to teach me to commit suicide, but I really don't dare to go out and wander around. I think this place is a treasured place that can protect you from wind and rain, so I will use your precious place to end this miserable life. Okay, you don't have to I'm worried about you. When I'm hungry, I can just eat some fairy dates on your mother's table to satisfy my hunger. When I'm thirsty, I can just eat some fairy wine on your mother's table to quench my thirst. Please do as you please."

After saying that, Jiang Hongfei turned around, facing the Nine Heavens Xuannv with his back, and fell into a deep sleep.

Although Jiutian Xuannv could not deduce anything related to Jiang Hongfei, she had lived for countless epochs and she could still not understand that Jiang Hongfei was seducing her into committing suicide and was playing tricks on her. Asking for some benefits here?

Jiutian Xuannv smiled and said: "What the guests want, you might as well tell them and listen."

Jiang Hongfei said without turning his head: "Xiao Ke is just afraid of death, why don't you just teach me the Three Palaces and Five Meanings, the strategy of Yin and Yang, the techniques of Tai Yi Dun Jia, Liu Ren Bu Dou, the opportunity of Yin Talisman, the Five Spiritual Treasure Talisman and Five Just teach me the writings on victory, military talismans, seals, swords, etc. so that I can save my life."

Jiutian Xuannv didn't even think about it and said: "During his reign, the Yellow Emperor had the auspicious virtues of earth. He sowed hundreds of grains and vegetation, vigorously developed production, and began to make clothes and hats, build boats and chariots, make musical instruments, and compose the "Huangdi Neijing". As the "first ancestor of humanities", he has great merits and good fortune, so he can be taught the techniques of Qimen, Taiyi and Liuren by me."

Although Jiutian Xuannv did not say it directly, Jiang Hongfei understood clearly that Jiutian Xuannv meant that he was not qualified to learn these magical powers.

Jiang Hongfei thought for a moment, Xuanyuan Huangdi was, after all, the head of the Five Emperors and the ancestor of the descendants of Yan and Huang. He was so virtuous and capable that it was hard to compare with others.

Although the truth is this, Jiang Hongfei came to Jiutian Xuannv to gain benefits, not to reason.

Therefore, although Jiang Hongfei understood what Jiutian Xuannv meant, he remained silent and said, "If you don't give me some benefits, I will stay with you and won't leave."

Jiutian Xuannv was silent for a while and said: "I have a magical power of 'shrinking the ground into an inch'. It is the only way to escape and save one's life. I can teach it to you."

"Shrink to the ground?!"

"There are two common sayings about this magical power in my last life: one is thought, and the other is space. Thought is equivalent to teleportation; space means that the movement is completed by moving the space without moving by itself?"

"Anyway, no matter what it is, this is definitely a very useful magical power!"

Thinking that Chen Liqing's "golden light" that moved quickly with the help of electric light and seemed like teleportation gave her an advantage in fighting and escaping, Jiang Hongfei was full of expectations for the "shrinking the ground into an inch" that might be even more powerful.

But although Jiutian Xuannv had given Jiang Hongfei enough, Jiang Hongfei still stood up, bowed to the ground respectfully, and then shamelessly asked for:

"I heard that the Yellow Emperor's three thousand maidens can ascend in a hundred days. If I can obtain this method again, I will get what I want."

In fact, this is Jiang Hongfei's purpose.

As a womanizing man, this is definitely what Jiang Hongfei wants to learn the most.

It is no exaggeration to say that the reason why Jiang Hongfei took the risk to see Jiutian Xuannv was largely because Jiang Hongfei wanted to learn how to ascend in three thousand hundred days.

Otherwise, given how much Jiang Hongfei cherishes his life, it is really uncertain whether he will enter Xuannv's temple.

Jiutian Xuannv said: "The Yellow Emperor has the responsibility of unifying tribes, establishing systems, and reproducing, so he needs the Su Nv Jing..."

Someone once made this summary of the history of war in ancient times: It is said that the tribe of Shennong Yandi, who was dedicated to farming, could not defeat the Xuanyuan Huangdi tribe who could make weapons, and the Chiyou tribe, which was dedicated to making weapons, could not defeat the tribe of Chiyou who could both farm and make weapons. The Yanhuang tribe can make weapons.

This sentence actually embodies the most important contribution of the hidden Yellow Emperor to the Chinese nation, that is, he condensed and integrated the relatively independent tribes into a tribal alliance, which transformed ancient Chinese civilization from a loose and fragmented tribal system. , moving towards a relatively cohesive tribal alliance system. Of course, this can also be regarded as the prototype of a country.

"Historical Records" records the process of establishing this system: Huangdi asked Cangjie to create characters, and created the official positions of Huozheng, Shuizheng, etc...

In fact, the Yellow Emperor established the ruling order and shaped the prototype of the original country.

But how to unite individual individuals into a collective and use the power of the collective as easily and quickly as one person uses his own hands and feet was the most important issue for the ancient ancestors.

The Yellow Emperor's final solution to this problem was very simple, that is, political marriage.

Therefore, the Yellow Emperor married 3,000 wives from various tribes, using blood as the link between tribes. Through political marriage, the power of the Yellow Emperor's tribal alliance grew rapidly and annexed all tribes, including the Yandi tribe, and the Yanhuang tribe came into being. , and then can defeat the Chiyou tribe with a stronger army.

Therefore, the Yellow Emperor married three thousand wives in order to win the competition with other tribes, to unify the nation, to defeat the Chiyou tribe, and was conducive to the development of history.

It is precisely because of this that Jiutian Xuannv taught Huangdi's "Su Nv Jing".

It is unreasonable that Jiang Hongfei wanted the "Su Nv Jing" just to satisfy his own selfish desires.

Although he understood that Jiutian Xuannv was rejecting his request in disguise, Jiang Hongfei, who was unwilling to accept it, still had to bite the bullet and said: "The world is about to be in chaos. Xiao Ke wants to imitate the Yellow Emperor to quell the war. No, Xiao Ke wants to unify the world and make the world peaceful." The world is in chaos, and peace will prevail over time. For this reason, marriage is unavoidable. If we don't have the technique of ascending to the throne in three thousand hundred days as recorded in the "Su Nv Jing", how can we achieve such a great event?"

This bragging made Jiang Hongfei feel guilty, so he hurriedly made another promise: "The Empress is the god of justice, a goddess who helps heroes eradicate evil and eliminate violence. I am not talented, but I am willing to be the hero who eradicates evil and violence for the Empress."

Jiutian Xuannv is a high-level goddess with boundless power. She has lived for countless epochs. How could she be deceived by Jiang Hongfei?

But Jiutian Xuannv noticed what Jiang Hongfei said, which was to "unify the world."

This made Jiutian Xuannv's heart move!

Ordinarily, it is impossible for anyone to do this kind of thing.

Because there are too many entangled interests involved, including overt and covert struggles between gods.

But Jiang Hongfei is a bug. Not only the gods in China can't control him, but the gods in other regions can't control him either.

No one could predict what kind of things Jiang Hongfei could do.

Not to mention that Jiang Hongfei can really unify the world, even if he can expand the territory and add more believers to the Chinese gods, it is also a victory for the Chinese gods.

Such a big matter is definitely not something that Jiutian Xuannv can decide. She must report it to heaven.

But before that, it was still necessary for Jiutian Xuannv to pass the "Su Nv Sutra" to Jiang Hongfei to establish a good relationship so that it would be easier to discuss and communicate in the future.

This can also effectively prevent Jiang Hongfei from being attracted by gods from other places.

Furthermore, no one can deduce anything about Jiang Hongfei, so no one will know that Jiutian Xuannv passed on the "Su Nv Sutra" to Jiang Hongfei.

It is worth mentioning that Jiutian Xuannv thought to herself: "I originally wanted to teach him a simplified method of shrinking the ground into an inch, but now it seems that he is going to replicate the magical power."

So, Jiutian Xuannv took out a five-inch-long, three-inch-wide, and three-inch-thick "Su Nv Sutra" from her body and a jade slip engraved with the magical power of "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch", and asked the fairy boy to get it from behind the screen. The jade tray held out the yellow baggage and wrapped it up to meet Jiang Hongfei.

Jiang Hongfei didn't care about it just because Jiutian Xuannv was a god. He was worried that if something unexpected happened to the "Su Nv Jing" and "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" that he particularly cared about, just like Song Jiang's three volumes of heavenly books, Jiang Hongfei opened the yellow book directly. Luo Fuzi took a look.

When he saw that the scripture in his hand was the "Su Nv Sutra" and the magical power on the jade slip was also "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch", Jiang Hongfei's heart dropped into his stomach.

Jiutian Xuannv said: "Guest, please remember your promise and don't break your promise to me."


Jiang Hongfei was stunned: "Have I made any promises?"

Jiang Hongfei definitely couldn't ask Jiutian Xuannv what promises he had made? He could only recall it himself.

"Is it to imitate the Yellow Emperor to quell the war?"

"Or to unify the world?"

"Or am I willing to be the hero who eradicates evil and violence for Jiutian Xuannv?"

"Could it be that the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady takes my boasting seriously?!"

"This is a big deal... quelling wars, eradicating evil and violence, and unifying the world, this is something no one has ever accomplished!"

Jiang Hongfei immediately wanted to change his mind.

But when Jiang Hongfei looked up at Jiutian Xuannv, he saw her looking at him with a smile.

For some reason, Jiang Hongfei felt that Jiutian Xuannv's smile was not only enigmatic, but also a little threatening.

This made Jiang Hongfei swallow back the regretful words he wanted to say and said, "Xiao Ke will keep it in mind."

At this time, Jiutian Xuannv said again: "When I teach you Su Nu Jing and Shrinking Earth into an Inch, you need to remember that firstly, you cannot use it to do wrong, and secondly, you cannot teach others to know that I have passed it on to you. If you are good at contemplating it and seeing it carefully, you can burn it and do not leave it in this world after it is accomplished."

As soon as Jiang Hongfei heard that Jiutian Xuannv didn't want others to know that she had passed down "Su Nv Jing" and "Shrinking Earth to an Inch" to him, he immediately hit the snake and put it on the stick, saying:

"In order not to let outsiders know that Xiao Ke has these two treasures, I also hope that the empress will give me a storage treasure so that Xiao Ke can hide these two treasures."

Jiutian Xuannv happily agreed: "I will give you another Qiankun bag."

After saying that, Jiutian Xuannv waved her hand, and the fairy boy took out a simple small bag and sent it to Jiang Hongfei.

Jiang Hongfei immediately picked up the Qiankun Bag, and then looked into it with anticipation.

The result was that Jiang Hongfei was greatly disappointed.


Just because this Qiankun bag is not only empty, but also has no surprises at all. The space inside is only about ten feet square. It cannot be compared with Jiang Hongfei's Qiankun bracelet. It looks like a low-end item at first glance.

Jiang Hongfei thought to himself: "High-level goddesses and immortals are not as generous as a human emperor!"

That is to say, Jiutian Xuannv couldn't tell what Jiang Hongfei was thinking, otherwise she would not be able to protect him. She stretched out one finger and pinched Jiang Hongfei to death.

After putting "Su Nv Jing" and "Shrinking Earth into an Inch" into the Qiankun Bag, Jiang Hongfei still had some unfinished ideas.

Looking left and right, Jiang Hongfei saw the plate of fairy dates and the pot of fairy wine placed in front of Jiutian Xuannu.

Jiang Hongfei said to himself: "I don't know how long I have been here, but I am really hungry and thirsty."

After hearing this, Jiutian Xuannv ordered: "The fairy boy offered wine and gave him a plate of fairy dates."

——There is something that Jiutian Xuannv doesn’t know and doesn’t understand. It’s just that she insists on her own identity and doesn’t want to be as familiar with Jiang Hongfei. Of course, this is also because Jiang Hongfei might be useful.

And Jiang Hongfei, in order to gain benefits, is almost like Sun Wukong rolling around in the Lingxiao Palace.

What's so shameless? Compared with the real benefits, what's that little bit of face?

Let's put it this way, if Jiutian Xuannv can give Jiang Hongfei enough benefits, Jiang Hongfei won't mind performing a fire hoop for her.

Again, you still have to have a certain bottom line as a human being, and you can't ignore tangible benefits for the sake of dignity.

The two fairy boys, holding on to the golden vase of rare flowers, brought the wine and poured it into the jade cup. A leading fairy boy came to persuade Jiang Hongfei with a jade cup and wine.

Jiang Hongfei stood up, took the jade cup, and drank it in one gulp.

After drinking the fairy wine, Jiang Hongfei suddenly felt that the fairy wine was fragrant and fragrant, like being enlightened and having nectar flowing into his heart.

Another fairy boy held a plate of fairy dates and advised Jiang Hongfei.

Jiang Hongfei picked up a fairy date and chewed even the core.

As soon as the Xian Zao was in his stomach, Jiang Hongfei immediately felt that spiritual energy was filling his body. Not to mention not being hungry anymore, even if he could control ten women at once, it would not be a problem.

Fairy boy wanted to persuade him again, but Jiang Hongfei said, "There's no need to go to any trouble."

After saying that, Jiang Hongfei took the wine pot, the jade cup and the plate of fairy dates and put them into the Qiankun bag.

This wasn't the end yet, Jiang Hongfei actually said to several fairy boys: "Please ask the elders to bring some more fairy dates and fairy wine to my little brother."

Jiang Hongfei thought very clearly. Even though these fairy children were no more than children, the youngest among them might have lived for thousands of years. If he called her sister, he would definitely not suffer any loss.

The key point is that instead of asking these fairy boys for fairy dates and fairy wine, Jiang Hongfei is performing for the Nine Heavens Mystery. If she can make the Nine Heavens Mystery happy, a great fairy like her can be almost immortal. Dates, ambrosia?

Seeing that Jiang Hongfei wanted immortal dates and immortal wine, several fairy boys looked at Jiutian Xuannv.

Jiutian Xuannu shook her head with a smile and said: "Give him all the immortal dates and bring him a jar of immortal wine."

After hearing this, Jiang Hongfei bowed to the ground and said loudly: "Thank you for your gift!"

This time, before Jiang Hongfei could say anything else, Jiutian Xuannv said: "We are separated by heaven and earth, and it is difficult to stay for a long time. You should come back quickly and leave now."

Jiang Hongfei also felt that he was rich enough, so after collecting more than a hundred fairy dates and a large jar of fairy wine, he thanked the Nine Heavens Xuannv, and then followed the fairy boy down to the palace.

After leaving the Lingxing Gate and walking to the stone bridge, the fairy boy said: "Guest, watch the two dragons playing in the water under the stone bridge."

Jiang Hongfei clearly remembered that it was written in "Water Margin" that when Song Jiang was leaning on the railing to watch, he saw two dragons playing in the water. Er Qingyi looked and pushed, and Song Jiang returned to reality.

Jiang Hongfei said hurriedly: "No need to trouble my sister."

After saying this, Jiang Hongfei jumped up and jumped off the stone bridge...

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